Kırıkçı, KemalTepeli, CaferGünlü, AytekinÇetin, Orhan2020-03-262020-03-262003Kırıkçı, K., Tepeli, C., Günlü, A., Çetin, O., (2003). Farklı Yetiştirme Şekillerinde Sülünlerin (Phasianus colchicus) Bazı Verim Özellikleri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, (27), 907-910.1300-0128 this study, the egg production and hatchability characteristics of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) mated in cages and as a free flock in closed pens were investigated. For this purpose 6 males and 30 females in a ratio of 1 male to 5 females were mated in cages and 4 males and 20 females were mated as a free flock in closed pens. The egg production (%), damaged egg rate, mortality rate, fertility, hatchability and hatchability of fertile eggs were determined as 32.84 and 19.38%, 28.63 and 36.34%, 26.67 and 30.00%. 61.09 and 47.27%, 49.55 and 29.46% and 54.36 and 41.54%, respectively. The differences in egg production (%). damaged egg rate. mortality rate, fertility and hatchability of the total number of eggs in the groups were significant (P < 0.01) The hatchability levels of fertile eggs were different and statistically significant (P < 0.05). In conclusion, pheasant breeding in closed areas is not appropriate. The optimum closed area needed must be investigated. The hatching conditions of pheasant eggs should also be carefully controlled.Bu araştırmada çiftlefltirme kafeslerinde ve odada serbest halde çiftlefltirilen sülünlerin yumurta ve kuluçka verim özellikleri incelendi. Bu amaç için 6 erkek ve 30 difli, 1 erkek : 5 difli oran›nda olacak flekilde kafeste ve 4 erkek ve 20 difli kapal› kümeste sürü halinde çiftlefltirildi. Kafes ve serbest haldeki sülünlerden elde edilen, yumurta verimi, k›r›k yumurta oran›, ölüm oran›, fertilite, kuluçka rand›man›, ç›k›m oran› de¤erleri s›ras›yla; % 32,84 ve 19,38, % 28,63 ve 36,34, % 26,67 ve 30,00, % 61,09 ve 47,27, % 49,55 ve 29,46, % 54,36 ve 41,54 olarak tespit edildi. Gruplar›n yumurta verimi, k›r›k yumurta oran›, ölüm oran›, fertilite ve kuluçka rand›man› de¤erleri aras›nda P < 0,01; ç›k›m oran› de¤erleri aras›nda ise P < 0,05 düzeylerinde istatistiki önemlilik belirlendi. Bu araflt›rma sonucunda; sülünlerin dar alanl› kapal› kümeslerde serbest halde yetifltirmeye uygun olmad›klar›, sülünler için uygun olan alan geniflli¤inin araflt›r›lmas› gerekti¤i, sülün yumurtalar›n›n kuluçkas›nda kuluçka flartlar›na azami ihtimam gösterilmesi gerekti¤i sonucuna var›ld›trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPheasantBreedingProduction CharacteristicsSülünYetiştirmeVerim ÖzellikleriFarklı Yetiştirme Şekillerinde Sülünlerin (Phasianus colchicus) Bazı Verim ÖzellikleriProduction characteristics of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in different breeding regimesArticle27907910WOS:000186594500018Q4