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Öğe Transfer and integration of breast milk stem cells to the brain of suckling pups(NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2018) Aydin, Mehmet Serif.; Yigit, Esra Nur.; Vatandaslar, Emre.; Erdogan, Ender.; Ozturk, Gurkan.Beside its unique nutritional content breast milk also contains live cells from the mother. Fate of these cells in the offspring has not been adequately described. In this study, we aimed to detect and identify maternal cells in the suckling's blood and the brain. Green fluorescent protein expressing transgenic female mice (GFP+) were used as foster mothers to breastfeed wildtype newborn pups. One week and two months after the birth, blood samples and brains of the sucklings were analyzed to detect presence of GFP+ cells by fluorescence activated cell sorting, polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry on the brain sections and optically cleared brains. The tests confirmed that maternal cells were detectable in the blood and the brain of the pups and that they differentiated into both neuronal and glial cell types in the brain. This phenomenon represents breastfeeding - induced microchimerism in the brain with functional implications remain to be understood.Öğe Does Prenatal Exposure to Diclofenac Sodium Affect the Total Number of Cerebellar Granule Cells in Male Juvenile and Adult Rats?(2012) Ekici, Fatih; Keskin, İlknur; Aslan, Hüseyin; Erişgin, Züleyha; Altunkaynak, Berrin Zühal; Gökçimen, Alpaslan; Odacı, Ersan; Kaplan, SüleymanA developing embryo is exposed to side effects of diclofenac sodium (DS), a commonly used non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory drug, since women may incidentally become pregnant while receiving DS therapy. Several adverse effects of DS have been clearly established. However, the effects of prenatal exposure to DS on the developing cerebellum especially are unclear for granular cells. In this study, we investigated the total number of granule cells in the cerebellum in control and DS-treated groups of male rats using the optical fractionator technique. DS (Voltaren, 75 mg/3 ml) in a dose of 1 mg/kg daily was intraperitoneally injected in the drug-treated group of pregnant rats beginning from the 5th day after mating during pregnancy for 15 days. Serum physiological at 1 ml/kg dose was injected in the control group of pregnant rats during the same period and the same way. Male offspring were obtained after delivery, and each group was divided two subgroups that were 4-weeks-old (4W-old) and 20-weeks-old (20W-old). Our results showed that there was no signifi cant difference not only between the 4W-old DS-treated rats and the 4W-old control group but also between 20W-old DS-treated rats and the 20W-old control group. These results suggest that the development of the granule cells in the male cerebellum may not be affected during either in the early or late life of an animal following administration of DS during the prenatal period. © 2012 OMU All rights reserved.Öğe A new method in CNS (Central Nervous System) in vitro cultures in the mouse: Study of effectiveness(Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2010) Erdoğan E.; Öztürk G.; Rağbetli M.C.In this study; to evaluate the effectiveness of collagen coating method, using in the peripheral nervous system cultures, and its involving factors caused from manipulations in central nervous system (CNS) cultures was aimed. Via frontal approach, brains, transected from young Swiss albino mice, were taken into artificial cerebro-spinal fluid immediately and made blocks in agarose gel. With a vibration microtome, 200 ?m thickness horizontally live slices were taken in to the dishes filled with culture medium. Tissue sections were analyzed as two groups. In the group 1 (control): fresh slices were evaluated directly. In the group 2: sections were covered with collagen gel (Type I) and left in the incubator (5% CO2) for 3 days. These sections were dyed with calcein and propidium iodide for viability and non-viability and then observed with confocal laser scanning microscope. Images were captured digitally and examined. Since negative effects of high melting temperature of standard agar on the livability, using low melting agar to tissue blocking and high frequency - low speed vibrotome setting to cut were more preferably. In the 3 days cultures, viability/nonviability rates were indicated better values. It is concluded that, in the CNS slicing cultures, collagen coating method was an easier, effective, useful and alternative method to present techniques.