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Öğe Japon Bıldırcınların Rasyonlarında Yosun Ekstraktı Kullanımı: 1.Yosun Ekstraktının Büyüme Üzeri?ne Etki?leri?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Ocak) İnal, Fatma; Coşkun, Behiç; Çelik, İlhami; İnal, Şeref; Gülşen, Nurettin; Yener, ZabitTwo trials were conducted in this study investigating the possibilities of a seaweed extract from Ascophyllum nodosum (Maxicrop) in Japanese quails. In the first trial, total 336 day old quails were used. During 5 weeks, the animals fed diets containing 0, 0.01, 0.1 and 1 % extract. The effects of Maxicrop on body weight, daily gain, feed intake, feed efficiency, histologic changes in lymphoid tissues and some carcass parameters in quails were investigated. In the second trial, total 20 day old Japanase quails were divided 4 groups. Extract was added to basal diet at the levels of 0, 1, 2 and 4 %, and whether its toxic effects were determined. The trial was lasted at 4 weeks. The results of this study were summarised as follows: Body weights and daily gains were not affected from of seaweed extract. In the group fed 1% extract feed intake increased while feed efficiency decreased (P<0.05). No effect of extract on histological characteristics of lymphoid tissues and some carcass parameters was determined. It was found that seaweed extract up to 4 % in the diets of quails no pathological lesions.Öğe Konya Mezbahalarında Kesi?len Sığırlarda Böbrek Lezyonları Üzeri?nde Patoloji?k I?ncelemeler(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2000) Erer, Hüdaverdi; Yener, ZabitBu çalışma, Konya mezbahalanında kesilen sığırlarda böbrek bozukluklarının insidensini ve lezyonların mak- roskobik ve mikroskobik yapısını incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla farklı irklara ait 3643 adet sığının bob- rekler muayene edilmiş ve bunlann 237'sinde (6.5) çeşitli patolojik değişiklikler saptanmiştir. Incelenen sığırlardan 4'ünde (%1,68) infarktüs görülmüş ve bunlarin 2'sinin hemorajik, 1'inin anemik ve 1'inin de septik olduğu saptanmıştır Sigaranın 2'sinde korteks ve medullada, 3'ünde ise sadece medullada olmak üzere toplam 5 olguda (2.1) diffuz ami- loidozis görülmüştür. Glomerulonefritise 14 sığırda (%5,9) rastlanmış ve bunların hepsinin mezangiyoproliferatii glo- merulonefritis olduğu belirlenmiştir. Tubulonefrozislerden hemosiderozis, 23 sığırda (769, 7) görülmüş ve böbreklerin açık kahveden, koyu kahve renge kadar değiştiği dikkati çekmiştir. Böbreklerin kahvemsi siyah renkte görüldüğü 3 sığırda (%1,26) hemoglobinürik nefrozis saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, sadece mikroskobik olarak 60 (25,31) sığırda kalstikasyon görülmüştür. Sığırlardan 196'sında (%82.7) intersitisyel nefritis saptanmıştır. Bunların 146'sında (%61,6) fokal 27'sinde (%11.39) diffuz olmak üzere toplam 173 (%72.99) sığırda irinsiz, 2'si (0.89) diffuz ve 16'sı (%6.75) pyelonefritis olmak üzere toplam 18 sığırda (%7.59) irinli intorsitisyel nefritis tespit edilmiştir. Aynica, 5 sığırda (2,1) tüberkülozis lle ilgili olarak granulomatoz nefritis görülmüştür incelenen sığırlanın 24'ünde (%10.12) hidronefrozis saptanmıştır Bobrok taşlarına (nefrolitiyazis) ise, 74 (1,22) sığırda rastlanmiş ve bunlardan 26'sında diffuz, 27'sinde fokal irinsiz intersitieyel nefritis, 14'ünde piyelonefritis ve 7'sinde de hidronefrozis belirlenmiştir.Öğe Kuzularda Deneysel Olarak Oluşturulan Serebrokortikal Nekrozda Kli?ni?k, Laboratuvar ve Patoloji?k Bulgular(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Ocak) Ok, Mahmut; Aslan, Veysi; Maden, Mehmet; Sevinç, Mutlu; Çiftçi, M. Kemal; Yener, ZabitThis study was undertaken to determine pathological changes of cerebrocortical necrosis (CCN) experi mentally induced by given amprolium in lambs. Six healthy lambs, aging between 7 and 9 months and weighting be tween 11 and 15 kg were used as a material. Six lambs were divided into two groups to be three animals in each group (group 1,10. Amprolium (600 mg/kg/day) was given per oral to the both groups of lambs by stomach tube dur ing experiment. The symptoms of CCN in lambs were observed between 29 and 63 days of the experiment. While the lambs in the group II were treated with thiamine (500 mg/day) after clinical symptoms of CCN were appeared, the lambs in the group I were not applied any treatment. Plasma tiamin concentration decreased dramatically from 4.42 pm to 0.62 pgm (p< 0.01) and aftering treatment, inclined to 3.2 µg/ml in the lambs of group II. Serum CPK, ALT, AST ve glucose concentration increased dramatically (p<0.01). The lambs in the group I were necropsied when the all symptoms of CCN were observed. The lambs in the group Il were necropsied when the clinical symptoms of CCN were disappered after treatment. At the necropsy, meningial hiperemia, swollen and oedematus brain tissues were observed in all the lambs of group 1. The slight cedema in the brain was detected in the lambs group II Histologically. ichemic neuronal changes, perivasculer and perineuronal oedema, focal necrosis in cerebellar cortex and colliculus were determined in all the lambs of group I. The results of this research work showed that using long term and high dose of amprolium in lamb caused cerebrocortical necrosis and deficies thiamin of lambs with thiamin treatment would be of benent in the care of CCN.Öğe Undifferentiated Ganglioneuroblastoma in a Sheep(Academic Press Ltd Elsevier Science Ltd, 2002) Yener, Zabit; Kıran, Metin MünirGanglioneuroblastoma, presumably originating from the adrenal medulla, was found in an 18-month-old sheep. Histologically, the tumour was mainly composed of undifferentiated neuroblasts with neuropil and occasional ganglion cells. The morphological and immunohistrochemical features with respect to intermediate filament proteins and the neuroendocrine nature of the tumour are described. The neoplastic cells were positive for neuron-specific enolase, synaptophysin and vimentin. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.