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Öğe Ahşap İmalatta Kullanılan Hampaylı Köşe Birleştirmelerin Diyagonal Yük Analizi(2007) Tokgöz, Hanifi; Uzer, Ali UlviBu çalışmada; ahşap imalatta kullanılan hampaylı köşe birleştirme şekillerinden düz hampaylı, gizli hampaylı ve pahlı hampaylı zıvana, üç farklı ahşap kereste (sarıçam, kestane, göknar) ile belirli nem düzeyinde (u % 12) birleştirilerek basınç ve çekme mukavemetleri incelenmiştir. Numunelerin birbirlerine montajında polivinilasetat (PVA) yapıştırıcısı kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak; basınç ve çekme deneyleri sonucunda en mukavemetli malzemenin sarıçam olduğu, birleşim yönünden en iyi çekme mukavemetinin gizli hampaylı zıvana ile elde edilebileceği, basınç mukavemetleri yönünden ise birleşim şekilleri arasında anlamlı bir farkın olmadığı görülmüştür.Öğe Assessment of sand stabilization potential of a plant-derived biomass(WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, 2016) Peric, Dunja; Bartley, Paul A.; Davis, Lawrence; Uzer, Ali Ulvi; Gurer, CahitLignin is a coproduct of biofuel and paper industries, which exhibits binding qualities when mixed with water. Lignin is an ideal candidate for a sustainable stabilization of unpaved roads. To this end, an experimental program was devised and carried out to quantify effects of lignin on compaction and early age shear strength behaviors of sand. Samples were prepared by mixing a particular type of coproduct called calcium lignosulfonate (CaL) with sand and water. Based on the extensive analyses of six series of strength tests, it was found that a normalized cohesion increased with an increasing normalized areas ratio. Normalizations were carried out by dividing the cohesion and area ratio by gravimetric CaL content whereby the area ratio was obtained by dividing the portion of the cross-sectional area occupied with lignosulfonate-water (CaL-W) paste by the total cross-sectional area. While the increase in the normalized cohesion eventually leveled out, the cohesion peaked at 6% of CaL. Thus, sand-CaL-water (S-CaL-W) mixes sustained larger shear stresses than dry sand for a range of normal stresses below the limiting normal stress. Consequently, the early age behavior indicates that adding CaL-W to sand is clearly beneficial in the near-surface applications in dry sand.Öğe Geotechnical and mineralogical properties of Konyaalti (Antalya, Turkey) clays(KING FAHD UNIV PETROLEUM MINERALS, 2008) Acar, Mustafa Hilmi; Uzer, Ali Ulvi; Altunsoy, MehmetGeotechnical and mineralogical, characteristics of blue-green clays of the Harbour District existing inside the boundaries of Antalya Konyaalti Municipality were investigated with comprehensive field and laboratory tests. Today, building construction in this district is being carried out without any prior qualified geotechnical investigations taking place. Undisturbed and disturbed soil specimens were taken from 12 drilled boreholes at 1.5 in intervals and down 30 in deep. Shelby tubes samples were retrieved and SPT were carried out in order to determine soil profile and geotechnical properties. After comparing the laboratory and field test results, it was observed that they were in agreement. Strength and compressibility characteristics of the soil were defined with the correlations using laboratory and field test results. Since the region has been formed of lagoon-sedimented clays, Rock analyses were done on the two specimens achieved from various depths along the soil profile. XRD analyses on eleven specimens were also conducted. Unconfined compressive strenght (q(u)), undrained cohesion (C(u)) and compression index (C(c)) varies between 40 kN/m(2) and 144.2 kN/m(2), 7.0 kN/m(2) and 90 kN/m(2), 0.095, and 0.38, respectively.Öğe Konyaaltı (Antalya) lagün killerinin teorik ve deneysel incelenmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006) Uzer, Ali Ulvi; Acar, Mustafa HilmiBu çalışmada günümüzde Konyaaltı Belediyesi sınırları içinde bulunan eski adıyla Hurma Köyü yeni adıyla Liman Mahallesi ve civarı zeminini oluşturan lagün killeri incelenmiştir. Konyaaltı kıyı alanı Antalya'nın batısında 9 km uzunluğundaki plajı ile meşhur turistik bir bölgedir. Günümüzde bölge turistik cazibesi nedeniyle çok katlı ve yoğun bir yapılaşmaya maruz kalmaktadır. Gelişimindeki lagünel ve alüvyal mekanizmalar, deniz seviyesi ve düşey yerkabuğu hareketleri sonucu zemin profili oldukça karmaşık bir yapı sunar. Bu çalışma başlıca üç bölümden meydana gelmektedir. Birinci bölümde; Liman Mahallesi ve civarı yumuşak zeminlerinden alınan örselenmiş ve örselenmemiş numunelerin geoteknik özellikleri TS 1900'da belirtilen kriterlere göre kapsamlı laboratuar ve arazi (SPT) deneyleri ile belirlenerek, geoteknik parametreler arasında (bölgeye özgü) korelasyonlar oluşturulmuştur. İkinci bölümde; bölgeyi temsil eden lagün killerinin mineralojik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise; birinci bölümde bahsedilen arazi ve laboratuar verilerinden elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda, inceleme bölgesinin sonlu elemanlar yöntemiyle (plaxis yazılımı) konsolidasyon oturması analizi yapılmıştır.