Çetin, Nurten2023-03-022023-03-022010Çetin, N., (2010). 1914 Osmanlı-Yunan Nüfus Mübadelesi Girişimi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24, 149-175.2667-4750https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/45543Mübadele değiş-tokuş anlamına gelir. Mübadil ise başkasının yerine getirilmiş, mübadele edilmiş demektir. Genellikle Savaşlar sonrasında ortaya çıkan göç hareketleri mübadele kararlarının alınmasında etkilidir. Göçlerin siyasi ve ekonomik nedenler olmak üzere birçok nedeni vardır. Göç devletlerin etnik ve dini yapısını etkilemekle birlikle, nüfus siyasetlerinde de etkisini gösterir. Osmanlı Devleti on yedinci yüzyılın sonlarından itibaren Avrupa Devletleri ile yaptığı savaşlardan yenik çıktı. Bu durumun on sekizinci, on dokuzuncu ve yirminci yüzyıllarda da devam etmesi, İmparatorluğun siyasi, askeri ve ekonomik bakımdan toprak kaybetmeye başlaması İmparatorluğun elinde kalan topraklara yönelik Müslüman göç hareketini beraberinde getirdi. Balkan Savaşları bu göç hareketinin son dalgasını oluşturdu. Balkan Savaşları sonrasında Osmanlı Devleti büyük toprak kaybetti. Bu çerçevede, burada kalan Müslüman nüfus, Balkanlı devletlerin siyasi, dinî ve ekonomik baskılarına uğrayarak Anadolu’ya göç etmeye başlamıştır. Yunanistan’dan Anadolu’ya göç etmek zorunda kalan Müslüman nüfus, İttihat ve Terakki Hükûmeti tarafından Anadolu’da Rumların yoğun olarak yaşadıkları bölgelere yerleştirilince, buradaki Rumlarla ciddi problemler yaşanmaya başlandı. Anadolu’dan da Yunanistan’a doğru bir Rum göçü başladı. Bu problemi çözmek için Osmanlı Hükûmeti ile Yunan Hükûmeti arasında yapılan müzakereler mübadele kararının alınmasıyla neticelendi. Bu çalışmada Osmanlı Devleti ile Yunanistan arasında yapılan Nüfus Mübadelesi Girişimi ele alındı. 1914 Osmanlı-Yunan Nüfus Mübadelesi Girişimi 1923 yılında Yeni Türkiye Devleti ile Yunanistan arasında imzalanan Mübadele Antlaşmasının ilk adımı olması ve bu Antlaşmaya ışık tutması açısından önem taşımaktadır.Commutation means Exchange. An Exchange person is a person who has to be come and exchanged instead of another person. Forced immigrations generally coming out after the wars are effective for taking a decision about immigrations. There are many political and economic reasons of the immigrations. Immigration has affected population policies as well as an ethnic and religious structureof the nation. Begining from the last years of 17th century. Ottoman Empire has been defeated in the wars between itself and European States. Continuation of this situation in 18th, 19th and 20th century, Muslim immigrations started to immigrate towards the territories Ottoman Empire had because of territorial loss in terms of politic, millitary and economic sides of Ottoman Empire.The Balka Wars were the end of this immigration. Ottoman Empire lost its territories after the Balkan Wars, so Muslim population standing here started to immigrate to Anatolia because of political, religious and economic pressure of the Balkan States when Muslim population having to immigrate from Greece to Anatolia, was disposed to the territories where there were densely populated Greek by Government of Union and Progress in Anatolia. Serious problems came out with the Greek living here. The Greek immigration started from Anatolia to Greece. To solve that problem, negotiation between Ottoman Empire and Greek Empire ended with the decision of Exchange. In this study, it is handled with the attempt of population Exchange between Ottoman Empire and Greece. An attempt of population Exchange between Ottoman Empire and Greece in 1914 takes an important role in the first step of Exchange Aggreement between The New Republic of Turkey and Greece in 1923 and lightning to the way for the aggreement. Greece which declared its independence by the help of European States, was known as an independent state in 24 April, 1830 by Ottoman Empire.After having its freedom, main policy of this state was to activate megalo idea when Greek State was trying to acquire the territories of Ottoman Empire at the same time it tried to homogenize its population by making Muslim population living in the acquired territories immigrate. The Balkan Wars was an obvious explanation of this policy. Greek’s making Muslims immigrate in the territories under Greek influence caused Ottoman Empire’s reaction. Muslims immigrating from Greece, being disposed to Greek territory caused the dicontent between Greek people while Ottoman Empire firstly applied this policy in partes. The number of the Greek immigrating from Ottoman territories started to increase day by day. Greek Government wanted Ottoman Empire to end this situation by protesting Ottoman Empire. The information that the Greek in Thrace was continously made to immigrate with pressure , was given to Ottoman Empire. Greek immigration from Ottoman territories to Greece caused the reaction of patriarchate. Ottoman Empire consulted European Countries to answer an accusation brought about to Ottoman Empire about immigration problems in Greek newspapers and to show Ottoman Empire’s