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  • Öğe
    Adaptation of Sport Fanaticism Scale Into Turkish
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021 Ağustos) Erdoğan, Ali; Şirin, Erkan Faruk
    Sporda fanatikliğe bazen olumlu bazen olumsuz anlamlar yüklenebilmektedir. Fanatikler spor pazarlamacıları için markanın değerli müşterileri olmakla birlikte sosyal kimlik, ilişki ve benlik saygısı açısından sosyal bir onay çerçevesi oluşturur. Bunun yanında fanatiklerin şiddet içeren aşırı davranışları sosyal olarak kabul edilemez bir çerçevede görülmektedir. Bu farklı çalışma alanları için de spor fanatizmini ölçecek geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracına ihtiyaç duyulması nedeniyle gerçekleştirilen bu çalışma, Dwyer, LeCrom ve Greenhalgh (19) tarafından geliştirilen Spor Fanatizmi Ölçeğinin (Sport Fanaticism Scale) Türkiye koşullarında geçerliliğini ve güvenilirliğini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. 12 maddeden oluşan 5’li likert tipindeki ölçek, Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray ve Trabzonspor kulüplerinin taraftarı olan 528 katılımcıya uygulanmıştır. Ölçeğin dört faktörlü yapısının incelenmesi için AMOS programı kullanılarak doğrulayıcı faktör analizi (DFA) yapılmıştır. Uyum indeksleri değerlerinin tüm parametrelerde iyi veya mükemmel seviye de olduğu görülmüştür (?²/sd= 2.91); RMSEA=.060; GFI=.96; CFI=.95; IFI=.95; AGFI =.93). Elde edilen sonuçlar, 12 maddelik ölçeğin dört faktörlü özgün yapı ile tutarlı ve verilerle uyumlu olduğunu göstermektedir. Ölçeğin güvenilirliği için, ölçeğin tamamının ve alt boyutlarının iç tutarlılık katsayıları kontrol edilmiştir. Ayrıca, ölçeğin iç tutarlık güvenirlik kapsamında Cronbach’s Alpha ve AVE ile CR değerleri de hesaplanmış ve katsayıların yeterli düzeyde olduğu bulunmuştur. Ölçeğin üç hafta ara ile testtekrar test güvenirlik analizi de yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bu bulgular ışığında, “Spor Fanatizmi Ölçeği’’nin Türk kültür yapısıyla uyumlu, geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Determination of the Physical Activity Levels of Taekwondo Coaches
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Eylül) Arıkan, Şükran; Barsbuğa, Yusuf; Revan, Serkan
    The aim of this study is to determine the physical activity levels of taekwondo trainers. The total of 544 (132 women, 412 men) coaches participated in the trainer development seminars organized by Turkey Taekwondo Federation participated as volunteers in this research. The physical activity levels of the participants were determined with the short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (UFAA). SPSS 22.0 statistical package program was used to evaluate the data obtained within the scope of the research. The data were analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality. The MannWhitney U test was used because the data were not distributed normally and the significance level was accepted as 0.05. According to the research findings, 3.2% of the trainers had low physical activity level, 61.4% had moderate and 35.5% had high physical activity level. There were statistically significant differences in mean age, height and body weight (p <0,05), no significant difference was found between male and female trainers in sitting, walking, moderate physical activity, high intensity physical activity and total physical activity scores (p> 0.05). It can be said that most of the taekwondo coaches have moderate physical activity levels.
