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Öğe Akkaraman Koyunu ve Ankara Keçi?si?nde V. Pudendoepigastrica Üzeri?nde Karşılaştırmalı Makro-Anatomi?k Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2000) Eken, Emrullah; Tıpırdamaz, SadettinThe purpose of this study was to investigate the pudendoepigastric vein in Akkaraman sheep and Angora goat. In this study, as a material, eight of Akkaraman sheep and eight of Angora goats were used. It was seen that the pudendoepigastric vein formed by the caudal abdominal vein, caudal epigastric vein and external pudendal vein It was determined that the pudendal external vein formed by the joining of the ventral scrotal vein, ventral labial (caudal mammarial) vein and caudal superficial epigastric (cranial mammarial) vein. The valves (valvula venosa) were seen towards the pudendoepigastric vein.Öğe Akkaraman koyunu ve Ankara keçilerinde, arka ekstremite, karın ve pelvis boşluğu venaları (V. portae hariç) üzerinde karşılaştırmalı makro-anatomik araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1999-04-30) Eken, Emrullah; Tıpırdamaz, SadettinBu araştırmanm amacı; Akkaraman koyunu ve Ankara keçilerinin arka ekstremite, karın ve pelvis boşluğu venalannı (v. portae hariç) karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemektir. Bu çalışmada materyal olarak; 8'er adet (4'er adet erkek ve dişi) Akkaraman koyunu ve Ankara keçisi kullanıldı ve venalar içerisine latex enjekte edildi. V. cava caudalis'in; her iki türde, vertebra lumbalis VI'nın ventral'inde v. iliaca communis dexter et sinister'in birleşmesi ile oluştuğu tespit edildi. Bu düzeyden itibaren cranial'e doğru ilerlediği ve hepar'ın sulcus venae cavae'sı içerisinde seyrettikten sonra diaphragma'nm foramen venae cavae'sından göğüs boşluğuna girdiği gözlemlendi. Kaim boşluğundaki seyri T.C. VIÜi^saviĞPJiîİM KURUL iUUJ 88 esnasında; Vv. phrenicae craniales, v. phrenica caudalis, w. lumbales, w. hepaticae, v. renalis, v. testicularis dextra et sinistra ve ovarica dextra et sinistra'yı aldığı tespit edildi. V. iliaca communis'in; sacrum'un promontorium'unun ventral'inde, v. iliaca interna ve v. iliaca extema'mn birleşmesiyle oluştuğu belirlendi. Seyri esnasında v. circumflexa ilium profunda ve v. sacralis mediana'yı aldığı görüldü. V. iliaca interna'nın; pelvis boşluğu organ ve duvarlarının venöz kanın topladığı gözlemlendi. Seyri esnasında, v. iliolumbalis, v. glutea (gluteae) cranialis, v. obturatoria, v. prostatica, v. vaginalis, v. glutea (glutaea) caudalis ve v. pudenda interna'yı aldığı belirlendi. V. iliaca extema'mn; arka ekstremitenin venöz kanım toplayan esas damar olduğu, 6 Akkaraman koyunu ve 7 Ankara keçisinde, canalis femoralis'in proximal'inde, v. profunda femoris ve v. femoralis'in birleşmesiyle, geri kalan materyallerde ise v. circumflexa femoris medialis ve v. femoralis tarafından oluşturulduğu gözlemlendi. V. profunda femoris'in; v. pudendoepigastrica ve v. circumflexa femoris medialis'in birleşmesiyle oluştuğu tespit edildi. V. pudendoepigastrica'nın; v. abdonrinalis caudalis, v. epigastrica caudalis ve pudenda externa'yi aldığı görüldü. V. pudenda extema'mn; v. scrotalis ventralis, v. labialis ventralis (mammaria caudalis) ve v. epigastrica caudalis superficialis (mamaria cranialis)'in birleşmesiyle oluştuğu belirlendi. Serbest kenarları v. pudendoepigastrica yönünde kapakçıklar (valvula venosa) içerdiği görüldü. V. circumflexa femoris medialis'in; arka ekstremitenin derin venöz kanım topladığı ve distal olarak v. saphena lateralis'i aldığı tespit edildi. V. femoralis'in; facies poplitea'nın dorsal sınırından itibaren, v. poplitea'nın proximal yönde devamı niteliğinde olduğu ve canalis femoralis'te seyrettiği tespit edildi. Seyri esnasında, 89 v. circumflexa femoris lateralis, v. saphena medialis (magna), v. genus descendens ve w. caudales femoris'i aldığı belirlendi. V. poplitea'nın; w. genus, v. tibialis cranialis ve v. tibialis caudalis'in birleşmesi ile meydana geldiği gözlemlendi.Öğe Akkaraman koyunu ve Ankara keçisinde v. pdendoepigastrica üzerinde karşılaştırmalı makro-anatomik araştırmalar(2000) Eken, Emrullah; Tıpırdamaz, SadettinBu araştırmanın amacı; Akkaraman koyunu ve Ankara keçilerinde v. pudendoepigastrica'yı karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemektir. Bu çalışmada materyal olarak; 8'er adet Akkaraman koyunu ve Ankara keçisi kullanıldı. V. pudendoepigastrica'nın; v. abdominalis caudalis, v. epigastrica caudalis ve pudenda externa'nm birleşmesiyle oluştuğu görüldü. V. pudenda externa'nm; v. scrotalis ventralis, v. labialis ventralis (mammaria caudalis) ve v. epigastrica caudalis superficialis (mamaria cranialisj'in birleşmesiyle oluştuğu belirlendi. Serbest kenarları v. pudendoepigastrica yönünde kapakçıklar (valvula venosa) görüldü.