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Öğe Asıf Teori ve Tekni?ği? II. Bölüm: Plaka ve Vi?daların Çeşi?tli? Kırıklarda Asıf Metoduna Göre Farklı Uygulama Yöntemleri?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1997 Ocak) Oğurtan, Zeki; Alkan, FahrettinIn this part II, application of lag screw technique (interfragmental compression) with cancellous and cortex screws, axial compression and neutralization plate fixations with decompression plate, along with schematic fixation of various fractures, using ASIF techniques in small animals, have been outlined to guide the veterinary surgeons.Öğe Asıf Teori ve Tekniği The Theory and Technique Of Asıf 1. Bölüm(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1996) Oğurtan, Zeki; Alkan, FahrettinAS IF has been In the use ol veterınary surgeons for a long perıod of time for lracture tixation in smail and ıarge anımals. Because of the intensty i of ASIF, it would be discussed ın two parts In thıs Part ı. the purpose. instrumentatıon and prıncıples ol the use of the ASIF have been outlined wıth the intentıon of guidıng veterinary swgeons.Öğe Atresia kolili 22 buzağıda klinik ve operatif yaklaşımların değerlendirilmesi(2001) Koç, Yılmaz; Alkan, Fahrettin; Ceylan, Cengiz; Birdane, FatihBu araştırma atresia kolili buzağıların; anemnezleri, signalementleri, klinik laboratuar bulguları ve cerrahi yaklaşım teknikleri ile sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışma materyalini 22 adet atresia kolili buzağı oluşturdu. Buzağıların 14'de lateral, 8'de median seliotomi uygulandı. Uygulanan operatif yaklaşımların 10'dan olumlu sonuçlar alındı. Atresia kolili buzağıların yaşayıp yaşamamasında; doğumdan sonra geçen süreye, buzağıların genel durumuna, operasyon öncesi, sırası ve sonrasındaki destekleyici tedaviye ve atresinin bulunduğu bağırsak segmentinin anostomoz için uygunluğuna bağlı olabileceği sonucuna varıldı.Öğe Beş Aylık I?vesi? Bi?r Kuzuda Poli?meli?e(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Nisan) Koç, Yılmaz; Avki, Sırrı; Alkan, FahrettinIn this case report; polymelia abnormality which was seen in a male and five months old Awassi lamb was described. The abnormality that commonly caused by hereditary factors can be observed in different configurations and shapes. The case was treated surgically.Öğe Bi?r Alman Çoban Köpeği?nde Panosteitis Vakasının Sağaltımı ve Radyoloji?k Taki?bi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1999) Koç, Yılmaz; Alkan, Fahrettin; Birdane, Fatih M.; Oğurtan, ZekiIn this case report, clinical and radiologic follow-up of panosteitis was described in a German Shephard dog. The cause of panosteitis is unknown. Panosteitis occurs especially in young large or giant breeds of dogs. The diagnosis of panosteitis is confirmed through clinical, radiolagical and laboratuary findings. Flunixine meglumine were used to treat the disease.Öğe Bir buzağıda ectrodactyly ile birlikte şekillenmiş micromelia(1997) Alkan, Fahrettin; Tuzcu, Mehmet; Koç, Yılmaz; Oğurtan, ZekiBu vaka takdiminde melez bir erkek buzağıda görülen ectrodactyly ile birlikte şekillenmiş micromelia tanımlandı. Ruminantlardaki kongenital anomaliler kalıtsal, çevresel, yada her iki faktörün müşterek etkilerinin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkar.Ectrodactyly muhtemelen genetik olup, evcil hayvanlarda nadiren görülür.Öğe Bir buzağıda gözlenen notomelie olgusu(2001) Alkan, Fahrettin; Koç, Yılmaz; Beşoluk, Kamil; Karaman, MusaBu olgu takdiminde 40 günlük dişi melez bir buzağıda gözlenen notomelie olgusu tanımlandı. Ruminantlarda notomelie eksojen veya endojen ya da her iki faktörün etkisine bağlı olarak ortaya çıkar. Bazı vakalarda bunlardan hangisinin daha az veya çok etkili olduğunu belirlemek zor hatta imkansızdır. Olgudaki fazla ekstremiteler premedikasyon ve lokal anestezi eşliğinde operasyonla uzaklaştırıldı. Notomelie olgusunun buzağılarda çok nadir görülmesi ve ilginç olmasından dolayı bu olgu rapor edilmiştir.