Bağcı, Mehmet2020-03-262020-03-262018Bağcı M. (2018). Optimization of Solid Particle Erosion by ZrN Coating Applied Fiber Reinforced Composites by Taguchi Method. Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science, 6(2), 185-194.2147-45752147-4575 this study, ZrN coatings are applied on glass and carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composite materials by magnetron sputteringmethod to gain an improved understanding of the solid particle erosion (SPE) wear resistance. The tests were carried out byselecting two different impact velocities (34, 53 m/s), four different impingement angles (30, 45, 60, 90) and two differentabrasive (SiO2) particle sizes (approximate 250, 500 m). The thickness of ZrN coating material was 0.15 m. Protectivecoatings produced by using Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) method can increase the life time of the components. All testspecimens regardless of their various parameter properties exhibit maximum erosion rates at 45 impingement angle and thusexhibiting similar behavior as that observed for semi ductile materials. Optic microscopic views were performed on thesurfaces in order to characterize the erosion mechanism. The erodent particles of the both coating layer and composite matrixwere found of main role in governing the wear progression. The measured erosion rates were sensitively correlated with thematerial removal process in order to explain the changes within the coated interfaces. Moreover, an erosion test facility at roomtemperature and Taguchi’s orthogonal arrays were used for experimentation. The expression derived from the results ofTaguchi experimental design is proposed as a predictive equation for estimation of erosion rate of these composites. It isdemonstrated that the predicted results from this equation are consistent with the experimental observations. Finally, anoptimal parameter combination was determined, which led to minimization of erosion rate (ER).en10.21541/apjes.354641info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBilgisayar BilimleriBilgi SistemleriBilgisayar BilimleriDonanım ve MimariBilgisayar BilimleriSibernitikBilgisayar BilimleriTeori ve MetotlarBilgisayar BilimleriYapay ZekaBilgisayar BilimleriYazılım MühendisliğiBiyolojiBiyoloji Çeşitliliğinin KorunmasıÇevre BilimleriÇevre MühendisliğiEkolojiEndüstri MühendisliğiEnerji ve YakıtlarFizikAkışkanlar ve PlazmaFizikAtomik ve Moleküler KimyaFizikKatı HalFizikMatematikFizikNükleerFizikokimyaFizikPartiküller ve AlanlarFizikUygulamalıGıda Bilimi ve TeknolojisiGörüntüleme Bilimi ve Fotoğraf Teknolojisiİmalat Mühendisliğiİnşaat Mühendisliğiİnşaat ve Yapı Teknolojisiİstatistik ve OlasılıkJeokimya ve JeofizikJeolojiKimyaAnalitikKimyaİnorganik ve NükleerKimyaOrganikKimyaTıbbiKimyaUygulamalıMaden İşletme ve Cevher HazırlamaMalzeme BilimleriBiyomalzemelerMalzeme BilimleriKâğıt ve AhşapMalzeme BilimleriKaplamalar ve FilmlerMalzeme BilimleriKompozitlerMalzeme BilimleriÖzellik ve TestMalzeme BilimleriSeramikMalzeme BilimleriTekstilMatematikMetalürji MühendisliğiMimarlıkMühendislikBiyotıpMühendislikElektrik ve ElektronikMühendislikJeolojiMühendislikKimyaMühendislikMakineNanobilim ve NanoteknolojiOptikPolimer BilimiRobotikSavunma BilimleriSu KaynaklarıTaşınımTaşınım Bilimi ve TeknolojisiTelekomünikasyonTermodinamikYeşilSürdürülebilir Bilim ve TeknolojiZiraat MühendisliğiOptimization of Solid Particle Erosion by ZrN Coating Applied Fiber Reinforced Composites by Taguchi MethodArticle62185194