Öğe Akkaraman Koyununun Canalis Cervicis Uteri?'si? Üzeri?nde Makroanatomi?k Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1999) Gezici, Memduh; Eken, Emrullah; Kaya, Abdullah; Yıldız, CengizBu çalışmada Akkaraman koyununun canalis cervicis uteri'si makroanatomik olarak incelendi. Diğer koyun ırklarında da suni tohumlamada önemli güçlüklere neden olan canalis cervicis uteri ile adı geçen kanalda bulunan plica circularis Ter üzerinde çalışıldı. Bu çalışmalar cervix uten'nin disseksiyonu, latex kasti ve bunların fotoğraflarta tespiti şeklinde gerçekleştirildi. Akkaraman koyununda uterus içine suni tohumlama yapılabilmesinin; suni tohumlama aletlerinde canalis cervicis uteri'nin makroanatomisine uygun değişiklikler yapılması ile mümkün olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.Öğe Anatomy of the cervical canal in the Angora Goat (Capra hircus)(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2010) Dayan, Mustafa Orhun; Besoluk, Kamil; Eken, Emrullah; Ozkadif, SemaThis study was performed to reveal the anatomy of the cervical canal in Angora goats. For this purpose, sixty genital tracts of adult Angora goats in estrus, weighing from 40 to 50 kg, obtained from Konya slaughterhouses, were used. The materials were examined by dissection and latex cast techniques. In dissections, the vaginal protrusions were star, duckbill, crescent, spiral, cluster and bump-shaped. In the materials with latex cast and dissection, because the circular folds were of high volumes in the caudal half of the cervical canal, the blind sacs were deeper than those of the cranial half. Based on the latex cast, we have noticed with interest that the cervical canal had a convexity in dorsal direction because its cranial and caudal thirds were curved ventrally. It was concluded that the anatomical structure of the cervical canal mentioned in this study might be considered in intrauterine catheter applications in Angora goats.Öğe The Arterial Supply of Meckel's Diverticulum in Geese (Anser Anser Domesticus)(JAPAN SOC VET SCI, 2001) Beşoluk, Kamil; Eken, EmrullahThis study was carried out to describe the arterial supply of Meckel's diverticulum (MD) in geese, using 36 adult healthy geese of both sexes, 50 to 52 weeks of age. The arterial supply of MD was classified into three types, In the first type, MD was supplied by a very distinct branch from the cranial mesenteric artery in 21 geese. In the second type, it was supplied by one terminal branch from the cranial mesenteric artery in 9 geese. In the third type, it was supplied both by one branch from the jejunal artery and by terminal branch from the cranial mesenteric artery in 6 geese. Based on the these types, we found significant differences (p less than or equal to0.01) in the length of MD between type I and II. The blood supply of the third type was observed more frequently in the male than in the female. Results from this study may contribute to the anatomical knowledge of arterial supply of MD in the geese.Öğe Beyaz Yeni Zelanda Tavşanında (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) Cisterna Chyli ve Ductus Thoracicus Üzerine Makro-Anatomik Araştırmalar(2001) Beşoluk, Kamil; Tıpırdamaz, Sadettin; Yalçın, Hakan; Eken, EmrullahBu araştırma, Yeni Zelanda Tavşanlarında bir lenf rezervuarı olarak bilinen cisterna chyli'nin oluşumu ve buradan başlangıç alan ductus thoracicus'un seyrini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yapılan bu çalışmada, 8 adet ergin Yeni Zelanda Tavşanı kullanıldı. Materyaller, rompun-ketalar kombinasyonu ile anestezi edildikten sonra karın boşluğu açıldı. Daha sonra lnn. iliaci mediales, lnn. iliaci laterales, lnn. hepatici, lnn. gastrici, lnn. mesenterici craniales ve lnn. mesenterici caudales'e çini mürekkebi enjekte edildi. Bu işlemi takiben hayvanlar usulüne uygun olarak öldürüldü. Daha sonra materyaller diseke edilerek cisterna chyli ve ductus thoracicus'un oluşumu ve seyri ortaya çıkarıldı. Cisterna chyli'nin, 2.