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Öğe Biomass-Based Combined Heat and Power Systems(Taylor & Francıs Inc, 2006) Demirbaş, Ayhan; Ürkmez, AbdullahThis study aims to identify and evaluate the biomass utilization options and evaluate the sustainable biomass production for combined heat and power (CHP) in Turkey. The total biomass energy potential of Turkey is about 32 Mtoe. The amount of usable biomass potential of Turkey is approximately 17 Mtoe. Among the biomass energy sources, fuel wood seems to be one of the most interesting because its share of the total energy production of Turkey is high at 21%. The use of biofuels for CHP on a large scale is focused mainly on forest industry sites, where considerable quantities of biomass are available. Biomass available for energy can be converted to different types of final energy (e.g., electricity, heat), of these, the production of electricity appears to be particularly important. While CHP provides several environmental benefits by making use of waste heat and waste products, air pollution is a concern any time fossil fuels or biomass are burned.Öğe Clonal Selection Algorithm to Reduce Parallel Resonance Effect in Electrical Networks(2012) Akbal, Bahadır; Ürkmez, AbdullahParallel resonance is significant problem in the electric networks. During parallel resonance, system impedance increase extremely. Therefore system voltage may be increase extremely. Due to the parallel resonance occurs between system impedance and capacitors of reactive power compensation, total capacitor power should be less than the parallel resonance power. In this study, parallel resonance point and power of transformer of the electric network, which was measured harmonic distortion, were determined by using search mechanism of CSA. Thus parallel resonance power of low voltage electric network can be calculated and maximum capacitor of compensation system can be determined. Coefficient of cloning in CSA was increased to obtain high affinity valuable results. But, in this case, the elapsed time increased. Increasing value of the elapsed time is undesirable case. To decrease value of the elapsed time, some changes in CSA were made to obtain high affinity value at short computational time. © 2012 IEEE.Öğe Çok kriterli bulanık genetik algoritma ile dalgıç asenkron motorların tasarım optimizasyonu(2008) Çunkaş, Mehmet; Ürkmez, AbdullahBu çalışmada, dalgıç asenkron motorların tasarım optimizasyonu çok kriterli genetik algoritma kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Motor tasarımı, bulanık kümeler ve bulanık karar yapma kavramlarından faydalanarak çok kriterli bulanık optimizasyon problemi olarak formüle edildi ve genetik algoritmalar ile çözüldü. Optimal tasarımın geçerliliğini doğrulamak için iki boyutlu Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi (SEY) kullanıldı. Optimizasyon sonuçları amaçlanan yöntemin etkisini ve başarısını gösterdi.Öğe Detection of the Most Suitable Method to Estimate Short-Circuit Parameter's Values of the Electric Facility(TURGUT OZAL UNIV, 2012) Akbal, Bahadır; Ürkmez, AbdullahShort-circuit is a damaging event for electrical facilities and electric networks. Thus short circuit capacity of a main circuit breaker of an electrical facility must be determined correctly. Otherwise, then circuit breaker cannot cut shortcircuit current, and so protection and measuring elements are damaged. Primarily short-circuit parameter values of electric facility which will be connected to an electrical network must be determined correctly to determine short-circuit capacity of main circuit breaker of electric facility. In this study, short circuit parameter's values of electric facility were estimated by using clonal selection algorithm (CSA) and genetic algorithm (GA). The end of this study, accuracy rate of estimated short-circuit parameters with CSA and GA was compared. The best solution algorithm was determined for these problems.Öğe Determination of Body Measurements of A Cow by Image Analysis(2008) Taşdemir, Şakir; Yakar, Murat; İnal, Şeref; Ürkmez, AbdullahIn this study, the subject is to determine the body measurements of a Holstein cow from its photographs with image analysis. For this operation, an environment for taking the photograph, a platform and 18 points with certain coordinates were prepared. Afterwards, the photos of a Holstein cow was taken on the platform by a Nikon D100 CCD camera from various directions. The photos were analyzed by PhotoModeler 5 software. The results of this image analysis were compared to real results that were previously measured. It was found out that the real measurements and measurements obtained from photos are close to each other which shows that this method can be safely used.