Öğe Autologous Transplantation of Arterial Cells Improves Cardiac Function in a Rabbit Model of Infarcted Myocardium(Mary Ann Liebert, Inc, 2010) Tokaç, Mehmet; Aktan, Murad; Ak, Ahmet; Duman, Selçuk; Tokgözoğlu, Lale; Aygül, Nazif; Paksoy, Yahya; Porat, YaelCellular cardiomyoplasty is a promising approach for the treatment of severe heart failure. However, the question which cell line is the best to use is still a matter of debate. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the efficacy of arterial media-intima cell suspension (AMICS) transplantation in rabbit myocardial infarct model. The study was divided into 2 groups: group A (the cell-treated group, n = 9) and group B (the medium injection group, n = 8). Group A was further divided into 2 subgroups as branch-1 (treated with unlabeled cells) and branch-2 (treated with iron-labeled cells). The experimental myocardial infarction (MI) was induced by ligation of left anterior descending coronary artery with a combination of cryoinjury. Ten days after the MI, cells obtained from autologous femoral arteries were injected into the injured myocardium of group A, while group B received an injection of only DMEM medium. Clinical, echocardiographic, and histopathologic evaluations were done. As compared to the ninth day values, echocardiography showed a significant improvement in systolic functions and left ventricular (LV) dimensions of the cell-treated group on the 30th day. In the heart biopsy sections of branch-1, the immunostained injected cells were observed to exist closely, suggesting an organization. Cells existing separately and lumen-like structure organizations stained positive with both smooth muscle cell (SMC) a-actin and Prussian Blue were also showed in the histological observation of branch-2. Autologous AMICS transplantation seems to be a feasible and efficacious method for cellular cardiomyoplasty in our rabbit model.Öğe A new method in CNS (Central nervous system) in vitro cultures in the mouse: Study of effectiveness(KAFKAS UNIV, VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2010) Erdogan, Ender; Ozturk, Gurkan; Ragbetli, Murat CetinIn this study: to evaluate the effectiveness of collagen coating method, using in the peripheral nervous system cultures. and its involving factors caused from manipulations in central nervous system (CNS) cultures was aimed. Via frontal approach, brains, transected from young Swiss albino mice, were taken into artificial cerebro-spinal fluid immediately and made blocks in agarose gel. With a vibration microtome, 200 pm thickness horizontally live slices were taken in to the dishes filled with culture medium. Tissue sections were analyzed as two groups. In the group 1 (control): fresh slices were evaluated directly. In the group 2: sections were covered with collagen gel (Type I) and left in the incubator (5% CO(2)) for 3 days. These sections were dyed with calcein and propidium iodide for viability and non-viability and then observed with confocal laser scanning microscope. Images were captured digitally and examined. Since negative effects of high melting temperature of standard agar on the livability, using low melting agar to tissue blocking and high frequency - low speed vibrotome setting to cut were more preferably. In the 3 days cultures, viability/nonviability rates were indicated better values. It is concluded that, in the CNS slicing cultures, collagen coating method was an easier, effective, useful and alternative method to present techniques.