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Öğe Açık Atölye Ti?pi? Çi?zelgeleme Problemleri?ni?n Paralel Kanguru Algori?tması ile Çözümü(GAZI UNIV, FAC ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE, 2012) Baysal, M. Emin; Durmaz, Taha; Sarucan, Ahmet; Engin, OrhanThe open shop scheduling problem is essentially a sort of scheduling problem that each job has only one operation to be processed on each machine and the processing order is not significant. It has been mainly encountered in a facility that is manufacturing similar types of products groups. In this study, open shop scheduling problems were solved in order to minimize the total make-span with Parallel Kangaroo algorithm which runs by the random jumping method. Parallel Kangaroo Algorithm is a meta-heuristic algorithm which continuously tries to reach the better solutions. The open shop scheduling instances for the benchmarking in the literature were solved with a Kangaroo Algorithm in which the wild and the tame kangaroo operators are operated in a parallel manner. The yielded results were compared with the best results in the literature. It has been found the performance of the Parallel Kangaroo Algorithm for solving the open shop scheduling problems was efficient.Öğe Açık Atölye Ti?pi? Çi?zelgeleme Problemleri?ni?n Paralel Kanguru Algori?tması ile Çözümü(2012) Baysal, M. Emin; Durmaz, Taha; Sarucan, Ahmet; Engin, OrhanThe open shop scheduling problem is essentially a sort of scheduling problem that each job has only one operation to be processed on each machine and the processing order is not significant. It has been mainly encountered in a facility that is manufacturing similar types of products groups. In this study, open shop scheduling problems were solved in order to minimize the total make-span with Parallel Kangaroo algorithm which runs by the random jumping method. Parallel Kangaroo Algorithm is a meta-heuristic algorithm which continuously tries to reach the better solutions. The open shop scheduling instances for the benchmarking in the literature were solved with a Kangaroo Algorithm in which the wild and the tame kangaroo operators are operated in a parallel manner. The yielded results were compared with the best results in the literature. It has been found the performance of the Parallel Kangaroo Algorithm for solving the open shop scheduling problems was efficient.Öğe Analitik hiyerarşi yöntemi ile rüzgar türbin seçimi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2010) Sarucan, Ahmet; Akkoyunlu, Mehmet Cabir; Baş, AydoğanBu çalışmada kuruluş yeri önceden tespit edilen bir rüzgâr türbini için uygun türbin markası seçiminde dikkat edilmesi gereken kriterler belirlenmiştir. Kriterlere uygun hiyerarşik bir yapı oluşturulmuş ve bu yapıya göre belirlenen markalar arasından en iyi rüzgâr türbini seçim kararına, Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHS) yöntemi uygulanılmıştır. Bu yolla elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirilmiş ve alternatif rüzgâr türbini markaları arasından hangisinin seçileceği detaylı olarak incelenilmiştir.Öğe Applicability of artificial bee colony algorithm for nurse scheduling problems(ATLANTIS PRESS, 2014) Buyukozkan, Kadir; Sarucan, AhmetThis paper describes the first Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm approach applied to nurse scheduling evaluated under different working environments. For this purpose, the model has been applied on a real hospital where data taken from different departments of the hospital were used and the schedules from the model were compared with the existing schedules. The results obtained indicated that the proposed model exhibits success in solving the nurse scheduling problems in hospitals.Öğe AN ARTIFICIAL BEE COLONY ALGORITHM FOR SOLVING NURSE SCHEDULING PROBLEMS(WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2012) Sarucan, Ahmet; Buyukozkan, KadirThe nurse scheduling problems (NSP) deal with assignment of the nurse to the specific shifts in specific days is taking into account both the hospital's need and nurse preference. In the hospitals, nurses are serving under difficult circumstances. To improve the quality of service, work schedules should be prepared in a fair manner and has to provide the desired conditions. In this study, it is aimed at developing a model which can be used in real applications and can be rapidly reached to the solution for the nurse scheduling problem. For this purpose, the formulated problem was solved by using artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm, which is one of the new meta-heuristic methods. It has been coded a program with a user interface using the Visual Studio programming language for running the model. The designed interface is able to take into account the different level of the demand and the number of staff. The model was tested on a real problem and found better solution than the current situation.