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Öğe A Comparative Study of Crop Evapotranspiration Estimation by Three Methods with Measured Crop Evapotranspiration in Konya Plain(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019) Yavuz, Duran; Süheri, Sinan; Amarkai, Peter AddoEvapotranspiration values are one of the basic data used in the planning, design, construction and operation of irrigation facilities. The irrigation water needs of several plants are calculated by using various empirical equations based on meteorological data and the system is designed according to the month in which the highest irrigation water is needed. The aim of this study is to compare ETc of several crops calculated with different ETc estimation methods as of FAO56-Penman-Monteith, Hergeaves - Samani and Radiation Equation with determined ETc values obtained from previously conducted researches in Konya. In the study, five commonly cultivated crops in Konya Province such as maize, sugar beet, sunflower, potato and wheat were considered. In most of the cases, it was found that radiation equation produced higher ETc values than the measured ETc values in the researches conducted at the region. As a result of this study, Penman-Monteith was close to most of the values obtained from other studies and therefore remains a highly recommendable method for estimating ETc for considered plants in Konya.Öğe Effects of irrigation interval and quantity on the yield and quality of confectionary pumpkin grown under field conditions(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015) Yavuz, Duran; Seymen, Musa; Yavuz, Nurcan; Turkmen, OnderConfectionary pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L) is one of the important snacks preferred by consumers in Turkey due to its higher nutrient contents. However, there is no comprehensive study on water management in pumpkin cultivation in many countries including Turkey. Therefore, a 2-year study (2013-2014) was conducted to determine the effects of different irrigation intervals (S) and irrigation levels (I) on the seed yield and yield components of drip-irrigated confectionary pumpkin under the Middle Anatolian climatic conditions in Konya, Turkey. The experimental design was made in randomized blocks, in a 3 x 5 factorial scheme, with three replications. Treatments consisted of three irrigation intervals (S-7: 7 days, S-14: 14 days, and S-21: 21 days) and five irrigation levels (I-100: 100% irrigation or full irrigation, I-75: 75% of full irrigation, I-50: 50% of full irrigation, I-25: 25% of full irrigation, and I-0: no irrigation). Seasonal plant water consumption or actual evapotranspiration (ETa) of irrigation treatments varied from 194.2 to 660.2 mm in 2013 and from 208.6 to 629.6 mm in 2014. The irrigation interval (S) and the irrigation level (I) significantly affected the seed yield and quality of pumpkin in both the years. Typically, no significant differences were found among S7I-(100), S7I75, and S14I100 treatments in both the years although S7I100 treatment produced the highest seed yield (1274 kg ha(-1)). In 2013, except for 1000-seed weight, interaction between the irrigation interval and the irrigation level significantly affected the seed yield, the number of fruits per plant, seed yield per fruit, and mean fruit weight; however, in 2014, the effects of S x interaction on the seed yield and yield components were not significant. Seed yields were significantly affected in a linear relationship by the amount of irrigation water and evapotranspiration in both the years. Seasonal yield response factors (k(y)) were 0.92 and 1.27 in 2013 and 2014, respectively. In conclusion, I-100 with a 7-day irrigation interval is recommended for pumpkin grown under field conditions to maximize the yield. However, if the irrigation water is scarce, it will be suitable to irrigate pumpkin with either 25% water deficit (7-day interval) or full irrigation (14-day interval) in semiarid conditions. