Arslan, KadriMurathan, CengizhanÖzturk, GünayTürkay, Selen2018-05-082018-05-082011Arslan, K., Murathan, C., Özturk, G., Türkay, S. (2011). H-Recurrent surfaces in Euclidean space Em. Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, 12 (2), 35-41.1302-7980 object of the paper is to study some smooth surfaces M whose mean curvature vector H satisfies the H-recurrent condition D_{X}H=?(X)H in m-dimensional Euclidean space E^{m}, where X is a tangent vector field of M and ? is a 1-form. First of all,we prove that the surfaces which satisfy the H-recurrent condition in E^{m} are R^{?}-parallel (i.e., R^{?}H=0). Then, we show that H-parallel surfaces in E? are either totally umbilical or normally flat.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMean curvature vectorH-parallel surfacesOrtalama eğrilik vektörH-paralel yüzeylerH-Recurrent surfaces in Euclidean space EmArticle123541