Öğe Determining Spot Price and Economic Dispatch in Deregulated Power Systems(Assoc Sci Res, 2010) Ürkmez, Abdullah; Çetinkaya, NurettinThis paper presents a new formula for determining spot price and a new algorithm for economic dispatch in deregulated power systems. According to participant's biddings, an independent system operator (ISO) manages deregulated power systems (DPS) and decides transaction between participants. ISO aims to obtain minimum cost for entire power system. However each participant aims to work with minimum cost for only themselves. Each participant in DPS shares expensive operating and upkeep costs. Energy sources are used more efficient. Energy prices are determined according to the costs. The proposed algorithm considers price / power bids, generating / demand balance and generating units' constraints. The results are shown on the IEEE 30 bus standart test system.Öğe Genetic Algorithm to Solve Electrical Network Problems(IEEE, 2013) Akbal, Bahadır; Ürkmez, AbdullahSome events which occur due to loads affect the electrical networks. These events can be sorted as overvoltage, short circuit, voltage drop, and power loss. Short circuit, voltage drop and power loss are related to the parameters of the power line which belongs to the electrical network, and overvoltage is related to parallel resonance. System impedance increases extremely during parallel resonance. If current of system (50Hz) or harmonic currents encounter high impedance, overvoltage occurs. In this study, parameters and parallel resonance power of the power line were estimated by using Genetic Algorithm (GA). If parallel resonance power is determined accurately, it isn't exceeded by load capacitor power, and parallel resonance doesn't occur. It was seen at the end of experimental results that estimation accuracy rate (EAR) of GA is adequate to solve these problems.Öğe Mikrodenetleyici destekli otomatik fotoğraf çekim ünitesi tasarımı(Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, 2010) Taşdemir, Şakir; Ürkmez, Abdullah; İnal, ŞerefSon yıllarda elektronik ve bilgisayar teknolojisindeki gelişmelere paralel olarak hayatımızın her alanında akıllı cihazların kullanımı da hızla artmaktadır. Özellikle ucuzlayan fiyatları ve performanslı çalışmaları ile bilgisayar yerine, daha kolay ve esnek bir kullanım imkanı sağlayan mikrodenetleyiciler ile bir cihazın kontrol edilmesi daha kolay olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada sütçü sığırların vücut ölçülerinin sayısal görüntü analiz ile tahmin edilebilmesi için bir stüdyo çekim ortamı oluşturularak, fotoğrafları çekilmiştir. Bu ortamda fotoğraf çekim işleminin otomatik yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu hedef için fotoğraflarının çekileceği ve ineklerin geçeceği alana, cisimden yansımalı bir sensör yerleştirilmiştir. İneklerin geçişi esnasında, hayvanı gören bu sensör aktif edilerek, tasarlanan bir elektronik donanımsal birim ile Canon EOS 400D kameraların otomatik çalışması sağlanmıştır. Elektronik devrede PIC 16F877 kullanılmış ve geliştirilen yazılım aracılığıyla senkronize bir biçimde fotoğraflar çekilmiştir. Bu sayede herhangi bir insan etkisi olmadan, hayvanlar ile etkileşime geçilmeden ve hayvanlar strese sokulmadan fotoğraflar otomatik olarak çekilerek bilgisayara kaydedilmiştir.Öğe The parallel resonance impedance detection method for parameter estimation of power line and transformer by using CSA, GA, and PSO(TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY, 2016) Akbal, Bahadır; Ürkmez, AbdullahPower line parameters are an important factor in relay applications and power quality studies. In the literature, the phasor measurement unit method and measuring of current and voltage at two ends of the power line were usually used to estimate the power line parameters. In this study, the parallel resonance impedance detection method was used to estimate the power line parameter to obtain input data. The real measurement values are used to obtain parallel resonance impedance in this method. The real measurement values include the measurement errors of the current and voltage transformer. Thus, the estimated parameter values are realistic. The electrical network with has 27 busbars that belongs to an organized industrial zone in Turkey was used for the application. Harmonic measurement of the power line of the electrical network was made to obtain parallel resonance impedance. The obtained parallel resonance impedance was used in the maximization problem. The maximization problem was defined as the estimated accuracy rate and was solved by using the clonal selection algorithm, genetic algorithm, and particle swarm optimization to make the most realistic parameter estimation. These methods can be defined as parameter estimators and are selected because they are all used widely in electrical engineering problem solutions. The results of these methods were compared with real parameter values, and accuracy of the estimate was determined for each method.