-3. lumbal omur düzeyinde lokalize olan ve oval mekik görünümlü düzensiz bir kesecik şeklinde olduğu gözlendi. Bir materyalde 4. lumbal omur düzeyine kadar ulaştığı tespit edildi. Cisterna chyli'ye caudal'den 2 dal halinde gelen trunci lumbales ile ventralden gelen tuncus visceralis'in açıldığı belirlendi. Ductus thoracicus'un, a. mesenterica cranialis'in orijini düzeyinde cisterna chyli'nin cranial ucundan orijin aldıktan sonra aorta ile birlikte göğüs boşluğuna geçtiği ve 7. thoracal omur düzeyine kadar aorta'nın sağında ve dorsal'inde seyrettiği gözlendi. Kalbin basis'ine kadar aorta'nın dorsal'inde seyrettikten sonra median hattın soluna geçtiği görüldü. Bir materyalde ductus thoracicus'un diaphragma'yı geçtikten sonra ikiye ayrıldığı tespit edildi. Ductus thoracicus'un, precardial bölgede sol m. longus colli üzerinden craniale doğru seyrettikten sonra bir genişleme yaptığı ve 6 materyalde v. cava cranialis sinister'e, 2 materyalde ise apertura thoracis cranialis'den cavum thoracis'i terkettikten sonra v. jugularis externa sinister'e açılarak sonlandığı tespit edildi.Öğe Beyaz Yeni? Zelanda Tavşanında (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) Cisterna Chyli ve Ductus Thoracicus Üzeri?nde Makro-Anatomi?k Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2001 Mart) Beşoluk, Kamil; Tıpırdamaz, Sadettin; Yalçın, Hakan; Eken, EmrullahIn this study, both the formation of the cistema chyli and courses of the thoracic duct were macroscopically investigated in New Zealand rabbits. In this purpose, eight of adult New Zealand rabbits were used. Ani mals were anaesthetized by the combinating of Rompun and Ketalar. Then, abdominal cavity was opened with a incision. Indian ink were injected into the lateral liac lymphonode, medial iliac lymphonode, hepatic lymphonode, gastric lymphonode, cranial mesenteric lymphonode and caudal mesenteric lymphonode. After that, the courses and formations of the thoracic duct and cistema chyli were studied by dissecting of the animals. Cistema chyli is an elliptical sac like structure which lies at the level of the second and third lumbar vertebrae. In only one material, it was determined that the cistema chyli extends from the second lumbar to fourth lumbar vertebrae. It was observed that the cistema chyli received caudally two branches named lumbar trunk and ventrally visceral trunk. The thoracic duct arises from the cistema chyli at the level of the origin of cranial mesenteric artery. Then it passed through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm concominantly with aorta within the thoracic cavity, it situated to right and dorsal to the thoracic aorta from the diaphragm to seventh thoracic vertebrae. It was seen that the thoracic duct extends to the basis cordis and passes to the left side of the midline. In only one material, after passing to the diaphragm, it was observed that the thoracic duct divides into two branches. The precardial segment of the thoracic duct coursed to cranial at the left long colli muscle and dilates into an ampulla. It was determined that the thoracic duct ends in the left vena cava in six animals. But in two animals, it terminates into the left external jugular vein, after leaving the cranial thoracic aperture.Öğe The biometric ratios on the tarsus of the chinchilla (chinchilla lanigera) based on 3d reconstructed images(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2019) Ozkadif, Sema; Eken, Emrullah; Haligur, AyseThis study was undertaken to perform a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the tarsal bones of chinchillas using multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) images and reveal biometric ratio of the bones and compare between sexes. For this purpose, a total of 12 adult chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) of both sexes (six males and six females) were used. After anesthetizing the animals, MDCT images were obtained in DICOM format, and 3D reconstruction was performed on a computer using the Mimics 13.1 program. The volumes and surface areas of each of the bones that constitute the tarsus of the chinchilla were automatically measured by the program based on the 3D model. After all values of each tarsal bone were expressed as ratios with in tarsus, they were analyzed statistically to reveal differences between sexes. The results showed that there were statistical differences (P<0.05) in calcaneus, talus, central tarsal bone and tarsal bone IV in term of volume ratio and in central tarsal bone, tarsal bone I and tarsal bone IV in term of surface area ratio between sexes. It is considered that 3D tarsus models are useful in revealing anatomic structures and also in assisting clinical diagnosis and treatment.