Acar, Mehmet AliKerimoğlu, ÜlküKaralezli, NazımGüleç, Ali2020-03-262020-03-2620121304-38891304-3897şak dokudaki yabancı cisimler hem acil hemde ortopedik cerrahlar için ciddi problemlere yol açabilirler. Tahta ve plastik yabancı cisimler radyolusen oldukları için direk grafilerle teşhis edilmezler ve daha fazla yumuşak doku problemlerine yol açarlar. Biz direk grafi ve magnetik resonans ile tespit edilememiş ayağında plastik ve metalik yabancı cisimleri olan ve kesin tedavileri ultrason ile tespit edildikten sonra yapılan iki olguyu sundukForeign bodies in soft tissue may cause serious problems for both emergency physicians and orthopaedic surgeons. Wooden or plastic foreign bodies which are diolucent can not be diagnosed with direct graphy and they are more prone to cause soft tissue complication unless they detect. We present two cases with retained plastic and metallic foreign bodies including in their right feet of a farmer and a constructor which could not diagnosed with plain film and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Definitive treatment was done after detecting the foreign bodies with ultrasonography (US).eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCerrahiUltrasound for the detection of retained plastic and undetected metallic foreign bodies in the footBacakta ultrasound ile tespit edilen metal ve plastik yabancı cisimArticle94270273