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Öğe CULTURAL IDENTITY IN CONTEMPORARY TURKISH ARCHITECTURE CASE STUDY IN KONYA(SELCUK UNIV, 2015) Canan, Fatih; Sayin, Selcuk; Korumaz, MustafaToday in many countries, new solutions and trends in architecture field to express cultural identity against the pressure of internationalism appear in different qualitative values. In the example of Turkey, even today, if the problem of the identity affirmation in architecture continues, in fact, the historical origin of this problem coincides with the last period of the Ottoman Empire and early Republican period. Since the 20s to today, we can see the efforts to reflect national and modern identity in architectural designs, especially in public buildings.. In this study, firstly, the relationship between architecture and identity will be examined. Then after, buildings reflecting identity trends designed by famous architects such as Sedat Hakki Eldem and Turgut Cansever from different periods in Turkey will be presented. The current architectural achievements in the generality of our country will be reviewed by a critical perspective. The city of Konya will be chosen for the special study areas. These buildings are banks, administrative and culture buildings. Trend analysis of identities in the current architectural achievements will be realized taking into account the following criteria: the metaphor, interpretation - synthesis and direct imitation. The architectural elements belonging to the Seljuk Empire that Konya was the capital between 11 th and 13 th century, will be frequently present in the selected samples. In conclusion, the defended ideas will be the following: New products of art and architecture should always be designed with an original and innovative approach. The use of direct imitation in new architectural achievements to establishing a link with the past does not always positive effect on architectural quality. The historic architectural elements used in order to create an identity in modern architecture should be interpreted with caution.Öğe Cultural identity in contemporary Turkish architecture case study in Konya(Selcuk University Faculty of Architecture, 2015-06-30) Canan, Fatih; Sayın, Selçuk; Korumaz, MustafaToday in many countries, new solutions and trends in architecture field to express cultural identity against the pressure of internationalism appear in different qualitative values. In the example of Turkey, even today, if the problem of the identity affirmation in architecture continues, in fact, the historical origin of this problem coincides with the last period of the Ottoman Empire and early Republican period. Since the 20s to today, we can see the efforts to reflect national and modern identity in architectural designs, especially in public buildings.. In this study, firstly, the relationship between architecture and identity will be examined. Then after, buildings reflecting identity trends designed by famous architects such as Sedat Hakkı Eldem and Turgut Cansever from different periods in Turkey will be presented. The current architectural achievements in the generality of our country will be reviewed by a critical perspective. The city of Konya will be chosen for the special study areas. These buildings are banks, administrative and culture buildings. Trend analysis of identities in the current architectural achievements will be realized taking into account the following criteria: the metaphor, interpretation - synthesis and direct imitation. The architectural elements belonging to the Seljuk Empire that Konya was the capital between 11 th and 13 th century, will be frequently present in the selected samples. In conclusion, the defended ideas will be the following: New products of art and architecture should always be designed with an original and innovative approach. The use of direct imitation in new architectural achievements to establishing a link with the past does not always positive effect on architectural quality. The historic architectural elements used in order to create an identity in modern architecture should be interpreted with caution.