Çelik, S.Kalaycı, AbdullahIşık, K.Dolanmaz, DoğanGünhan, O.2020-03-262020-03-262009Çelik, S., Kalaycı, A., Işık, K., Dolanmaz, D., Günhan, O., (2009). Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma of the Maxilla: A Case Report. Chirurgia, 22(2), 109-112.0394-9508https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/24127Ameloblastomas are the most common neoplasms affecting the jaws and are benign, locally aggressive, polymorphic lesions of proliferating odontogenic epithelial origin. Several variants exist. Desmoplastic ameloblastoma is a less-known variant amongst them. This paper reports the case of a desmoplastic ameloblastoma occurred in maxilla and managed with curettage.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAmeloblastomaCurettageMaxillaDesmoplastic Ameloblastoma of the Maxilla: A Case ReportArticle222109112Q4