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Öğe Çocukluk Çağı Karsinoid Tümörleri: Tek Merkez Deneyimi(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Aralık) Kara, Buket; Gündüz, Metin; Köksal, Yavuz; Madenci, HasanAmaç: Karsinoid tümörler (KT), 15 yaş altı çocuklarda 1-1.4/1.000.000 sıklıkta görülmektedir. Akciğer ve gastrointestinal sistemin diğer bölgelerinde de görülmekle beraber çoğunlukla apendikste görülür. Bu çalışmada kliniğimizde KT tanısı ile izlenen hastaların epidemiyolojik ve klinik özellikleri ile tedavileri retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Onkoloji Kliniği’nde 2010-2017 arasında KT tanısı ile tedavi edilen hastaların dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Tanı alıp, tedavisi ve izlemi yapılan 10 KT hastası çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Hastaların 7’si kız (% 70) ve 3’ü erkekti (% 30). Hastaların yaşları 10-17 yıl arasında değişiyordu (ortanca yaş:15 yıl). Tümör yerleşimleri apendiks (n: 9, % 90) ve akciğerdi (n: 1, % 10). Apendiks kaynaklı KT hastaların hepsinde başvuru şikâyeti karın ağrısı olup akut apendisit tanısıyla ameliyat edilmişti. Tümör çapları 0,3-2,5cm arasında değişiyordu (ortanca 0,7 cm). Beş hastada tümör apendikste sınırlı iken2 hastada tümör apendiks serozasını aşmıştı. Bu hastalarda tümör çapı 1,7 cm ve 2,5 cm idi. Tümör çapı 2,5 cm olan hastaya sağ hemikolektomi yapıldı. Apendiks kaynaklı KT hastaların hepsi hastalıksız olarak izlemleri devam etmektedir. Akciğer kaynaklı KT hastası, geçmeyen öksürük şikâyeti ile başvurmuş, yapılan bronkoskopide sol akciğer alt lobda KT saptanmıştır. Bu hastaya, lobektomi yapıldı. Bu hasta da halen hastalıksız olarak izlemi devam etmektedir. Hastaların hiçbirinde karsinoid sendrom bulguları yoktu. Sonuç: Çocukluk çağında nadir görülen karsinoid tümörlerin tanısı insidantel olarak konduğu için akut apandisit tanısı ile ameliyatedilen hastaların patolojik incelemelerinin takibi önemlidir.Öğe Biochemical and hematological profiles of wistar rats at the Selcuk University experimental medicine research and application center(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021) Öztürk, Bahadır; Çiftçi, İlhan; Ecer, Büşra; Gökyaprak, Salih Metin; Onmaz, Duygu EryavuzAim: Breeders provide a set of reference values for the specific populations, however, rats produced in local experimental animal research centers may have undergone physiological and genetic changes. Our aim in this study was to contribute to further studies by investigating the biochemical and hematological profile of Wistar rats raised under standard local conditions at the Selcuk University Experimental Medicine Research and Application Center (SUDAM), Konya, Turkey. Materials and Methods: The study included 1 (male=15, female=15), 3 (male=15, female=15), 6 (male=15, female=15), and 12-month-old (male=15, female=15) Wistar rats living their normal lives in the Animal House of SUDAM. Selected biochemical and hematological parameters were measured with the Beckman AU 5800 and Beckman Coulter LH-780 analyzers, respectively. Results: Urea, creatinine, ALT, albumin, globulin, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and MCH levels differed significantly between rats according to months (p<0.05). When the selected biochemical and hematological parameters were compared according to gender, it was found that glucose, urea, ALP, amylase, albumin, total protein, CK, cholesterol, triglyceride, sodium, potassium, RBC, hematocrit, MCH, platelet, WBC, neutrophil, monocyte, eosinophil, basophil levels showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study proved that biochemical and hematological parameters of Wistar rats may alter with factors such as age, gender, environment, and nutrition.