Ceyhan, Ayhan AbdullahBaytar, OrhanPehlivan, Erol2020-03-262020-03-2620141318-02071580-3155https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/30790In this study, the effects of different gas phases and gas bubbles on the Induction time were investigated. In the first step, the effects of different kinds of gases (N-2, Ar, dry air-N-2 and dry air-Ar) which are fed into solution-gas interphase and into the solution were determined. After determining the most effective gas upon the Induction time, the next step was to use this gas in the presence of the seed crystals, to specify variation in the Induction time. The experimental results show that gassing and the presence of seed crystal tend to shorten the Induction time as compared to the normal crystallization condition.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNucleationInduction timemetastable zone widthgas phaseEffects of Different Gas Phases and Gas Bubbles on the Nucleation KineticsArticle61239139725125123Q3WOS:000336963700022Q4