Öğe THE SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS OF THE 2ND ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL REGION (KONYA - TURKEY) CLAYS USING PLAXIS SOFTWARE(INT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SGEM, 2011) Uzer, Ali UlviIn this study, the geotechnical properties of the 2nd Organized Industrial Region clays were investigated and the settlement analysis was made with Plaxis software. First of all, the geotechnical properties of the disturbed and undisturbed specimens taken from the 2nd Organized Industrial Region and its surroundings were determined with laboratory and field (SPT) tests according to criterion defined in TS 1900. For this purpose, there were drilled 18 bore wells with 40 m depth. The parameters that would be used in the analyses were defined, and the consolidation settlement values occurring under additional structural stresses were calculated. Later, considering the results obtained from the field and laboratory data, the consolidation settlement analysis of the investigated area was performed with the Plaxis software. The analytical results were compared with the results obtained from the analyses performed with Plaxis software, and it was observed that especially the Plaxis settlement values were in large values. The base pressure (kPa) - settlement correlation for this region's soils was produced using the Plax is software.Öğe Şişen zeminler üzerinde iki farklı şişme deney yöntemi sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, 2006) Uzer, Ali Ulvi; Olgun, MuratDünyanın birçok bölgesinde, özellikle de kurak ve yarı - kurak alanlarda şişen zeminlere sıkça rastlanmaktadır. Genellikle aktif kil mineralleri ihtiva eden bu zeminler, kapiler yoldan su alarak büyük hacim değişikliklerine uğramakta, bilhassa yol, havaalanı gibi hafif yapılarda büyük hasarlar meydana getirmektedirler. Bu tür zeminlerin şişme davranışlarının ve bunlara etkiyen faktörlerin önceden belirlenmesi ile meydana gelebilecek zararlar azaltılabilmekte, ya da tamamen önlenebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada; ticari amaçlı olarak kullanılan iki değişik firmanın yüksek plastisiteli ve şişme özelliği gösteren montmorillonit (bentonit) killeri deney numunesi olarak seçilmiştir. Örselenmiş numuneler üzerinde ASTM - 4546’da belirtilen A ve B deney yöntemi kriterlerine göre şişme deneyleri yapılarak, şişme basınçları ve şişme yüzdelerinin birbiriyle karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla öncelikli olarak numunelerin indeks ve mühendislik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Örselenmiş numuneler üzerinde dane birim hacim ağırlığı (?s), doğal birim hacim ağırlığı (?n) ve su muhtevası (w) deneyleri yapılarak fiziksel özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Kil numunelerinin kıvam özellikleri; likit limit ve plastik limit deneyleriyle bulunmuştur. Standart Proctor (kompaksiyon) deneyi yapılarak wopt (optimum su muhtevası) ile ?kmaks. (maksimum kuru birim hacim ağırlığı) değerleri elde edilmiştir. ASTM - 4546’da belirtilen; A Yöntemi kriterleri uygulanarak yapılan şişme deneylerinde, temel yüküne eşdeğer bir P0 gerilmesi alınmadan yükleme yapıldığından çok yüksek şişme değerleri bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle yalnızca A Yöntemi şişme değerleri dikkate alınarak yapılan arazi uygulamalarında, üst yapıda ekonomik olmayan tasarımların meydana gelmesi kaçınılmazdır. Buna karşın B Yöntemiyle bulunan sonuçlar doğal arazi yapısını daha iyi modellemektedir. Bu nedenle tasarım ve uygulamalarda B Yöntemi deney sonuçlarının dikkate alınması önerilmektedir.Öğe Strength performance of Iowa soils stabilized with biofuel industry co-product(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015) Ceylan, Halil; Kim, Sungwan; Uzer, Ali Ulvi; Yang, BoThe increasing cost and depletion of fossil-based energy combined with the problems of global warming is driving the development of bio-based energy products from plant biomass as renewable energy. The utilization of biofuel co-product (BCP) in new industrial applications should be investigated to increase the profitability of bio-based products and the bio-energy business. One such area of high-impact application is the stabilization of low quality roadbed soils with sulfur-free lignins found in BCPs. Recently, researchers are taking interest in investigating the viability and use of biofuel derived sulfur-free lignins for soil stabilization. This study aims to investigate the utilization of biofuel co-products (BCPs) containing lignin in pavement geomaterials stabilization. Laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the effect of BCP addition on strength performance for a wide range of soils encountered in Iowa. Two different sulfur-free lignins were investigated: Co-product A is a liquid material with higher lignin content and co-product B is a powder material with lower lignin content. For all soil types, a significant increase in compressive strength was observed once 12% BCP B was added to pure soil. The compressive strength values were increase up to two times for Soil 2 (CL-ML) and four times for Soil 4 (ML). The results of these study indicated that the BCP has excellent potential for stabilizing low quality materials for use in road construction. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Öğe THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ABOUT THE LAGOON CLAYS OF THE KONYAALTI REGION IN ANTALYA(INT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SGEM, 2010) Uzer, Ali UlviKonyaalti coast area is a famous touristic region with its 9 km long beach at the west side of Antalya City. Nowadays, the region is subjected to multi - storey and dense constructioning activities due to its touristic charm. Lagoony and alluvial mechanisms in its development, the soil profile presents a considerably complex structure as a result of sea level and vertical ground movements. In this study, geotechnical and mineralogical characteristics of blue green clays of the Harbour District existing inside the boundaries of Antalya Konyaalti Municipality were investigated with comprehensive field and laboratory tests. The geological and mineralogical properties of the sediments constituting the alluviums of this region were investigated and the distribution of the clay minerals was presented. The strength and the compressibility characteristics of the soil were defined with some correlations obtained by the laboratory and field test results. This aim, undisturbed and disturbed soil specimens were taken from 12 drilled boreholes at 1.5 m intervals down to 30 m depths by using Shelby tubes in order to determine the soil profile and the geotechnical properties. In addition, SPT (Standard Penetration Test) tests were carried out in all the boreholes. Besides the Mesozoic old units seen at the base of the region, the travertines of Quaternary units, side remains, beach deposits and alluviums exist at the top. The unconfined compressive strength (q(u)), undrained cohesion (c(u)), compressive index (C-c) of the soil vary between 20 kN/m(2) and 84.2 kN/m(2), 7.0 kN/m(2) and 90 kN/m(2), 0.095 and 0.38 respectively.Öğe THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PROPERTIES OF THE 2ND ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL REGION (KONYA - TURKEY)(INT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SGEM, 2011) Uzer, Ali UlviIn this study, geotechnical and mineralogical characteristics of 2nd Organized Industrial Region existing inside the boundaries of Konya Selcuklu Municipality were investigated with comprehensive field and laboratory tests. The investigation area formed with soft clay soils with gypsum consists of central-lake sediments. The strength and the compressibility characteristics of the soil were defined with some correlations obtained by the laboratory and field test results. This aim, undisturbed and disturbed soil specimens were taken from 18 drilled boreholes at 1.5 m intervals down to 40 m depths by using Shelby tubes in order to determine the soil profile and the geotechnical properties. In addition, SPT (Standard Penetration Test) tests were carried out in all the boreholes.Öğe Use of biofuel co-product for pavement geo-materials stabilization(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015) Uzer, Ali UlviLignocellulosic biomass contains abundant cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Ethanol production, which utilizes cellulosic and hemicellulosic fractions of the lignocellulosic biomass, is obtained from the transformation of fermentable sugar. In this case, other fiber portions of biomass like lignin can be considered as byproducts during the conversion process, and these byproducts generally are used to produce octane booster fuels, bio-based products, and chemical productions. For reduction of soil stabilization costs, utilization of lignin-based BCPs (biofuel co-products) as an alternative to stabilize pavement subgrade soil is an innovative idea, and satisfies the needs of sustainable development of construction. This study aims to investigate the utilization of biofuel co-products (BCPs) containing lignin in pavement geo-materials stabilization. Laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the effect of BCP addition on shear strength performance for a wide range of soils encountered in Iowa. The unconsolidated undrained direct shear test (DST) was used to evaluate shear performance. The results of this study indicate that Biofuel Co-Products are beneficial in the soil stabilization of low quality materials for road construction use. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).