Öğe Bir Buzağıda Paralumbal Bölgede Heteretopik Akciğer Olgusu(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1998) Koç, Yılmaz; Oğurtan, Zeki; Tuzcu, Mehmet; Alkan, Fahrettin; Çiftçi, M. KemalIn this study, heterotypic pulmonar anomaty in a two-day-old lemale calf was desenbed. Relaled clinical. radiological and histopathological results were discussed. The heterotypic pulmonar anomaly developed in the left paralumbar region, resulled in depression on the medulla spinalls, hemivertebra in L4, and scoliosis in L.4.5 .Öğe Bir devede şiddetli abdominal effüzyon(2006) Koç, Yılmaz; Alkan, Fahrettin; Coşkun, AlparslanÖzet: Bu raporda şiddetli abdominal effüzyonlu 15 yaşında dişi bir deve değerlendirildi. Sol fossa paralumbalisten eksploratorik laparotomi yapıldı. Orta derecede yangılı serosanguinöz karakterde bol abdominal sıvı boşaltıldı. Abdominal boşluktan yaklaşık olarak 250-300 litre sıvı ve 5.5-6 kg serbest nekrotik fibrin kitleleri uzaklaştırıldı. Abdominal eksplorasyonda belirgin bir lezyon belirlenemedi. Deve operasyondan 15 gün sonra öldü.Öğe Bir Devede Şiddetli Abdominal Effüzyon(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2006) Koç, Yılmaz; Alkan, Fahrettin; Coşkun, AlparslanÖzet: Bu raporda şiddetli abdominal effüzyonlu 15 yaşında dişi bir deve değerlendirildi. Sol fossa paralumbalisten eks- ploratorik laparotomi yapıldı. Orta derecede yangılı serosanguinöz karakterde bol abdominal sıvı boşaltıldı. Abdominal boşluktan yaklaşık olarak 250-300 litre sivi ve 5.5-6 kg serbest nekrotik fibrin kitleleri uzaklaştırıldı. Abdominal eks- plorasyonda belirgin bir lezyon belirlenemedi. Deve operasyondan 15 gün sonra öldü.Öğe Bir inekte melanom olgusu(2006) Koç, Yılmaz; Özdemir, Özgür; Alkan, Fahrettin; Çiftçi, M. Kemal; Erol, MuharremÖzet: Bu raporda, 3 yaşında Holştain ırkı bir inekte karın altında, göbek ile meme arasında, belirlenen 7 kg ağırlığında, 32x30x12 ebatlarında, sınırları belirgin, kılsız, siyah, travmatik yüzeyi siyah pigmentli, derin sıyrık ve ülserli büyük bir deri tümörü, değerlendirildi. Klinik olarak melanom tanısı kondu. Tümör, cerrahi girişimle uzaklaştırıldı. Histopatolojik değerlendirmede benign dermal melanom tanısı konuldu.Öğe Bir İnekte Melanom Olgusu(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2006) Koç, Yılmaz; Özdemir, Özgür; Alkan, Fahrettin; Çiftçi, M. Kemal; Erol, MuharremÖzet: Bu raporda, 3 yaşında Holştain ırkı bir inekte karın altında, göbek ile meme arasında, belirlenen 7 kg ağırlığında, 32x30x12 ebatlarında, sınırlanı belirgin, kılsız, siyah, travmatik yüzeyi siyah pigmentli, derin srynk ve ülserli büyük bir deri tümörü, değerlendirildi, Klinik olarak melanom tanısı kondu. Tümör, cerrahi girişimle uzaklaştırıldı. Histopatolojik değerlendirmede benign dermal melanom tanısı konuldu.Öğe Bir kuzuda ekstraumbilikal ektopia hepatika olgusu(2001) Koç, Yılmaz; Alkan, FahrettinBu çalışmada, üç günlük, dişi, 4 kg ağırlığında Akkaraman ırkı bir kuzudaki ekstraumbilikal ektopia hepatika olgusu tanımlandı. Göbek bölgesinde karın duvarı, diğer anormalliklerin olup olmadığı ve karaciğerin red edilmesi için genişletildi. Hiçbir anormallik belirlenmedi ve ektopik karaciğer red edildi.Öğe Değişik yoğunluktaki pulzatif ultrason tedavisinin kırık iyileşmesi üzerine etkisinin fiziksel, radyolojik ve mikroskobik olarak değerlendirilmesi(1997) İzci, Celal; Akvi, Sırrı; Alkan, Fahrettin; Çelik, İlhami; Sur, E.