  • Öğe
    The Anger Expression Styles of the Students in the Faculties that Admit Students with Special Talent Exam
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021 Ağustos) Gözen, İlhan; Demir, Hayri
    This study aims to analyze the relation of anger expression style of the students in the faculties that admit students with the special talent exam. The sample of the study consists of 523 volunteer students. 361 of them are male and 162 are female students studying at Selçuk University. The data of the study are analyzed using the t-test, ANOVA, and Tukey tests, and the personal information form is obtained using the constant anger and anger style scale. According to the findings of the study, the introvert anger dimension value of the students studying at the Faculty of Sport Sciences was found to be statistically higher than the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts. Moreover, it was determined that in the constant anger and extrovert anger dimension the value of men was higher than that of women. Finally, it was observed that as the ages and the grade of the students participating in the study grow their introverted anger and controlled anger values increased as well.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of Participation in Recreational Exercise with Basic Psychological Needs and Happiness Parameters During The COVID-19 Pandemic Process
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021 Ağustos) Erdoğdu, Murat; Öz, Nazlı Deniz
    This cross-sectional study aimed to characterize the basic psychological needs of individuals participating in recreational exercises during coronavirus disease process (COVID-19) and to evaluate their level of happiness. A total of 182 adults (26 ± 6.13 years; 50.5% male, 49.5 female) and individuals who attended private gyms during the pandemic process participated in the study. The demographic information form created by the researchers in the study, "Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale" (31,32) and "Oxford Happiness Scale-Short Form" (18, 11) were used. As a result of the study, while there was no difference in the basic psychological needs scale (BPNES) and its sub-dimensions in exercise according to gender, a significant difference was found in favor of male participants (t = -4.344; p <0.01) in the happiness scale. When evaluated according to age, no significant difference was observed in the happiness scale, while a significant difference was found in the sufficiency and autonomy sub-dimensions of the BPNES in favor of 33 years and over compared to age 21 and below. As a result of this study, it has been revealed that autonomy and competence are the primary needs that motivate individuals to exercise during the pandemic period. It has been confirmed that especially adult groups attach greater importance to these needs. The importance of internal regulators in dealing with obstacles in the period when pandemic can be seen as an obstacle to participation in recreational exercise has been demonstrated.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of Athletic Identity in Elite Fencers
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021 Ağustos) Barsbuğa, Yusuf
    Bu araştırmanın amacı, ülkemizde faal olarak yarışmalara katılan ve Türkiye Eskrim Federasyonun 2016-2017 sezonu resmi klasman sıralamalarında (kendi kategorilerinde) ilk 16 sporcu arasında yer alan, 18-29/8/2016 tarihleri arasında Antalya/Alanya ilçesinde yapılan Büyükler Milli Takım Kampı ve 18-26/2/2017 tarihleri arasında Ankara ilinde yapılan YıldızGenç Avrupa Şampiyonası Hazırlık Kampına katılan yıldız, genç ve büyük sporcuların sporcu kimliklerini incelemek ve yorumlamaktır. Araştırma grubunu; 2016-2017 sezonunda bahsi geçen milli takım kamplarına davet edilen 64 sporcu oluşturmaktadır. Tarama (survey) modeli esas alınarak yürütülen bu çalışmada; Brewer ve Cornelius (1) tarafından geliştirilen, Türkçe geçerlilik ve güvenirliliği Çetinkaya (5) tarafından yapılan Sporcu Kimliği Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde ve hesaplanmış değerlerin bulunmasında SPSS 16.0 istatistik paket program kullanılmıştır. Veriler yüzde, ortalama ve standart sapmalar verilerek özetlenmiştir. Veriler normal dağılım gösterdiğinden dolayı ikili küme karşılaştırmaları için bağımsız grup t testi, ikiden fazla küme karşılaştırmaları için Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında ölçek güvenirlik katsayısı .74 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Araştırmada anlamlılık düzeyi 0.05 olarak alınmıştır.Araştırma sonucunda; 2016-2017 sezonunda bahsi geçen milli takım kamplarına davet edilen 64 sporcunun , Sporcu Kimliği Ölçeği ortalama puanlarının cinsiyet değişkenine göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşmadığı; Yaş ve Eğitim değişkenine göre ise 15-18 yaş arası ile Lise ve Altı eğitim düzeyine sahip katılımcılar lehine anlamlı düzeyde bir farklılık olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Analyzing the Alexithymia Scores of University Students Who Do and Do Not Do Sports
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021 Aralık) Gözen, İlhan; Yalçın, Yahya Gökhan; Kıvrak, Ali Osman; Demir, Banu
    This study is conducted to analyze the differences in the alexithymia scores of university students who do and do not do sports. In total, 365 university students participated voluntarily in the study. 189 (106 men and 83 women) of them were licensed for at least 2 years in a team or individual sports branches, and 176 (98 men and 78 women) of them did not do sports. In order to reach the data of the study, the personal information form which is developed by researchers, and the Toronto alexithymia scale with 20 questions developed by Bagby et al. in 1994 (2) and adapted into Turkish by Güleç et al.(10) have been used. According to the results of the research, no significant differences were found in the total alexithymia scores and the subdimensions of Difficulty in Recognizing Emotions, Difficulty in Expressing Emotions, and Extraverted Thinking in accordance of the gender of university students who do and do not do sports.
