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Öğe The Change of Wear Element in Engine Lubricating Oil in Diesel Engines Using Biofuel(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2020) Balcı, Ayşe Betül; Mengeş, Hakan OkyayIn this study, terebinth methyl ester (biodiesel), diesel and bioethanol fuels were mixed in different ratios volumetrically. The obtained fuel mixtures, EB1D1 (2.5% bioethanol + 2.5% biodiesel + 95% diesel), EB2D2 (2.5% bioethanol + 5% biodiesel + 92.5% diesel), EB3D3 (2.5% bioethanol + 7.5% biodiesel + 90% diesel), and D100 (diesel) fuel were tested in a four-stroke and single cylinder diesel engine. Engine tests were performed in 100 hours for each fuel type and samples were taken from the engine lubricating oil at different time periods during the tests (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 hours). Wear element (Al, Fe, Pb, Cu, Cr) analyzes were performed on the samples. Wear element data of fuel mixtures lubricating oil were compared to diesel fuel. Wear element changes in lubricating oil were investigated. As a result of the study, the best result was obtained from EB3D3 fuel in the change of wear element in the engine lubricating oil compared to diesel fuel.Öğe Determination of Fuel Properties of Some Alcohols (Bioethanol, Butanol), Biodiesel and Diesel Mixtures Obtained from Anchovy (Engraulis Encrasicolus) Oil(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019) Karaboğa, Abdullah; Mengeş, Hakan OkyayIn this study, some alcohols (bioethanol, butanol) are mixed with different amounts in volume (D100, B100, D75B20E5 , D70B20E10, D65B20E15, D75B20BU5 , D70B20BU10 and D65B20BU15) some physical and chemical fuel properties of diesel, biodiesel and obtained alcohol + biodiesel + diesel blend fuels (Density, Kinematic viscosity, Flash point, Water content, Copper strip corrosion, Cloud point, Pour point, Cold filter plugging point (CFPP), The thermal value) was determined.According to the results of the research, it was observed that the physical and chemical fuel properties of biodiesel and blended fuels were within the standard fuel properties. The cetane number of D65B20E15 fuels was 12% lower than the diesel standard (TS 3082 EN 590). In addition, when cold flow properties were examined, it was determined that ethanol and butanol added to fuels contributed positively.Öğe Determining Some Structural Characteristics and Mechanization Potential of Dairy Cattle Farms in Karacabey District of Bursa Province(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2020) Tutar, Hilmi; Mengeş, Hakan OkyayIn this study, is aimed to determine some structural characteristics and mechanization potential of dairy cattle farms in Karacabey District of Bursa province and data were obtained with 59 questionnaires, which were made by one-onone interviews with cattle farms, selected by random sampling method. The enterprises owners, visited in Karacabey District, educational levels as follows; 74.5% primary school, 15.6% secondary schools, 3.3% high school, 3.3% universities and 3.3% postgraduate level. While 86.4% of the owners are involved in agricultural activities in addition to dairy cattle, 13.6% are only involved in dairy cattle. Of 51 enterprises, engaged in agricultural production, 74.5% grow silage corn, 56.8% barley, 11.8% vetch and 19.6% alfalfa. Holstein Hybrid is grown intentionally in the region with 86.4%, while Simmental is preferred with 11.9% and Montofon with 1.7%. It was determined that 52.5% of the enterprises consisted of closed and 47.5% of semi-open barns, 98% of which were concrete and 1.7% were soil. 42.4% of barns have a ventilation pipe, while 57.6% do not. 84.7% of the enterprises have separate sections for calves and 52.5% have separate sections for cows, will give birth. Average daily milk yield quantity is detected as 18.6 kg in the region. 62.7% of the enterprises use mobile machines, while 37.3% of the them use milking system to milking process.Öğe Evaluation of Drying Methods With Respect to Drying Kinetics and Mineral Contents of Dill and Parsley(JIHAD DANESHGAHI, 2018) Özcan, Mehmet Musa; Arslan, Derya; Mengeş, Hakan OkyayDill (Anethum graveolens L.) and parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill.) were dried by using sun and oven (50 degrees C) drying methods. Oven drying decreased the drying time approximately 50% when compared to the sun drying method for both herbs. K, Ca, P, Mg and Na were the most abundant elements in dill and parsley samples. Oven dried samples had higher mineral values than that of the sun dried samples. Page, Modified Page, Midilli and Kucuk and Diffusion approach were shown to give a good fit to the sun drying of parsley. The Midilli and Kucuk and Verma models have shown a better fit to the experimental sun drying data of dill. Wang-Singh and Midilli and Kucuk models gave the highest r(2) values for oven drying of parsley and dill, respectively.