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Öğe Inspection of aircraft parts by eddy current method(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 30.06.2023) Karanfiloğlu, Büşra; Erden, Neşet Vefa; Gültekin, Elif ErenAviation technologies are developing due to the need for advancements at military field and the increase in commercial air transportation. The development of aviation technology also forces the development of NonDestructive Testing (NDT) Standards. The accuracy of these inspections, their fast results and their applicability on many materials is one of the important issues to be studied. Eddy current testing, which has a significant advantage in terms of test speed and accuracy, is one of the main methods used in the nondestructive testing of aircraft parts. The test is used not only in metal and metal alloy materials, but also in composite materials with high conductivity such as carbon fiber to detect failures. Also, improvements at the eddy current test system and probes play a major role in the failure assessment of aircraft parts. In this article, comprehensive technical information about the eddy current testing method is given and the case studies are presented.Öğe Investigation of the effect of CNT reinforcement on low-velocity impact behavior of wooden plate honeycomb aircraft structures(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 30.06.2023) Taşyürek, Mustafa; Ödemiş, OkanIn this study, with different thicknesses honeycomb aircraft structures and the application of multi walled carbon nanotube reinforcement (MWCNT) to their out surfaces the low-velocity impact behavior of with the effects of core height on the damage to the plates were investigated. In addition, it is aimed to determine the effects of nano composite coating on the surface structure and to investigate its usability in aircraft. In the research, an equal to two different samples number of samples taken from the wing structure of the aerobatic aircraft, 10 and 30mm thick, 100x150mm in size, one surface coated with wood and the other surface covered with %1 carbon nanotube (CNT), were applied impact test at 5 J energy level and analyzed comparatively with graphics. The tests were carried out at an impact speed of 1.2549 m/s. Because of the research, it was concluded that while the reinforcement of CNT in aircraft structures did not affect the weight increase within the limitations, it gave positive results in the increase of strength without disturbing the aerodynamic structure and increased the mechanical properties. The data obtained from the force-time, force-displacement and energy-time changes obtained from the experiments are explained with the help of graphics.Öğe Investigation of thermal behavior and orifice flow characteristics of aeronautic hydraulic servoproportional valve spool-sleeve structure with numerical simulations(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022 Aralık) Şen, Soner; Şimşek, Rıza DenizIn this study, the mechanical behavior under highest thermal conditions and flow characteristics of the hydraulic fluid of the servo-characterized proportional valve, which is one of the indispensable components of the aviation industry and used for hydraulic flow control, were investigated numerically. In the simulations, 50, 75 and 100 °C were selected as temperatures, and 0.2 mm, 0.6 mm and 1.2 mm spool stroke openings were used for hydrodynamic flow. Simulations were carried out for a pressure difference of 35 bar. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that there was no restriction in the movement of the spool-sleeve structure for a temperature of 75°C, excessive friction occurred in the spool-sleeve structure at 100°C and the movement was restricted. In addition, it can be said that hydraulic turbulences are effective in dispersing polluting particulate matter for all three spool strokes at a pressure difference of 35 bar.Öğe Non-destructive testing of aircraft wing with liquid penetrant method(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 31.12.2021) Yiğit, Fatma Nur; Keskinsoy, Nurullah; Güven, Türker Burak; Gültekin, Elif ErenToday's aviation industry is developing, renewing, and growing day by day. More growth in this developing sector means more damage and accidents that may occur. In order for the flight to be safe and secure, there must be daily, weekly, monthly and annual maintenance with the maintenance procedures mentioned in the aircraft maintenance manuals. In addition to being economical, non-destructive testing methods are of great importance in the maintenance of aircraft structures due to their rapid application and clear results. Visible or invisible failures on aircraft components are detected by non-destructive control methods applied by the qualified persons. With the liquid penetrant method, which is one of the non-destructive testing methods, surface discontinuities or defects of materials can be detected effectively. In this study, non-destructive testing of aircraft wing parts by the liquid penetrant method was investigated. As a result of the control process with the liquid penetrant method, the impact damage and various scratches at the wing were detected.