Erganiş, OsmanAteş, MehmetHadimli, Hasan HüseyinÇorlu, Mehmet2020-03-262020-03-262002Erganiş, O., Ateş, M., Hadimli, H. H., Çorlu, M., (2002). Isolation of Ornithobacterium Rhinotracheale From Chickens and Turkeys. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 543-547.1300-0128 A total of 251 tracheal swabs and a total of 102 tracheae, lungs, airsacs, livers and spleens were collected from commercial layer, broiler and broller parent stock flocks with respiratory infection. From turkey flocks, 96 tracheal swabs and 5 tissue samples from the trachea, lung, airsac, liver and spleen were also taken. Cultivations on Blood Agar supplemented with 5- 10%sheep blood, on Chocolate Agar and on MacConkey Agar were incubated at 37°C for 24-72 hours in the presence of 10%CO2- Gram staining was carried out for the smooth and non-hemolytic colonies 1-3 mm in diameter and for those showing grayish pigmentation after approximately 48 hours of culture. Gram negative pleomorphic rods were considered to be Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) and other conventional tests were made as follows: hemolysis, motility, spore formation, growth on MacConkey and TSI agars, catalase, indol, sorbitol, inositol, rafinose, trehalose, xylose, dulcitol, nitrate, methyl red, oxidase, B-D galactosidase, urease, glucose, galactose, lactose, maltose, fructose and Voges-Proskauer. ORT was isolated from none of the samples taken from turkeys, broiler or broiler parent stock flocks. However, two ORT isolations were achieved from two commercial pullets aged 12 and 15 weeks. One of these isolates was serotyped as "B" by the AGP test while the other was not found to belong to any of the serogroups. Both of the isolates were found to be susceptible to oflaxacin, erythromicin, lincomycin, amoxicillin, and amoxicillin+clavulonic acid by antibiotic suspectibility tests.Solunum sistemi enfeksiyonu bulunan yumurtanı piliç, broyler ve broyler damızlık kümeslerinden 251 adet trakeal sıvap ile 102 adet trakea, akciğer, hava kesesi, karaciğer ve dalak, hindi kümeslerinden ise 96 adet trakeal sıvap ile 5 adet trakea, akciğer, hava kesesi, karaciğer ve dalak örneği ile çalışıldı. Örnekler %5-10 koyun kanlı agar, çukulata agar ve MacConkey agara ekilerek 37°C'de 24-72 saat %10 CO?li ortamda inkübe edildi. Yaklaşık 48 saat sonra, 1-3 mm çapında, düzgün kenarlı, opak-gri pigmentli. hemoliz yapmayan kolonilere Gram boyama yapıldı. Gram negatif pleomorfik basillerin kültürel ve biyokimyasal özellikleri incelendi, Hemoliz, hareket, spor oluşumu, MacConkey ve TSI agarda üreme, katalaz, jelatinaz, indol, sorbitol, inositol, rafinoz, trehaloz, ksiloz, duisitol, nitrat, metil red, oksidaz, B-D galaktosidaz, üreaz, glikoz, galaktoz, laktoz, maltoz, fruktoz ve Voges-Proskauer Özelliklerine göre Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) olarak identifiye edildi. Hindi, broyler ve broyler damızlıklardan alınan Örneklerden ORT izolasyonu yapılamazken, 12 ve 15 haftalık yumurtaı piliç kümeslerinden alınan 2 trakeal sıvap örneğinden ORT izole edildi. AGP ile biri serotip B olarak serotiplendirilirken, diğerinin serotipi belirlenemedi. ORT izolatları antibiyotik duyarlılık testlerinde; oflaksasin, eritromisin, linkomisin, amoksisilin ve amoksisilin+klavulonik asi?e duyarlı bulundu.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBroilerChickenOrnithobacterium rhinotrachealeTurkeyOrnithobacterium rhinotrachealetavukbroylerhindiIsolation of Ornithobacterium Rhinotracheale From Chickens and TurkeysTavuk Ve Hindilerden Ornithobacterium Rhinotracheale I?zolasyonu*Article263543547Q3WOS:000176080800017Q4