Öğe Determination of Customer Requirements for Thermal Accommodation Facility Designs(2018) Varolgüneş, Fatma Kürüm; Canan, FatihIn order to provide quality in service in thermal accommodation facilities, the design of the facilitiesmust be properly made. For this reason, the inclusion of customers' expectations and satisfaction inexisting facilities into the design of new facilities will increase the quality of building and service. Thesustainable development of tourism will be ensured through the transfer of knowledge andexperiences of different disciplines connected with tourism. With this consciousness, this architecture-based research was supported by a field study. Surveys were conducted with a focus group on thefacilities located in the Ihlara region, which is considered to be the gate of Cappadocia. Some of thequestions asked in the questionnaire studies were adapted from previous studies. With the field study,the thermal plant design parameters have been tried to be determined in line with the demands andexpectations of the customers. When the findings of the survey are examined, it is seen that thecustomers coming to the thermal accommodation facilities mostly come to health and stay in thefacilities for a long time. For this reason, customers prefer thermal accommodation facility designs tobe compatible with nature. Accommodation facilities with densely populated residential areas in theimmediate vicinity are not preferred. In addition, it is observed that customers prefer social facilitiessuch as natural nutrition, sports activities, social activities and shopping in the facility. After the healthcriterion, the “service” criterion was the most important item. Conspicuous expectations, such as“environmental awareness”, “use of natural resources”, “consideration of natural environment data”,“preparation of action plans”, have shown the sensitivity of energy conservation and productivity ofthermal accommodation facility users. "Physical appearance”, “originality” and “harmony with thenatural environment” have also become important topics. Extensive evaluations of findings aredescribed in detail in the third chapter. While the main areas that play a big role in the country'seconomies are opening to tourism, determining the conditions of the region and the physical,psychological and sociological expectations of the customers and taking the correct steps will be animportant step in sustainable development.Öğe Enerji etkin tasarımda parametrelerin denetlenmesi için bir model denemesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008) Canan, Fatih; Bakır, İbrahimBu çalışma konut yerleşim alanlarında güneşlenmenin, "Güneşe Erişim" fikrine dayalı güneş kabuğu yöntemiyle kontrol edilmesini konu edinmektedir. Analiz ve sağlıklaştırma evrelerinden oluşan çalışma, mimari tasarım süreçlerinin ilk aşamalarını, kentsel ve mimari tasarım ölçeğini kapsayacak şekilde geliştirilmiştir. Öncelikle Konya kentinde mevcutta uygulanmış ve tip özellikte olan toplu konut alanları belirlenmiştir. Analiz aşamasında; kendi içlerindeki ve yakın komşuluklarındaki binalara gölge oluşturma potansiyelleri, analiz amaçlı oluşturulan güneş kabuklarının hacimsel sınırlarını taşma oranlarına göre belirlenmiştir. Daha sonraki aşamada ise, mimari tasarıma yardımcı bir yaklaşımla, güneş kabuğu yöntemi esas alınarak çok seçenekli alternatif sağlıklaştırma önerileri geliştirilmiştir. Alan çalışmalarının tümünde, kütlesel oluşumların biçimsel özellikleri ve yükseklik değerleri bilgisayar ortamında hazırlanan üç boyutlu modellerde gösterilmiştir. Çeşitli alternatif ve farklı düzenlemelerden elde edilen sonuçlar, kendi aralarında ve mevcut durumla karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırmalarda temel ölçütler; kat seviyesi ve yapılaşma yoğunluğu olmuştur. Geliştirilen alternatif önerilerle, tasarıma yardımcı yaklaşımın kullanılabilirliği test edilmiştir. Tasarıma yardımcı yaklaşımla, belli bir esneklik içerisinde, bir alanda, kat seviyesi, yoğunluk ve biçimsel özellik açısından farklı düzenlemelerin gerçekleşebileceği gösterilmiştir. Alternatif düzenlemelerden elde edilen sonuçlarla, yaygın tasarım anlayışı ve yürürlükteki imar yönetmeliklerine yönelik öneriler geliştirilmiştir.Öğe Enerji ve çevre etkin bina tasarımında ömür süreci analizi yönteminin değerlendirilmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, 2008) Canan, Fatih; Bakır, İbrahimBu çalışma, binaların ömür süreçlerinde enerji tüketimlerini ve oluşabilecek çevresel etkileri konu edinmektedir. “Ömür süreci analizi” yöntemiyle, bina ömür süreçlerinde enerji tüketimleri ve çevresel etkiler belirlenmiştir. Konya yerel ölçeğinde seçilen bir yapı adasındaki sosyal konutlar bu yöntemle analiz edilmiş ve aynı yapı adasında iyileştirilmiş bir proje geliştirilmiştir. Her iki projenin enerji tüketimleri ve meydana getirdikleri çevresel etkiler, bina ömür sürecinde belirlenen evreler kapsamında sayısal sonuçlar elde edilerek karşılaştırılmıştır. Mimari tasarım kararlarının, enerji tüketimi ve çevresel etkilerin oluşumuna etkileri somut olarak gösterilmiştir.