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Öğe Konya Mavi Tünel İçme Suyu Uygulama Projesinin Çevreye Olan Etkilerin Değerlendirilmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2017) Büyükkaracığan, Naci; Demiröz, Atila; Mobarez, Abdul HakimKonya Mavi Tünel İçme Suyu Projesi, Konya il merkezi, Çumra ilçe merkezi, İçeri Çumra ve civar yerleşim yerlerinde yaşayan yaklaşık 2 milyon 200 bin kişinin 2045 yılına kadar olan içme ve kullanma suyu ihtiyacını karşılayacaktır. Proje ile sağlıklı, temiz, güvenli ve kesintisiz içme ve kullanma suyu ihtiyacı karşılanmış olacaktır. Bunun yanı sıra, Konya ‘ nın ihtiyaç duyduğu kaliteli içme suyunu temin edecek tesisler ile, yeraltı suları üzerindeki baskı azaltılacak, sulardan kaynaklanan hastalıklar önlenecek ve buna bağlı sağlık giderlerinde de azalma sağlanacaktır. Bu çalışmada, Konya Mavi Tünel İçme Suyu Projesi’ nin başta su ekosistemi olmak üzere toprak kaynakları, taşkın hidroloji, fiziksel ve biyolojik, sosyo- ekonomik gibi çevreye olan etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bunun yanında, proje ile kazanılacak olan çevresel faydalar da incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak söz konusu çevresel fayda ve zararlar değerlendirilmiştir.Öğe ÖNGERİLMELİ I KESİTLİ SARGILI BETONARME KİRİŞLERİN KESME KAPASİTELERİNİN TAHMİNİNE YÖNELİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2017) Arslan, Musa Hakan; Sertkaya, Mehmet SaidBetonarme öngerilmeli beton kirişler, genellikle kullanım yükleri altında eğilme ve kesme kuvveti etkisindedir. Bazı durumlarda kiriş, eğilme kapasitesine ulaşmadan kesme etkisi altında da göçmektedir. Kirişlerin kesme etkisinden zarar görmemesi ve kirişin eğilme kapasitesine tam olarak ulaşabilmesi için kesme kapasitesinin doğru olarak belirlenmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmada öngerilmeli betonarme kirişlerin kesme kapasitelerinin belirlenmesi için akıllı sistem tabanlı analitik bir çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada ilk olarak öngerilmeli betonarme kirişlerin kesme kapasitelerinin teorik hesaplarından bahsedilmiştir. Daha sonra ise bu konuda yapılan deneysel çalışmalar derlenerek deneyler hakkında açıklamalar ve deneylerin gruplandırmaları yapılmıştır. Kesme kapasitesinin belirlenmesinde oldukça fazla parametrenin etkisinin olması bu yorumlamaları zorlaştırmış olsa da çalışmanın bir sonraki ayağı olan akıllı sistem modellemesi ile kesme kapasitesinin belirlenmesi için önemli bir deneysel ve analitik altyapı oluşturulmuştur. Akıllı bir sistem türü olan yapay sinir ağları (YSA) hakkında bilgi verilerek analiz yöntemi tanıtılmış ve derlenen deneysel veri setinde yer alan betonarme ve öngerilmeli beton kirişlerin MATLAB paket programında YSA modellemeleri yapılmıştır. Modellemelerde kullanılan kirişlere ait parametreler doğrultusunda mevcut yönetmeliklere göre kiriş kesme kapasiteleri de ayrıca belirlenmiştir. Oluşturulan YSA modelleri ile mevcut tasarım ve yapım yönetmeliklerinin kiriş kesme kapasitesinin belirlenmesindeki performansları karşılaştırılmalı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan karşılaştırmalarda YSA’nın yönetmelik yaklaşımlara göre oldukça yüksek bir tahmin oranına sahip olduğu görülmüştür.Öğe The use of cement production waste to improve the properties of hot mix asphalt concrete(JORDAN UNIV SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2019) Abed, Adil; Eyada, SaadoonCement bypass dust (CBPD) or cement kiln dust (Ki) is a by-product (waste) generated during the production of Portland cement. Thousands of tons per day are disposed to the land fill. This big amount of waste has an adverse effect on the environment and needs a lot of money and effort for recycling or disposal. In this study, in addition to Ki, lime stone dust is used as a control filler. Laboratory tests have been conducted in order to evaluate the properties of each type of filler. The tests cover: grain size distribution, specific gravity (Gs), specific surface area (SA), pore volume (PV), mineral composition, pH and chemical composition. To study the effect of Ki on the performance of HMA mixture, several tests are conducted, including Marshall stiffness, indirect tensile strength, moisture susceptibility and creep tests. A mechanistic empirical pavement design approach in conjunction with viscosity test have been used for further analysis. The test results showed that cement kiln dust enhanced Marshall stability, mix cohesion, fatigue life, mix moisture resistance and rutting life of asphaltic mixture. It is recommended to be used in order to enhance the properties of HMA concrete and reduce the pollution and cost of pavement production.