Arik, Fetullah2020-03-262020-03-262008978-954-91818-1-4 International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection -- JUN 16-20, 2008 -- Sofia, BULGARIAThe Gozecukuru As-Sb mineralization was occured in an area of 2,1 km(2), which is located near the small town of Sahin Village, 22 kin west of Kutahya. Low-grade metamorphic rocks (metasandstones, metaconglomerate, chalcshist, graphitic mikaschists, and micaschist and quartz schist) of Upper Paleozoic (Carboniferous-Permian) aged Sahin Formation form the basement. The rhyolitic and rhyodacitic tuffs of Middle-Upper Miocene aged Tavsanli volcanites uncomformably covers to the Sahin Formation. The Upper Pliocene aged Emet formation, composed of limestone and dolomitic limestones, uncomformably lie on the Tavsanli volcanites. The As- Sb mineralization occur as mainly veins and partly disseminations in the rhyolitic and rhyodacitic tuffs of Tavsanli volcanites. Ore microscobic studies of the samples show that common primary ore minerals are stibnite, realgar, galena, sphalerite, pyrite and arsenopyrite while secondary minerals are orpiment, senormantite and valentinite, Barite is the dominant gangue mineral with little quartz, calcite and dolomite. There is an old open pit mining site and many arsenic compounds in the residiues of this site in the study area. According to chemical analysis of the samples of the study area, mean As and Ba concentrations are 10.71% and 11.15% while mean Sb, Pb, Zn, Sr and Tl concentrations are 2849 ppm, 1149 prom, 5075 ppm 1958 ppm and 362 ppm respectively. Geological, petrographical and geochemical data indicate that The Gozecukuru deposit possibly can be correlated by the late phase of meso-epithermal Gumuskoy Ag-Pb-Zn deposits.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessArsenicantimonyGozecukuruepithermal depositKutahyaTurkeyGEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GOZECUKURU (KUTAHYA) As-Sb DEPOSITS, NW TURKIYEConference Object9198N/AWOS:000275795400013N/A