Öğe Fare in vitro merkezi sinir sistemi kültürlerinde yeni bir metot: Etkinlik araştırması(2010) Erdoğan, Ender; Öztürk, Gürkan; Rağbetli, Murat ÇetinBu çalışmada; Periferik Sinir Sistemi (PSS) kültürlerinde kullanılmakta olan kollajenle kaplama metodunun Merkezi Sinir Sistemi (MSS) dilimleme doku kültürlerinde kullanılabilirliği ve buna etki eden diğer metodolojik faktörlerin etkinliğinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Genç Swiss albino tipi farelerden frontal girişimle çıkarılan beyinler derhal yapay beyin omurilik sıvısı (yBOS) içine alındı ve agaroz jel içinde bloklanıp; vibrasyonlu mikrotomda 200 ?m kalınlığında alınan horizontal canlı dilimleme kesitler medyum içine alındı. Doku kesitleri 2 grupta incelendi. Grup 1 (kontrol): alınan taze kesitler doğrudan incelenirken, Grup 2: alınan kesitler kollajenle (Tip I) kaplanarak 3 gün boyunca %5 CO2’li etüvde inkübe edildi. Kesitler, viabilite için calcein ve nonviabilite için propidium iodide ile boyanarak, konfokal lazer taramalı mikroskopta incelenerek görüntüleri alınıp değerlendirildi. Normal agarların erime derecelerinin yüksek oluşu canlılığı etkilediğinden; düşük derecelerde eriyebilen agar ile bloklamanın, ayrıca yüksek frekansdüşük hıza ayarlanmış vibrotomda kesitlerin alınmasının daha uygun olduğu görüldü. 3 günlük kültür sonrası incelemelerde viabilite/ nonviabilite oranlarının kontrol preparatları ile karşılaştırıldığında olumlu düzeylerde olduğu belirlendi. MSS dilimleme kültürlerinde kollajenle kaplama metodunun mevcut metotlara etkin, çalışır ve daha kolay bir alternatif olarak uygulanabileceği histolojik ve fizyolojik olarak gösterildi.Öğe Farklı semen paramerrelerinde ışık mikroskobu düzeyinde spermatozoa morfolojisi ve nükleer kondansasyon değerlendirmesi(2009) Aksoy, Emine; Aktan, Tahsin Murad; Duman, Selçuk; Dursunoğlu, Duygu; Cüce, GökhanAmaç: Oligozoospermili ve teratozoospermili hastalarda Işık Mikroskobu düzeyinde sperm morfolojisi ve sperm DNA kondansasyonunun değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: oligozoospermili (n: 20) ve teratozoospermili (n: 25) hastalardan alınan seminal plazma örnekleri PBS ile 2 kez yıkandı ve smear hazırlandı, metil alkol ile fikzasyonu hazırlandı. Hematoksilen-Eosin, Toluidin-Blue, Giemsa ve Wright özel histolojik boyaları ile boyandı. Işık mikroskobunda 200 sperm hücresi sayılıp kondanse ve dekondanse başa sahip olan spermatozoalar belirlendi. Bulgular: Bu dört boya ile yapılan yaymalarda kondanse spermler, Hematoksüen-Eozin ve Toluidin Blue boyası ile boyanmış preperatlarda daha kolay ve net görüldü. İstatistiksel olarak dört boya ile kondansasyon değerlendirmesinde hasta grupları arasında fark olmadığı görüldü. Ayrıca oligozoospermili ve teratozoospermili hasta grupları için boyalar kendi içinde karşılaştırıldığında fark olmadığı görüldü. Ancak güven aralığı grafiğine bakıldığında; teratozoospermili hastaların oligozoospermili hastalara göre özellikle de Toluidin blue ile boyanmış grubun belirgin ölçüde homojen dağılım göstermesi; teratozoospermili hasta grubunun daha güvenilir kondanse sperm sağladığını gösterdi Sonuç: Sperm kondansasyon değerlendirmesi için toluidin blue boyası en güvenilir boyalardan bindir. Oligozoospermili ve teratozoospermili hastalar arasında ve bu dört boya arasında sperm nükleer kondansasyonunda fark yoktur. Ancak intrastoplazmik sperm injeksiyonu için kondanse sperm seçimi yapılırken oligozoospermili hastalara göre teratozoospermili hastalar daha güvenilir sonuç verebilir.Öğe Enteral Glutamine Supplementation and Dexamethasone Attenuate the Local Intestinal Damage in Rats With Experimental Necrotizing Enterocolitis(Springer-Verlag, 2003) Dilsiz, Alaeddin; Çiftçi, İlhan; Aktan, Tahsin Murad; Gürbilek, Mehmet; Karagözoğlu, EmrahThe pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) presumptively is due to an inappropriate intestinal epithelial immunologic response of immature gut to luminal stimuli. Glutamine is essential for intestinal crypt cell proliferation and enhances the cellular response to growth factors. We aimed to test the hypothesis that the supplementation of enteral feedings with glutamine may stimulate an immature intestine and decrease the intestinal inflammatory change in NEC. Immediately after birth, the neonatal rats were weighed and randomized into one of four treatment groups. Group 1 consisted of rats whom were breast-fed. Group 2 (NEC group) consisted of neonates whom were fed with a special rodent formula. Rats in groups 3 and 4 were fed in a similar fashion to those in group 2, and glutamine 0.3 mg/kg per day and dexamethasone 0.5 mg/kg per day were added to their formula, respectively. The neonatal rats were weighed and killed on day 4: the