Öğe Türkiye'de ki inşaat sektöründe meydana gelen iş kazalarının genel değerlendirmesi(2018) Bilim, Atiye; Çelik, Osman NuriBir ülkenin ekonomik gelişmesine olan katkısı göz önüne alındığında, inşaat sektörü özel önem verilmesigereken sektörlerdendir. Ülkemizdeki inşaat sektöründe yaşanan iş kazalarının sayısı yüksek seyretmektedir. Bunedenle, sektördeki iş güvenliğini etkileyen koşullar ve engeller gözlenmeli ve araştırılmalı ve çözümlerüretilmelidir. Ayrıca, sektörde yer alan işverenler ile çalışanlar, mevcut yasa ve yönetmeliklere göre uygundavranmaya özen göstermelidirler. İnşaat sektörü, gerek toplam iş kazaları içindeki önemli payı, gerekse ölümlüiş kazaları içindeki payından dolayı önemle araştırılması gereken bir faaliyet koludur. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’deinşaat sektöründeki iş kazalarının durumunun, 2012 yılında yürürlüğe giren 6331 sayılı İş Sağlığı ve GüvenliğiKanunu’ndan bu yana araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. 2012-2016 yılları arasında tüm sektörlerde gerçekleşen işkazaları içinde inşaat sektörünün payı ve inşaat sektörünün alt dallarındaki durumu ayrıntılı analiz edilmiştir. İşkazası analizlerinde önemli bir gösterge olan kaza olabilirlik oranı belirlenerek, alt sektörlerle beraberyorumlanmıştır. Ayrıca, işyeri büyüklüğünün kaza riski üzerindeki etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçta, inşaatsektöründe kişi başına düşen iş kazası oranının yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiş ve azaltılması için yorum vetavsiyelerde bulunulmuştur.Öğe Bitümlü sıcak karışımlara ait akma değerinin regresyon modelleri İle tahmini(2018) Bayırtepe, Hikmet; Arslan, DenizBu çalışmada, bitümlü sıcak karışım özelliklerinden olan ve Marshall Testi ile deneysel olarak belirlenebilen akma değerinin malzeme ve karışım özellikleri temelinde regresyon modelleri ile tahmin edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi sınırları dahilindeki aşınma ve binder tabakalarının inşaatına yönelik bitümlü sıcak karışım uygulamalarına ait veriler derlenmiş ve uygulama temelinde 4680 adet gözlem içeren veri grubu oluşturulmuştur. Veri grubuna regresyon, temel bileşen, kümeleme ve diskriminant analizleri uygulanmıştır. Kümeleme analizi, veri grubunun 4 ana kümeye ayrılabileceğini göstermiştir. Belirlenen kümelere ve çeşitli kombinasyonlarına uygulanan standart aşamalı regresyon analizleri ile akma bağımlı değişkenini tahmin etmek üzere geliştirilen modellerde regresyon katsayısı % 73,9'a kadar ulaşmıştırÖğe Ses yalıtımında ses azaltım indisi modellerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi(2016) Aksoylu, Ceyhun; Mendi, Engin; Söylev, ArdaTeorik hesaplamalara dayalı olarak geliştirilmiş ses yalıtım modellerinin amacı, deneysel olarak malzemeye ait "Ses Azaltım İndisi (R)" değerlerinin bulunması sırasında harcanan zaman, emek ve maliyeti azaltmaktır. Bu çalışmada, literatürde var olan simülasyon modelleri ile ticari ses yalıtım programları kullanılarak, yapı malzemelerinin R değerleri araştırmacılar tarafından daha önce yapılan deneysel verilerle 11 farklı malzeme için karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Deneyler Bastian, Akuzoft, Insul ve dBKAisla modelleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Modeller ISO 12354, ISO 10140 ve ISO 717 standartlarında 1/3 oktav bant analiz yapmaktadır. Kullanılan bu modellerde literatürdeki temel hesaplama formülleri, tek tabakalı paneller için R hesabında kullanılması gereken hesap yöntemleri, kullanılan panel boyutları ile malzemeye ait kalınlık, yoğunluk, elastisite modülü, porozite, iç kayıp faktörü ve sesin havadaki hızı dikkate alınmıştır. Bu sayede, farklı frekanslara karşılık gelen R değerleri deneysel çalışmalarla bulunmuş malzemelerin, farklı ses yalıtım modelleri kullanılarak simülasyonları yapılmış, sonuçları karşılaştırılarak kullanılan ses yalıtım modellerinin etkinlikleri belirlenmiştir. Analizler sonucunda, kullanılan modellerin farklı malzemeler için R ve R'ye bağlı olarak malzemelerin performansını gösteren tek dereceli "Ağırlıklı ses azaltım indisi (Rw)" bakımından etkinlikleri saptanmış, doğruluk değerleri hesaplanmıştır.