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Öğe Akkaraman koyunlarının hemal düğümlerinin histolojisi ve alfa-naftil esetat esteraz (ANAE) pozitif lenfositlerin yerleşimleri üzerinde ışık mikroskopik bir çalışma(2005) Sur, Emrah; Aydın, Mehmet Faruk; Çelik, İlhamiBu çalışmada, Akkaraman koyunlarındaki hemal düğümlerin histolojik yapıları ve bu organlardaki alfa-naftil asetat es-teraz (ANAE) pozitif lenfositlerin yerleşimlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Bu amaçla 2 yaşlı 20 Akkaraman koyunundan alınan hemal düğümü örnekleri materyal olarak kullanıldı. Rutin histolojik işlemleri takiben alınan kesitlere Crossman'ın üçlü boyası, hematoksilen-eozin, Gordon ve Sweet'in retiküler iplik boyası, toluidin mavisi, metil-green pironin ve Pappenheim'ın panoptik boyama yöntemleri uygulanırken, kriyostat kesitlerinde alfa-naftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) demonstrasyonu gerçekleştirildi. Hemal düğümlerin düz kas hücrelerini de içeren bağ dokusundan bir kapsülle çevrildiği ve organın, içleri kanla dolu subkapsüler ve derin sinuslardan oluşan gelişmiş bir sinus sistemine sahip olduğu gözlendi. Hemal düğümlerin çatısını retiküler bağ dokusu oluşturmaktaydı. Organda korteks ve medula ayırımı belirgin değildi. Lenf folikülleri ve lenfatik kordonlarda plazma hücreleri, megakaryositler, makrofajlar ve mast hücreleri gözlendi. Organda belirgin lenf damarları ve lenfatik sinuslara rastlanmadı. ANAE-pozitif lenfositlerin, özellikle sekonder foliküllerin germinal merkezlerinde yoğunlaştığı dikkati çekti.Öğe Ankara tavşanı perifer kan lenfositlerinnin alfa- naftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) aktivitesi ve bazı AgNOR parametreleri üzerinde ışık mikroskobik çalışmalar(2007) Aydın, Mehmet Faruk; Öznurlu, Yasemin; Çelik, İlhami; Telatar, Tuğba; Sur, EmrahBu çalışmada, Ankara tavşanının perifer kan lenfositlerinin (PBL) oranı, alfa-naftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) enzimi aktivitesi ve bazı AgNOR parametrelerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada 8 adet erkek ve 8 adet dişi olmak üzere toplam 16 adet Ankara tavşanından alman perifer kan örneği kullanıldı. PBL oranlan dişilerde %73.25, erkeklerde ise %71.13 olarak tespit edildi. ANAE-pozitif lenfosit oranlan dişi tavşanlarda % 34.25, erkeklerde %34.63 olarak bulundu. Ortalama AgNOR sayısı dişilerde çekirdek başına 2.03, erkeklerde 2.05 olup, AgNOR alanı dişilerde 2.25 um2, erkeklerde ise 1.95 um2, çekirdek alanı dişilerde 11.28 \mu2 iken erkeklerde 11.24 \mu2, nispi AgNOR alanı dişilerde %19.96, erkeklerdeyse % 16.90 olarak tespit edildi. Grupların PBL'lerinin incelenen parametreleri arasında istatistiksel öneme sahip fark tespit edilmedi (P0.05).Öğe Clinical and light microscopic studies of the conjunctival tissues of dogs with bilateral keratoconjunctivitis sicca before and after treatment with topical 2% cyclosporine(INFORMA HEALTHCARE, 2015) İzci, Celal; Çelik, İlhami; Alkan, Feyzanur; Erol, Muharrem; Sur, EmrahWe determined the concentrations of goblet and immune cells in conjunctival imprints and tissues of canines with keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) before and after cyclosporine A (CsA) treatment. Twelve dogs with bilateral KCS were assigned to three groups: untreated, treatment group 1, and treatment group 2. The treatment groups were treated topically with 2% ophthalmic CsA solution for 45 days; CsA treatment group 2 was followed for an additional 30 days after discontinuation of the drug. Schirmer tear test (STT) scores were recorded prior to CsA treatment and on alternate days throughout the experiment. CsA treatment improved the STT scores, restored conjunctival histology, increased goblet and epithelial cell numbers, and decreased numbers of inflammatory cells. Although the STT scores regressed slightly at day 30 after discontinuing the treatment, the scores were higher than the baseline values. Topical CsA treatment resolved clinical signs of KCS, improved STT scores and restored normal conjunctival histology.