Çalışma, terapötik ultrasonun kırık iyileşmesi üzerine etkisini, fiziksel, radyolojik ve mikroskobik olarak belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırma toplam 48 adet sağlıklı tavşan üzerinde dört grup halinde gerçekleştirildi. Tüm hayvanlara bilateral fibular osteotomi yapıldı. Operasyondan sonraki günden başlamak üzere, hayvanların sol fibulaları üzerine, gruplara göre sıra ile 02, 0.5, 1 ve 1.5 Watt/cm2 yoğunluğunda pulzatif ultrason uygulandı. Uygulama, 10 gün boyunca günde 10 dakikalık seanslar halinde yapıldı. Kontrol grubu olarak kullanılan sağ fibulalar üzerine ise aynı sürelerde ultrason cihazı çalıştırılmaksızın sadece prob friksiyonu uygulandı. Araştırmanın 0.7,15,21 ve30. günlerinde sağ ve sol fibulaların radyografisi alındı. Bir ay sonunda tavşanlara ötenazi yapılarak sağ ve sol fibulaları alındı. Her gruptaki ikişer çift fibula'nın histolojik muayenesi yapıldı. Diğer numunelerde kallus büyüklükler, medio-lateral ve aaterio-posterior eksenlerden, kompas ile ölçüldü. Aynı numunelerde basma ve çekme deneyleri yapılarak kallus mukavemeti değerlendirildi.Öğe Determination of the Efficiencies of the Prokinetics in Ruminants with Postoperative Ileus Using Pro-Inflammatory Markers(UNIV FED RIO GRANDE DO SUL, 2018) Altan, Semih; Donmez, Kaan; Altan, Feray; Alkan, FahrettinBackground: Recently, the role of inflammation triggered by handling of the intestine various gastrointestinal (GI) surgeries is generally accepted as the key event in postoperative ileus (POI). Because, prokinetics have been increased the smooth muscle contractions and may act by attenuating the inflammatory process in the GI tract, they have been used the treatment of POI in human and animals. There are many in vivo analysis techniques of GI motility. However, there have not yet been studied associated with the evaluation of the inflammatory response. Therefore, it was aimed to evaluate the efficiencies of 3 different prokinetics from inflammatory response during experimentally-induced POI. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty healthy lambs (30-45 days old) were randomly assigned to four groups. In all groups, enterotomy was performed on the ileum. Erythromycin and metoclopramide were administered to the ERT and MET groups before the surgery, respectively, while lidocaine was administered to the LID group as bolus before and continuous rate infusion during the surgery. Physiological saline was administered to the lambs in control group as placebo before the surgery. Blood samples were collected before surgery (similar to 30-45 min), at the end of surgery (0 h), and at the postoperative 1, 3, 5, 10, 48, 72 and 96 h. The concentrations of serum amyloid A (SAA), haptoglobin (HPT), fibrinogen (FIB) as acute phase proteins (APPs), thiobarbituric acide reactant substrate (TBARs), myeloperoxidase (MPO) as reactive oxygen species, and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) as a cytokine were measured with ELISA reader. In terms of time points, it was found that FIB was statistically higher in ERT group at the 1st h, in MET and LID groups at the 10th h, and in LID group at the 48th and in MET group at the 72 h (P < 0.05). It was found that SAA was higher in MET group at the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 24th, 48th and 72nd h. HPT was higher in CNTR group until 72th h and MET group at 48th, 72nd and 96th h. TBARs concentrations were statistically higher in MET and LID groups at 0 hour, in ERT and MET groups at the 1st h, in MET group at the 3rd h, in MET and LID groups at the 5th and 10th h, in MET group at the 48th, 72nd and 96th h (P < 0.05). MPO concentrations was higher in LID group at the 3rd, 5th, 10th and 96th h, and in ERT group at the 72nd h (P < 0.05). TGF-beta concentrations were particularly high in MET group at the 