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  • Öğe
    A New Approach on the Determination of the Spatial Criteria and Parameters Affecting Walking Comfort: Selcuk University Example
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021) Akay, Ahmet; Önder, Serpil
    Physical inactivity and the diseases such as obesity are the results of increasing environmental pollution caused by developing technology, are shown as the main problems reducing the quality of life today. Succeed in the studies conducted on the topic of active transportation is directly related to the mentioned problems, which is very important in terms of reducing the negative effects. Although different methods are used in the relevant literature, a significant number of parameters are commonly evaluated in many studies. It is seen that these parameters are used in different study areas and there are inconsistencies between the results. Some control studies are needed to reveal the factors that cause inconsistent results. At this point, instead of using a standard set of parameters in various study areas, it would be useful to create a new set of specific parameters based on the characteristics of the related study area. This study aims to determine the spatial parameters affecting walking comfort in a specific study area (Selcuk University) together with the significance levels and to develop a new approach that can be adapted to different study areas based on this example area. In the study, both objective and subjective measurement methods were used to evaluate the potential inconsistency between the obtained results. In 17 of 30 parameters evaluated within the scope of the study, the coefficient determined by the users was higher than that of the experts. Based on the data that more than half of the parameters according to users are more important than those indicated by the experts, it was concluded that the standards and criteria were not fully accepted by the users.
  • Öğe
    Examination of Shopping Malls on the Usage Preferences of Physical Disabilities: On-Site Evaluation from Konya/Turkey
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Güngör, Sertaç; İyit, Neslihan
    With this research, the suitability of the existing large shopping malls in the city of Konya for the use of physically disabled individuals, the problems they may experience in their use and their expectations were evaluated. For this purpose, a survey was conducted in 4 large shopping malls, private or public rehabilitation malls for the disabled, and the Konya Branch of the Turkish Association for the Disabled. The research was carried out in 2018-2019. A survey was conducted with disabled people who volunteered on different days, weekdays, and weekends. Even though it is difficult to access, the shopping mall where they can be most comfortable as a disabled person has been “Novada”. While "Novada AVM" stands out due to the ease of use of the sanitary facilities, the presence of landmarks for the visually impaired, the presence of a battery-chair charging station and the availability of wheelchairs, "Kent plaza", where its staff receives "sign language" training for the speech-impaired, is one of the preferred shopping malls. has been. In this research, "Kulesite" shopping mall has been the most preferred shopping mall due to the ease of transportation by "tramway".
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of Popular Recreation Places in Konya in Terms of Safety and Maintenance Criteria: In The Case of Kalehan Ecdat and Japon Parks
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Güngör, Sertaç
    Both the negative impact of the covid pandemic that we have experienced in the last 2 years, and the understanding of having green areas with higher standards have come to the fore more today. While the longing for green spaces has increased in individuals who are closed in their homes in the pandemic environment, the necessity of these green spaces to be more well-maintained and safer has emerged, considering the pandemic conditions. The aim of this research is to determine the status of the facilities and the park in general in Kalehan-Ecdat and Japon Parks, two of the most popular urban parks in Konya, and to compare them with each other in terms of maintenance and security. These two popular parks constitute the main material of the research. A total of 256 visitors using the parks were surveyed on a voluntary basis, paying attention to the pandemic hygiene conditions, face-to-face and online using Google surveys. Kalehan-Ecdat and Japon parks were evaluated by the park users in terms of the well-maintained and safety of the facilities they contain and the park in general, in order to determine their current status and to compare them with each other. While 60% of the users found both parks well-maintained, 4% found them unmaintained. When the security conditions of the parks were evaluated, Kalehan-Ecdat park, which has straight access roads and patrols in the park, was found to be 70% safe in terms of circulation, while the Japon park, which had deserted areas in places due to its lively design, was found to be 50% safe.
  • Öğe
    Visual Presentation of Mental Images in Urban Design Education: Cognitive Maps
    (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2012) Topçu, Kadriye Deniz; Topçu, Mehmet
    Being basic concern of urban design education, urban space, can be defined as a livable and perceivable multi-dimensional place that is also has time content. It is formed by buildings, perceived by city-dwellers and has many inter-related urban activities in it. After researches, it can be seen that there has been many approaches that form a basis for urban design education. Among these approaches, this study focuses on cognitive and psychological approaches of urban space which have a great importance in urban design. From this point of view, because of affecting human behavior and activities and considerably important for giving clues to urban designers, the concepts of perceiving space, image ability, spatial legibility and cognitive maps that concretize these mental images or in other words turned these images into drawings were defined in the study. Subject of the study was evaluated within objective and subjective viewpoints. This study chose Selcuk University Campus as a sample area in which we work as an educator and which is the living space of many students. The aim of the study is to find out the undergraduate students' perceptions and images related to Campus Area in which the students gain experiences every day and in accordance with the results to obtain design clues for Selcuk University Campus Area. For attaining this goal, we searched how the spatial image changes by students' individual perception? Which spaces in the area are more easily-remembered than the others? Which are preferable and admirable spaces or not for students? Sampling ratio of the study is approximately %15 (30 undergraduate students) within the students who took an urban design education and live in the campus area. Producing cognitive maps of these students and interpreting them by using Kevin Lynch's (1960) 'cognitive urban image' and Jack L. Nasar's (1997) 'evaluative urban image' elements are the methods of the study. In conclusion; after obtaining and analyzing the cognitive maps, we got some important design clues to produce successful urban spacesfor Selcuk University Campus Area.