last 4 cm of terminal ileum was harvested for morphological studies and detection of nitrite and nitrate levels in tissue. The animals in the NEC group showed various degrees of inflammatory changes similar to clinical NEC. The inflammatory changes of the intestine appeared to be attenuated in both glutamine- and steroid-treated animals compared to those in the NEC group. Only steroid treatment decreased the tissue levels of these nitrogen oxides that were increased in rats in the NEC group. We herein provide evidence that maturational agents such as glutamine and dexametasone can attenuate the local intestinal inflammatory damage in experimental NEC. These findings support the hypothesis that the gut immaturity in premature infants represents a risk factor for NEC.Öğe Effects of Zinc Deficiency and Supplementation on the Glycogen Contents of Liver and Plasma Lactate and Leptin Levels of Rats Performing Acute Exercise(Humana Press Inc, 2003) Baltacı, Abdülkerim Kasım; Özyürek, Kürşat; Moğulkoç, Rasim; Kurtoğlu, Erdal; Özkan, Yasemin; Çelik, İlhamiThe aim of the present study was to investigate how zinc (Zn) deficiency and supplementation affect glycogen content of the liver and plasma lactate and leptin levels of rats performing acute swimming exercise just before the blood samples were obtained. Four sets of 10 rats each served as the (1) Zn-deficient group, (2) Zn-supplemented group, (3) swimming controls, and (4) normal controls. Plasma lactate levels of Zn-deficient animals were significantly higher than those in the other three groups (p < 0.01), and those in the swimming controls (group 3) were significantly higher than in the Zn-supplemented animals, group 2 (p < 0.01). The plasma glucose of the Zn-deficient group was significantly higher than all other groups (p < 0.01) and that of group 2 was significantly lower than group 4 (p < 0.01). Glycogen levels in liver of the Zn-deficient animals was significantly lower than groups 2 and 4 (p < 0.01), and, in turn, were higher than for group 3 (p < 0.01). The plasma leptin and Zn levels of group 1 were significantly lower than in all other groups (p < 0.01). These results suggest that Zn deficiency exerts a negative influence in the above-mentioned parameters and that Zn supplementation has the opposite effect.Öğe Importance of Apoptosis During Intrauterin Period [i?ntrauterin Dönemde Apoptosis'in Önemi](2002) Tosun, M.; Kalkan, S.Apoptosis, which also named as physiological cell death, has very important effects on developing embryo to shape during intrauterine period. To develop healthy embryo, processes begin from being all organs and systems immature forms to give shaping mature forms need to be apoptotic pathways activation. If the apoptotic process go wrong embryo will come across many disorders. These disorders degrees may vary from simple cutaneous lesion to neural tube defects. Because of these, to develop healthy embryo, apoptosis is one of the most important mechanisms must be continue regularly during intrauterine period.Öğe Apoptosis [Apoptosis ve Önemi](2002) Tosun M.; Kalkan S.Nowadays, there are too many studies about apoptosis which also named as physiological cell death, going on. Apoptosis, which is one of the very important regulatory mechanism to control so many equilibrium lasting at organism, is stimulated by heat, radiation, hormonal failure, toxins and lack of growth factors. Apoptosis has three main steps and if the death signal to stimulate apoptotic pathways being cut during first step, the cell will return to normal architecture. Otherwise, mitochondrial transmembran potential decreases and apoptotic process grow up via cytochrom-C and Smac/Diablo pathways but IAP activation. There are so many question related with apoptosis to wait for explanation. Being extensive studies, give us very important data about apoptosis and its importance.