Öğe Operational usage and importance of instrument landing system (ILS)(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 05.01.2021) Öktemer, Ersin; Gültekin, Elif ErenAviation technologies are developing day by day and air transport is becoming the rapidly rising star of the transportation industry. Navigation and approach systems play a significant role in the safe flight and landing of the aircraft. Instrument landing system (ILS), in the appropriate direction of the aircraft and the glide angle, horizontal and vertical guiding the aircraft, for automatically approach and landing runway is the most widely used in precision approach navigation system types. In this study, the parts, operational categories, working principle and importance of the ILS are mentioned.Öğe Thermodynamic analysis of a small-scale gas turbine jet engine(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 05.01.2021) Şen, SonerGas turbine aircraft engines are the most commonly used engine type in today's aircrafts. Turbojet engine, which is one of the gas turbine engine type, is used especially in warplanes and some passenger planes with its high power generation and speed. In this study, the thermodynamic analysis of a small-scale jet engine that generates thrust with reaction from gas turbine engine is carried out with the data obtained under real operating conditions. With the analysis, exergy destructions, exergy efficiency, exergy improvement potential and relative exergy destroying rate of small-scale jet engine parts were calculated. According to the results obtained, it was seen that the greatest exergy destruction was in the combustion chamber, so at first, the exergy improvement should be done in the combustion chamber.Öğe An experimental test set-up with the ANSI / AMCA 210-16 standard for performance analysis of axial fans(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 05.01.2021) Güven, Türker Burak; Altun, Aziz Hakan; Doğan, SercanThe fact that fans are used in a large variety and wide areas today requires them to have a certain performance and quality. The test set-up to be used to determine the performance values of the fans should also be prepared and verified in accordance with standards such as ISO, ANSI / AMCA. In this study, a test set-up was designed and established in accordance with the ANSI / AMCA 210-16 standard. In order to ensure the accuracy of this test set-up, the static pressure values for different flow rates of the AXI500-5-25 model axial fan produced in a fan manufacturer company in Konya were measured, and data were obtained. The static pressure-flow rate performance curve obtained from the tests was compared with the manufacturer's catalog data. As the most important result in comparison, it was seen that the experimental and the catalog data were quite compatible. The highest difference between experimental and catalog data was obtained at the points where the flow rate is minimum and maximum. However, this difference was determined to be around 5%. With the results obtained in the study, it was determined that the accuracy of the experimental set-up designed and set up according to ANSI/AMCA 210-16 standard was ensured and it was suitable to be used for testing.Öğe An overview for effects on aerodynamic performance of using winglets and wingtip devices on aircraft(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 31.12.2020) Öztürk, Şeyda; Örs, İlkerIn this study, the effects of different types of winglets and wingtip devices on aerodynamic performance in aircraft were investigated. Mostly, CFD analyzes were performed with different turbulence models in the examined studies, as well as experimental studies were also conducted. It has been observed that especially k-?, k-? and Sparlat Almaras turbulence models are used in calculations. As a result of the investigations, it has been observed that both the use of winglets and the use of a wingtip devices significantly reduce the vortex formation in the wingtips compared to the plain wing. It has been determined that the most effective method in reducing wing tip vortexes is the use of winglet. The reduction of these vortexes resulted in an increase in lift force and a decrease in drag force. Thus, the L/D ratio has increased and as a result; better fuel economy, longer range and higher payload are provided.