  • Öğe
    Socio-Economic Issues in 'Socially Produced' Low Income Housing: Theory and Case Study in Nigeria
    (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2012) Jaiyeoba, Babatunde; Aklanoğlu, Filiz
    The paper argues that low income housing is socially produced in different social contexts and examines the socio economic issues in the social production of low income housing. It also presents part of the result of a case study in Nigeria to explain and understand housing production by low income people contrary to their marginalization and exclusion. The paper concludes that if policy is to enhance housing solution for the majority; knowledge of how low income people house themselves and understanding their underlying motivation for house ownership in different social contexts is critical.
  • Öğe
    Improving the Sludge Disintegration Efficiency of Sonication by Combining With Alkalization and Thermal Pre-Treatment Methods
    (Iwa Publishing, 2012) Sahinkaya, S.; Sevimli, M. F.; Aygun, A.
    One of the most serious problems encountered in biological wastewater treatment processes is the production of waste activated sludge (WAS). Sonication, which is an energy-intensive process, is the most powerful sludge pre-treatment method. Due to lack of information about the combined pretreatment methods of sonication, the combined pre-treatment methods were investigated and it was aimed to improve the disintegration efficiency of sonication by combining sonication with alkalization and thermal pre-treatment methods in this study. The process performances were evaluated based on the quantities of increases in soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD), protein and carbohydrate. The releases of soluble COD, carbohydrate and protein by the combined methods were higher than those by sonication, alkalization and thermal pre-treatment alone. Degrees of sludge disintegration in various options of sonication were in the following descending order: sono-alkalization > sonothermal pre-treatment > sonication. Therefore, it was determined that combining sonication with alkalization significantly improved the sludge disintegration and decreased the required energy to reach the same yield by sonication. In addition, effects on sludge settleability and dewaterability and kinetic mathematical modelling of pre-treatment performances of these methods were investigated. It was proven that the proposed model accurately predicted the efficiencies of ultrasonic pretreatment methods.
  • Öğe
    Erken Dönem Anadolu–Türk Kenti Anadolu Selçuklu Kenti ve Mekânsal Ögeleri
    (Ahmet Yesevi Univ, 2010) Özcan, Koray
    The spatial background of Anatolian-Turkish towns was organized in the Seljuk period, which can be defined as the early Turkish settlement and colonization process. In this process, Turks, who came from Iran and Central Asia, participated in the settlement chain of Anatolia by founding the Seljuk state. Turks took over the towns from the Byzantine regime and re-organized them in terms of Turkish culture. The aim of this study is to determine the spatial elements of Anatolian towns which were re-established or re-organized spatially during the Seljuk period. This is important regarding the understanding of the spatial and functional dynamics which shaped the spatial organizations of Anatolian towns during the Seljuk period. It is also important in understanding Turkish settlement practices, which were transferred not only from Central Asia and Iran to Anatolia but also from Seljuk towns to Ottoman towns. The methodology of this study is based on examining historical manuscripts, archaeological findings and architectural remains and their transfer to plans and schemas. The results are evaluated according to some hypotheses developed.
  • Öğe
    Building Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images Using Hough Transform
    (Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, 2010) Koç Şan, Dilek; Türker, M.
    An approach was developed for the automatic extraction of the rectangular and circular shaped buildings from high resolution satellite imagery using Hough transform. First, the candidate building patches are detected from the imagery using the binary Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification technique. In addition to original image bands, the bands NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), and nDSM (normalized Digital Surface Model) are also used in the classification. After detecting the building patches, their edges are detected using the Canny edge detection algorithm. The edge image is then converted into vector form using the Hough transform, which is a widely used technique for extracting the lines or curves of the objects. The vector lines and curves that represent the building edges are grouped based on perceptual groupings, and the building boundaries are constructed. The proposed approach was implemented using a program written in MATLAB (R) v. 7.1 programming environment. The experimental tests were carried out in the residential and industrial urban blocks selected in the Batikent district of Ankara, the capital city of Turkey using the pan-sharpened and panchromatic IKONOS images. The results obtained indicate that the proposed building extraction procedure based on SVM and Hough transform can be effectively used to extract the boundaries of the rectangular and circular shaped buildings. For the industrial buildings, we obtained quite satisfactory results with the average Building Detection Percentage (BDP) and the Quality Percentage (QP) values of 93.45% and 79.51%, respectively. For the residential rectangular buildings, the average BDP and QP values were computed to be 95.34% and 79.05%, respectively. For the residential circular buildings, the average BDP and QP values were found to be 78.74% and 66.81%, respectively.