Öğe COMPARATIVE HISTOMETRICAL STUDY OF THE CEREBELLUM AND THE DETERMINATION OF SOME AgNOR PARAMETERS IN DIFFERENT AVIAN SPECIES(NATL VETERINARY RESEARCH INST, 2011) Sur, Emrah; Oznurlu, Yasemin; Ozaydin, Tugba; Colakoglu, Fatma; Unsal, Sadettin; Yener, YesimThe study was carried out to determine some characteristics of silver stained nucleolus organising regions (AgNOR parameters) of the Purkinje cells and structural differences of the cortex, if any, in the cerebellum of turkeys, ducks, pigeons, and starlings. The thickness of the molecular and granular layer at the summit of the folia was the highest in pigeons, whereas the highest value of the molecular and granular layer was determined at the deep of the folia in turkeys. The highest number of Purkinje cells per unit scale was observed in pigeons and starlings. The mean sizes of the Purkinje cells were greater in turkeys than in other species. The mean area of the Purkinje cell nucleus, AgNOR area and AgNOR counts were found to be higher in turkeys. However, there was no difference in the mean ratio of AgNOR area to Purkinje cell nucleous area among the species. In conclusion, it seems that the results obtained from this study could be of particular interest to comparative biologists and physiologists.Öğe Comparative Skin Histology of the White New Zealand and Angora Rabbits: Histometrical and Immunohistochemical Evaluations(MEDWELL ONLINE, 2009) Oznurlu, Yasemin; Celik, Ilhami; Sur, Emrah; Telatar, Tugba; Ozparlak, HalukIn this study, thickness of the skin sub layers and the number, absolute and relative areas of the nuclear Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organiser Regions (AgNORs) and the number of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) positive nuclei of the germinal matrix epithelial cells of the Angora and white New Zealand rabbits were compared. Skin samples were taken from 40 adult healthy rabbits. General histological features of the skin in both Angora and white New Zealand rabbits were quite similar and displayed the characteristics of thin skin. Angora rabbit skin was significantly (p<0.05) thicker than that of the white New Zealand rabbit and the difference mainly originated from the thicker papillary layer of the dermis. The Angora rabbit had the greatest hair follicle number in the unit area of the dermis. The shape, dimension and distribution pattern of the AgNORs were similar in both rabbit strains. The number, absolute and relative areas of the AgNORs and PCNA immunoreactivity of the Angora rabbits were higher than those of the White New Zealand rabbits. The histological characteristics of the skin in the white New Zealand rabbit were suitable for leather industry, whereas the Angora rabbit had good hair follicle characteristics for wool production. Further studies on a larger population regarding seasonal differences should be done to elucidate the possible association between AgNOR parameters and PCNA immunoreactivity of germinal matrix cells of hair follicles and wool production.Öğe Dağ nanesinin (Mentha caucasica) Japon bıldırcınlarının (Coturnix coturnix japonica) ince bağırsak histolojisi üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi(2017) Sur, Emrah; Çağlayan, Tamer; Şeker, Erdoğan; Kadıralieva, NaristeAmaç: Bu çalışma dağ nanesinin (Mentha caucasica) Japon bıldırcınlarının ince bağırsakları üzerindeki etkisinin ışık mikroskobik seviyede belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada 1günlük 30 adet Japon bıldırcını kullanıldı. Bıldırcınlar, her biri 10 adet olmak üzere üç gruba ayrıldı. Hayvanlar 6 hafta boyunca kontrol, N1 (%0,75 oranında nane) ve N2 (%1,5 oranında nane) rasyonları ile beslendiler. Çalışma sonunda servikal dislokasyonla öldürülen hayvanlardan duodenum, jejunum ve ileum doku örnekleri alındı. Rutin histolojik işlemlerden sonra alınan seri kesitler Crossmon'un üçlü boyaması ve Periyodik Asit Schiff (PAS) reaksiyonu ile boyandılar. Tüm seri kesitler ışık mikroskobu ile değerlendirildikten sonra dijital kamera ile fotoğraflar çekildi ve kaydedildi. Villus yüksekliği, villus genişliği ve