Öğe Usage of ZnO containing wastes in the sanitaryware bodies(SPRINGER, 2019) Gungor, Fazilet.; Isik, Iskender.; Gungor, Ersin.; Gultekin, Elif Eren.Galvanized waste is characterized from a mineralogical point of view in order to investigate the effects of its utilization in sanitary ware bodies. Galvanized waste was added to a sanitary ware body recipe at 1-10% weight in place of albite and kaolin content. In an attempt to investigate the effects of its utilization on the firing temperature of the body, the bodies were sintered at the temperatures 1200 degrees C and 1250 degrees C. The physical properties, such as deformation, water absorption, and coloring parameters were investigated. The phase and microstructural development of the selected samples were characterized using XRD and SEM, respectively. Experimental studies have shown that the utilization of galvanized waste at an optimum level, in place of albite and kaolin in sanitary ware bodies sintered at 1200 degrees C, has similar water absorption (%), lower deformation, and higher whiteness values compared with standard sanitary ware bodies sintered at 1250 degrees C. It was foreseen that a 4.75% energy saving would be achieved by decreasing the firing temperature from 1250 to 1200 degrees C.Öğe Numerical investigation of the effect of second order slip flow conditions on interfacial heat transfer in micro pipes(SPRINGER INDIA, 2019) Şen, Soner.Heat transfer that occurs in micro scale devices has a very important place among the engineering applications that cooling or heating. This heat transfer mechanism in devices having dimensions at micron level is a completely different problem in the macro level analysis. Therefore, in the calculations made, the flow events and heat transfer in micron scale pipes are calculated by using more realistic expressions. For this reason, in this study heat transfer in a circular micro pipe with wall and fluid conjugation for laminar rarefied gas flow in transient regime is investigated under the second order slip boundary conditions at the interface. Patankar's control volume method is used here to solve the problem numerically. This analysis includes of axial conduction, viscous dissipation and rarefaction effects which are indispensable in micro-flow structure. From the results, it is seen that the values that are indicating heat transfer are excessively affected by wall thickness, viscous heating and gas rarefaction especially in transient regime.Öğe Experimental investigation of the effects of horizontally oriented vertical sinusoidal wavy fins on heat transfer performance in case of natural convection(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2019) Altun, Aziz Hakan; Ziylan, OrkunIn this work, natural convection heat transfer in horizontally oriented, vertical sinusoidal wavy fins, involving radiation heat transfer were investigated experimentally. Experiments were done with wavy fins having three different amplitudes, namely H/30, H/15 and H/10, with different heater power inputs. Results were compared to the results of a rectangular finned plate and also a reference horizontal base plate. Power of the heater was changed from 1.02 W to a maximum of 32.06 W and totally 69 experiments were done for 5 test sets. Results indicate that, heat transfer enhancement is better with wavy fins than with the rectangular fins. On the other hand, after a certain value of the wave amplitude the increase in the amplitude negatively affecting the natural convection due to the blockage of fluid motion. The results also indicate that, an important part of total heat transfer is by radiation and should be considered in natural convection studies of finned surface heat sinks. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Borularda zamanla periyodik olarak değişen sınır şartı ile geçici rejim ısı transferi(2018) Altun, Aziz Hakan; Ateş, Ali; Atmaca, Ulaş; Koçak, Saim; Bilir, ŞefikBorularda ısıl gelişme bölgesi geçici rejim ısı transferi, zamanla periyodik olarak değişen cidar dış yüzey sıcaklığı sınır şartında incelenmiştir. Problem, iki bölgeli bir boruda, hidrodinamik olarak gelişmiş laminer akış için, eksenel akışkan iletimi dikkate alınarak ele alınmış ve sonlu farklar yöntemi ile sayısal olarak çözülmüştür. Peclet sayısı ve açısal frekansın ısı transferi karakteristikleri üzerindeki etkilerini belirleyebilmek için parametrik bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlardan akışkan eksenel iletimi nedeniyle borunun üst akış bölgesine, akışa ters yönde önemli ölçüde ısı transfer edildiği ve bunun akışkanın borunun ısıtılan alt akış bölgesine gelmeden önce ön ısıtılmasına neden olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca alt akış bölgesi dış yüzey sıcaklığındaki periyodik değişime uygun olarak, tüm ısı transferi karakteristiklerinin de, ön ısıtma ve tam gelişmiş bölge de dahil olmak üzere, tüm eksenel konumlarda zamanla periyodik olarak değiştiği görülmüştür.