Öğe The implementation of sustainable approaches in the architectural design studio / Developing architectural designs using the solar envelope method(Selcuk University Faculty of Architecture, 2016-06-30) Canan, Fatih; Tosunlar, Mehmet BahadırTeaching students the notion of sustainability during their architectural education is of great importance. The architectural design studio course is the most important environment in which theory and practice can be brought together. In this study, the development of architectural design by using the solar envelope method–which can be considered within the scope of sustainable architectur–was examined in the architectural design studio course in the department of architecture in our university. In the design studio, students had the opportunity to directly observe the impact and use of scientific information that is often difficult to obtain and access. The advantages and disadvantages that appear during the application of this mentioned method was identified based on the observations that were made, and feedback was provided by the students. This method helped the students in conceiving architectural projects in the context of sustainability in a more applied way rather than as a superficial and solely theoretic concept. Through this method, students have gained additional sensitivity regarding solar architecture and perceived its effect on form and space. According to the feedback obtained from students, the most important disadvantage was design freedom. Students found it stringent to be bound to make their designs within very well established boundaries from the early stages. The authors think that the limitations increased creativity and allowed interesting and unusual solutions. The projects were all formed on the basis of the rhythm of nature, which attached more value and meaning to architecture.Öğe The Implementation of Sustainable Approaches in the Architectural Design Studio Developing Architectural Designs Using the Solar Envelope Method(SELCUK UNIV, 2016) Canan, Fatih; Tosunlar, M. BahadirTeaching students the notion of sustainability during their architectural education is of great importance. The architectural design studio course is the most important environment in which theory and practice can be brought together. In this study, the development of architectural design by using the solar envelope method-which can be considered within the scope of sustainable architecture-was examined in the architectural design studio course in the department of architecture in our university. In the design studio, students had the opportunity to directly observe the impact and use of scientific information that is often difficult to obtain and access. The advantages and disadvantages that appear during the application of this mentioned method was identified based on the observations that were made, and feedback was provided by the students. This method helped the students in conceiving architectural projects in the context of sustainability in a more applied way rather than as a superficial and solely theoretic concept. Through this method, students have gained additional sensitivity regarding solar architecture and perceived its effect on form and space. According to the feedback obtained from students, the most important disadvantage was design freedom. Students found it stringent to be bound to make their designs within very well established boundaries from the early stages. The authors think that the limitations increased creativity and allowed interesting and unusual solutions. The projects were all formed on the basis of the rhythm of nature, which attached more value and meaning to architecture.Öğe Kent geometrisine bağlı olarak kentsel ısı adası etkisinin belirlenmesi: Konya örneği(2017) Canan, FatihKentsel ısı adası etkisi, kentlerin yapısal yoğunluklarının artması sonucu gözlemlenen olumsuz bir mikroklimatik koşuldur. Çalışmada Konya kenti bağlamında seçilen 4 bölgede, kentsel dokuların geometrik oluşumuna bağlı olarak maksimum kentsel ısı adası etkileri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar dikkate alındığında, maksimum ısı adası etkisinin, gökyüzü açıklıkların düşük olduğu yoğun kentsel alanlarda yüksek değerlerde olabileceği belirlenmiştir. Gökyüzü açıklık değerleriyle ısı adası etkisi arasında ters orantı söz konusudur. Konya kenti için az yoğun yerleşim alanlarının (yüksek SVF değerleri) planlanması daha uygun bir yaklaşım olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu durumda, yaz dönemlerinde kent ortamında gece oluşan ısı adası etkisinin azaltılmasının ve kışın da binaların az yoğun yapılaşmaya bağlı olarak güneşten pasif olarak yararlanabilmelerinin mümkün olabileceği belirtilmiştir. Son olarak ülkemiz koşullarında planlama ve tasarım aşamalarında yapılaşma yoğunlukları belirlenirken SVF parametresinin bir girdi olarak