Öğe Evaluation of Drying Methods with Respect to Drying Parameters, Some Nutritional and Colour Characteristics of Peppermint (Mentha X Piperita L.)(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2010) Arslan, Derya; Özcan, M. Musa; Mengeş, Hakan OkyayPeppermint leaves (Mentha x piperita L.) were dried by using sun, oven (50 C) and microwave oven (700W) drying methods. Page, Modified page, Midilli and 1(00k models adequately described the oven, sun and microwave oven drying behaviours of peppermint leaves. The drying process was explicated through the diffusional model in order to obtain effective diffusivity values, which were determined as 3.10 x 10-12, 2.68 x 10-12 and 4.09 x 10-1 for the sun, oven and microwave oven drying process, respectively. Fresh and dried herbs had high amounts of K, Ca, P. Mg, Fe and Al minerals. Microwave oven drying method leaded to the lowest increase in Ag, Al, B, Na, Mn, Mg and Zn values than the other drying methods. Microwave oven drying shortened the drying time, revealed the highest phenolic content and optimum colour values.Öğe Examination of Fuel Properties of Biodisel Which Obtained From Terebinth Oil and Blending(2010) Balcı, Ayşe Betül; Mengeş, Hakan OkyayIn this study, biodiesel (MYME) was produced from terebinth tree's fruits grown in Konya region, having oil content of %38,74 on average by the method of transesterification. Fuel properties of produced biodiesel and blend product (volumetric as diesel oil was mixed B50, B20, B5, B2 ratio) of those were examined. Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture Biodiesel, Selçuk University was used for the production and analysis of the biodiesel. Results of the study showed that fuel properties of biodiesel and blend products were within the standard limits except its few values. As a result of examination, the density and water content of the fuel B50 were %1,4 and %45,68, respectively higher than that of standards. The flash point of fuel B100 was lower than standard values at a rate of %0,5. When this values are compared with diesel oil. It can be used easily. It was concluded that according to standards, that diesel fuel B100 and blends can be used in temperate climate TİP A climate.Öğe Konya bölgesinde yetiştirilen bazı meyvelerin kontrollü şartlar altında kuruma karakteristiklerinin belirlenmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1999-07-13) Mengeş, Hakan Okyay; Yetkin, ŞinasiBu çalışmada, Konya Bölgesi'nde yetiştirilen vişne, erik, kayısı ve elmaların farklı hava sıcaklığı, hava hızı ve ön işlem şartlarında gösterecekleri kuruma karakteris tikleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Denemelerde hava sıcaklığı olarak 60 °C, 70 °C ve 80 °C, hava hızı olarak 1.0 m/sn, 2.0 m/sn ve 3.0 m/sn alınmıştır. Vişne, kayısı ve elma örnek leri oldukları gibi hiçbir ön işlem uygulanmadan, erik örnekleri ise hiçbir ön işlem uy gulanmadan ve % 2'lik NaOH çözeltisine bandırıldıktan sonra kurtulmuşlardır. Elde edilen verilerden yararlanılarak istatistiki değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Denemeler sonucunda, hava sıcaklığının, hava hızının ve uygulanan ön işlemin, ürünlerin kuruma hızı üzerine olan etkisi belirlenmiştir. Deneme materyali ürünlere ait kuruma sabiti (k) değerleri ise, bandırılmamış erik örneklerinde 0.207...0.900, bandı rılmış erik örneklerinde, 0.252....1.063, vişne örneklerinde 0.097 0.834, kayısı ör neklerinde 0.273..1.264 ve elma örneklerinde 0.917....1.757 arasında bulunmuştur.Öğe Mathematical modeling of thin layer drying of carrot slices by forced convection(SPRINGER, 2017) Sonmete, Mehmet Hakan; Mengeş, Hakan Okyay; Ertekin, Can; Özcan, Mehmet MusaThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of drying air temperature, velocity and slice thickness on thin layer drying model of carrot slices. A laboratory dryer was used for thin layer carrot drying process and moisture ratio values (MR) for any drying time were compared using 14 different models, i.e., Newton, Page, Modified Page I and II, Henderson and Pabis, Logarithmic, Two term, Two term exponential, Wang and Singh, Thompson, Diffision approximation, Verma et al., Modified Henderson and Pabis and Midilli et al. models. Root mean square error (RMSE), reduced Chi square (chi(2)) and modeling efficiency (EF) were used as statistical parameters to determine the most suitable model among them. The effects of drying parameters on the best suited drying model coefficients were than determined with linear, logarithmic, power exponential and Arhenius type equations. According to the results, moisture ratio values could be predicted by the Midilli et al. model with high accuracy. It is also possible to predict the moisture content of the product with a generalized model showing the effect of the drying air temperature, velocity and slice thickness with the range of 55-75 degrees C, 2.0-3.0 m s(-1) and 3-9 mm, respectively.