Öğe Effect of Antioxidant Therapy on Collagen Synthesis in Corrosive Esophageal Burns(Springer, 2002) Günel, Engin; Çağlayan, Fatma; Çağlayan, Osman; Canbilen, Aydan; Tosun, MuratTo investigate the efficacy of antioxidant therapy on collagen synthesis in corrosive esophageal burns, 110 Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five groups of 22 animals each. A standard esophageal caustic burn was produced by 1 ml of 10% sodium hydroxide solution for the rats in groups B to E, group A was instilled only with 0.9% saline after preparation of the distal esophageal segment. Group A animals (controls) were uninjured and untreated. Group B had untreated esophageal burns. Esophageal burns were treated in group C with vitamin E (10 mg/kg IM), in group D with vitamin C (10 mg/kg IP), and in group E with methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg IM) on each of 5 days. Eight rats from each group were killed 4 days after initiation of the study and the abdominal esophagus was studied for tissue malondialdehyde (MDA; mumol/g protein) levels. The other rats were killed 28 days after initiation of the study and determination of hydroxyproline (HP) (mug/g tissue) levels in esophageal tissue was performed for 8 rats in each group. Histopathologic evaluation was also performed in the other 6 rats from each group. MDA levels in esophageal tissue were significantly lower in groups C (9.24 +/- 2.62, P < 0.01) and group E (6.26 +/- 2.22, P < 0.001) than in group B (12.35 +/- 1.80). HP levels were significantly lower in groups A (0.75 +/- 0.2 1, P < 0.001), C (1.11 +/- 0.15, P < 0.01), and E (0.96 +/- 0.15, P < 0.001) than in group B (1.40 +/- 0.20). Histopathologically, collagen deposition in the submucosa and tunica muscularis was lower in groups C and E than in group B (P < 0.05, and 0.01, respectively). Our results demonstrate that treatment with antioxidant drugs such as vitamin E and methylprednisolone decreased tissue HP levels, and thus inhibited new collagen synthesis and stricture formation in rats with alkali-induced caustic esophageal burns.Öğe Primer Infertil Çiftlerde Uygulanan Intrauterin Inseminasyonda Rekombinant FSH İle Klomifen Sitrat Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması(2002) Görkemli, Hüseyin; Aktan, Murat; Ak, Dilek; Duman, Selçuk; Akyürek, CemalettinAmaç: İntrauterin inseminasyon slkluslarında Klomifen sürat (KS) ve düşük doz rekombinant FSH (rFSH)'in gebelik başarısinı karşılaştırmak. Yer: Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Ünitesi Materyal ve Metod: Toplam 55 kadına en fazla 2 siklus olmak üzere ya KS (31 siklus) ya da r FSH (51 siklus) ile ovulasyon indüksiyonu yapıldı. KS siklusun 5. günü başlandı ve 100 mg 5 gün kullanıldı, r FSH 501 Ü/gün dozunda siklusun 2. veya 3. günü başlandı ve en az 18 mın'lik öncü birfollikül elde edilene kadar devam edildi. Bulgular: Hasta başına düşen gebelik oranı KS-IUI sikluslarinda %57.l (12/21), rFSH-IUI sikluslarinda %52.9 (18/34) olarak bulundu. Bu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı degildi.(p0.05) Siklus başına düşen gebelik oranları KS-IUI sikluslarinda %38.7 (12/31) ve rFSH-IUI sikluslarinda %35.2 (18/51) olarak bulundu. Bu sonuçlar istatistiki olarak anlamlı değildi.(p0.05) Sonuçlar: Uygun hasta seçimi yapıldığı zaman KS-IUf uygulamasının infertilite tedavisinde en az rFSH-IUI uygulaması kadar başarılıdır. Tedavi maliyetleri gözönüne alındığında, daha önce klomifen sitrat tedavisi uygulanmamış olan hastalarda gonadotropinlere başlamadan önce birkaç siklus KS denenmesinin uygun olacağını düşünmekteyiz.Öğe Ginkgo Biloba Eksterinin Dondurulmuş-Çözülmüş Sıçan Kornea Epitel Hücrelerinin Viabilitesine Etkisi(2002) Okka, Mehmet; Aktan, MuradDoku organizasyonundan hücre süspansiyonu haline getirilen kornea epitel hücrelerinin dondurup-saklama sonrası viabilite oranına ginkgo biloba ekstresi (EGb 761)'nin etkisinin araştırılması. Yöntem: Wistar albino tipinde 7 adet erkek sıçanın korneaları 360 limbal insizyon ile eksize edildi. Korneaların epitel tabakaları hücre süspansiyonu haline getirildi. Epitel hücreleri homojenize edilerek iki adet tüpe dağıtıldı. Tüplerden bir tanesine EGb 761 ilave edilerek hızlı bir dondurma işlemi uygulandı. Dondurma işlemi öncesi ve dondurulup saklandıktan sonra ısıtılmayı takiben Eosin-Y ile viabilite ölçümü yapıldı. Bulgular: Dondurma işlemi öncesi Eosin- Y ile yapılan viabilite ölçümlerinde kontrol grubu viabilite ortalaması % 45.5, EGb 761 grubu viabilitesi ortalaması % 37.5 bulunmuştur. Bu iki grup arasında viabilite açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır (P 0.061). Isıtıp çözme işlemini takiben viabilite ölçümü ortalamaları ise kontrol grubunda % 15.8, EGb 761 grubunda ise % 31.08 olarak bulunmuştur. İki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğu görülmüştür (P 0.0002). Sonuç: EGb 761 ilavesi sıçan kornea epitel süspansiyonunun dondurulup-saklanmasında koruyucu bir etki göstermektedir.