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Energy and water use for drip-irrigated potato in the Middle Anatolian region of Turkey(WILEY, 2016) Yavuz, Duran; Suheri, Sinan; Yavuz, NurcanThis study was conducted to determine the energy consumption and the relationship between energy input and yield for drip-irrigated potato under Middle Anatolian climatic conditions in Konya, Turkey. Also, the specific amount of energy consumed in irrigation was determined for both surface water and ground water sources. The experiment was carried out during the growing periods of 2008 and 2009. The results showed that total energy inputs were 63,222 MJha(-1). About 62% of the total energy inputs in potato production were found to be indirect energy (seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, machinery, and polyethylene pipe) and 38% was direct energy (human labor, electricity, and diesel). Irrigation consumed the most energy, accounting for 43.8% of total energy inputs. Amongst the direct energy inputs, irrigation had the maximum share of direct energy viz. 15,473 MJha(-1), which was almost 65% of direct energy input. Specific energy consumption of a drip irrigation system that takes water from surface and ground water sources was found to be 1.85 and 2.53 MJm(-3) respectively. When the per unit volume of irrigation water was applied to the field, the specific energy consumption of drip systems was higher for ground water than surface water sources, and the difference between those systems was about 37%. (c) 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 35: 212-220, 2016Öğe Evapotranspiration, crop coefficient and seed yield of drip irrigated pumpkin under semi-arid conditions(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015) Yavuz, Duran; Yavuz, Nurcan; Seymen, Musa; Turkmen, OnderPumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) is one of the most important plants in Turkey. A 2-year experiment (2013-2014) was conducted in the Konya Plain of Turkey in order to investigate the response of confectionary pumpkin to irrigation intervals. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design consisting of three irrigation intervals (I-7: 7-day, I-14: 14-day, I-21: 21-day) with three replications each. Actual evapotranspiration (ETa) of irrigation treatments varied from 521.2 to 660.2 mm in 2013 and from 493.6 to 629.6 mm in 2014. On an average, the ETa rate was 4.71 mm day(-1) under I-7 and declined by 8% and 21% under I-14 and I-21, respectively. Crop coefficients (K-c) varied similar to ETa among the different growing stages, i.e., from a mean of 0.56 at the initial stage to 0.95 at mid-season. The mean K-c was estimated to be 0.74 for the whole season. Irrigation intervals were found to significantly affect the seed yield and the quality of pumpkin in 2013 as well as 2014. No statistically significant differences (P <= 0.05) were found between the I-7 and I-14 treatments in both the years although the I-7 treatment was observed to produce the highest seed yield (1275 kg ha(-1)). Hence, in terms of water savings, the irrigation interval could be extended to 14 days without a significant decrease in the seed yield in case of arid and semi-arid areas such as the Konya Plain. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Patates tarımında farklı sulama yöntemlerinin su kullanımı, verim ve enerji tüketimi yönünden karşılaştırılması(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011-10-05) Yavuz, Duran; Kara, MehmetYapılan bu çalışmada, Konya Ovası' nda, yağmurlama, karık ve damla sulama yöntemlerinin, patatesin verim ve kalite özellikleri ile su ve enerji kullanımına etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, damla sulama yönteminde iki farklı lateral aralığı (70 cm ve 140 cm) ve iki farklı ıslatılan alan yüzdesinin (% 100 ve % 75) patatesin verim ve verim unsurları üzerine etkileri de incelenmiştir. Araştırma, 2008 ve 2009 yıllarında, Konya Şeker A.Ş' nin Alakova' daki deneme arazisinde yürütülmüştür. Bölge koşullarında, her iki deneme yılının ortalaması dikkate alındığında, patates bitkisinin yetiştirme dönemleri içinde gerçekleşen mevsimlik bitki su tüketimi ortalama 670.23 mm ile yağmurlama sulama yönteminde en yüksek olmuştur. Bu değer karık sulama yönteminde 618.30 mm, damla sulama yönteminde ise 572.17 mm olarak bulunmuştur. Mevsimlik bitki su tüketimi damla sulama yöntemine kıyasla, yağmurlama ve karık sulama yöntemlerinde sırasıyla % 17.1 ve % 8.1 daha fazla gerçekleşmiştir. Yağmurlama, karık ve damla sulama yöntemleri arasında, toplam yumru verimi, bitki başına yumru sayısı, yumru çapı, yumru boyu, yumru kuru madde oranı, yumru nişasta oranı ve yumru protein oranı açısından istatistiki olarak % 1 ve % 5 önem seviyesinde bir fark bulunmazken, tek yumru ağırlığı ve pazarlanabilir yumru veriminde % 5 seviyesinde fark