tunika muskularis kalınlıkları ölçüldü ve kadeh hücreleri sayıldı.Bulgular: Nane oranlarına bağlı olarak nane ile beslenen gruplardaki hayvanların duodenum, jejunum ve ileum dokularında vilusların yüksekliğinde, kript derinliğinde ve tunika muskularis kalınlığında artışlar tespit edilirken (p0,01; p0,001); vilus genişliğinde duodenum ve jejenumda belirgin düşüşler dikkati çekti (p0,001). Kadeh hücresi sayıları duodenumda değişmezken (p0,05), jejunumda N1 grubuna ait hayvanlarda düşük (p0,001), ileumda ise N2 grubundaki hayvanlarda yüksek bulundu (p0,001)Öğe Determination of Sexual Cycle Stages of Bitches by Direct Examination Technique(WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, 2011) Aydın, İbrahim; Sur, Emrah; Özaydın, Tuğba; Dinç, Dursun AliThe aim of this study was to determine the stages of the sexual cycle of the bitch by direct examination and also to assess the reliability of this new technique by comparing it with the classical staining techniques used in bitches. Forty mixed-breed bitches, of different ages and sexually mature were used in this study. A total of 120 vaginal smear samples were collected using a cotton swab, three from each bitch. The collected samples were air dried and coded. One of the prepared samples from each bitch was stained with May-Grunwald Giemsa and the second sample was stained with Papanicolaou. The third sample was left unstained for direct examination. The stages of the sexual cycle were determined using all of the samples. The researcher who evaluated the samples did not have information about the coding system. The evaluation was made blindly and the results were compared after determination of the stages of the sexual cycle from all of the samples. The sexual cycle stages determined with the May-Grunwald Giemsa and Papanicolaou techniques were completely consistent with each other. However, when the direct examination technique was compared with the classical staining techniques, there was a significant difference in the proestrus, diestrus and anestrus stages of the cycle (p<0.05) while there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the estrus stage of the cycle. In conclusion, it was found that when determining the stages of the sexual cycle of the bitch by vaginal cytology, the direct examination technique was reliable only in detecting the estrus stage of the cycle.Öğe Determination of the activity of alpha naphthyl acetate esterase and acid phosphatase of peripheral blood lymphocytes in healty pregnant merino sheep(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2013) Sur, Emrah; Aydin, Ibrahim; Oznurlu, Yasemin; Ozaydin, Tugba; Celik, Ilhami; Kadiralieva, NaristeThis study was performed to determine the effects of pregnancy on the activities of alpha naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) and acid phosphatase (ACP-ase) of the peripheral blood lymphocytes in pregnant Merino sheep. Peripheral blood lymphocyte percentages were also estimated. Periferal blood samples were taken from animals in six different gestational stages as non-pregnant control, in the first, the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth month of pregnancy. Each group was contained 20 animals. The lowest ANAE (+) lymphocytes percentage (63.5%) was determined in the first month of pregnancy whereas the highest null lymphocytes proportion (12.75%) was detected in the same gestational period. There were statistically decreases in the proportions of peripheral blood lymphocyte (42.9%) and the ACP-ase (+) lymphocytes (43.35%) in the last gestational stages. Although the posibble hormonal changes may cause the fluctuation of peripheral blood lymphocyte proportions in all gestational periods, the most distinctive changes were observed at the begining and at the end of the pregnancy. It was concluded that the data was obtained from this study was useful for understanding of the possible mechanisms of maternal tolerance.