Arslan, Aytug2020-03-262020-03-262008978-960-6766-89-3 International Conference on Cultural Herigage and Tourism -- JUL 22-24, 2008 -- Heraklion, GREECEThere is a strict relationship between tourism and heritage. Heritage converts locations into destinations and tourism makes them economically viable as exhibits of themselves. Locations become museums of themselves within a tourism economy. They stage their own rebirth as displays of what they once were. In terms of tourism development, intangible cultural heritage is an important element of any destination's tourism resources. In this study, the ways how to revive the Greeks' and Romans' daily lives in the ancient cities of Aphrodisias, Miletus and Ephesus and the contribution of this policy to the tourism in Turkey are discussed.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessheritageculturetourismTurkeyAphrodisiasMiletusEphesusRevival of the non-existing intangible cultural heritage in the ancient cities and its reflections on tourism in TurkeyConference Object2530WOS:000259730300003N/A