3rd, 5th, 48th and 72nd h, and in LID group at the 10th, 24th, and 96th h (P < 0.05). Discussion: APPs (HPT, SAA, FIB), which are important regulators of inflammation in cows and sheep, were higher generally in MET and LID groups and inflammation persists in these two groups and, therefore, metoclopramide and lidocaine are less effective in early postoperative POI treatment. Because, significant increase in serum TBARs and MPO concentrations was considered as an important indicator of oxidative stress and inflammatory response MPO concentrations was particularly high until 10th h in LID group, and TBARs concentrations was high both MET and LID groups throughout the study, this was correlated with higher neutrophil infiltration in the postoperative early period than the other groups. It is known that TGF-beta, an inflammatory cytokine, is correlated with various smooth muscle disorders in humans. In this study, TGF-beta concentration were higher in the MET and LID groups. High concentration of this cytokine might have led to decrease contractions in smooth muscles, thereby slowing down the intestinal transition. In conclusion, based on the presence of pro-inflammatory markers in this study, erythromycin seems to be the most suitable prokinetic drug in lambs. Moreover, lidocaine and metoclopramide are not as successful in small ruminants as reported in other species.Öğe Ectopic Reticulum in a Cow(UNIV AGRICULTURE, FAC VETERINARY SCIENCE, 2016) Altan, Semih; Koc, Yilmaz; Alkan, Fahrettin; Erol, Muharrem; Yildiz, RamazanA two years-old Holstein cow with poor appetite, reduced milk production, and partial defecation was evaluated in the present case report. After routine laboratory and clinical examinations, the animal further received ultrasound examination and then a right fossa paralumbal exploratory laparotomy was performed to the cow. The cow was diagnosed with ectopic reticulum on the laparotomy. After the content of the reticulum was removed, liquid paraffin was administered into the reticulum and its wall and abdominal wall was sutured as routinely. The prognosis of the animal deteriorated gradually following to the laparotomy and it was slaughtered by its owner. This is the first report showing the presence of an ectopic reticulum in a cow. (C) 2016 PVJ. All rights reservedÖğe The effect of 12 successive blood passages on the virulence of Babesia ovis in splenectomized lambs: A preliminary study(ELSEVIER, 2014) Sevinc, Ferda; Sevinc, Mutlu; Koc, Yilmaz; Alkan, Fahrettin; Ekici, Ozlem Derinbay; Yildiz, Ramazan; Isik, NerminBabesia ovis, the primary causative agent of ovine babesiosis, is a tick-borne hemoprotozoan parasite and causes serious losses in small ruminant livestock in tropical and subtropical regions. The current control of ovine babesiosis has been base on chemotherapy and limited tick control measures. Attenuated parasites which are valuable sources of live vaccines have been used to prevent babesiosis in cattle. There is a necessity to the studies about prevention of the disease by means of immunoprophylaxis in sheep. For this purpose, this study was planned to obtain the attenuated derivatives of a virulent B. ovis strain by successive blood passages in splenectomized lambs. A total of seventeen, six-month-old lambs, 13 of which splenectomized, 4 of which spleen intact lambs, known to be negative for the presence of hemoparasites and anti-B. ovis antibodies were used. The splenectomized lambs were used for passaging the virulent B. ovis field strain. Four intact lambs divided into two groups were used to evaluate the pathogenicity of the virulent strain and twelfth passage strain of B. ovis. Blood collected from a clinically evident case of babesiosis in