Aktaş, HabibullahÜnal, Mehmet2020-03-262020-03-262019Aktaş, H., Ünal, M. (2019). Leukonychia is the Most Common Nail Change in Alopecia Areata Patients: A Retrospective Study in 207 Patients. Annals of Medical Research, 26(5), 928-931.2636-76882636-7688https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.03.136http://www.trdizin.gov.tr/publication/paper/detail/TXpFMk5ERTVPUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/37279Aim: Alopecia areata is an auto-immune skin disease characterized by non-scarring hair loss. Nail changes are strongly associatedwith prognosis. In patients with Alopecia areata, the nail examination should not be neglected for an optimal follow-up.Material and Methods: A retrospective study involving 207 patients with Alopecia areata was undertaken in a tertiary hospitalbetween April 2016 and May 2017. Patients whose nail changes were registered in the database were included in the study. Gender,age, disease severity, sites affected, and nail changes of those patients were noted.Results: 114 patients (55%) had nail involvement. The most common nail finding was leukonychia (n 84). Nail pitting was detectedin 29 patients.11 patients had both leukonychia and nail pitting. The mean age of the patients with leukonychia was 23.3, while themean age of nail pitting patients was 31.7 and the mean age of the patients without nail change was 34.1.Conclusion: Leukonychia is the most common nail change in this study, as a different finding from all previous studiesen10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.03.136info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAcil TıpAdli TıpAlerjiAnatomi ve MorfolojiAndrolojiAnesteziBiyofizikBiyokimya ve Moleküler BiyolojiBiyolojiBiyoteknoloji ve Uygulamalı MikrobiyolojiCerrahiDermatolojiDiş HekimliğiEndokrinoloji ve MetabolizmaEnfeksiyon HastalıklarıFarmakoloji ve EczacılıkFizyolojiGastroenteroloji ve HepatolojiGenel ve Dahili TıpGeriatri ve GerontolojiGöz HastalıklarıHalk ve Çevre SağlığıHematolojiHücre BiyolojisiİmmünolojiKadın Hastalıkları ve DoğumKalp ve Kalp Damar SistemiKlinik NörolojiKulakBurunBoğazMikrobiyolojiNörolojik BilimlerOdyoloji ve Konuşma-Dil PatolojisiOnkolojiOrtopediPatolojiPediatriPeriferik Damar HastalıklarıPsikiyatriRadyolojiNükleer TıpTıbbi GörüntülemeRehabilitasyonRomatolojiSağlık Bilimleri ve HizmetleriSolunum SistemiSpor BilimleriTamamlayıcı ve Entegre TıpTemel Sağlık HizmetleriTıbbi Araştırmalar DeneyselTıbbi EtikTıbbi İnformatikTıbbi Laboratuar TeknolojisiToksikolojiTransplantasyonTropik TıpÜroloji ve NefrolojiYoğun BakımTıpLeukonychia is the Most Common Nail Change in Alopecia Areata Patients: A Retrospective Study in 207 PatientsArticle265928931