  • Öğe
    Building Detection From Pan-Sharpened Ikonos Imagery Through Support Vector Machines Classification
    (Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, 2010) Türker, M.; Koç Şan, Dilek
    An approach is presented for detecting the buildings from high resolution pan-sharpened IKONOS imagery through binary Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification. In addition to original spectral bands, the bands nDSM (normalized Digital Surface Model), NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), PC1, PC2, PC3, and PC4 (First, Second, Third, and Fourth Principal Components), are also included in the classification. The proposed classification procedure was carried out in three study areas selected in the Batikent district of Ankara, Turkey. The study areas show different residential and industrial characteristics. The first study area covers mainly the residential parts that include buildings with different shapes, sizes, dwelling types, and colored roofs. The second study area also represents the residential characteristics but contains buildings with more regular shapes. The third study area contains the industrial buildings with the gray tone roofs and the sizes of the buildings are larger. Also tested in the present study is the effect of the training sample size in the accuracy of the SVM classification. The results reveal that the overall accuracies were computed to be between 90% and 99%, while the kappa coefficients were found to be between 0.80 and 0.98. The inclusion of additional bands in the SVM classification had a considerable effect in the accuracy of building detection. Increasing the training size increased the accuracy, however, the increase was not more than 3%.
  • Öğe
    Anadolu-Türk Kent Tarihine Katkı: Anadolu Selçuklu Kenti (XII. Yüzyılın Başından XIII. Yüzyılın Sonuna Dek)
    (2010) Özcan, Koray; Yenen, Zekiye
    Bu araştırmanın amacı, Anadolu’da Selçuklu döneminde örgütlenmiş yerleşme sisteminin ve ulaşım ağı içindeki mekânsal ve işlevsel rollerinin Anadolu Selçuklu kentlerinin morfolojik karakteristikleri üzerinde etkili olup olmadığının tartışılmasıdır. Araştırmada “Anadolu Selçuklu kenti” kavramıyla (Müslüman) Selçuklu ile (Hıristiyan) Bizans kültürleri arasındaki sos- yal, kültürel ve ekonomik karşılıklı etkileşim sürecinin Anadolu coğrafyasındaki mekânsal ortaklığı sözkonusu edilmektedir. Araştırma, Selçuklu dönemine ilişkin özgün tarihi kaynakların, arkeolojik-mimari kalıtlar eşliğinde irdelenmesi ve elde edilen bulguların harita ve planlar üzerinden mekânsal çözümlemelere dönük değerlendirilmesine dayanan bir yöntem kurgusu içinde ele alınmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, Bizans egemenliğin- den devralınan yerleşim mirası üzerinde gelişen Anadolu Selçuklu kentlerinin, mekânsal örgütlenme düzeni üzerinde Ana- dolu öncesi Türk yerleşim pratiklerinin etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu tespit eşliğinde, Anadolu Selçuklu kentleri, mekânsal ve işlevsel kimlik farklılıkları açısından, “kale kent”, “açık kent” ve “dış odaklı büyüme” modelleri olmak üzere üç farklı kategori altında sınıflandırılmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Air Borne Heavy Metal Pollution of Cedrus Libani (A. Rich.) in the City Centre of Konya (Turkey)
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2006) Önder, Serpil; Dursun, Şükrü
    The contents of heavy metal accumulated by air pollution in the cedar tree needles from the green area of Konya city centre were measured by chemical analyses. The needle samples were collected from two types of trees (about 10-15 and 20-25-years-old trees) from eight different pollution regions for two different sampling periods. Results of sulphur dioxide and particle matter analyses were used for measurement of air pollution effect on accumulation of heavy metals in the vegetation. Contents of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Cd and V) were determined for sampling periods, tree ages and sampling places. Results of the present study showed that accumulations of heavy metals in the old trees were generally higher than those of young trees. Similarly, heavy metal contents of needles collected in spring 2004 were higher than those of needles collected in autumn 2003. Accumulation of heavy metals via sulphur dioxide pollution and particle matter originated from usage of low quality fossil fuels, which might affect the living organisms in the city centre. On the other hand, Pb levels in the samples from Karatay Industry Park (3.53 ppm in 2004) showed that people are health living around the industry, and heavy traffic area is under risk. According to the other sampling areas, the chromium levels were also very high around the Chrome-Magnesite Factory Garden (87.15 ppm in 2004); it could be a toxic risk for people working around the factory. The heavy metal levels obtained from the other samples were not as high a risk level for the living organisms in the sampling areas.