Öğe PSO and CSA to Estimate of Parameter in Power Line(IEEE, 2013) Akbal, Bahadır; Ürkmez, AbdullahShort circuits, voltage drop, harmonic distortion and power loss which is factors affect to power quality of power line as negative. Power line parameters affect to values of these factors. Therefore, power line parameters affect the quality of the electrical energy of transmission and distribution lines. Before new load is included to power line, power line parameters must be determined and so adversely effect of these factors can be prevented. In this study, parameters of power line, which will be added new load, were estimated by using clonal selection algorithm (CSA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The results of these two methods were compared with real parameter value of power line and accuracy rating of these methods was determined separately. Primarily, harmonic measurement was made from load connection point of power line and was determined parallel resonance impedance to determine power line parameter from the connection point of new load. The obtained parallel resonance impedance from this measurement result was evaluated with CSA and PSO and so power line parameters were tried to estimate. The end of this study, accuracy rate of CSA and accuracy rate of PSO were compared and the algorithm which had the best results was selected.Öğe PSO and Inertia Weight to Determine Parallel Resonance Power in Electrical Networks(IEEE, 2013) Akbal, Bahadır; Ürkmez, AbdullahOvervoltage phenomena should be taken into account at planning of transmission and distribution lines. Causes of over voltage are usually switching, lightning and parallel resonance. The most dangerous of these reasons can be the parallel resonance. The parallel resonance occurs between system impedance and capacitors of reactive power compensation of electrical plant. Before an electrical plant (any factory) is connected to connection point of power line of electrical network, parallel resonance of connection point of power of power line must be determined previously to prevent parallel resonance. Otherwise, system impedance increases extremely during parallel resonance, and if current of system (50Hz) encounters high impedance during parallel resonance, high voltage occurs on electric network. So, total capacitor power should be less than the parallel resonance power. In this study, the application which related to determination of parallel resonance power was made by using PSO, and also effect of inertia weight on PSO was examined for this study. Thus parallel resonance power of low voltage electric network can be calculated and maximum capacitor of compensation system can be determined.Öğe Realisation of a speed adjustment system for small three phase squarrel cage asynchronous motors(Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, 2011) Akdemir, Bayram; Ürkmez, AbdullahWith the quick development of technology, the reliability of power electronic devices has increased and costs have been significantly reduced. Depending on that, semiconductor based power electronics circuits have spread. Induction motors are very common all over the world and this motor has attractive in many applications due to robust and maintainless. But squarely motor has constant speed only can be changed by variable frequency in easy way. Sine based switching is a way to reduce harmonics signals in power control strategy. In this study, unique DSP based solid programmed microcontroller has been investigated to control small-power asynchronous motor (1.1kW).Öğe Üç fazlı transformatörlerde lineer ve nonlineer yüklerin kayıplara etkisi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, 2009) Yağcı, Mustafa; Ürkmez, AbdullahBu çalışmada bir fazlı transformatörün eşdeğer devresinden faydalanarak devre analizi tekniği ile harmonikli durumdaki transformatör parametrelerinin hesabına yönelik yeni bir yaklaşım ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışma her biri 500VA, 220/110 V, 50 Hz, mantel tipi bir fazlı transformatörlerin yıldız-yıldız bağlanmasıyla oluşturulan 1500VA’lik üç fazlı bir transformatör grubu kullanılmıştır. Deneysel verilerin elde edilmesi için donanımda kullanılmak üzere farklı elektriksel özelliklere sahip iki adet yük seçilmiştir. Transformatörlerin beslenmesi için ise, dalga şekli sinüsoidal ve sinüsoidal olmayan gerilim kaynakları kullanılmıştır. Bu besleme ve yük tiplerinde transformatörlerin harmoniklerden etkileşimi, primer ve sekondere bağlanan iki harmonik analizör cihazı ile eş zamanlı ölçülmüştür. Microsoft-Excel programında eşdeğer devre elemanları her harmonik bileşen için ayrı ayrı hesaplanmıştır. Ölçülen ve hesaplanan değerlerden üç fazlı transformatörün primer ve sekonder devrelerinin bakır kayıpları, demir kayıpları ile transformatörün verimi harmonikli olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ölçüm ve hesaplamalar besleme gerilim kaynakları ve iki farklı yük durumu için ayrı ayrı yapılarak sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca her bir durum için gerilim ve akımın toplam harmonik distorsiyon seviyeleri (THD) ve K faktörleri hesaplanmıştır.