Öğe Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on the Fundamental Periods of the Shear-Wall Dominant Buildings(WILEY, 2012) Balkaya, Can; Yüksel, S. Bahadır; Derinöz, OkanShear-wall dominant reinforced concrete buildings constructed with tunnel-form technique are prevalently constructed in regions with high seismicity due to their ease of construction and inherent resistance to lateral forces. However, the current seismic codes and the design provisions constitute inadequate guidelines for the earthquake-resistance design of these buildings. In particular, the prediction of their fundamental periods via current empirical expressions yields not only erroneous results, but also ignores soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects. For the objective of understanding their dynamic characteristics, a series of eigen analyses is conducted with and without considering SSI effects. The soil effects on foundations are represented by linear translational and rotational winkler springs, and rigidities of the springs are computed from the foundation size and the uniform soil compressibility. An ensemble of 140 different shear-wall dominant buildings with varying heights is simulated in three-dimensions considering four different soil conditions. It is proven that the vibration periods and the mode shapes of the shear-wall dominant buildings may change depending on the different soil conditions. Based on the results of the three dimensional finite element analyses, a set of new empirical equations was proposed to predict the fundamental periods of the shear-wall dominant buildings accounting the SSI effects.Öğe Performance-Based Assessment of Magnitude (Duration) Scaling Factors(ASCE-AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS, 2012) Çetin, K. Önder; Bilge, H. TolgaMore pronounced at relatively smaller magnitude events, significant variations to an extent of a factor of two in magnitude (duration) scaling factors (MSFs) explain the need to further study this issue, which is also recognized and recommended by the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research Group. Inspired from this gap, the main motivation of this study is defined as to (1) comparatively assess the validity of existing magnitude scaling models and the accuracy of their predictions; (2) develop robust and practical to use semiempirical magnitude scaling models applied on CRR: separate sets for strain (cyclic mobility) or excess pore pressure (cyclic or flow liquefaction) problems. The writers' excess pore water pressure and shear strain accumulation models were used for the assessment of magnitude (duration) scaling factors. On the basis of the proposed framework, it is concluded that (1) MSFs are not only a function of number of equivalent loading cycles but increase with increasing r(u) or gamma(max) thresholds and decreasing dilational response (i.e., decreasing relative density and/or increasing effective stress states) of soil layers, (2) significantly different set of MSFs than the NCEER recommendations can be estimated for different combinations of gamma(max) (or r(u)), N-1,N-60,N-CS, sigma'(nu, 0), (3) for the assessment of critical structures (e.g., nuclear power plants), where significantly smaller shear strain performance targets are needed, use of existing models may produce significantly higher MSFs, leading to unconservative estimates of cyclic mobility potential. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000596. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.Öğe Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling of Torsional Strength of Rc Beams(Techno-Press, 2012) Çevik, A.; Arslan, M. H.; Saraçoğlu, R.This paper presents Neuro-Fuzzy (NF) based empirical modelling of torsional strength of RC beams for the first time in literature. The proposed model is based on fuzzy rules. The experimental database used for NF modelling is collected from the literature consisting of 76 RC beam tests. The input variables in the developed rule based on NF model are cross-sectional area of beams, dimensions of closed stirrups, spacing of stirrups, cross-sectional area of one-leg of closed stirrup, yield strength of stirrup and longitudinal reinforcement, steel ratio of stirrups, steel ratio of longitudinal reinforcement and concrete compressive strength. According to the selected variables, the formulated NFs were trained by using 60 of the 76 sample beams. Then, the method was tested with the other 16 sample beams. The accuracy rates were found to be about 96% for total set. The performance of accuracy of proposed NF model is furthermore compared with existing design codes by using the same database and found to be by far more accurate. The use of NF provided an alternative way for estimating the torsional strength of RC beams. The outcomes of this study are quite satisfactory which may serve NF approach to be widely used in further applications in the field of reinforced concrete structures.