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Öğe Clastour: A Computer Program for Classification of the Minerals of the Tourmaline Group(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2002) Yavuz, Fuat; Gültekin, A. H.; Karakaya, Muazzez ÇelikTourmaline is the most important borosilicate mineral and a dominant carrier of boron, occurring in different geologic environments. Recently, many investigators have focused on the enhanced understanding of crystal chemistry of this complex mineral group. CLASTOUR is a program package for IBM-compatible personal computers that can be used for classification of the tourmaline group. The program classifies most of the currently valid tourmaline end-members together with other hypothetical end-members. Because it is difficult to establish OH- and O2(-) contents at the V- and W-sites without carrying out bond valance sum (BVS) calculations, CLASTOUR gives alternative names for some tourmalines including dominant O2- anion at their V- and W-sites. The program is developed to edit, to store and to calculate the tourmaline analyses obtained both from electron-microprobe and wet-chemical studies. It is designed to calculate entered tourmaline analyses into cation and molecular percentages, to share cation site-allocations at the different structural positions and to give mole percent of the end-members of alkali-, calcic-, and X-site vacant-group tourmalines. Thus, CLASTOUR makes it possible to plot various types of binary and ternary diagrams under the Grapher software. This program is a user-friendly software with pull-down menus, base-function keys, help menus, extensive error codes and mouse options. The compiled program together with the test data files and graphic files is approximately 1160 kB.Öğe Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi kil mineralleşmelerinin oluşumu ve kökeni(Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2007) Karakaya, Necati; Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik; Faure, KevinDoğu Karadeniz provensi boyunca volkanojenik masif ve damar tip sülfit yatakları ile ilişkili durumda yaygın ve yoğun hidrotermal alterasyon gözlenmektedir. İnceleme alanından derlenen numuneler üzerinde tüm kaya ve kil numunelerinin X-ışınları difraksiyonu (XRD), taramalı elektron mikroskop (SEM) ve enerji dispersiv spektrometre (EDS) çalışmaları ve kimyasal analizler yapılmıştır. Kil mineral toplulukları Geç Kretase volkanik kayaçları (bazaltik, andezitik, dasitik, riyodasitik ve riyolitik lavlar ve piroklastikler) içerisinde gözlenmiştir ve özellikle de Geç Kretase-Paleosen intrüzyonları ile ilişkilidir. Geç Kretase volkanizması den oluşmuştur. Volkanik kayaçların hidrotermal alterasyonu; propillitik, fillitik (serisitik) alterasyonlar, hematitleşme, silisleşme ve alunitleşme şeklinde gelişmiştir. Alunit, kaolinit, jips ve nabit sülfür yüksek sülfitleşme zonlarında, kaolinit ve silis polimorfları killeşme zonlarında ve serisit (illit) ise fillitik zonda gözlenmiştir. Bazı kaolinit oluşumları silis polimorfları ve kısmen illit içerirken, bazıları kaolinitler saf olup 5-30 cm lik bantlar halinde, beyazaçık yeşil renklidirler. İllit genellikle 2M politipinde olup kristalinitesi iyidir. İllitlerin oksijen izotop değerleri ‰ 6-8 (VSMOW) arasında olup, deniz suyundan yüksek sıcaklıklarda (200-300oC) oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Volkanik kayaçları içinde gözlenen, bindirme fayına paralel olarak gelişmiş 1-2 m genişlikteki bir zonda gözlenen hidrotermal, beyazımsı- çık yeşil renkli kaolinitin oksijen izotop değerleri ‰ 16-17 arasındadır ve bu değerlere göre muhtemelen deniz suyunun benzer değerleri ile denge halindeki 75- 100oC arasındaki sıcaklıklarda oluşmuştur. Alterasyon zonlarında genellikle Ca-montmorillonitten oluşan iki tür bentonit oluşumu belirlenmiştir. Yeşilimsi-sarımsı yeşil renkli olan birinci tür bentonit oluşumu hemen hemen saf montmorillonitten oluşurken, ikinci tür beyazımsı-pembe renkli olanlar az miktarda (%5-10) silis polimorfları içerir. Her iki tür bentonit oluşumunun oksijen izotop değerleri (‰ 23-29), bu bentonitlerin halmrolizle oluştuğunu gösterir. Ca-montmorillonit türü simektitlerde tabaka aralarında Na veya K bulunmasında bölgeler arasında bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir.Öğe GEOLOGIC AND MINERALOGIC PROPERTIES OF BOR-ULUKISLA NEOGENE BASIN (NIGDE)(INT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SGEM, 2008) Altay, Tülay; Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik; Murat, AbdurrahmanBor-Ulukisla Basin is located in Central Anatolia, southeastern part of Tuz Golu Basin. Tertiary aged sedimentary, volcano-sedimentary and volcanic rock units outcrop at the investigation area. Neogene aged Bor-Ulukisla Basin is a tectonically controlled graben basin and contains syngenetically deposited sediments. Outcropping Neogene sediments, composed of elastic, clayey, dolomitic, tuffitic, evaporitic and silicified rocks, overlie Paleocene-Eocene marine elastic rocks and Paleozoic metamorphic rocks. The Neogene lacustrine sediments, in ascending order, have been named as Kizilbayir, Katrandedetepe and Bestepeler formations. Kizilbayir formation (Upper Miocene) represents the first shalllow lacustrine-alluvial fan sediments, Katrandedetepe formation (Upper Miocene) is composed of saline mud flat-playa lake deposits and Bestepeler formation (Upper Miocene-Pliocene) consisits of shallow lake-alluvial fan deposits of Bor-Ulukisla depositional basin. Melendizdag and Hasandag volcanics and pyroclastic rocks (Upper Miocene-Pliocene-Quaternary) intercalate the lacustrine units of the basin. A detailed mineralogical investigation was carried out with bed rock and soil samples collected from investigation area and with three deep cores. The clastic fraction of the Bor-Ulukisla basin sediment consists of quartz, feldspar, mica, chlorite and weathering products of volcanic rocks such as kaolinite, illite, zeolite. The non-clastic evaporite fraction is dominated by dolomite, calcite, anhydrite, halite and gypsum. Anhydrite is the dominant sulphate mineral occurring throughout the lower profile in nodule shaped or lens and variable amounts. Dolomite and calcite are the main carbonate minerals while aragonite is rare. XRD studies have revealed that dolomites are high calcian dolomites. Halite is observed in the lower profile of the drilling wells (893-992 meters) with some associated anhydrite, dolomite and clay minerals. The main clay mineral assemblage consists of Ca-smectite, Na-smectite, illite, chlorite, kaolinite and paligorskite. Petroleum zones were cut during the drilling. The zone ranges from 1035 to 1168.40 meters and has a total thickness of 133.40 meters. Petroleum zones consist of bituminous shale level, mudstone-siltstone-sandstone alternation, dolomite and mudstone-dolomite alternations in ascending order. Petroleum occurred as filling the pores, cavities and thin fissures of the rocks. According to geologic and mineralogic results, the investigation area is arid, closed playa lake character.Öğe Kaolin Occurrences in the Erenler Dagi Volcanics, Southwest Konya Province, Turkey(V H WINSTON & SON INC, 2001) Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik; Karakaya, Necati; Temel, AbidinMainly calc-alkaline, andesitic, and dacitic volcanics from different late Miocene-Pliocene eruption centers crop out WSW of Konya, and locally are interbedded with lacustrine sediments. Hydrothermal alteration within these rocks is widespread. In addition to kaolinite, other major alteration products include halloysite, alunite, cristobalite, quartz, illite, montmorillonite, and zeolite-group minerals. Based on the cristobalite-quartz relationship, the kaolinization temperature is estimated as similar to 100 degreesC. The samples were mineralogically and chemically examined using XRD, SEM-EDS, IR, DTA-TG, and XRF. The crystallinity of the kaolinite is moderate, and shows structural disorder. Both the kaolinite and halloysite are almost stoichometric. Kaolinization generally led to Al2O3 increases and release of alkalies, alkaline earths, most of the Fe2O3, and SiO2, SiO2 and Al2O3 contents are low, and LOI is very high for halloysite deposits relative to kaolin occurrences. The kaolinite-alunite assemblages indicate that pH of the altering solutions initially was similar to4. SEM investigation demonstrates that kaolinite has booklet texture, whereas halloysite is acicular to needle-shaped. The chemical, mineralogic, and firing properties of the kaolin deposits are appropriate for use as refractory raw material. The Erenler Dagi kaolin deposits are excellent examples of the acid-sulfate type of hydrothermal alteration. The findings of the study may be useful in exploration for similar hydrothermal mineral occurrences worldwide.