Öğe Çocuklarda primer böbrek tümörlerinin klinik özellikleri, tedavi yaklaşımları ve tedavi sonuçları(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021) Kara, Buket; Sarıkaya, Mehmet; Ertan, Kübra; Uğraş, Nevzat Serdar; Çiftci, İlhan; Yavaş, Güler; Köksal, YavuzAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocuklarda primer malign böbrek tümörlerinin klinik özellikleri, tedavi yaklaşımları ve tedavi sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: 2006 ile 2020 yılları arasında primer malign böbrek tümör tanısı alan ve izlenen çocuk hastaların onkoloji dosyaları geriye yönelik incelendi. Hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri ile tedavi yaklaşımları ve izlemleri not edildi. Bulgular: Bu yıllar arasında izlenen 950 malign hastalıklı çocuğun 49’unda(%5,2) primer malign böbrek tümörü vardı. Hastaların yaşı üç gün ile 13 yıl arasında değişiyordu (ortanca, 3 yıl). Erkek kız oranı 25/24’dü. En sık görülen semptom ve bulgu karında kitle idi. İki hastada bilateral hastalık vardı (%4,1). Patolojik tanılar, Wilms tümörü (n = 44, % 89,8), mezoblastik nefroma (n=2, % 4,1), böbreğin clear hücreli sarkomu (n=2, % 4,1) ve böbreğin primer sinovyal sarkomuydu (n=1, %2). Wilms tümörlü hastalardan sadece ikinde diffüz anaplazi vardı. Hastalarımızın risk grupları düşük (n = 4, % 8.3), orta (n = 35, % 72.9) ve yüksek riskli (n = 9, % 18.8) idi. Hastaların takip süreleri iki ay ile 15 yıl (ortanca, 5 yıl) arasında değişiyordu. Primer böbrek tümörlerinde genel ve olaysız sağ kalım oranları sırasıyla % 72,7 ve% 59,7 idi. Wilms tümörlü hastaların genel ve olaysız sağ kalım oranları %79 ve %63’dü. Sonuç: Primer malign böbrek tümörlerinde özellikle de Wilms tümöründe multidisipliner yaklaşımlarla başarı oranları yükselmiştir. Bundan sonra hem tedavi başarısının daha da artırılması hem de tedavi ilişkili yan etkilerin azaltılması üzerinde durulmalıdır.Öğe Determination of melatonin deprivation impact on sepsis with acute phase reactants(ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2020) Akbulut, Hatice Feyza; Vatansev, Hüsamettin; Sekmenli, TamerBackground: The aim of the present study is to determine the association of melatonin hormone level on CRP, Total Antioxidant Status, Leukocyte, Procalcitonin, and Malondialdehyde, all acute phase reactants in the dark and light cycle of rats with sepsis model. Materials and methods: In this study, 54 rats were divided into three groups. Whereas the first and third groups had a 12 h dark-light cycle, the second group was exposed to light for 24 h at 21 degrees C-22 degrees C for 10 d without any water and food restrictions. In the second and third groups, sepsis model was formed by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) method at the end of 10th day, and blood samples were taken at the end of the 10th day. C-reactive protein, Malondialdehyde, Procalcitonin in the blood samples were analyzed by ELISA, and the levels of Total Antioxidant Status and leukocyte were determined by colorimetric method in the subsequent 12 and 24 h. Results: CRP values increased in the second group rats, which were kept continuously under light and had undergone CLP, from 288.8 mg/L to 584.0 mg/L at the end of the 12 h and the end of the 24 h, approximately, two times. In rats, which were kept under 12 h of light, 12 h of darkness, and applied CLP (group 3), these values increased from 416.9 to 619.1; an increase of 1.5 times. When assessed for MDA, it was determined that the differences between Group 2 and Group 3 were more prominent between 0 h and 12 h. While the MDA values in group 2 increased from 16.53 nmol/mL at the 12 h to 17.66 nmol/mL at the 24 h. However, MDA values did not yield statistically significant changes in the third group. Changes in the in PCT values were similar to the MDA values obtained. Increase coefficient of the PCT values between 0 h and 12 h in the second group 2 was 1.26; however, in the third group, it was negligible. Conclusions: An increase in the oxidative stress was observed in the rats that underwent CLP and melatonin deprivation via continuous 24 h light exposure for 10 d. Accordingly, deprivation of light is considered to be effective in sepsis treatment due to the increase in melatonin levels in intensive care unit patients. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Modified Hinderer's Technique for Serious Proximal Hypospadias with Ventral Curvature: Outcomes and Our Experience(UROL & NEPHROL RES CTR-UNRC, 2019) Ciftci, Ilhan; Gunduz, Metin; Sekmenli, TamerPurpose: Hypospadias is a congenital anomaly that includes deficient ventral structure of the penis. Proximal hypospadias cases make up 20% of all hypospadias cases. The choice of operative technique for hypospadias repair depends on the severity, and it is influenced by the surgeon's experience and perception of where priorities should lie. Several other factors interact to determine the type of repair, such as meatal site, presence of chordee, availability of the prepuce, and quality of the urethral plate and in addition surgeon's experience affects the type of repair. Materials and Methods: The treatment records of 42 penoscrotal and perineal hypospadias cases that were treated in our clinic from 1998 to 2017 were reviewed retrospectively. Cases with penoscrotal and perineal meatus were included in the study at the beginning of the urethroplasty. All cases had surgical intervention via Hinderer's technique. Results: Acceptable cosmetic results were obtained in 37 (85%) patients with an objective scoring system (HOSE) for evaluating the results of hypospadias surgery score. The mean score after surgery was 14.8. Fistula and wound breakdown occurred in 7 out of the 42 cases. Conclusion: In conclusion, the modified Hinderer's technique is a safe and reliable technique for both proximal and perineal hypospadias. Low complication rates and application in a single surgical session increase the comfort of both the patient and the surgeon.Öğe Vesicovagynal reflux or not?(SPRINGER LONDON LTD, 2018) Ciftci, Ilhan.; Gunduz, Metin.; Sekmenli, Tamer.[Abstract not Available]Öğe Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in children exposed to circumcision under general or local anesthesia(TURKISH J PEDIATRICS, 2018) Kozanhan, Betül; Kocaoğlu, Canan; Gündüz, Metin; Akça, Ömer FarukThe aim of this study was to investigate the impact of general versus local anesthesia on the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms after circumcision. Of the 134 consecutive children (7-12 years of age) who underwent circumcision, 71 had general anesthesia (GA) and 63 had local anesthesia (LA). All participants completed the child depression inventory (CDI), State Anxiety (SA) and Trait Anxiety (TA) inventories, and Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI) before the operation as well as the Child Posttraumatic Stress Reaction Index (CPSRI) one month after the operation. The CDI, CASI and TA scores of the children were similar in both groups, while the SA scores of the LA group were higher than those in GA group (p<0.001). The CPSRI scores of the GA group were higher than those of the LA group (p=0.04). When the other parameters were controlled via regression analysis, only the CDI scores and being in the GA group predicted the CPSRI scores. This study suggests that children witnessing the surgical procedure of the circumcision developed no serious symptoms of PTSD. In contrast, children exposed to GA during circumcision developed more serious PTSD symptoms than children who had LA. The severity of depressive symptoms may be important in the development of PTSD symptoms after circumcision.Öğe Konya bölgesinde çocuk yanıkları ve özellikleri(2017) Gündüz, MetinYanık unitesinde tek hekim tarafından tedavi edilen çocuk hastaların özelliklerini değerlendirmek.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Konya Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Yanık Ünitesi'nde Eyul 2013- Nisan 2014 arasında tek hekim tarafından tedavi edilen hastaların dosyaları retrospektif olarak tarandı.Bulgular: 48 hastanın 26'sı erkek 22'si kız olup yaş ortalaması 3.1 bulundu. Hastaların % 48'inde 2. derece yuzeyel % 48'inde 2. derece derin ve % 4'unde 3. derece yanık mevcut olup total yanık yuzeyi ortalaması % 8 bulundu. Yanık etkenleri çay % 44, sıcak su % 36, soba % 8, sut % 2, yağ % 2, duduklu tencere patlaması %2, jel alevlenmesi %2, parfum alevlenmesi % 2, ve bomba patlaması % 2 idi. Tedavide 11 hastaya debritmanı yapıldı, 4 hastaya greft uygulandı, 1 hastaya eskarotomi yapılıp ust merkeze sevk edildi, 2 hasta bası giysisi kullandı ve 6 hasta aile isteğiyle taburcu edildi.Sonuç: Olguların % 80'i haşlanma yanığı olup etken genelde çay içme alışkanlığıdır. Çocuklar kendilerini koruyamayacak yaşta olduklarından ebeveynler gerekli önlemler konusunda bilgilendirilmelidir. Minor ve moderate yanıkların tedavisi için yanık unitelerindeki hekim ve hemşireler meslek içi eğitim almalıdır.