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Öğe Assessment of regulations on occupational health and safety in agriculture in Turkey from the point of livestock raising and veterinary medicine(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2020) Mentes Gurler, Ayse; Sanal, Sule; Aslim, GokhanAgriculture is the second largest source of employment following the service sector in the whole world, and it is among the most dangerous sectors concerning diseases and premature death. Majority of the families working in the agriculture sector also deal with livestock raising (cattle, sheep and goat farming) or they live in the areas with a high possibility of contact with animals. There are various problems since the occupational health and safety services do not cover the ones working on their own behalf and due to problems in the delivery of health services appropriate for the rural areas. Veterinary physicians, who play an important role in animal health, public health, and environment, have also important tasks in the implementations of occupational health and safety in livestock raising in agriculture sector. The material of this study was comprised of national and international regulations concerning occupational health and safety. The implementations of regulations of the International Labor Organization (110) were evaluated in terms of livestock raising and veterinary medicine. As the conclusion, in Turkey, it was determined that the regulations about occupational health and safety in agriculture did not involve the veterinary physicians concerning both safety practice and job safety; it can be suggested that it should be updated.Öğe An ethnoveterinary study on plants used in the treatment of dermatological diseases in Central Anatolia, Turkey(EJMANAGER LLC, 2018) Sinmez, Cagri Caglar; Aslim, Gokhan; Yasar, AskinAim: The aims of the present study are to determine the significant plant species utilized in ethnoveterinary medicine of Central Anatolia region (Turkey), identify methods used for different veterinary preparations, and to compare the plants used in the treatment of different animal dermatological diseases in other regions of Turkey and different parts of the world. Methods: Interviews were conducted with 173 individuals in total by means of a semi-structured questionnaire, between 2009 and 2013, for the purpose of recording traditional veterinary remedies and practices employed in animal health care. In order to evaluate the reliability and richness of the knowledge of medicinal plants in the area, quantitative indices, such as 'informant consensus factor (FIC),"' "use value (UV)," "relative frequency citation," and "fidelity level," were used for the data analysis. Results: The findings of this study have revealed about 26 species, including herbs, trees, and green algae belonging to 22 botanical families utilized in the treatment of veterinary dermatological diseases by breeders in Central Anatolia. In the present study, the highest FIC score (0.90) was identified for cracked nipples. It was determined that Pine tar and Cydonia oblonga were used for the above-mentioned purpose. The second highest FIC value (0.87) was identified for ringworm. A number of medicinal plants were very popular and utilized intensively in the present research area. In accordance with the calculation performed on the basis of the UV, it was determined that Pinus nigra (0.43) and Allium sativum (0.28) had the highest UVs. Conclusion: The current study has emphasized the ethnoveterinary knowledge of plants recently in use and their new usage in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey.Öğe Evaluation of the Development Process of Selcuk University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Between 1992-2022 (30 Years)(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2023 Mart) Danis, Emine Merve; Celik, Esra; Yasar, Askin; Aslim, GokhanAmaç: Çalışmada Selçuk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi‘nin 1992-2022 yıllarındaki gelişim sürecinin ortaya konulması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmanın materyalini SÜ Rektörlüğü, SÜVF Dekanlığı, SÜ Veteriner Eğitim ve Uygulama Hastanesi ve SÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü arşivi ile “Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Listesi Formu” aracılığıyla elde edilen bilgi ve belgeler oluşturdu. Ayrıca konuyla ilgili Resmî Gazete, dergi, kitap ve internet kaynakları ile Yaşar (1995) tarafından yapılan araştırma makalesinden yararlanıldı. Elde edilen veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle değerlendirildi, metin içerisinde üst simge olarak belirtilerek son not bölümünde gösterildi ve ilgili bölümde tablolar halinde sunuldu. Bulgular: Fakültede, 2021-2022 eğitim öğretim yılı itibariyle 20 anabilim dalında toplam 136 akademik personelin hizmet verdiği; fakülteden son 30 yılda lisans düzeyinden 3.806, lisansüstü düzeyden ise toplam 693 (460 doktora, 233 yüksek lisans) (1987-2022) mezun verildiği; fakülte hayvan hastanesinde 2022 yılında 24.335 hayvana veteriner hekimliği hizmeti verildiği belirlendi. Öneri: Mevcut çalışma ile SÜVF’nin 30 yıllık gelişiminin ortaya konularak 40 yıllık gelişim sürecinin tamamlanması hedeflenmiştir. Gelecekte de fakültenin gelişimini takip etmenin, fakülteyi her alanda daha ileriye taşıyarak sadece ulusal değil uluslararası alanda da tercih edilebilirliğini artırmak adına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.