Akar, SerraHarmankaya, IsmailÇelik, Çetin2020-03-262020-03-262019Akar, S., Harmankaya, İ., Çelik, Ç. (2019). Prognostic Significance of Tumor Grade in Early-stage Endometrioid Endometrial Cancer. Annals of Medical Research, 26(9), 1777-1781.2636-76882636-7688https://dx.doi.org/10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.07.442http://www.trdizin.gov.tr/publication/paper/detail/TXpFNE1UUXpNdz09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/37281Aim: Although tumor grade has no impact on endometrial cancer stage, it carries prognostic and therapeutic importance. Surgicalmanagement and adjuvant treatment following surgery in certain patients depends on a number of factors including tumor grade.Although grade 3 tumors are included in the high-intermediate risk group, there are data demonstrating that there is a slight differencein survival between patients with grade 1 and 2 tumors in early-stage disease. In this study, we aimed to investigate the associationof grade with clinicopathological characteristics, recurrence-free and disease-specific survival in patients treated at our clinic anddiagnosed with endometrioid endometrial cancer.Material and Methods: 279 patients with early FIGO Stage endometrioid endometrial cancer treated between 2009-2018 in aUniversity hospital were included in the study. The associations between tumor grade with stage, lymphovascular space invasion(LVSI), myometrial invasion, tumor size, and survival were analyzed.Results: LVSI, 50% myometrial invasion, advanced stage and 2 cm tumor size were significantly higher in grade 3 tumors comparedto patients with grade 1 tumors. Recurrence-free and disease-specific survival were significantly lower in patients with grade 2 and3 tumors compared to patients with grade 1 tumors. In multivariate analysis of RFS and DSS, tumor grade, LVSI and stage wereindependent prognostic factors.Conclusion: According to this study, grade 2 tumors may not differ significantly from grade 3 tumors in terms of survival. Therefore,due to the potential adverse prognosis associated with grade 2 and 3 tumors, vigilance for recurrence is warranted.en10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.07.442info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAcil TıpAdli TıpAlerjiAnatomi ve MorfolojiAndrolojiAnesteziBiyofizikBiyokimya ve Moleküler BiyolojiBiyolojiBiyoteknoloji ve Uygulamalı MikrobiyolojiCerrahiDermatolojiDiş HekimliğiEndokrinoloji ve MetabolizmaEnfeksiyon HastalıklarıFarmakoloji ve EczacılıkFizyolojiGastroenteroloji ve HepatolojiGenel ve Dahili TıpGeriatri ve GerontolojiGöz HastalıklarıHalk ve Çevre SağlığıHematolojiHücre BiyolojisiİmmünolojiKadın Hastalıkları ve DoğumKalp ve Kalp Damar SistemiKlinik NörolojiKulakBurunBoğazMikrobiyolojiNörolojik BilimlerOdyoloji ve Konuşma-Dil PatolojisiOnkolojiOrtopediPatolojiPediatriPeriferik Damar HastalıklarıPsikiyatriRadyolojiNükleer TıpTıbbi GörüntülemeRehabilitasyonRomatolojiSağlık Bilimleri ve HizmetleriSolunum SistemiSpor BilimleriTamamlayıcı ve Entegre TıpTemel Sağlık HizmetleriTıbbi Araştırmalar DeneyselTıbbi EtikTıbbi İnformatikTıbbi Laboratuar TeknolojisiToksikolojiTransplantasyonTropik TıpÜroloji ve NefrolojiYoğun BakımTıpPrognostic Significance of Tumor Grade in Early-stage Endometrioid Endometrial CancerArticle26917771781