Öğe Determination of the effects of aflatoxin B-1 given in ovo on the proximal tibial growth plate of broiler chickens: histological, histometric and immunohistochemical findings(TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2012) Öznurlu, Y.; Çelik, İlhami; Sur, Emrah; Özaydın, Tuğba; Oğuz, Halis; Altunbaş, KorhanDetrimental effects of aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(1)) on the embryonic development of broiler tibia and its proximal growth plate were determined by means of histological, histometric and immunohistochemical methods. For this, 420 fertile eggs from parent stocks of Ross 308 broiler chickens were divided into five groups according to the proposed treatment: a control untreated group, a group injected with 30% ethanol and three further groups to be injected with 5, 15 or 40 ng AFB(1). The eggs were injected into the air space prior to incubation. Five eggs from each group were opened at 9, 11, 13, 17, 19 and 21 days of incubation and tibial tissue samples were removed, dissected of muscle and connective tissues, and processed by means of routine histological techniques. The cell proliferation rate of the epiphyseal growth plate cells was determined by immunohistochemical assay of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression. The results showed that both proliferative and hypertrophic zones narrowed significantly (P<0.05), when compared with the controls, in all of the AFB(1)-treated groups whereas the transitional zone thickened, especially in the group given 40 ng AFB(1) group. The PCNA positivity indices of 15 and 40 ng AFB(1)-treated groups were significantly higher (P<0.05) on days 11, 13, 17, 19 and 21 of incubation. It was concluded that in ovo-administered AFB(1) adversely affected embryonic development of the tibial growth plate, and that affected hatched broilers might also be more susceptible to skeletal disorders during growth.Öğe Determination of the Stages of the Sexual Cycle of the Bitch by Direct Examination(MEDWELL ONLINE, 2011) Aydin, Ibrahim; Sur, Emrah; Ozaydin, Tugba; Dinc, Dursun AliThe aim of this study was to determine the stages of the sexual cycle of the bitch by direct examination and also to assess the reliability of this new technique by comparing it with the classical staining techniques used in bitches. Forty mixed-breed bitches, of different ages and sexually mature were used in this study. A total of 120 vaginal smear samples were collected using a cotton swab, three from each bitch. The collected samples were air dried and coded. One of the prepared samples from each bitch was stained with May-Grunwald Giemsa and the second sample was stained with Papanicolaou. The third sample was left unstained for direct examination. The stages of the sexual cycle were determined using all of the samples. The researcher who evaluated the samples did not have information about the coding system. The evaluation was made blindly and the results were compared after determination of the stages of the sexual cycle from all of the samples. The sexual cycle stages determined with the May-Grunwald Giemsa and Papanicolaou techniques were completely consistent with each other. However, when the direct examination technique was compared with the classical staining techniques, there was a significant difference in the proestrus, diestrus and anestrus stages of the cycle (p<0.05) while there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the estrus stage of the cycle. In conclusion, it was found that when determining the stages of the sexual cycle of the bitch by vaginal cytology, the direct examination technique was reliable only in detecting the estrus stage of the cycle.