Öğe The Effects of Different Suture Techniques on Wound Healing in Abdominal Wall Closure(2001) Şahin, Mustafa; Karademir, Mehmet; Özer, Şükrü; Avşar, Fatih Mehmet; Çağlayan, Osman; Aksoy, Faruk; Aktan, MuratPurpose: The aim this study was to investigate the effects of different suture techniques on the healing of abdominal wall wound. Materials and Methods: 24 male Wistar albino rats were included in this study. The rats were divided into two groups. A 4 cm midline laparatomy was performed after ketamine HCl anesthesia. In Group I, the incision was sutured with 4/0 polypropylene interruptedly and in Group II, the wound was closed with 4/0 polypropylene continuously. The skin was sutured with an interrupted 4/0 silk suture. Then 2 cc of blood was withdrawn for biochemical and hematological tests by cardiac puncture. All the rats were killed on the 7th postoperative day. Tensile strength were measured and tissue samples were taken for hydroxyproline measurements and histopathological evaluation. Meanwhile intraabdominal adhesions were recorded. Results: Tensile strength was 751±31 g in Group I and 622±28 g in Group II. The difference was significant (p<0.05). Hydroxyproline levels were 3.13±0.15 ?g/mg tissue in Group I and 2.81±0.15 ?g/mg tissue in Group II. The difference was significant (p<0.05). Intraabdominal adhesions were found in 3 rats in Group I and in 6 rats in Group II. There was a significant difference between the two groups regarding tissue fibroblast numbers (p<O.05). There was no significant difference between serological and hematological tests in the two groups. Conclusion: Closing the abdominal wall wound with the interrupted suture technique gave better results than with the continuous suture technique.Öğe Hücre Çoğalma Belirleyicilerinin Önemi ve Kullanım Alanları(2001) Tosun, Murat; Tosun, Emine; Avunduk, Mustafa Cihatİçinde hücre çoğalma belirleyicilerinin de bulunduğu immunohistokimyasal yöntemlerin sayısal artışı ve çeşitlilik kazanması bize sadece tanısal yaklaşımları güçlendirme yanında prognostik özelliklerin tanınmasında da yardımcı olmaktadır. Bu hücre çoğalma belirleyicileri hücre siklusunun incelenip değerlendirilmesi yanında bu hücrelerden köken alan tümörlerin davranışları hakkında bilgi edinilmesi amacıyla da kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemede, öncelikle hücre, hücre siklusu ve mitoz bölünme kısaca izah edilmiş olup ilerleyen bölümlerde günümüzde bilinen tüm hücre çoğalma belirleyicileri tek tek son kaynaklar eşliğinde açıklanmıştır.Öğe Meningomyelosel Anomalili Yenidoğanların ve Annelerinin Serumlarında Bulunan Olası Embriyotoksik Faktörlerin Tavuk Embriyosunda Oluşturduğu Malformasyonlar(2001) Günaydın, Ali Altan; Sezen, Şaban; Coşkun, Ömer; Cıncık, Mehmet; Öztaş, Emin; Duman, SelçukMeningomyeloselin etiyolojisi tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Çalışmamızda, etiyolojiye katkıda bulunmak için embriyo-toksik faktör araştırması yapıldı. Yaşları 1-3 gün arasında değişen meningomyelosel'li 6 yenidoğan ile bunların annelerinden aseptik şartlarda serum alındı. Döllenmiş, embriyo oluşumunun sıfırıncı saatindeki beyaz yumurtalara ayrı ayrı 20 µl'lik serum enjekte edildi. Toplam 114 deney ve 111 kontrol yumurtaları kullanıldı. Deney serumuna maruz bırakılan tavuk embriyolarında kontrol grubuna kıyasla embriyo ölümü ve büyük anomali sıklığının arttığı gözlendi. Saptanan anomaliler nöral tüp, gastrointestinal sistem anomalileri, göğüs defektleri ile kas iskelet sistemi defekti ve anoftalmustur. Ayrıca deney embriyoları arasında genel bir büyüme yavaşlaması görüldü. Bu malformasyonların meningomyelosel'li bebeklerin serumlarında var olan ve anneden plasenta yoluyla geçen embriyotoksik faktör ya da faktörler yüzünden olduğu düşünüldü.