Öğe Bir raylı ulaşım sisteminde personel çizelgeleme problemine bütünleşik yaklaşım(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1999-08-31) Sarucan, Ahmet; Atak, Mehmetİmalat ve hizmet sektörlerinde çoğunlukla, değişen işgücü ihtiyacını karşılarken çalışanların gün içindeki vardiyalara atanması, dinlenme ve yemek molalarının belirlenmesi tur çizelgelemede önemli bir faktördür. Atanan çalışanların haftalık İşgücü çizelgelerinin çıkartılması tur çizelgeleme problemini meydana getirir. Bu çalışma da vardiya ve tur çizelgeleme modelleri incelendi. Bu modellerden Özkarahan'ın (1991) Bütünleşik Hemşire Çizelgeleme Modeli Hafif Raylı Sisteme uygulandı. Çıkan sonuçlar analiz edildi Çalışmanın sonuçları göstermiştir ki; incelediğimiz modelin maliyeti, mevcut sistemin maliyetini daha da azaltmıştır. Bu modellerin analiz edilmesinde Microsoft Excel ve QSB paket programı kullanılmıştır.Öğe Bir tıp fakültesi uygulama ve araştırma hastanesinde SERVQUAL metodu yardımıyla sağlık hizmeti alan müşterilerin beklentilerinin analizi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2012) Baysal, Mehmet Emin; Sarucan, Ahmet; Avcı, Elif OranSağlık hizmetlerinde, hizmet sunulan bir hastanede hizmeti alan müşterilerin talep ve beklentilerininkarşılanması esastır. Bu araştırmada bir üniversitenin tıp fakültesi uygulama ve araştırma hastanesinde ayakta tedavi hizmeti alan hastaların (müşterilerin) beklentileri analiz edilerek müşteri memnuniyeti ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Müşteri beklentilerinin analizinde, son yıllarda etkinbir şekilde kullanılan SERVQUAL (Service Quality)metodu kullanılmıştır.Müşterilerin hizmet algıları ile beklentilerinin arasındaki farkın irdelenmesi için yedili likert ölçeğinde beş boyutta ve 22 sorudan oluşan bir anket uygulanmıştır.Öğe Cam eşya üretimi yapan bir işletmede üretim programı geliştirme uygulaması(2004) Sarucan, Ahmet; Dizdar, Ercüment N.; Baysal, M. Emin; Eren, TamerÜretim sistemlerinde talepleri karşılamak için tezgah kapasitelerinin belirlenmesi, işlerin tezgahlara atanması, ne kadar sürede bitirileceği ve teslim zamanlarının belirlenmesi karmaşık ve zor bir problemdir. Bu çalışmada, geliştirilen üretim programlama tekniği ile bir üretim sistemi için gerekli olan tezgah yükleme işleri daha kolay hale getirilmiştir. Üretim programını elde etmeye yönelik esnek bir bilgisayar kodu yazılmıştır.Öğe AN EFFECTIVE HARMONY SEARCH ALGORITHM FOR NURSE SCHEDULING PROBLEM(WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2016) Cetin, Ece; Sarucan, AhmetThe creation of the nurse schedules is one of the main research conducted on behalf of the effective use of human resources in health service. So, Nurse Scheduling Problems (NSP) has studied over forty years by many researchers. Many heuristic algorithms in the literature are generated based on the imitation of the events in nature. One of them is the Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA). The aim of this study is to examine all aspects of HSA and to evaluate the success of proposed HSA on a common set of problems in NSP. The originality of study lies in the fact that it is provided the further development of solution quality by adding a new feature to the parallel HSA.Öğe A GREEDY ALGORITHM FOR MULTIOBJECTIVE FUZZY FLOW-SHOP SCHEDULING PROBLEM(WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2012) Engin, Orhan; Yılmaz, M. Kerim; Akkoyunlu, Mehmet Cabir; Baysal, M. Emin; Sarucan, AhmetIn this paper, a new greedy algorithm is proposed to solve the fuzzy multiobjective flow shop scheduling problem. We use the two approaches; the possibility measure and the area of intersection for multi objective fuzzy flow shop scheduling problem. The proposed new greedy algorithm is tested on the benchmark problems in the literature. The performance parameters of proposed greedy algorithm are determined by full factorial design of experiments (DOE). The performance of the proposed greedy algorithm is compared with the scatter search method.