Öğe Comparative Investigations on the Anatomic Arrangement of the Hepatic Veins in Akkaraman Sheep and Angora Goat(Indian Veterinary Journal, 2002) Eken, Emrullah; Tıpırdamaz, S.[Abstract not Available]Öğe Comparative Macroanatomic Investigations on the Formation of the External Iliac Vein in Akkaraman Sheep and Angora Goat(JAPAN SOC VET SCI, 2001) Eken, Emrullah; Tıpırdamaz, SadettinTo evaluate the formation of the external iliac vein in Akkaraman sheep and Angora.-oats, 8 adult healthy Akkaraman sheep and 8 Angora goats of both sexes, 3 to 4 years of age, were examined. The external iliac vein was formed by the deep femoral and femoral veins in 6 Akkaraman sheep and 7 Angora goats and by the medial circumflex femoral and femoral veins in 2 Akkaraman sheep and 1 Angora goat. Results from this study are thought to throw light on the future studies on the venous system, and to contribute considerably to the present anatomical knowledge concerning the external iliac vein of sheep and goats.Öğe Contribution of virtual anatomic models to medical education(2015) Özkadif, Sema; Eken, EmrullahGelişen bilgisayar teknolojisi ile birlikte, medikal eğitiminde de bir çığır açılmıştır. Üç boyutlu görüntüleme ve rekonstrüksiyon ile virtual model oluşturma; başta anatomi eğitimi olmak üzere, cerrahi, patoloji, biyopsi, adli tıp, spor hekimliği ve plastik rekonstrüksiyonda kullanılan bir teknolojidir. Beşeri ve veteriner hekimlikte anatomi eğitiminde kullanılan bu modeller kadavra sayısını azaltarak, öğrenci için daha dikkat çekici bir materyal haline gelmiştir. Elde edilen modeller, cerrahi ve biyopsinin planlanmasında, patolojinin kavranmasında, biyopsi eğitiminde, adli tıpta otopsi sonucunda bütün organların ve yapıların yüksek doğruluklu ölçümlerinin yapılmasında kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca, spor hekimliğinde virtual modeller üzerinde gerçekleştirilen birtakım deney ve gözlemler sakatlanmaların önüne geçilmesinde ve yapılardaki deformasyonların tespitinde, plastik rekonstrüksiyonda ise postoperatif dönemdeki muhtemel sonuçların ortaya çıkartılmasında kullanılmaktadır. Böylece, medikal alanda eğitim, teşhis ve tedavi sürecinde faydalanılan virtual anatomik modeller, gelecekte daha da geliştirilerek, kullanımı yaygın hale getirilecektir.Öğe The Effect of Stomach Volume on the Colon Topography in Cats(URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG, 2001) Gezici, Memduh; Eken, EmrullahThe aim of this study has been to describe the effect of varying degrees of fullness of the stomach on the topography of colon in cats by means of the sectional anatomy of the abdominal cavity, Twenty-four adult healthy cats of both sexes and of different ages were used. The cats were divided into two groups, of which group one had empty stomachs and the second filled stomachs. Eight cats were dissected. The remaining cats were frozen at -20 degreesC, the eight of which were sectioned paramedially and the other eight transversely. The ascending colon started at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra, and the cranial boundary of the transverse colon was at the level of the second lumbar vertebra in cats with empty stomachs. The ascending colon started at the level of the sixth lumbar vertebra in cats with full stomachs, while the cranial boundary of the transverse colon was at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra and had lost relationship to the right kidney resting directly on the vertebral column. In both groups, the descending colon was located in the left abdominal cavity up to the level of the sixth lumbar vertebra, at which point it curved medially and ran cranial to the seventh lumbar vertebra in the median plane. Results from this study are to throw light on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.