  • Öğe
    An Examination of Cultural Intelligence Changes of University Students Participating in Sport-Based Erasmus Plus Youth Projects
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021 Aralık) Özer, Şevket Cihat; Demir, Hayri
    This research aims to evaluate the changes in the cultural intelligence among those students who participate in Erasmus Plus Youth Projects based on sport. The group of the research consists of 39 students who study different departments in Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University and have not been abroad by any reason before. Cultural Intelligence Scale, developed by Ang et al. and adapted into Turkish by Gökhan Arastaman, has been implemented on the research group through a pre-test before their participation in the projects and a post-test after their participation in the project. For the analysis of the data collected during the research, SPSS 21.0 has been used. In the analysis of the data such descriptive statistics as arithmetic mean, frequency, standard deviation and percent values have been taken into consideration. Whether the data of the both scale distributed normally has been evaluated in order to determine if parametric analyses would be implemented. The research data have been observed to distribute normally. Accordingly, parametric analyses have been decided to be implemented to see if the data vary according to the demographic traits of the participants. T test has been implemented for the evaluation between two groups. Data of the analysis has revealed that participation in the Erasmus Plus Youth Project based on sport has a positive impact on the cultural intelligence, with all its subdimensions, of the university students.
  • Öğe
    Examination of Secondary School Students' Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Brand Functions, and Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty According to Levels of Playing Team and Individual Sports
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022 Nisan) Sarıipek, Tuncay; Altınbeyaz, Yunus; Topuz, Ramazan; Çağlayan, Hakan Salim
    This research aims to determine the brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand functions, factors affecting brand loyalty and the preference criteria for product purchase (sports shoes) of secondary school students who do team and individual sports, and to determine whether these criteria make a difference according to the sports branches they play (team and individual). The sample of the study consists of a total of 250 students [n(male=185), n(female=65)], 150 of whom play team sports (football, volleyball, basketball, handball, folk dances) [n(male=118), n(female=32)] and 100 of whom play individual sports (taekwondo, kickboxing, badminton, fitness, wrestling, fencing) [n(male=67), n(female=33)], studying at high schools affiliated to the Konya Provincial Directorate of National Education in the first half of the 2019-2020 academic year. The mean age of the students participating in the research is 16.48±1.16, and the income level of their families is 2393.12 TL. It can be said that the income level of the families of the students participating in the research as of the period of application of the scales is at the level of the minimum wage. 34.8% (n=87) of the students participating in the research were in the 9th Grade, 27.2% (n=68) in the 10th Grade, 29.2% (n=73) in the 11th grade, and 8.8% (n=22) in the 12th grade. As data collection tools in the research, Brand Awareness Scale, Brand Loyalty Scale, Brand Functions Scale, Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty Scale, and Preference Criteria in Product Purchase Scale were used, which were translated into Turkish by Erdoğdu (2012) by making use of many studies in the literature and whose validity and reliability studies were conducted after language validity was ensured. As a result of the research, it was determined that the mean score of the students, who play team sports, from the related scales is higher than the students, who play individual sports. It was determined that the mean score of the students, who play team sports, from the Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty Scale is significantly higher than the students who play individual sports, and it was also revealed that compared to the students playing individual sports, the mean scores of the students, who play team sports, from the "image function and social function" sub-dimensions of the Brand Functions Scale were significantly higher, that their mean scores from the "diversity/innovation seeking" sub-dimension of the Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty Scale were significantly higher, and that their mean scores from the "well-known brand/high image criterion, innovative/fashionable criterion, and social circle/friend criterion" sub-dimensions of the Scale of Preference Criteria for Product Purchase (Sports Shoes) were significantly higher.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the Relationship Between Goal Orientation and Life Satisfaction of Tennis Players Participating in Local Tournaments