bulunmuştur. Pazarlanabilir yumru verimi, damla sulama yönteminde yağmurlama yöntemine göre % 11.5, karık yöntemine göre % 5 daha fazladır. Sulama suyu ve su kullanım etkinliği her iki deneme yılında da en yüksek damla yönteminde, en düşük yağmurlama yönteminde elde edilmiş olup, bu değerler damla yönteminde sırasıyla ortalama 8.32 kg/m3 ve 7.51 kg/m3, yağmurlama yönteminde ise sırasıyla ortalama 6.09 kg/m3 ve 5.76 kg/m3 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Birim alana enerji tüketimi damla yöntemine kıyasla, yağmurlama yönteminde % 22.8 daha fazla olmuştur. Yağmurlama ve damla sulama yöntemleri ile birim alanın sulanması için, yerüstü su kaynaklarına göre yer altı su kaynakları ile sulamada doğrudan enerji tüketimi % 30 daha fazladır. Damla sulama yönteminde, farklı lateral aralığı ve ıslatılan alan yüzdesinin uygulandığı deneme konularında mevsimlik bitki su tüketimi konulara bağlı olarak 454.38 (lateral aralığı 140 cm, ıslatılan alan yüzdesi % 75) ile 572.17 (lateral aralığı 70 cm, ıslatılan alan yüzdesi % 100) mm arasında değişmiştir. Farklı lateral aralığı uygulaması daha çok yumru verimi, tek yumru ağırlığı, bitki başına yumru sayısı, yumru çapı, yumru boyu, pazarlanabilir yumru verimi gibi patatesin fiziksel kalite unsurları üzerine etkili olurken, ıslatılan alan yüzdesi uygulaması ise yumru nişasta ve protein oranı gibi kimyasal kalite parametreleri üzerinde istatistiki açıdan etkili olmuştur. Damla sulamada farklı lateral aralığı ve ıslatılan alan yüzdelerinin uygulandığı deneme konularında, sulama suyu kullanım etkinliği 8.32 - 4.90 kg/m3, su kullanım etkinliği 7.51- 5.44 kg/m3 arasında değişmiştir.Öğe The salt movement on soil profile at sprinkler and drip irrigation method applications(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2014) Yavuz, Nurcan; Ciftci, Nizamettin; Yavuz, DuranIn this study, the effects of sprinkler and drip irrigation methods on salt distributions within soil profile were researched. The irrigation interval for each irrigation methods was 7 (seven) days and water content of soil was replenished to the field capacity in each irrigation (FC). The irrigation content of soil was measured by ?t Profile Probe moisture meter. As a result, when initial and final soil salinity values soil depth compared, it was observed that the soil salinity decreased 40.8% on sprinkler irrigation and 29.5% on drip irrigation method at depth of 0 -30 cm, 26.3% on sprinkler irrigation method and 25.5% on drip irrigation method at depth of 30 – 60 cm whereas the soil salinity increased 58.8% on sprinkler irrigation method and 56.2% on drip irrigation method at depth of 60 -90 cm, 54.6% on sprinkler irrigation method and 31.8% on drip irrigation method at depth of 90 -120 cm.Öğe Yağmurlama sulamanın enerji gereksinimi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006-01-18) Yavuz, Duran; Topak, RamazanBu çalışma yağmurlama sulama yöntemi ile sulamanın enerji tüketimini tespit etmek amacıyla Konya-Çumra sulama şebekesi alanında yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla bölgede uygulanan yağmurlama sistemlerinin su kaynağı, basınç kaynağı, sistem elemanları, işletme basınçları, başlık tertip esasları gibi özellikleri yerinde inceleme ve gözlemler yapılmak suretiyle belirlenmiştir. Su kaynağı ve basınç kaynağı dikkate alındığında beş farklı yağmurlama sisteminin planlanıp işletildiği tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma bu beş grup dikkate alınarak toplam 69 yağmurlama tesisi üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, sistemlerin dizel yakıt veya elektrik enerjisi, ekipman üretim enerjisi ve işgücü enerji tüketimi belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; yüzey su kaynaklarından sulama yapan yağmurlama sistemlerinde birim alana yıllık enerji tüketimi; dizel veya elektrik enerjisi, ekipman üretim enerjisi ve insan işgücü enerjisi olarak sırasıyla motopomplu sistemlerde ortalama 14107, 923 ve 44 MJ/ha-yıl, kuyruk mili ile tahrik edilen santrifüj pompalı sistemlerde 21458, 3700 ve 41 MJ/ha-yıl olarak hesaplanmıştır. Aynı değerler yer altı su kaynaklarından sulama yapan yağmurlama sistemlerinden kuyruk mili ile tahrik edilen düşey milli pompalı sistemlerde; 35748, 3873 ve 40 MJ/ha-yıl, elektrik motoru ile tahrik edilen düşey milli pompalı sistemlerde; 35491, 1164 ve 42 MJ/ha-yıl, dalgıç pompalı sistemlerde ise 47152, 1321 ve 37 MJ/ha-yıl olarak hesaplanmıştır.