Öğe Travmatik dalak yaralanması ve akut apandisit birlikteliği: Olgu sunomu(2013) Sekmenli, Tamer; Gündüz, Metin; Çiftci, İlhanAkut apandisit her yaşta görülebilen bir akut b atın nedeni olup, puberte çağında bu nedenler arasında birinci sıradadır. Appendiks lümeni obstrüksiyonu, akut apandiste yol açan en sık sebeptir. Obstrüksiyon nedeni sıklıkla fekalom, lenjoid hiperplazi, yabancı cisimler, karsinoid tümör ve intestinal parazitlerdir. Travma ve apandisit, çocuk yaş grubunda acil serviste cerrahi konsultasyon yapılan en sık iki durumdur. Literatürde künt abdominal travma sonrası akut apandisit gelişen çok az sayıda olgu bildirilmektedir.]] ya şındaki araç dışı trafik kazası sonucu oluşan travmatik dalak laserasyonu nedeniyle operasyona alınan hastada, insidental akut apandisit tespit edilmesi üzerine splenektomi ve apendektomi yapıldı. Olgu, klinik, radyolojik ve patolojik özellikleri ile sunuldu. Karın travması nedeniyle opere edilen hastalarda eşlik edebilecek ilave anormalliklerin tespiti amacıyla ayrıntılı batın eksplorasyonu yapılmalıdır.Öğe Hepatic Hydatid Cyst and Intraperitoneal Free Hydatid Cyst(2012) Çiftçi, İlhan; Yilmaz, HüseyinHydatid disease is relatively frequent in our country and non-invasive ultrasonic imaging techniques have made possible an earlier diagnosis prior to serious complications. Human hydatid disease usually occurs by infestation with Echinococcus granulosus and less frequently with Echinococcus multiocullaris. A twelve-year old girl fell from the swing 12 days ago. Acute abdomen was suspected, and she was operated under emergency conditions. Exploration of the abdomen soon revealed a giant cystic lesion formation, and this development did not fit the development of hydatid cyst pathophysiology.Öğe Successful Prophylactic Use of Recombinant Activated Factor VII (rFVIIa) in a Patient with Congenital FVII Deficiency and Inhibitors to FVII(WILEY, 2012) Tokgöz, H.; Çalışkan, U.; Lavigne-Lissalde, G.; Giansily-Blaizot, M.Congenital factor VII (FVII) deficiency is a rare, autosomal recessive bleeding disorder. The clinical phenotypes range from asymptomatic condition to severe disease characterized by life-threatening bleedings [1]. Optimal replacement therapy for FVII deficiency consists of recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) or plasma derived FVII (pdFVII) concentrates. Although rare, the formation of neutralizing antibodies to FVII is an important concern of replacement therapy in the treatment of FVII deficiency [1]. Herein, we report the clinical progress of a patient with severe FVII deficiency who developed inhibitors against FVII during treatment with rFVIIa.Öğe PHACE Syndrome with Growth Hormone Deficiency and Absence of Bilateral Internal Carotid Arteries: A Case Report(WILEY, 2012) Altın, Hakan; Alp, Hayrullah; Şap, Fatih; Karataş, Zehra; Baysal, Tamer; Karaaslan, SevimPHACE syndrome is characterized by posterior fossa malformations (P), large facial hemangiomas (H), arterial anomalies (A), cardiac anomalies or coarctation of aorta (C), and eye anomalies (E) and has striking female predominance. Endocrine abnormalities have recently been described in these patients, involving the thyroid and pituitary glands. We report the case of a 2-year-old girl with the clinical features of PHACE with absence of bilateral internal carotid arteries and isolated growth hormone deficiency.Öğe Management of a Colon Perforation During Pediatric Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy(MARY ANN LIEBERT INC, 2012) Göger, Emre; Güven, Selçuk; Gürbüz, Recai; Yılmaz, Kadir; Kılınç, Mehmet; Öztürk, AhmetPercutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is one of the most common treatment options in the management of kidney stones in children. While colon perforation during PCNL is reported as a rare complication in adults, there are scarce data regarding colon perforation during pediatric PCNL. We report the successful management of colon perforation occurring during PCNL and of a renal stone in a 6-year-old child. Moreover, we describe the procedure to be followed for colon perforation in children.