Öğe Mekanik tarla pülverizatörlerinde kullanılan çeşitli tipteki bazı memelerin dağılım ve pülverizasyon karakteristiklerinin belirlenmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995) Mengeş, Hakan Okyay; Yetkin, ŞinasiBu araştırmada, Türkiye'de mekanik tarla pülverizatörlerinde kullanılan Türki ye ve ABD yapımı sekiz adet hidrolik meme denenmiştir. Bu memelerin 4'ü konik huzmeli, 4'ü ise yelpaze huzmelidir. Denemeler sonucunda, huzme açısı konik huzmeli memelerde 79°...101°, yelpaze huzmeli memelerde 98°... 123° arasında, meme verdileri konik huzmeli memelerde 0.455...2.293 It/min, yelpaze huzmeli memelerde ise 1.571...2. 594 IVmin arasında değişmiştir. Pülverizasyon düzgünlüğünün bir ifadesi olan homojenite katsayı değerleri, konik huzmeli memelerde 1.58...2. 97, yelpaze huzmeli memelerde ise 1.53...2.48 arasında değişmiştir. Hacimsel dağılım düzgün lüğünü ifade eden yeknesaklık katsayısı değerleri konik huzmeli memelerde, tek memede %21...56, çift memede %57...94 arasında, yelpaze huzmeli memelerde, tek memede %30...58, çift memede ise %44... 92 arasında değişmiştir.Öğe Physical and nutritional properties of jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) growing in Turkey(2008) Akbolat, Davut; Ertekin, Can; Mengeş, Hakan Okyay; Ekinci, Kamil; Erdal, İbrahimSeveral physical and nutritional properties of jujube fruits (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) grown in Turkey were investigated. These properties are necessary for the design of equipments for harvesting, processing, transportation, sorting, separating and packing. The average fruit length, width, thickness, the geometric mean diameter, sphericity index, fruit mass, thousand of fruit mass and volume of fruit of jujube fruits were determined as 17.75 mm, 14.81 mm, 14.19 mm, 15.43 mm, 87.56 %, 1.26 g, 1139 g and 1.99 cm3, respectively. The bulk density, fruit density and porosity were 380 kg/m 3, 639 kg/m3 and 39.35 %, respectively. The static friction coefficient on galvanized iron sheet, iron sheet, thin plate, wood and rubber were 0.369, 0.528, 0.633, 0.475 and 0.844, the dynamic friction coefficient on the same surfaces were 0.317, 0.475, 0.581, 0.422 and 0.792, respectively. The moisture content, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, rupture strength and terminal velocity were 20.04 %, 0.33 %, 118.4 mg/100 g fresh weight, 21.49 N/mm2 and 5.44 m/s, respectively. Protein, K, Ca, P, Mg and N amount were 14.13 %, 1.12 %, 0.21 %, 0.12 %, 0.07 % and 2.26 %, respectively.Öğe Physical and nutritional properties of oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) growing in Turkey(2008) Akbolat, Davut; Ertekin, Can; Mengeş, Hakan Okyay; Güzel, Emin; Ekinci, KamilSeveral physical and nutritional properties of oleaster fruits (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) grown in Turkey were investigated. These properties are necessary for the design of equipments for harvesting, processing and transportation, sorting, separating and packing. The average fruit length, width, thickness, the geometric mean diameter, sphericity index, fruit mass, thousand of fruit mass and volume of fruit of oleaster fruits were determined as 25.39 mm, 18.22 mm, 18.27 mm, 20.28 mm, 80.26 %, 2.09 g, 2101.4 g and 4.73 cm3, respectively. The bulk density, fruit density and porosity were 277 kg m-3, 462 kg m-3 and 35.03 %, respectively. While the static friction coefficient on galvanized iron sheet, iron sheet, thin plate, wood and rubber were 0.511, 0.438, 0.292, 0.511 and 0.729, the dynamic friction coefficient on the same surfaces were 0.438, 0.365, 0.219, 0.438 and 0.584, respectively. The moisture content, titrable acidity, ascorbic acid, skin firmness and terminal velocity were 16.91 %, 4.99 %, 4.65 mg 100 g fresh weight-1, 6.65 N mm-2 and 8.26 m s-3, respectively. Protein, K, Ca, P, Mg and N amount were 12.33. 1.10, 0.07, 0.06, 0.05 and 1.97 %, respectively.