Öğe Influence of Acetic Acid on Structural Change and Shear Strength of Clays(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2012) Olgun, M.; Yildiz, M.This paper presents shear strength test results and structural changes in clay soils with acetic acid. Two different clay soils were used, kaolinite and another containing montmorillonite with a mixed mineralogy, while pure water and various contents of acetic acid (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%) were used as pore fluids. Clay-pore fluid slurries prepared with a water content of twice the liquid limit of each acetic acid content were consolidated under a 100 kPa pre-consolidation pressure. Direct shear tests were conducted on samples taken from pre-consolidated mixtures in order to determine changes in shear strength. Additionally, optical microscope images and scanning electron photomicrographs were obtained in order to observe structural changes under the influence of acetic acid. According to the experimental results, significant increases occurred in peak shear strength and shear strength parameter values in both clays in parallel with increasing acetic acid content. These increases were higher in the clay with montmorillonite; in particular, there were substantial changes in the internal friction angle. Increasing liquid limit values with increasing acetic acid contents in kaolinite resulted in a substantial decrease in the other clay. The optical microscope images and scanning electron photomicrographs indicated that lumpy formations occurred in both clays with the addition of acetic acid, and their structures began to resemble that of a silt and fine sand form.Öğe The Behaviour of Roof Gable Walls Under the Effect of Earthquake Load(COPERNICUS GESELLSCHAFT MBH, 2010) Kamanlı, M.; Balık, F. S.In this study, the effect of earthquake loads on roof gable walls and the behaviours of these roof gable walls are investigated. In preparation of the study, two experiments on cradle roof system which gets and does not get any loads off the roof members were carried out in all. The experiments were performed on the shaking table in Earthquake Research Department of General Directorate of Disaster Affairs. Through the experiments, some considerable results were obtained on the behaviours of roof gable walls under the effect of horizontal dynamic loads. The results obtained at the end of these examinations are given and discussed. Furthermore, suggestions to make the brick gable walls more reliable against the loads of earthquake are given. When the results of the experiments were generally taken into consideration, it was realized that the gable walls in both roof systems would partly or completely collapse even under the effect of a little horizontal dynamic load.Öğe Predicting of Torsional Strength of RC Beams by Using Different Artificial Neural Network Algorithms and Building Codes(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2010) Arslan, M. HakanIn this study, the efficiency of different artificial neural networks (ANNs) in predicting the torsional strength of reinforced concrete (RC) beams is firstly explored. Experimental data of 76 rectangular RC beams from an existing database in the literature were used to develop ANN model. The input parameters affecting the torsional strength were selected as cross-sectional area of beams, dimensions of closed stirrups, spacing of stirrups, cross-sectional area of one-leg of closed stirrup, yield strength of stirrup and longitudinal reinforcement, steel ratio of stirrups, steel ratio of longitudinal reinforcement and concrete compressive strength. Each parameter was arranged in an input vector and a corresponding output vector that includes the torsional strength of RC beam. For all outputs, the ANN models were trained and tested using three layered 11 back-propagation methods. The initial performance evaluation of 11 different back propagations was compared with each other. In addition to these, the paper presents a short review of the well-known building codes provisions for the design of RC beams under pure torsion. The accuracy of the codes in predicting the torsional strength of RC beams was also examined with comparable way by using same test data. The study shows that the ANN models give reasonable predictions of the ultimate torsional strength of RC beams (R-2 approximate to 0.988). Moreover, the study concludes that all ANN models predict the torsional strength of RC beams better than existing building code equations for torsion.