değerlendirilmesinin gerekliliğine vurgu yapılmıştırÖğe A slow city movement: the case of Halfeti in Turkey(Selcuk University Faculty of Architecture, 2018-12-28) Varolgüneş, Fatma Kürüm; Canan, FatihIn today's world where globalization is increasing, many cities cannot ada pt to rapid changes. The changing lifestyles of the inhabitants of the city cause a rapid loss of urban differences and originalities. Several movements have emerged to solve these problems. One of these movements is the slow city movement proposed for a better environment and social life. The slow city movement sets out the parameters that ensure the viability of cities, which give importance to the continuity of the improvement of social, economic, cultural and environmental qualities. This movement, which strives for the preservation of originality against the impact of globalization, has a great importance in order to increase the quality of urban life. The aim of this work is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of sustainable development of the slow city declared places, and to identify the threats and opportunities that can be faced. In this way, targets and strategies for the sustainability of the desired criteria for cities declared as slow cities can be determined. In the study, environmental analysis and situation analysis were carried out by observation and inventory collection method in Halfeti province of Urfa declared as slow city. The local people and tourists who visited the area were interviewed and SWOT analysis was conducted by brainstorming method. The district of Halfeti consists of two regions. The old Halfeti area is a very old settlement; some of the buildings it contains are under the waters of the Euphrates, in the appearance of an open-air museum. The new Halfeti is a region formed with non-specific regulations and illegal and distorted building is seen intensively. With the declaration of Halfeti as a slow city, the tourism movements have begun to accelerate. As a result of this study, it has been determined that this region with historical and natural beauty has been caught unprepared for tourism development. For this reason, it is necessary to prioritize rehabilitation efforts in the region and prepare action plans for the new Halfeti settlement. The conclusion is that Halfeti's unique identity values should be promoted on a global scale and protected as cultural heritage. It is expected that the results obtained in the study will also be a road map for other slow cities similar to Halfeti.Öğe Toplu konut alanlarında yapılaşma yoğunluklarının güneşlenmeye göre belirlenmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2008) Canan, Fatih; Bakır, İbrahimBu çalışma konut yerleşim alanlarında güneşlenmenin, güneş kabuğu yöntemiyle kontrol edilmesini konu edinmektedir. Konya kentinde mevcutta uygulanmış ve tip özellikte olan iki toplu konut alanında, güneş kabuğu yöntemi kullanılarak analiz ve sağlıklaştırma çalışması yapılmıştır. Analiz aşamasında; binaların kendi içlerindeki ve yakın komşuluklarındaki binalara gölge oluşturma potansiyelleri, analiz amaçlı oluşturulan güneş kabuklarının hacimsel sınırlarını taşma oranlarına göre belirlenmiştir. Çok seçenekli alternatif sağlıklaştırma önerileri ise, bina kütle sayısının sistematik artırımı ve bina kütlelerinin çalışma alanındaki düzenlemelerine göre geliştirilmiştir. Bu yaklaşımla, farklı yoğunluk değerleri ve biçimsel özellikler elde edilmiştir. Güneşlenme dikkate alınarak, belli bir esneklik içerisinde, bir alanda, yoğunluk, kat seviyesi ve biçimsel özellik açısından farklı düzenlemelerin gerçekleşebileceği gösterilmiştir.Öğe Vision Evaluation of the Students in Architecture About Sustainable Architecture in a Local Context in Konya / Turkey(2006) Canan, Fatih; Korumaz, Mustafa; Güleç, Saadet ArmağanIn this research it was tried to explore at which point the students in architecture have a sustainable vision in a local context in Turkey. The intermediate position of the young students between the school and the professional life that they will discover was used for establishing interrogations concerning with the education of architecture and the current practices. The results obtained from an investigation carried out within the school showed us that the students have a rather passive intention in the adoption of the sustainable values, whether that is at the school or for the future professional life. That is due in majority to the appreciations towards the exemplary shown architectural applications, with the existing dominant thoughts, the lacks of local example sustainable projects and with the program of architectural education which is still traditionally modernistic.