Öğe The histological characteristics and localisation of ACP and ANAE positive lymphocytes in the oesophageal tonsil of the duck (Anas platyrhynchos)(SCIENCE REVIEWS 2000 LTD, 2012) Doenmez, Hasan Hueseyin; Eken, Emrullah; Besoluk, Kamil; Sur, EmrahThis study was carried out to examine histological and enzyme histochemical characteristics of the oesophageal tonsil in ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Tissue samples were collected from distal parts of the mucosal folds at the oesophageal/proventricular junction. We applied alpha naphthyl acetate esterase and acid phosphatase to tissue sections for localisation of T or B lymphocytes. Trichrome staining, silver impregnation, methyl green-pyronin staining and PAS reaction were used for determination of light microscopic structure of the oesophageal tonsils. The oesophageal tonsils were located at the junction of the oesophagus and proventriculus. Interestingly, we detected the existence of high endothelial venules in the interfollicular area and of the accumulated positive cells in lymphoid nodules. It can be said that these tonsils have functions similar to the Harderian gland in avian species and Waldeyer's ring in mammalian species.Öğe Holstein Irkı Sığırlarda Gözün I?nnervasyonu Üzeri?nde Makro-Anatomi?k Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2000) Eken, Emrullah; Beşoluk, Kamil; Tıpırdamaz, SadettinThis study was carried out to investigate the origines, courses and innervation areas of the cranial nerves innervating the eye in Holstein cattle. For this purpose, it was used the eight of Holstein cattle ensured from Konya slaughterhouses. The materials were dissected after fixed in formaldehit solution 10%. It was detected that the involved nerves left the cranial cavity through the different opening after steming from the different regions of the brain, then, ended by reaching the concemed innervation parts. The optic nerve left the cranial cavity via the optic canal after arising from the optic chiasma, then, scattered in the retina by going through the optic papilla. The oculomotor nerve went out of the cranial cavity through the foramen orbitorotundum after steming from the crural cerebri and divided into the dorsal and ventral branches. The trochlear nerve left the cranial cavity via the foramen orbitorotundum after originating from the caudal coliculus and terminated in the caudal third of the dorsal obliquus muscle. The abducens nerve exited the cranial cavity through the foramen orbitorotundum by emerging from the medulla oblongata, after that, scattered in the rectus lateralis and retractor muscles.Öğe Holstein Irkı Sığırlarda N. Trigeminus Üzeri?nde Makro-Anatomi?k Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2000) Tıpırdamaz, Sadettin; Eken, Emrullah; Beşoluk, KamilThis study was carried out to investigate the origin, course and innervation area of the trigeminal nerve in Holstein cattle. For this purpose, it was used eight of Holstein Cattle ensured from Konya slaughterhouses. The materials were dissected after fixed in formaldehyde solution 10%. It was determined that the trigeminal nerve reached the trigeminal ganglion into the two roots after arising from the pons, then, gave the ophthalmic nerve, maxillary nerve and mandibular nerve. These branches of the trigeminal nerve were detected to be left the cranial cavity through the different opening, then, ended by reaching the concerned innervation parts.Öğe The Influence of Stomach Volume on the Liver Topography in Cats(Blackwell Verlag GMBH, 2002) Eken, Emrullah; Gezici, MemduhThe aim of this study has been to describe the effect of varying degrees of fullness of the stomach on liver topography in cats by means of the sectional anatomy of the abdominal cavity. Twenty-four adult healthy cats of both sexes and of different ages were used. The cats were divided into two groups. The first group had empty stomachs and the second group had filled stomachs. Eight cats were dissected. The remaining cats were frozen at - 20 degreesC, eight of these were then sectioned paramedially and the other eight were sectioned transversely. In the dissection and sections, it was observed that the liver shifted considerably to the right and craniodorsally in cats with full stomachs. In this article, the topographical anatomy of the liver according to varying stomach volumes is described in a manner that is useful to veterinary surgeons and clinicians. The sectional findings obtained from the paramedial and transverse sections provide information for computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.