Öğe Modelling the Rainfall-Runoff Data of Susurluk Basin(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2010) Dorum, Atila; Yarar, Alpaslan; Sevimli, M. Faik; Onüçyıdız, MustafaIn this study, rainfall runoff relationship was tried to be set up by using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interference Systems (ANFIS) models at Flow Observation Stations (FOS) on seven streams where runoff measurement has been made for long years in Susurluk Basin. A part of runoff data was used for training of ANN and ANFIS models and the other part was used to test the performance of the models. The performance comparison of the models was made with decisiveness coefficient (R(2)) and Root Mean Squared Errors (RMSE) values. In addition to this, a comparison of ANN and ANFIS with traditional methods was made by setting up Multi-regressional (MR) model. Except some stations, acceptable results such as R(2) value for ANN model and R(2) value for ANFIS model were obtained as 0.7587 and 0.8005, respectively. The high values of predicted errors, belonging to peak values at stations where multi variable flow is seen, affected R(2) and RMSE values negatively.Öğe Investigation of Using Ansys Software in the Determination of Stress Behaviours of Masonry Walls Under Out of Plane Cycling Load(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2010) Kanıt, Recep; Döndüren, M. SamiIn this study, a model masonry wall (MW) was constructed in the laboratory and experimented under out of plane cycling load. Then it was analyzed with ANSYS which is a finite element technology. After analyzing this selected model masonry wall with ANSYS programme, the results of strength, displacement and stress distributions obtained were compared with the values of the experiments. Thus, the usability of ANSYS programme in the analysis of masonry walls was searched. As a result of the experiments, it was observed that the first cracking load was 45 kN, fracture load was 65 kN and the maximum value of the displacement for MW under out of plane cycling load was 4.0 mm in both of the applications. When the stress distributions were taken into consideration in the experiments and solutions of ANSYS, it was observed that the stresses occurred on the uppermost horizontal plane in the middle of the wall and decreased through basic connection beam. Consequently, it can be said that ANSYS programme can be used in the analysis of masonry walls under out of plane cycling load and ductility, rigidity and energy consumption capacities of masonry walls can be calculated with the data obtained.Öğe Genetic-Programming-Based Modeling of RC Beam Torsional Strength(SPRINGER, 2010) Çevik, Abdülkadir; Arslan, Musa Hakan; Köroğlu, Mehmet AlpaslanThis study investigates the use of Genetic Programming (GP) to model Reinforced Concrete (RC) beam torsional strength. Experimental data of 76 rectangular RC beams from an existing database were used to develop the GP model. The following input parameters, which affect torsional strength, were selected: beam cross-sectional area, closed stirrup dimensions, stirrup spacing, closed stirrup cross-sectional area of one leg, stirrup and longitudinal reinforcement yield strength, stirrup steel ratio, longitudinal reinforcement steel ratio and concrete compressive strength. Moreover, a short review of well-known building codes in relation to the design of RC beams under pure torsion is presented. The accuracy of the codes in predicting the RC beam torsional strength was also compared with the proposed GP model using the same test data. The study concludes that the proposed GP model predicts RC beam torsional strength more accurately than building codes.Öğe Experimental Study on the Behaviour of Nonductile Infilled RC Frames Strengthened With External Mesh Reinforcement and Plaster Composite(Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, 2010) Korkmaz, S. Z.; Kamanlı, Mehmet; Korkmaz, H. H.; Döndüren, Mahmud Sami; Çöğürcü, Mustafa TolgaThe aim of this paper is to report on an experimental study about Turkish Earthquake Code on suggested strengthening method. The proposed method uses existing brick infill walls and the strengthening is done with the application of external mesh reinforcement and plaster. 5 nonductile 1/2 scaled, one bay, two storey RC specimens were tested under a reversed cyclic loading. The first two specimens were reference specimens and the other ones were strengthened with the proposed method. The specimens contained several design and construction mistakes such as low concrete quality and improper steel detailing. Strength, stiffness and storey drifts of the test specimens were measured. The results of the test on these frames were compared with the reference specimens. The effects of the reinforced mesh plaster application for strengthening on behaviour, strength, stiffness, failure mode and ductility of the specimens were investigated. Unexpected failure modes were observed during the testing and the results were summarized in this paper.