Nizamlyolu, F.Oğuz, Halis2020-03-262020-03-262003Nizamlyolu, F., Oğuz, H., (2003). Occurrence of Aflatoxins in Layer Feed and Corn Samples in Konya Province, Turkey. Food Additives and Contaminants Part a-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment, 20(7), 654-658. Doi: 10.1080/026520303038421944-00491944-0057 natural occurrence of aflatoxin was investigated in layer feed and corn samples brought to Konya Veterinary Control and Research Institute Laboratory between 15 April and 15 December 2002. Seventy-eight samples ( 52 feeds, 26 corn samples) were analysed for total aflatoxin (B-1 + B-2 + G(1) + G(2)) by an ELISA screening method. Aflatoxin contamination was determined in 37 feed samples (71.1%) and 15 corn samples (57.7%), with a range of1.5 - 133 mug kg(-1). However, a majority ofthe aflatoxin contamination was less than 5 mug kg(-1) (50% within the positive samples). Two feed samples and two corn samples exceeded the maximum tolerated levels in feed (20 mug kg(-1)) and feedstu. s (50 mug kg(-1)) for total flatoxin.en10.1080/02652030303842info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAflatoxinELISALayer FeedCornKonya provinceOccurrence of Aflatoxins in Layer Feed and Corn Samples in Konya Province, TurkeyArticle20765465812888391Q2WOS:000184460500005N/A