Öğe Evaluation on shelter medicine and stray animal shelters in Turkey(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2020) Yigit, Ali; Aslim, Gokhan; Can, HilalIn Turkey, the institutions established to serve the purpose of sheltering and rehabilitating abandoned, weakened and stray animals are known as an animal shelter, rehabilitation centre or a (temporary) animal sanctuary. In this study, we aim to explore the general structure of the care and treatment services provided in shelters in Turkey which host stray animals and to take the veterinarians' opinions on veterinary care, who work in these shelters. Twenty-eight shelters from 28 provinces, with four cities from seven regions of Turkey, were included in this study. Data was collected through the survey form (personnel status, physical condition, routine practices, duties and authorities of the personnel and functioning of the institution) prepared as a result of the legislation texts and literature reviews. In addition, 67 veterinarians working in these institutions were interviewed face to face to determine attitudes about shelter practice and their opinions and recommendations were obtained. It is identified that the number of shelter staff is generally insufficient. Routine care includes vaccination, spaying, marking with microchip/ear tag, registration and adopting etc. It is determined that there are differences between regions in terms of giving specialization training for medicine in shelters (P=0.031). In addition, almost all veterinarians reported that a veterinarian should be conscientious and patient (95.5%). There are many reasons behind the problem of stray animals in Turkey and veterinarians have critical roles to play on behalf of the solution to this problem. For solutions to the problems, proposals include providing cooperation between the institutions and sharing responsibilities; increasing the staff recruitment of veterinary and auxiliary staff; ensuring information and raising the awareness of veterinarians and assistants by training and courses; increasing the number and opportunities of shelters.Öğe Ruminant parasitic diseases and treatment methods at folklore of Konya area in central anatolia region(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2015) Yasar, Askin; Sinmez, Cagri Caglar; Aslim, GokhanThe aim of this study was to reveal the diversity of folkloric data in Konya Area (Aksaray, Karaman, Konya) of Central Anatolia Region regarding alternative treatment application to parasitic diseases of ruminant and, to provide an oppurtunity to comparative discussion media for the new treatment model, to reveal the effectiviness and side effect of herbal, animal and mineral based drug raw materials by actual medicine information and, to help treatment quest in today. The study material consisted of visual, oral and written data by "information collection form" from the 177 source person dealing with animal husbandry, animal owner sand folk medicine practitioners lived in Konya Area. Alternative treatment methods in this study varied as hydrotheraphy, phytotherapy, jeotherapy and it has been determined herbal, animal and mineral oil, tar, delphinium, lupine, tobacco, oak ash, corncockle, egg, salt, sulfur, copper sulphate and clay based on raw materials of herbal, animal and mineral drugs. In conclusion, in terms of parasitic diseases of ruminant Konya Area of Central Anatolia Region it has been identified such as lice, flea, tick, warble, scabies, coenurus cerebralis, fasciolozis, gastro-intestinal parasites, babesiozis. Furthermore, used to treat parasites such as tar, delphinium, lupine, tobacco, barberry plant root, sulfur, salt, copper sulphate and clay are also used in modern medicine. It is concluded that practices have generally religious-magic, empirical and rational roots.Öğe The wildlife protection and improvement areas in accordance with animal protection and bioethics(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2012) Aslim, Gokhan; Yigit, Ali; Izmirli, Serdar; Yasar, AskinThe future of environment run into risk by human activities is an important issue of present days which also covers ethics and deontological aspects. Related acts as well as ethical approaches concerning with topic will be beneficial to solve the above issue. The process of Wildlife Protection and Improvement Areas has been evolved with different arrangements since 1966, in Turkey. This study aimed to evaluate the Wildlife Protection and Improvement Areas in terms of bioethics and animal protection. The study materials consisted of animal protection and local acts of wildlife (Animal Protection Act, Land Hunting Law, Fisheries Law, Decree - Law Regarding Special Environment Protection Areas, and National Parks Law), as well as several Treaties Ratified by Turkey (BERN, CITES, Ramsar and Biodiversity). Turkey has too many protection areas in various statute, such as; National Park, Nature Park, Natural Reserve Area, Natural Protected Area, Special Environment Protection, Internationally Important Wetland, Wildlife Protection and Improvement Areas. In total, it was determined 109 Wildlife Protection Areas and 79 Wildlife Improvement Areas, as well. However, 11 animal species and waterfowls have been taken under protection in Wildlife Improvement Areas. It was also emerged that the numbers of wild animals has increased and remarkable improvements have been occurred at this period in the Wildlife Improvement Areas by launching new acts. The wild animal species which are face to face with reducing generation or die out, are taken protection and some are being breeding in their natural area without giving harm to their ecosystem in accordance with Land Hunting Act. To fulfill respective aims, a protection of delicate natural balance and warrant of biodiversity are both necessary measures. In conclusion, it may be expressed the national arrangements that takes into consideration the international conventions, contributes to wildlife protection. Moreover, Turkey needs to be increased concerning studies in this respect. As a result, it can be implied that zoo-centric approach which based on the value, importance and rights of the entities should be become widespread in the Turkish society.