Öğe Investigation of paranasal sinuses based on dissection and multidetector computed tomography images in new zealand rabbits(2012) Özkadif, Sema; Eken, EmrullahAmaç: Yeni Zelanda tavşanlarında sinus paranasales ve concha’ların anatomik özelliklerini diseksiyon ve multidedektör bilgisayarlı tomografi (MDBT) ile ortaya koymaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmada her iki cinsiyetten toplam 16 yetişkin Yeni Zelanda tavşanı kullanıldı. Sinus paranasales’in yüksek çözünürlüklü MDBT görüntüleri elde edildikten sonra hayvanlar bilinen metodlar ile ötenazi yapıldı ve paranasal sinusları diseke edildi. Bulgular: MDBT ve diseksiyon bulguları ışığında Yeni Zelanda tavşanlarının kafatasının her bir yarımında ductus nasolacrimalis vasıtasıyla bağımsız olarak ikiye ayrılan iki bölümlü bir adet sinus maxillaris’in mevcut olduğu tespit edildi. Bu türlerde iyi gelişmiş olan concha’ların concha nasalis dorsalis, concha nasalis media, concha nasalis ventralis ve endoturbinalia’dan oluştuğu görüldü. Sinus frontalis, sinus sphenoidalis ve sinus ethmoidalis’in şekillenmediği saptandı. Diseksiyon ve MDBT görüntülerinden elde edilen verilerin birbirini desteklediği belirlendi. Öneri: Bilinen metodların yanında görüntüleme yöntemi de kullanan bu çalışmanın sinus paranasales ile ilgili gelecek çalışmalara katkı sağlayabileceği ve anatomi eğitimine modern bir açılım sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir.Öğe Kedi?de Mi?deni?n Farklı Doluluk Dereceleri?ni?n Böbrekleri?n Topografi?leri?ne Olan Etki?leri?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1999) Eken, Emrullah; Gezici, MemduhThe aim of the reported study was to investigate the effect of the varying degrees of fullness of the sto mach on the topographies of the kidneys in cat; with this aim eighteen adult cats of different sex and age were used as a material, cats were divided into 3 groups, of which, group 1 had empty, group 2 had half filled and group 3 had maximum filled stomach, the kidneys were dissected and abdominal cavity was cross sectioned transversally. This investigation is different from that of Deniz and Klesty in that transversal cross sectiones of the abdominal cavity were done after the materials were deep freezed, the topographies of the left and right kidneys and their relations with the other organs were determined; following dissection the photographes of mentioned organs were taken it was detected that the kidneys were retroperitoneally situated, yellow-red and bean shaped: generally, the right kidney was in front of the left one, but it was contrary to this stuation in one matenal, the kidneys were displaced about one ver tebrae lenght in caudal, cranial and dorsal direction depending on the filling degrees of the stomach, the left kindney was adjacent to the descendent colon and left pancreatic lobe ventromedially, the spleen cranially the psoas muscles dorsally, the left ovary (in female) caudally, the night kidney was adjacent to the caudat process and rigt lateral hepatic lobe cranially, the psoas muscles dorsally, the beginning portion of descendent part of duodenum ventromedially and the right ovary caudally.Öğe Kedi?de Mi?deni?n Farklı Doluluk Dereceleri?ni?n Pankreas ve Dalağın Şekli? ile Topografi?si?ne Etki?si?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1999) Gezici, Memduh; Eken, Emrullah; Türkmenoğlu, İsmailThis study was carried out to investigate the effect of the varying degrees of fullness of the stomach on the pancreas and spleen: twenty-four adult cats of different sex and age were used as a material cats were divided into 3 groups, of which, group 1 had empty, group 2 had half filled and group 3 had maximum filled stomach, the pancreas and spleen were dissected and abdominal cavity was cross sectioned longitudinally and transversally. This investigation is different from that of Deniz and Klesty in that transversal and longitudinal cross sections of the abdominal cavity were done after the materials were deep freezed: topography of the pancreas and spleen, and their relations with other organs were determined; following dissection the photographies of the mentioned organs were taken; the pancreas was dislocated caudally and cranially about one three vertebrae lenght depending on the deg ree of fulness of the stomach; the spleen situated more cranially in the empty stomach compared to that of in the maximally filled stomach and it was the # 1 organ to change its location and original shape as a result of the degrees of the fullness of the stomach; the extremitas dorsalis of the spleen was pushed caudally about one vertebrae lenght in the half filled stomach and located at the level of the second lumbar vertebrae and similar with the cow spleen.