Öğe A Hierarchy Grey Relational Analysis for Selecting the Renewable Electricity Generation Technologies(INT ASSOC ENGINEERS-IAENG, 2011) Sarucan, Ahmet; Baysal, M. Emin; Kahraman, Cengiz; Engin, OrhanEnergy resources are classified as renewable and non-renewable in general. Non renewable energy resources have been exhausted gradually. Renewable energy resources such as wind power, hydropower, geothermal power, solar power and photovoltaic power have importance more than ever before. But, researchers are looking for selections of renewable electricity generation as it is a technological problem. This problem is a multi-criteria decision making problem. One of the solution methods for this problem is a combination of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the grey relational analysis (GRA). Hierarchical GRA method is based on grey system theory. In this study, a new approach to the selection of renewable electricity generation is prepared using multi-criteria decision making method. The hierarchical GRA frame work uses three criteria and sub-criteria from which it possible to evaluate to different renewable electricity generation technologies. This application is a novel approach for the selection of renewable electricity generation technologies.Öğe AN INTEGRATED FUZZY AHP AND TOPSIS TECHNIQUE TO EVALUATE THE JOBS IN A FURNITURE COMPANY(WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2016) Caniyilmaz, Erdal; Alkan, Arzu; Baysal, Mehmet Emin; Sarucan, AhmetThis paper presents an integrated fuzzy method for the evaluation of jobs in a furniture company in Turkey. Job evaluation provides to build up a sustainable pay structure on the basis of relative values of the jobs. The job evaluation problem can be considered as multi-criteria decision making problem. Multi-criteria decision making techniques, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methods are used for the evaluation. The paper addresses the evaluation of jobs in fuzzy environment to prevent the deviations of managerial assessments. The fuzzy AHP method (FAHP) is used for pair-wise comparisons. More stable weights were obtained with FAHP and then, by introducing these weights in the fuzzy TOPSIS method for a real world problem including 141 different blue collar jobs in the company has been considered. The relative worth of various levels of job factors have been calculated numerically. Finally, a ranking of jobs was obtained.Öğe Karma bir karar verme yaklaşımı ile elektrik iletişim hattı için güzergah seçimi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, 2015) Baysal, Mehmet Emin; Aydın, Musa; Sarucan, AhmetHızla artan nüfus ve enerji kullanımı, beraberinde yeni elektrik iletim hatlarının oluşturulması ihtiyacını getirmektedir. Bir elektrik iletim hattının güzergâh seçimi için alternatiflerin değerlendirilmesinde, mühendislik ihtiyaçları, mamur alan, doğal çevre vb. belirli kriterler göz önüne alındığından, çok kriterli karar verme (ÇKKV) problemi ortaya çıkar. Bu çalışmada ÇKKV problemlerinin çözümünde etkin olarak kullanılan Analitik Ağ Süreci (AAS) yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Selçuk Üniversitesi Alâeddin Keykubat Yerleşkesi içinden geçirilecek bir elektrik iletim hattının alternatif geçiş yollarının değerlendirilmesine yönelik bir uygulama sunulmuştur. Elektrik iletim hattı için AAS belirlenen kriterlere göre makro koridorlar oluşturulmuş ve Faktör Ağırlıklandırma (FA) Yöntemi kullanılarak almış oldukları en yüksek puana göre en iyi alternatif güzergâh seçilmiştir.Öğe A Memetic Algorithm to Solve the Open Shop Scheduling Problem(IEEE, 2015) Engin, Batuhan Eren; Sumbul, Mehmet Onur; Engin, Orhan; Baysal, Mehmet Emin; Sarucan, AhmetOpen shop scheduling problem (OSSP) can basically be defined as a scheduling problem where each job has just one operation to be processed on each machine and operation sequence is free to decide. It is usually seen in facilities that produce similar product families. In this study a Memetic algorithm is proposed for solving the OSSP, and the results are promising.Öğe Nurse scheduling using binary fuzzy goal programming(IEEE, 2015) Cetin, Ece; Sarucan, AhmetNurse scheduling problem (NSP) is a complex optimization problem of determining schedule for nurses by considering some constraints such as legal regulations, nurses' preferences, hospital policies and requirements. It is a difficult and time consuming task to deal with large problems with many constraints. In addition to this, in real world application, a person who prepared this schedule (e.g. head nurse), may be unable to state exact aspiration levels to the goals cause of system's uncertainties. So in this study, a multi objective integer programming model for NSP is proposed and then based on this model, Chang' binary fuzzy goal programming approach [1] is applied our problem. Finally a case study which is applied to a hospital in Konya, Turkey is presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the model.