Öğe Laparoscopic-Assisted Perineal Pull-Through Vaginoplasty(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2012) Çiftci, İlhanHematometrocolpos is the result of vaginal obstruction and can become an emergency in the pubertal period. The treatment of imperforate hymen is well defined, but the treatment of vaginal atresia is more complex. We report a case of hematometrocolpos secondary to distal vaginal atresia that was operated on in the pubertal period. The patient had isolated distal atresia without persistence of the urogenital sinus. A combined abdominal laparoscopic and perineal approach and a posterior vaginoplasty were carried out. Finally, an abdominoperineal pull-through was successfully performed. Neovagina was successfully developed with this method. The embryology and literature are reviewed. The classification, indications, and surgical technique are discussed. We suggest that this procedure is suitable for patients with vaginal agenesis and a normal uterus.Öğe Çocukta diyafragmatik morgagni hernisinin laparoskopik onarımı(2012) Çiftci, İlhan; Gündüz, MetinMorgagni Hernisi; anteriyor, anteromediyal, parasternal veya retrosternal herni olarak bilinir. Konjenital diyafram hernisinin sık rastlanan tipidir. Tüm opere edilen olguların %4-6 sını oluşturur. Standart tedavisi açık cerrahi uygulamadır. Biz laparoskopik olarak 5 yaşındaki çocuk olguya başarılı tedavi uyguladık. Laparoskopik onarımı güvenli alternative metod olarak tavsiye ederiz. Bu yakla- şımın minimal invasive metod olması ve kozmetik açıdan mükemmel görünüm oluşturması gösterilmiştir.Öğe Effects of Total Parenteral Nutrition on Anthropometric Values and Metabolism in Newborns(2011) Dinçer, Şaduman; Yurtçu, Müslim; Günel, Engin; Abasıyanık, AdnanObjective: To compare one-year-results of short- and long-term total parenteral nutrition on anthropometric measurements and metabolism in newborns after surgery. Material and Method: This study includes 20 newborns who were treated between June 2003 and October 2006. Total parenteral nutrition was given to the newborns for less than 15 days in the short-term total parenteral nutrition group and for more than 15 days in the long-term total parenteral nutrition group. Anthropometric measurements, biochemical and elemental parameters were evaluated once a week and hormonal parameters twice a week during total parenteral nutrition period. These parameters were measured at 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, 6 th, and 12th months after stopping total parenteral nutrition. Results: There was a parallel increase in anthropometric measurement values in both groups. One-month cholesterol values in both groups, and high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein in the short-term total parenteral nutrition group were significantly high. Lactate dehydrogenase values at 3 rd month and alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase values at 6 th month were significantly low in both groups. One-month phosphorus (P) and 6-month calcium (Ca) values in the long-term total parenteral nutrition group were significantly decreased. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference regarding anthropometric measurements and biochemical parameters between short-term total parenteral nutrition and long-term total parenteral nutrition groups. However, there were significant changes in cholesterol, HDL, LDL, LDH, AST, ALT, Ca, and P values at 1 st, 3 rd, and 6 th months. Long-term follow-up can help in understanding of negative effects of total parenteral nutrition on newborn metabolism.Öğe EFFECTS OF TOTAL PARENTERAL NUTRITION ON ANTHROPOMETRIC VALUES AND METABOLISM IN NEWBORNS(NOBEL ILAC, 2011) Dinçer, Şaduman; Yurtçu, Müslim; Günel, Engin; Abasıyanık, AdnanObjective: To compare one-year-results of short- and long-term total parenteral nutrition on anthropometric measurements and metabolism in newborns after surgery. Material and Method: This study includes 20 newborns who were treated between June 2003 and October 2006. Total parenteral nutrition was given to the newborns for less than 15 days in the short-term total parenteral nutrition group and for more than 15 days in the long-term total parenteral nutrition group. Anthropometric measurements, biochemical and elemental parameters were evaluated once a week and hormonal parameters twice a week during total parenteral nutrition period. These parameters were measured at 1(st), 2(nd), 3(rd), 6(th), and 12(th) months after stopping total parenteral nutrition. Results: There was a parallel increase in anthropometric measurement values in both groups. One-month cholesterol values in both groups, and high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein in the short-term total parenteral nutrition group were significantly high. Lactate dehydrogenase values at 3(rd) month and alanine aminotransferase and aspart ate aminotransferase values at 6(th) month were significantly low in both groups. One-month phosphorus (P) and 6-month calcium (Ca) values in the long-term total parenteral nutrition group were significantly decreased. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference regarding anthropometric measurements and biochemical parameters between short-term total parenteral nutrition and long-term total parenteral nutrition groups. However; there were significant changes in cholesterol, HDL, LDL, LDH, AST, ALT, Ca, and P values at 1(st), 3(rd), and 6(th) months. Long-term follow-up can help in understanding of negative effects of total parenteral nutrition on newborn metabolism.Öğe Investigation of Histopathologic Changes in Pelviureteral Junction Obstruction(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2010) Yurtcu, Müslim; Gürbüzer, Nilifer; Fındık, Sıddıka; Avunduk, Mustafa Cihat; Günel, EnginObjectives. This study aimed to determine histopathologic changes in the pelviureteral junction in children with pelviureteral junction obstruction. Material and methods. Seventeen pelviureteral junction specimens obtained from children were divided into two groups: pelviureteral junction obstruction (n = 7) and control (n = 10). Wall thickness of the pelviureteral junction, tunica muscularis of the pelviureteral junction, uroepithelium thickness of the pelviureteral junction, and collagen thickness of the pelviureteral junction were evaluated in resected pelviureteral junctions in children with pelviureteral junction obstruction. Main findings. The mean wall thickness of the pelviureteral junction, mean tunica muscularis of the pelviureteral junction, and uroepithelium thickness of the pelviureteral junction were not significantly higher than those in the control group. Collagen thickness values in the pelviureteral junction obstruction group were significantly higher than those in the control group. Conclusions. Our data suggest that wall thickness (tunica muscularis and uroepithelium) was not significantly increased, but collagen thickness of the ureter was increased in the pelviureteral junctions of children with pelviureteral junction obstruction.Öğe Colon Agenesis With Ileovesical Fistula and Anorectal Malformation(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2010) Yurtçu, Müslim; Esen, H. Hasan; Günel, EnginColonic agenesis is a rare cause of congenital bowel obstruction and is usually associated with other malformations such as abdominal wall defects or gastrointestinal, cardiac, urogenital, and musculoskeletal lesions. Although many uncommon types have been reported, ileovesical fistula (IVF) associated with total colonic agenesis (TCA) has not been reported in a newborn with anorectal malformation (ARM). This is the first report of a 1-day-old newborn with ARM, IVF, and TCA.Öğe Renal İskemi-Reperfüzyon Hasarında Üzüm Çekirdeği Proantosiyanidin Ekstresinin Etkisi(2010) Özdamar, Mustafa Yaşar; Yurtçu, Müslim; Toy, Hatice; Aköz, Mehmet; Günel, EnginAmaç: Bu çalışmada üzüm çekirdeği proanthocyanidin ekstresinin (GSPE) renal iskemi-reperfüzyon (I-R) hasarında profilaktik etkisini araştırmak amaçlandı. Yöntem: Kırk adet sıçan her biri 10 sıçandan oluşan 4 gruba ayrıldı: Kontrol (K), sham (S), iskemi-reperfüzyon (I-R) ve I-R GSPE. K grubunda her iki renal pedikül eksplore edildi. S grubunda sol renal pedikül eksplore edildi ve sağ nefrektomi yapıldı. I-R ve I-RGSPE gruplarında sağ nefrektomi sonrası, sol renal pedikülde oklüzyon (45 dakika) ve reperfüzyon (60 dakika) gerçekleştirildi. Bununla birlikte, I-RGSPE grubuna cerrahiden önce 15 gün süre ile 15 mg/kg GSPE verildi. Dokuda malondialdehid (MDA) ve glutatyon redüktaz (GR) seviyesi; serumda üre, kreatinin, aspartat aminotransferaz (AST) ve tümör nekroz faktor-? (TNF-?) değerlendirildi. Bulgular: I-R grubundaki MDA seviyeleri S ve I-RGSPE gruplarındaki MDA seviyelerinden anlamlı olarak yüksekti. I-R grubundaki GR seviyeleri, S ve I-RGSPE gruplarındaki GR seviyelerinden anlamlı olarak daha düşüktü. I-R grubundaki üre, kreatinin, AST ve TNF-? seviyeleri K, S ve IR GSPE gruplarındaki seviyelerden daha yüksekti. Sonuç: Profilaktik GSPE tedavisi renal I-R hasarını önemli oranda azaltır.
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