justness. This application was accepted in a positive way. A commission consisting of translators of European Great States inquired the territories where the Greek lived and prepared the report about the reasons of Greek immigrations because of Greece’s having contact with European States and calling for them to interfere with Greek future , and also Interior Minister Talat was nominated to inquire the reasons of Greek immigration in Edirne and West Anatolia by Ottoman Empire. In the research of both European States and Talat, it was seen that Greek immigrated to many territories wiiligly. Ottoman Empire wanted Greek Government to prove that Makedonian Muslims were not under the cruelty and torment and Greek Government prevented this situation. This will of Ottoman Empire was not accepted by Greek Government.Ottoman Empire also protested to Greek Government in terms of the pressure and cruelty towards Muslims. It is seen that both countries blamed eachother in the topic of the reasons of immigration in the negotiation having started between countries since April. Muslims dense immigration from the territories being in the hand of Greek to Anatolia. To prevent this situation, Athene ambassador of Ottoman Empire, Galip Kemali, made a proposal to Greek Prime Minister Venizelos about Exchange. He offered this idea offered to as a personal idea to Grand Vizier Salim Halid later and the idea about Exchange was accepted. According to it, the Greek in İzmir and Muslims in Makedonia were exchanged. Venizelos did not think Exchange. Exchange would become the great beat for Greek megalo-idea. But, it has been seen that a proposal was accepted under some circumstances about dense Greek immigration from Anatolia to Greece. An order was given to necessary places to prevent Greek immigration from Anatolia when Ottoman Empire started negotiation about Exchange with Venizelos. Both states explained that under which circumstances they would accept an Exchange. The Greek wanted that an Exchange happened optionally. Ottoman Empire was also supporter of the territories within the context of an exchange spreading to vast areas. While Greek Government wanted that it left much more Greek immigrants in Anatolia. Ottoman Empire also wanted that the number of it decreased. In meantime, it would be an obstacle for Greek megalo-idea. Both states decided that under which circumstances an Exchange would happen on 22 June 1914. A commission was composed to conduct the actions of the Exchange in İzmir, Konstantin Dimanos and Yorgos Tsorbatisglou (Çorbacıoğlu)were appointed to the commission as Greek representative. In 30 June 1914 Ottoman Empire appointed Ahmet Muhtar as the first representative and Fiscal Inspector Şükrü as the second representative in Turkish- Greek Assorted Commission. After forming Assorted Exchange Commission in İzmir, the prevention of mass immigration and the will of continuation of this situation were declared to Greek untill the commission arrived et a conclusion. In the meantime, in Ottoman and Greek harbour, undesirable events towards Greeks and Muslims were tried to be prevented in the decision taken as a relationship with the topic discussedin the commission , in the event of the equal ballot of both two states, desirable conclusions would not be taken, so Venizelos declared that there needed a judge to take certain decision to Kemali. Ottoman Empire waspposed to the attendance of the judge to negotiation to protect the objectiveness of judgement totally, so between two states, the problem about a judge came out. In the end to solve conflicts which would happen in the commission formed in İzmir,provision that the judge chosen would not join the negotiation were accepted by Greek. After in this commission reading proceeding of session in which conflicts happened, he would decide by explaining the reasons in the front of thr members of the commission. Both states consulted Swiss being as an important state and wanted a judge from there. Swiss accepted to send a clerk who would be a judge in the commission to İzmir. The commission in İzmir performed the first session in 14 July. In this session, the rights of Greeks who left home but still lived in the territorres of Ottoman Empire and the topic about the religions composed of the places of the exchange of the public and evalution of their properties was discussed. The issue about citizen was handled in the session of 18 and 20 July. In 25 July the problems about how to activate immigration and conflicts they came across. The date of thr next session were accepted as 30 June. But, an attempt of population Exchange between Ottoman Empire and Greece were not activated because of the start of World War I. It remained in force until the date ’29 June 1914’ when Greece entered the war with Ottoman Empire.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMübadeleOsmanlı DevletiYunanistanGalib Kemalî BeyVenizelosExchangeOttoman EmpireGreeceMr. Galip Kemali1914 Osmanlı-Yunan Nüfus Mübadelesi GirişimiAn Attempt of Ottoman- Greek Exchange Population In 1914Article24149175