Öğe The Development of Chicken Cerebellar Cortex and the Determination of AgNOR Activity of the Purkinje Cell Nuclei(ROYAL BELGIAN ZOOLOGICAL SOC, 2010) Akar, Serdar; Sur, EmrahIn this study, the embryonic and post-hatching development of the chicken cerebellar cortex, and the number, size and area of the silver-staining nucleolus-organizer regions (AgNORs) were determined in cerebellar Purkinje cells in layer-hen (Babcock-B380) embryos and chickens. The mean transverse diameter of the Purkinje cells and their nuclei, and the mean area of the Purkinje cell nucleus and AgNOR area increased during the entire experimental period. The mean ratio of the AgNOR area to the Purkinje cell nucleus area reached its highest value at the 15(th) day of incubation. There was no difference between the mean AgNOR numbers per nucleus. These findings provide reference data for future studies in this and related research topics, for example for establishing AgNOR parameters and we also hope that our data will be supplemented with other techniques such as PCNA and TUNEL in the near future.Öğe The distribution of pas-positive uterine natural killer (unk) cells in the decidua basalis of pregnant mice(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2015) Sur, Emrah; Oznurlu, Yasemin; Ozaydin, Tugba; Celik, Ilhami; Aydin, Ibrahim; Kadyralieva, NaristeThis study was carried out to determine the distribution of uterine natural killer (uNK) cells having periodic-acid Schiff (PAS) positive granules in the decidua basalis in pregnant mice. For this purpose, mice at 12-14 weeks of age were divided into four groups as nonpregnant control, and at the middle of the first, second, and the third week of the pregnancy, corresponding to early, middle, and late (3rd, 10th, and 17th days of pregnancy) gestational stages respectively (n=6 for each group). After placentation, it was identified four different regions as metrial region (MLAp; mesometrial lymphoid aggregate of pregnancy), decidua basalis, junctional zone and labyrinth zone in mice. It was observed trophoblast giant cells between decidua basalis and junctional zone. The number of PAS-positive uNK cells was found as 5 in 10.000 mu m(2) in endometrium of control animals while it was determined as 26.5 number/10.000 mu m(2) in decidua basalis at early gestational period. The highest PAS-positive uNK cell numbers (56 number/10.000 mu m(2)) were detected at the mid-gestational period in decidua basalis. uNK cells were also observed in the lumen of the maternal blood vessels. In mesometrial region, the dilatation of maternal blood vessels and thinning of the media layer was distinct. It was concluded that the number and the distribution of the uNK cells having periodic-acid Schiff (PAS) positive granules was affected by pregnancy.Öğe Effects of Aflatoxin B-1 on the Development of the Bursa of Fabricius and Blood Lymphocyte Acid Phosphatase of the Chicken(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2003) Sur, Emrah; Çelik, İlhami1. In this study, embryotoxicity and effects of in ovo administration of aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(1)) on the embryonic development of the bursa of Fabricius were determined in fertilised chicken eggs by histological methods and histochemical demonstration of acid phosphatase (ACP-ase) enzyme. Peripheral blood lymphocyte percentages were also estimated. 2. Embryonic stages were determined according to the Hamburger-Hamilton (H-H) scale. Mortality rates increased in AFB(1)-injected groups in a dose-dependent manner. Embryonic deaths were concentrated at H-H 31 in the 5 ng AFB(1)/egg group while the deaths were highest at H - H 25 in the 10 and 20 ng AFB(1)/ egg groups. In the 40 ng AFB(1)/ egg group, embryonic deaths mostly occurred during the first 70 to 72 h of incubation ( H - H 20). 3. Bursal development was quite similar at d 7 of incubation in control and all experimental groups although development had been substantially impaired and retarded at d 10 of incubation in 10, 20 and 40 ng AFB(1)/ egg groups. A gradual decrease of ACP-ase positive lymphocyte numbers was observed with increasing AFB(1) doses. The chicks in AFB(1)-treated groups hatched with poorly developed bursae compared with those of the controls. However, proportions of ACP-ase positive lymphocytes substantially increased at hatch and at 21 d of incubation all groups had similar numbers. 4. The results revealed that breeder diets should be investigated for aflatoxins and specifically AFB(1), in cases of low hatchability and flock immunity, because low concentration of AFB(1) transferred into the fertilised eggs might be the cause of serious problems.