Haghighi, Ahmad Reza2018-05-162018-05-162012Haghighi, A. R. (2012). Mathematical model of the impact of pressure drop on human body. Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, 13 (1), 35-40.1302-7980https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/10670URL: http://sjam.selcuk.edu.tr/sjam/article/view/314Mathematical model for the impact of pressure drop on the human body has been investigated in the present studies. The studies has been aimed at personnel (army and mountaineer) who would be prone for higher altitude effect on the body and to suggest them appropriate measures (as a precautionary or advisory purpose) who either will be getting inducted onto higher altitudes venturing onto higher peaks. The model accounts for heights of altitudes ranging from 4000-6000 meters and accounting for all the possible cardiovascular diseases.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPhysiological fluid dynamicsFizyolojik akışkan dinamiğiHeart attackKalp kriziEffect of low pressureDüşük basıncın etkisiHigher altitudeYüksek irtifaMathematical model of the impact of pressure drop on human bodyArticle133540