the field was inoculated intravenously into the first splenectomized lamb, and then the acute clinical disease was occurred. The same process was successively applied to the rest of 12 splenectomized lambs to have the attenuated B. ovis strain. The clinical, microscopic and hematological changes after inoculation were recorded in each passage of the lambs. All of the passage lambs were exhibited the severe symptoms of the disease from the 2nd day of inoculation. The same treatment protocol including vitamin B12 and the anti-babesial drug imidocarb dipropionate (IMDP) was applied to all splenectomized lambs on the fourth or fifth day of the inoculation. Although the symptoms of the disease were less severe than those of splenectomized lambs; two intact lambs infected with the virulent strain and two intact lambs infected with the twelfth passage blood were also showed the clinical and hematological findings of the disease on the 2nd and 3rd day after inoculation. Infection-related symptoms in all intact lambs disappeared spontaneously from the 6th day of inoculation without the application of any drug. The results of the study showed that there was no change on the virulence of B. ovis through the 12 successive blood passages. Therefore, the further passages or alternative attenuation methods may be necessary to attenuate the virulent strain of B. ovis. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Effect of Experimental Therapeutic Ultrasound on the Distal Antebrachial Growth Plates in One-Month-Old Rabbits(Bailliere Tindall, 2002) Oğurtan, Zeki; Çelik, İlhami; İzci, Celal; Boydak, Murat; Alkan, Fahrettin; Yılmaz, KoçThe effect of therapeutic ultrasound (US) on the growth plates of growing bone was determined through fluorescence labelling and histopathological evaluation in one-month-old rabbits. Mean growth rates and mean heights of the growth plates of the US exposed radius vs. control radius, and US exposed ulna vs. control ulna showed no statistically significant differences at all intensities and time intervals. Mean growth rates and heights of the growth plates of the US exposed radius for 0.2 W/cm(2) (SATA) US vs. 0.5 W/cm(2) US showed the same type of pattern compared to those of the control radius for 0.2 W/cm(2) vs. 0.5 W/cm(2) at days 10, 15 and 20. Similar results were also found for the ulna. Effects of 0.5 W/cm(2) US on the mean growth rates and mean heights of the growth plates were superior to those of 0.2 W/cm(2) US at day 10. The results at day 10 were reversed for the same comparisons at days 15 and 20. No cavitation effect of US was observed on growth plate cells. There was no evidence of partial or complete premature closure of the growth plates or of angular deformity of the carpal region.Öğe Effects of Anesthetic - Like Combination of Midazolam and Xylazine on Certain Clinical Parameters in Dogs(2002) Koç, Yılmaz; Alkan, Fahrettin; Kul, M.The aim of this study was to determine the effect of midazolam - xylazine combination on heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, blood pressure and blood gases in dogs. All the values were recorded prior to anaesthesia as baseline values and at 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes intervals thereafter. The anaesthetic-like combination of midazolam-xylazine has marked effects on the heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature of dogs. There were no changes in blood pressure, arterial pH, PaO2, and PaCO2.Öğe Effects of Anesthetic-Like Combination of Midazolam and Xylazine on Certain Clinical Parameters in Dogs(Indian Veterinary Journal, 2002) Koç, Yılmaz; Alkan, Fahrettin; Kul, M.[Abstract not Available]
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