Öğe Effects of Aflatoxin B1 on the Development of Chicken Thymus and Blood Lymphocyte Alpha-naphthyl Acetate Esterase Activity(2005) Sur, Emrah; Çelik, IlhamiIn this study, the depressive effects of AFB1 on the embryonic development of chicken thymus were determined by histological methods and by histochemical demonstration of alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) enzyme. ANAE positivity frequencies of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were also determined. Embryonic stages were determined according to the Hamburger-Hamilton (H-H) scale. Thymic development was quite similar on day 7 of incubation in all control and AFB1 groups. In contrast, the development was substantially impaired and retarded on day 10 of incubation in the 20 and 40 ng/egg AFB1 groups. The ANAE positivity was first detected on the 18th day of incubation in a minority (2%) of PBL. The proportions of PBL and their ANAE positivity frequencies were significantly (P<0.05) lower in AFB1 treated groups than in the controls on the day of hatching.Öğe Effects of aflatoxin on the proportions of peripheral blood leukocytes and alpha-naphtyl acetate esterase (anae) positive lymphocytes in the mouse(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2010) Tuzcu, Mehmet; Sur, Emrah; Celik, Ilhami; Oznurlu, Yasemin; Ciftci, Mustafa KemalIn this study detrimental effects of aflatoxin (AF) on the peripheral blood formula and the alpha naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) - positivity profile of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) on the mice were determined. A total of 40 white mice were randomly divided in to 5 groups each having 8 animals. The first group served as a control and received standard diet. The remaining 4 groups were fed diets containing 200, 400, 800 and 1600 ppb AF, respectively. The results of this study have revealed that AF given by the food caused significant declines both in the proportion of PBL and in the percentages of ANAE-positive peripheral blood lymphocytes (T-lymphocytes) in a dose dependent manner. These results may be concerned as a haematological evidence for immuno-suppressive effect of AF on cell-mediated immunity.Öğe Effects of Glucomannan on the Sacculus Rotundus and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in New Zealand Rabbits during Aflatoxicosis(HINDAWI LTD, 2012) Sur, Emrah; Donmez, Hasan Huseyin; Boydak, Murat; Ataman, Mehmet BozkurtThis study was aimed to determine the effects of the glucomannan added to aflatoxin- (AF-) contaminated diet on the sacculus rotundus and peripheral blood lymphocytes of New Zealand rabbits by histological and enzyme histochemical methods. Twenty-four adult rabbits of both sexes were divided into four equal groups, namely, as control, glucomannan 0.2 g/day, AF 125 mu g/kg/day, and glucomannan combined with AF. The animals in all groups were treated for 12 weeks by the above-mentioned diet. When compared to control, AF-treatment caused significant decrease in alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase- (ANAE-) positive peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) percentages. The addition of the glucomannan to AFcontaining diet recovered the adverse effects of AF on sacculus rotundus and increased the ANAE-positive PBL counts. These results suggested that glucomannan was effective against the negative effects of AF in rabbits.Öğe Effetcs of supplementation of zinc and vitamin a to diet on hematological and some biochemical parameters in laying hens(2007) Kaya, Şule; Sur, Emrah; Halıloglu, SeyfullahBu çalışmada değişik miktarlarda çinko (0, 25, 50, 100, 200 mg/kg) ilavesi yapılmış vitamin A içeren ve içermeyen (Grup A, 0 IU/kg; Grup B, 10.000 IU/kg) rasyonla beslemenin yumurtacı tavuklarda bazı kan ve biyokimyasal parametreler üzerindeki etkiler araştırılmıştır. Araştırma 12 hafta sürmüştür. Çinko ilavesinin perifer kan monosit, T-lenfosit ve B-lenfosit oranlan ile plazma albumin konsantrasyonunu etkilediği görülmüştür. Vitamin A ve çinko etkileşiminin ortalama hücre hacmi (MCV) ve perifer kan lenfosit, heterofil, eozinofil, bazofîl oranlarının yanı sıra heterofil:lenfosit oranını etklediği tespit edilmiştir. Vitamin A'nın plazma albumin düzeyini düşürdüğü dikkati çekerken; vitamin A, çinko ve etkileşimlerinin lökosit (WBC), eritrosit (RBC), PCV, Hb, MCH, MCHC ve plazma total protein miktarlarında herhangi bir değişikliğe neden olmadığı gözlenmiştir.