Öğe I?nsan Erkek Gonadlarının Fetal Dönemdeki Gelişiminin Histolojik Değerlendirilmesi(2001) Tosun, Murat; Büyükmumcu, Mustafa; Aktan, Murad; Duman, Selçuk; Kalkan, Serpil; Soylu, RefikAmaç: Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Histoloji Embriyoloji Anabilim Dalında yapılan bu çalışmada fetal dönemde erkek gonadlarının gelişiminin izlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyel ve Metod: Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalında spontan düşük yoluyla elde edilmiş 26 adet erkek fetüs piyesinin gonadları çıkartıldıktan sonra klasik parafin tekniği ile takip edilip bloklandı. Her blokdan 5 m kalınlığında kesitler alınıp Hematoksilen Eosin ile boyandı. Kesitler ışık mikroskobunda değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Seminifer tübüllerin fetal gelişim sürecinde ilk haftalarda çok değişik çap ve büyüklüklerde olduğu ancak ilerleyen haftalarda benzer yapısal özellikler gösterdiği görüldü. Seminifer tübüller içinde yer alan spermatogoniaların ve Sertoli hücrelerinin sayılarının giderek arttığı, bununla birlikte, Leydig hücre sayısının 19. haftaya kadar arttığı ve bu dönemden sonra azaldıkları tespit edildi. Seminifer tübül lümeninin 19. hafta civarına kadar mevcut olmadığı, interstisiyel dokunun yani ekstrakordal bölümün ilerleyen yaşa bağlı olarak daha düzenli ve organize bir yapı aldıkları tespit edildi. Sonuç: Elde edilen bulgular gonadların intraembriyonik gelişimlerinin çok kompleks ve bununla birlikte sistematik bir düzen içinde gerçekleştiğini ortaya koymaktadır.Öğe Cryobiology [Kriobiyoloji](2000) Aktan, Tahsin Murad; Çıray, N.; Tosun, M.; Duman, S.; Erdoğan, E.By the advances and understandings in physics and mammalian cell biology, cryobiology makes us able to store our valuable biological materials and use them when wanted. The spectrum of materials is wide-spread from haploid gamete cells to cells processed via genetic engineering. The main tissues properly cryopreserved are skin grafts, cornea, tendon, bone, heart valve and bone marrow. It is important to know the basic mechanisms of freezing a biological specimen. The effects of mechanical damage caused by ice crystallisation and deleterious hyperosmotic medium must all be considered. To support cells during freezing temperatures, cryoprotectants have been searched. A proper freezing protocol needs effective seeding for preventing ice damage. The best indicator for a proper freezing protocol is a high post thaw viability rate. Also it is important to be careful while handling liquid nitrogen. Cryobiology can help diverse medical applications for example by the help of magnetic resonance imaging cancerous tissues can be treated. There are also some alternatives for cryobiology as anhydrobiology and vitrification. In this article the basic aspects of cryobiology are mentioned.Öğe Incidence of Chromosome 8, 10, X and Y Aneuploidies in Sperm Nucleus of Infertile Men Detected by FISH(Karger, 2000) Acar, Hasan; Kılınç, Mehmet; Çora, Tülin; Aktan, Murat; Taşkapu, HakanWe studied the frequency of aneuploidy in sperm nuclei of six infertile men with abnormal semen profile and normal karyotype, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with DNA probes for chromosomes 8, 10, X and Y. The control group consisted of four healthy fertile men with normal karyotype and semen profiles. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences between infertile male donors and control donors for: (1) the incidence of sex chromosome aneuploidy, and (2) the number of disomies for chromosomes 8, and 10 cosegregating with chromosomes X and Y. FISH analysis showed no significant differences of sex ratios of the sperm nuclei in and between infertile and control groups. The most significant abnormalities in the infertile group were clusters of sperm nuclei bearing XY and XYY. In addition, the incidence of disomic sperm nuclei for chromosomes 8 and 10 consegregating with sex chromosomes was not significantly different beween the patient and control groups, nor within them. However, the total frequency of aneuploid sperm nuclei was significantly different beween the infertile group and the control group. We observed a significant excess of sperm nuclei bearing chromosome 10 along with disomy for chromosome Y (10YY). In conclusion, our results from FISH analysis demonstrate a significantly increased frequency of aneuploidy for the sex chromosomes in sperm nuclei from infertile men. Therefore it may be concluded that infertility is a risk factor for sex chromosome aneuploidy in sperm nuclei.