Öğe A Scatter Search Method for Fuzzy Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Availability Constraints(INT ASSOC ENGINEERS-IAENG, 2011) Engin, Orhan; Yilmaz, M. Kerim; Kahraman, Cengiz; Baysal, M. Emin; Sarucan, AhmetIn the last decade job shop scheduling problems have been subject to intensive research due to their multiple applications. Job shop scheduling is known as a strongly NP-complete problem. In the job shop scheduling problems, processing times and due dates are very dynamically due to both human and machine resource factors. Fuzzy sets are used to model the uncertain processing times and due dates in recent years. In this study, a fuzzy job shop scheduling problem with availability constraints is considered. A Scatter Search (SS) method is proposed to solve these problems. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed scatter search method is demonstrated by comparing it with the hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA).Öğe The Selection of Renewable Energy Power Plant Technology Using Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis(INT ASSOC ENGINEERS-IAENG, 2011) Baysal, M. Emin; Sarucan, Ahmet; Kahraman, Cengiz; Engin, OrhanThe efficiency of resource utilization and sustainabfiity are rising values all over the world. Power generation technologies have an important weight in this manner for a sustainable future. Particularly, renewable energy power technologies should take over the non-renewable power generation technologies when considered on environmental issues. However it is too far to substitute renewable onto non-renewable as for now. At this point, there is another issue for choosing the best yet suitable alternative technology. The selection problem is a difficult multi-criteria decision making problem in many fields as well as in the selection of power generation technology. This paper proposed a data envelopment analysis model approach by using triangular fuzzy numbers (TFN) as the solution. Six different technologies were used as the decision making units (DMU). Inputs and outputs variables were selected in general indicators such as economical and technical. It was showed that policy and decision makers could follow this methodology to produce effective solution for energy generation problems.Öğe Solving Fuzzy Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Availability Constraints Using a Scatter Search Method(OLD CITY PUBLISHING INC, 2013) Engin, Orhan; Yilmaz, M. Kerim; Baysal, M. Emin; Sarucan, AhmetIn the last decade job shop scheduling problems have been subject to intensive research due to their multiple applications. Job shop scheduling is known as a strongly NP-complete problem. In the job shop scheduling problems, processing times and due dates are very dynamic due to both human and machine resource factors. Fuzzy sets have been used to model the uncertain processing times and due dates in recent years. In this study, a fuzzy job shop s cheduling problem with availability constraints is considered. Availability constraints mean that machines can be unavailable for preventive maintenance, periodic repair or random breakdown. These constraints have been considered in this study for fuzzy job shop scheduling problems. A Scatter Search (SS) method is proposed to solve these problems. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed scatter search method is demonstrated by comparing it with the hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA). The aim of the study is to minimize the tardiness and earliness.Öğe A two phased fuzzy methodology for selection among municipal projects(VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECH UNIV, 2015) Baysal, Mehmet Emin; Kaya, Ihsan; Kahraman, Cengiz; Sarucan, Ahmet; Engin, OrhanA municipality improves the quality of community life through its projects and actions. However, project selection and prioritization by municipalities are highly complex processes. Therefore, multicriteria decision making (MCDM) methodologies are very suitable for determining the best alternative. Recently, some studies have concentrated on the selection of the best project alternatives. In this paper, a two phased fuzzy MCDM methodology is proposed for the selection among municipal projects. In the first phase, fuzzy TOPSIS method is used to select the main project group and then fuzzy AHP is used to select the best sub-municipal project. The application of the suggested methodology has been made at the central district municipality in Konya, Turkey.