Öğe Mineralogy and geochemical behavior of trace elements of hydrothermal alteration types in the volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, NE Turkey(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik; Karakaya, Necati; Küpeli, Şuayip; Yavuz, FuatVolcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits of the Eastern Pontides, Turkey, are hosted by the Maastrichtian-Eocene dacite and rhyodacite series, accompanied by lesser andesite and basalts, as well as their pyroclastic equivalents, with tholeiitic to calc-alkaline affinity. The ore mineral assemblages are chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcocite, covellite, bornite, and tetrahedrite. Potassic-, phyllitic- (sericitic), argillic- (kaolinitic and smectitic), silicic-, propylitic- and hematitic-alteration is commonly associated with these deposits. HFSE, LILE, TRTE and REE contents show strong variability in different alteration types resulting from interaction with acid or alkaline fluids. Sample groups showed chondrite-normalized enrichment of LREE relative to HREE and sub-parallel trends, except for the hematitic- and phyllitic-alteration types. MREE are strongly depleted in the zones of most intense silicification and kaolinization. Most sample groups have strongly- to slightly-negative Eu anomalies, ranging from 0.35 to 0.88 (mean); hematitic- (1.45) and propylitic-altered rocks (1.11) have slightly- to moderately-positive anomalies. The negative Eu anomalies indicate the low temperatures of fluids (<200 degrees C). In contrast, the positive Eu anomalies result from high-temperature hydrothermal conditions (>200 degrees C). No Ce anomaly was observed, except for phyllitic alteration where a slight positive anomaly was noted. The chondrite-normalized trace and REE patterns of the altered rocks are similar to each other, suggesting that they were derived from a common felsic source. The alteration groups formed from acid, intermediate, and alkaline hydrothermal solutions. Some transition, base and precious metals and volatile elements were clearly enriched, especially in the hematitic-, silicic-, kaolinitic- and phyllitic-altered samples. The other elements exhibit different behaviors in different sample groups. REE behavior is relatively immobile in the silicic-, hematitic-, kaolinitic- and partially in moderately- and propylitic-altered rocks, based on mass-balance calculations. LILE and HFSE appear mobile in the altered sample groups, except in the propylitic-altered rocks. TRTE behave as relatively immobile in most of samples, except in some of the silicic- and phyllitic-altered rocks, and especially in the hematitic-altered samples. HFSE, most of the transition (W, Mo, Cu, and Sb) and some other trace elements (Pb, As, Hg, Bi, Se and TI), are enriched in the hematitic-altered samples and in the some silicic-altered samples. The highest As, Bi, Mo, Se and Hg concentrations in the hematite-altered samples can be used to distinguish other alteration types and may be a useful indicator in a prospect-scale base metal exploration. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Neogene Lacustrine Sediments of Bor-Ulukisla Basin (Nigde, Turkey)(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2010) Altay, Tülay; Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik; Murat, A.[Abstract not Available]Öğe Sivrihisar-Eskişehir yöresinde bulunan farklı şekillerdeki jips oluşumlarının özellikleri ve oluşum koşulları(Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2007) Altay, Tülay; Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik; Erkan, YavuzÇalışma alanı Sivrihisar (Eskişehir, İç Anadolu)’ın güneydoğusunda yer alır. İnceleme alanında yüzeyleyen Neojen yaşlı birimler İlyaspaşa formasyonu (Alt-Orta Miyosen) ve Sakarya formasyonu (Üst Miyosen-Pliyosen) olmak üzere iki litostratigrafik birime ayrılır. Sakarya formasyonu Jips, Alt Kireçtaşı, Killi Dolomit ve Üst Kireçtaşı olmak üzere dört üyeye ayrılmaktadır. Jipsler arazide diskoidal, mercek şekilli, jips gülü ve kırlangıçkuyruğu gibi çeşitli kristal şekilleri sergilemektedir. Jips kristalleri inceleme alanında masiv seviyeler, tabakalı, dolomit içerisinde çatlak dolgusu ve serbest büyümeli olarak gözlenir. Dolomit ile ardalanmalı olan masiv ve tabakalı jipsler, yalnızca mercek şekilli ve diskoidal şekilli jipslerden oluşmuştur. Bunlar beyaz renkli ve küçük kristaller halinde (kil-kum boyu) bulunur. Diğer jips kristalleri ise mavimsi gri ve açık kahverengi gibi değişik renkler sergilerler. X-ışınları verilerine göre tüm kesitler; başlıca dolomit, jips, kalsit, yerel olarak sepiyolit ve nadir olarak ta paligorskit, simektit, illit ve kaolinit içerir. İri diskoidal, kırlangıç kuyruğu ve gül biçimli jips kristallerini içeren örneklerde, kil mineral içeriğinin kil-kum boyu jipslerden daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma alanında tatlı su, zayıf alkalin ve alkalin koşulların etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kil kum boyu jips oluşumlarının SO3 2- içerikleri diğer jips oluşumlarından daha düşük bulunmuştur.