Öğe Enzyme Histochemistry and Agnor Numbers in the Peripheral Blood Leukocytes of 6 Month-old Kangal Bred Anatolian Shepherd Dogs(Ecole Nationale Veterinaire Toulouse, 2003) Sur, Emrah; Çelik, İlhami; Öznurlu, Y.; Aydın, Mehmet Faruk; Şen, İsmail; Özparlak, H.The determination of peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) counts and the, enzyme profile of PBL as reference values would be the first step to identify markers of lymphocyte differentiation and / or lymphoproliferation. In healthy, 6 month-old Kangal Shepherd dogs, PBL percentages, enzyme activities (cc-naphtyl acetate esterase (ANAE), acid phosphatase (ACP-ase), P-glucuronidase (BG-ase) and N acetyl beta-glucosaminidase (NABG-ase)) and some characteristics of silver stained nucleolus organizing regions (AgNOR parameters) were evaluated by histochemical methods. PBL percentage in females was significantly lower when compared to males (p < 0.05). Mean ANAE-positivity of PBL in males was 63.13 % whereas the positivity was slightly lower in females (60.75 %). The percentages of ACP-ase, BG-ase and NABG-ase positive lymphocytes of both genders were close similar. Values were respectively 39.37 %, 55.11 % and 52.45 % in males, and 39.12 %, 52.73 % and 51.37 % in females. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in mean AgNOR number nor in AgNOR diameters in PBL between males and females. Nucleus diameters and AgNOR diameter / nucleus diameter ratios of both genders were also quite similar. It was concluded that tabulated data as reference sources should be established for enzymatic positivity profiles and for AgNOR parameters in different age groups of Kangal breed and in other popular dog breeds. These data might be useful in early diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disturbances and in viral diseases caused by lymphotroph viruses and in the planning of therapeutic protocols, by using relatively cheaper techniques.Öğe Enzyme Histochemistry of the Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Arabian Horses(Medwell Online, 2010) Aydın, Mehmet Faruk; Çelik, İlhami; Sur, Emrah; Öznurlu, Yasemin; Telatar, TuğbaThe aims of this study were to determine the percentages of A-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE) positive and Acid phosphatase (Acp)-postive Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes (PBL) and the proportion of peripheral blood lymphocytes in the Arabian race horses. Blood samples obtained from the Vena jugularis of 40 healthy Arabian race horses at four years old were analyzed. The animals were selected randomly from found as 46.20%. In conclusion, the enzyme histochemical techniques are simple, inexpensive and well performed for laboratory conditions. Also, these techniques may help early diagnosis of different diseases. Further studies about enzyme histochemistry in Arabian race horses shouled be performed.Öğe Ergin evcil ördeklerin (Anas Platryhynchos) perifer kan lenfositlerinde alfa-naftil asetat esteraz ve Asit fosfataz aktivitesinin belirlenmesi(2007) Dönmez, Hasan Hüseyin; Sur, EmrahBu çalışma, ergin ördeklerin (Anas Platryhynchos) perifer kan lenfosit (PBL) oranı ile alfa-naftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) ve asit fosfataz (ACP) pozitif lenfosit oranlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada 8 ergin evcil ördekten alınan kan örnekleri kullanıldı. ANAE-pozitif lenfosit oranları % 32.62 olarak tespit edilirken, ACP pozitif lenfosit oranı % 78.5 olarak bulundu. Perifer kan lenfosit oranı ise % 67 olarak belirlendi.
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