Konyaaltı (Antalya) lagün killerinin teorik ve deneysel incelenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmada günümüzde Konyaaltı Belediyesi sınırları içinde bulunan eski adıyla Hurma Köyü yeni adıyla Liman Mahallesi ve civarı zeminini oluşturan lagün killeri incelenmiştir. Konyaaltı kıyı alanı Antalya'nın batısında 9 km uzunluğundaki plajı ile meşhur turistik bir bölgedir. Günümüzde bölge turistik cazibesi nedeniyle çok katlı ve yoğun bir yapılaşmaya maruz kalmaktadır. Gelişimindeki lagünel ve alüvyal mekanizmalar, deniz seviyesi ve düşey yerkabuğu hareketleri sonucu zemin profili oldukça karmaşık bir yapı sunar. Bu çalışma başlıca üç bölümden meydana gelmektedir. Birinci bölümde; Liman Mahallesi ve civarı yumuşak zeminlerinden alınan örselenmiş ve örselenmemiş numunelerin geoteknik özellikleri TS 1900'da belirtilen kriterlere göre kapsamlı laboratuar ve arazi (SPT) deneyleri ile belirlenerek, geoteknik parametreler arasında (bölgeye özgü) korelasyonlar oluşturulmuştur. İkinci bölümde; bölgeyi temsil eden lagün killerinin mineralojik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise; birinci bölümde bahsedilen arazi ve laboratuar verilerinden elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda, inceleme bölgesinin sonlu elemanlar yöntemiyle (plaxis yazılımı) konsolidasyon oturması analizi yapılmıştır.
In this study, lagoon clays constituting the soils of Hurma Village with its new name Harbor District and its surroundings existing today inside the boundaries of Konyaaltı Municipality were investigated. Konyaaltı coast area is a famous touristic region with its 9 km long beach at the west side of Antalya city. Nowadays, the region is subjected to multi-storey and dense constructioning activities due to its touristic charm. Lagoony and alluvial mechanisms in its development, the soil profile presents a considerably complex structure as a result of sea level and vertical ground movements. This study is formed from three main chapters. In the first chapter, determining the geotechnical characteristics of disturbed and undisturbed specimens taken from the soft soils of Harbor District and its surroundings with comprehensive laboratory and field tests (SPT) according to TS 1900 criterions, they were formed from the correlations between geotechnical parameters (peculiar to the region). In the second chapter, the mineralogical characteristics of the lagoon clays representing the region were investigated. In the third chapter, the consolidation settlement analysis of the exploration region was performed by using the finite elements method (plaxis software) and considering the results obtained from the field and laboratory data mentioned in the first chapter.
In this study, lagoon clays constituting the soils of Hurma Village with its new name Harbor District and its surroundings existing today inside the boundaries of Konyaaltı Municipality were investigated. Konyaaltı coast area is a famous touristic region with its 9 km long beach at the west side of Antalya city. Nowadays, the region is subjected to multi-storey and dense constructioning activities due to its touristic charm. Lagoony and alluvial mechanisms in its development, the soil profile presents a considerably complex structure as a result of sea level and vertical ground movements. This study is formed from three main chapters. In the first chapter, determining the geotechnical characteristics of disturbed and undisturbed specimens taken from the soft soils of Harbor District and its surroundings with comprehensive laboratory and field tests (SPT) according to TS 1900 criterions, they were formed from the correlations between geotechnical parameters (peculiar to the region). In the second chapter, the mineralogical characteristics of the lagoon clays representing the region were investigated. In the third chapter, the consolidation settlement analysis of the exploration region was performed by using the finite elements method (plaxis software) and considering the results obtained from the field and laboratory data mentioned in the first chapter.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antalya, Yumuşak zeminler, Sonlu elemanlar yöntemi, Soft soils, Finite element method, Zemin modelleri, Soil models, Lagün killeri, Lagoon clays
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uzer, A. U. (2006). Konyaaltı (Antalya) lagün killerinin teorik ve deneysel incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.