Öğe Some Properties of Thermal Muds of Some Spas in Turkey(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010) Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik; Karakaya, Necati; Sarıoğlan, Şerife; Koral, MuratIn Turkey, over thirty spa centers use local, naturally occurring thermal muds for therapeutic, aesthetic, and pharmaceutical purposes. Mineralogical, chemical, and technological properties of thermal muds from nine different spas were investigated to identify the most suitable materials for pelotherapy. The muds consisted of smectite, illite, illite-smectite, quartz, feldspar, some calcite, amorphous silica, and rarely halite. The Na(2)O/CaO ratio of the muds was lower than 0.09, representing non-swelling bentonites. Some mud samples contained higher levels of hazardous chemical elements, including As, Cd, Hg, Pb, TI, Th and U, and some less dangerous elements, including Co, Cr, Cs, Ni, Sr, Zr, and REE, compared to argillaceous sediments and shales. In general, particle sizes of muds larger than 2 mu m, and cation-exchange capacity and specific surface areas are lower than the standard value. Properties of a few thermo-mineral waters were also analyzed. The low swelling index, Na(2)O/CaO ratio, plasticity, and specific surface area (due to the low content of the <2 mu m clay fraction), as well as the high content of non-clay minerals and exchange capacity of the muds, make them unsuitable for therapeutic and aesthetic applications. These results indicate that there is a need to develop suitable standards for thermal muds in relation to their use for therapeutic, pharmaceutical, and aesthetic medicine purposes. Appropriate materials can be obtained from the bentonite deposits at very low cost, and the material can be maturated using thermal-mineral water in different compositions for different types of applications.Öğe Three new records to the bryophyte flora of Turkey(2013) Kırmacı, Mesut; Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik; Karakaya, Necati; Kürschner, HaraldRhabdoweisia crispata (Dicks. ex With.) Lindb., Tortula guepinii (Bruch. & Schimp.) Broth. ve Tortella bambergeri (Schimp.) Broth. Türkiye’ den ilk kez kayıt edilmiştir. Ayrıca T. bambergeri Güneybatı Asya için de yeni kayıttır. Yeni kayıtların çizimleri, taksonomik, ekolojik ve dağılımlarıyla birlikte sunulmuştur.Öğe TRACE AND RARE EARTH ELEMENT GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE UPPER MIOCENE-PLIOCENE LACUSTRINE EVAPORITES OF THE BOR-ULUKISLA BASIN (NIGDE, TURKEY)(INT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SGEM, 2011) Altay, Tülay; Karakaya, Muazzez ÇelikThe Bor-Ulukisla Basin situated in the south-eastern part of the Tuz Golu Basin, Central Anatolia, provide prominent example of lacustrine basins and varying assemblages of evaporite and detrital minerals. The evaporatic sedimentation formed in the central part of the basin as a shallow, saline lake system, where abundant halite and Ca-Na sulfate deposits. Sodium sulfates and also halite deposits have been exploited from the recent salt-playa lakes in the basin. The evaporites were deposited by related to the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) in the Mediterranean region. Samples collected from field and from six deep cores in the basin. Evaporite minerals are dominated by halite, Na-Ca-sulfate minerals (anhydrite, gypsum, glauberite, thenardite and mirabilite), Mg-sulfate minerals (bloedite, epsomite), dolomite, magnesite and calcite. Generally quartz, feldspar, mica and detrital clay minerals are present at the margin of the basin. Trace and rare earth element geochemistry and some of the elemental ratios show clear associations with detrital (elastic) and evaporite (chemical) phases of deposits. The RE and some trace element (V, Sc, Cr, Co, Ni, As, Ba, Rb, Th) contents are higher in the clay-rich samples than the evaporite-rich samples. The carbonate-rich samples have an intermediate REE abundance. Clay and carbonate rich samples show homogeneous REE patterns, can be explained by the higher chemical weathering. Evaporite samples exhibit a variable REE pattern. In the evaporate sediments, the Eu anomaly is slightly to moderately positive (1.38-2.51). The positive anomaly shows a volcanic origin. In the Ca-sulfate, Mg-sulfate and chloride samples have low La/Yb ratios (LREE). And also evaporate sediments have negative slight-moderate Cc anomaly (0.4-0.99). Negative Ce anomaly of evaporites suggests marine influence in the basin. Geochemical considerations such as Mg/Ca, Na/Ca, Sr/Ca ratios and Sr contents have been integrated to interpret evaporation and salinity ranges (fresh and high salinity conditions) in the basin. The high differences (17.2-5438.5ppm) in the strontium contents among the carbonate and sulfate levels of the Bor-Ulukisla evaporites could reflect deposition under hydrologically unstable conditions and shallow waters.