Öğe Evaluation of Geotechnical Properties of the Salt Layers on the Lake Tuz(Academic Journals, 2010) Yıldız, Mustafa; Soğancı, Ali SinanIn this study, a soil survey of Lake Tuz was performed to determine the equipment to be used to collect salt from the saltpans of Lake Tuz. Moreover, the shearing and bearing strengths of the related salt layer were calculated considering the salt production and the salt quality, and the effects of the soil contamination in the lake were investigated. For this purpose, salt blocks were cut from the Cihanbeyli-Yavsanli and Sereflikochisar-Kayacik saltpans and from various parts of the lake and then subjected to several tests in the laboratory. The physical and chemical characteristics of the salt were determined. Additionally, plate loading tests were carried out to determine the maximum wheel-load capacity of the salt layer. Following the results of this research, the Turkish Tekel Salt Industry Institute purchased a modified cold milling machine 2000 DC from Australia Wirtgen Group to be used in Lake Tuz.Öğe Effect of Organic Fluids on the Geotechnical Behavior of a Highly Plastic Clayey Soil(ELSEVIER, 2010) Olgun, Murat; Yıldız, MustafaChanges in pore fluid distribution generally exert a significant influence on the geotechnical behavior of clays. To determine these influences, we used four different organic fluids (methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol and acetic acid) at various organic fluid/water ratios, covering a wide range of dielectric constants. Firstly, the specimens were consolidated using a 100 kPa pre-consolidation pressure. Then, a series of triaxial compression and consolidation tests were executed on the water-organic fluid slurries. Additionally, Atterberg limit tests were conducted. The coagulation of the clay particles was studied with an optical microscope. Liquid limit values and consolidation parameters generally decreased while shear strength values increased with increasing organic fluid/water ratio and decreasing dielectric constant of the pore fluid. The effect of the pore fluids is attributed to the decreasing electrostatic repulsion. During coagulation, the particles showed a tendency to behave like silt-fine sand.Öğe Effect of Internal and External Shear Wall Location on Strengthening Weak RC Frames(SHARIF UNIV TECH, 2010) Kaltakcı, M. Y.; Arslan, M. H.; Yavuz, G.Hundreds of thousands of Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings have been either seriously damaged or have completely collapsed due to major earthquakes in recent years in Turkey, therefore, the construction of RC buildings gained momentum by the aid of scientific studies on strengthening. As well as mentioning the importance of the strengthening process using Shear Walls (SW) in RC buildings of poor earthquake performance, an experimental study carried out to analyze the influence of the location of a SW on the existing system was also mentioned in this study. A total of three, two-storey, two-bay RC frames of 1/3 scale were produced for the experiments by expecting them to represent the behavior of the RC frames having weak earthquake strength; two of which were strengthened with SWs. The main aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of internal and external SW locations on strengthened weak, RC frame earthquake behavior. The strength, stiffness and ductility of the tested frames were compared within the light of numerical results obtained from the experiments. In the study, an overall comparison of strengthening methods was made in terms of applicability, usability and cost.Öğe Earthquake Hazard and Damage on Traditional Rural Structures in Turkey(COPERNICUS GESELLSCHAFT MBH, 2010) Korkmaz, H. H.; Korkmaz, S. Z.; Döndüren, M. S.During the last earthquakes in Turkey, reinforced concrete structures in the cities and masonry structures in the rural part were exposed to damage and failure. Masonry houses such as earthen, brick and stone structures are composed of building blocks with weak inter-binding action which have low tension capacity. Bending and shear forces generate tensile stresses which cannot be well tolerated. In this paper, the performance of masonry structures during recent earthquakes in Turkey is discussed with illustrative photographs taken after earthquakes. The followings are the main weakness in the materials and unreinforced masonry constructions and other reasons for the extensive damage of masonry buildings. Very low tensile and shear strength particularly with poor mortar, brittle behaviour in tension as well as compression, stress concentration at corners of windows and doors, overall unsymmetry in plan and elevation of building, unsymmetry due to imbalance in the sizes and positions of walls and openings in the walls, defects in construction such as use of substandard materials, unfilled joints between bricks, not-plump walls, improper bonding between walls at right angles etc.