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022 Nisan) Arı, Abdil
    This study was conducted to investigate the relationships and differences between the goal orientations and life satisfaction of tennis players. A total of 80 athletes, 66 men and 14 women, participated in the Silifke Municipality Sports Club 2021 spring tennis tournament voluntarily. The personal information form developed by the researchers to reach the data of the study, the 13-question “Duty and Ego Orientation Scale in Sports (SGEYÖ)” developed by Duda in (4) the Turkish adaptation of Toros in, (15) the developed by Larsen and Griffin (11), The 5- question "Satisfaction with Life Scale", which was adapted into Turkish by Yetim (21) was used. According to the research result; The inter-variable relations of all participants are presented as correlation coefficients. Here, when the significance relationships in terms of double-ended evaluation are examined, there is a significant relationship between ego orientation scores and task orientation scores (r=0,238; p<0,05). In addition, age variable and task orientation scores (r=-0,407; p<0,01) and life satisfaction scores (r= 0,266; p<0,05) there is a significant relationship between. There is no significant relationship between other variables. (p>0,05).
  • Öğe
    Analysis of Basketball Trainers Views About Coronavirus-19 Phobia
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022 Nisan) Yalçın, Yahya Gökhan; Demirel, Havva; Altın, Mehmet
    Quantitative research models were used in the study, which aimed to to assess the phobia related to the coronavirus-19 of basketball coaches working in Turkey Basketball Federation (TBF) and registered to Turkey's Basketball Coaches Association (TÜBAD). 21 women, and 216 men, 237 active basketball coaches in total, who are TÜBAD members at various levels by the Turkish Leagues, participated to the study. While the personal information form developed by the researchers was used to obtain demographic information in the study. The homogeneity and variances of the data were tested, Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test was applied, and it was determined that the data showed normal distribution. Independent Samples t Test was used in pair matches and One Way Anova test was used in multiple comparisons. Results were evaluated at 95% confidence interval and p <0.05 level. Cronbach's Alpha value for the overall scale was determined as .882. According to the results obtained from the findings of the study, no difference was observed in coranavirus 19 phobia values in terms of gender and coaching levels, while statistically significant differences were found in terms of age variables and the status of basketball trainers to practice a different profession besides coaching (p <0.05). It was observed that the differences were not observed in both variables in Somatic, Social, Economic and General Dimensions, but they differed in psychological dimensions and the differences were in favor of lower age groups depending on the age factor. As a result, coronavirus-19 phobia of basketball coaches serving in the Turkey Basketball Federation (TBF) and registered Basketball coach of Turkey's Basketball Coaches Association (TÜBAD) is not related to gender and rank, but young coaches have been determined that most affected group psychologically. Likewise, it was concluded that coaches who did a different profession other than coaching were also adversely affected by the situation and this negative situation might have occurred with the concern of working in multiple groups.
  • Öğe
    Process Assessment of Fencer's Parents Within the Scope of the Covid-19 Normalization Steps
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022 Eylül) Barsbuğa, Yusuf
    Bu araştırmanın amacı, ülkemizde faal olarak yarışmalara katılan ve Türkiye Eskrim Federasyonu 2019-2020 yılı sezonu vizeli sporcu ebeveynlerinin Kovid-19 normalleşme adımları kapsamında, planlaması yapılacak olan organizasyonlar ve dikkat edilecek hususlarda görüşlerini ölçmek ve yorumlamaktır. Araştırma grubunu; 2019-2020 yılında Türkiye Eskrim Federasyonu vizeli sporcu ebeveynleri arasında yer alan 410 ebeveyn oluşturmaktadır. Nitel araştırma metoduyla kurgulanan bu araştırmada; veri toplama aracı olarak online veri toplama formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırmacı tarafından uzman görüşü alınarak hazırlanmış, toplam 9 sorudan oluşan ve katılımcıların, araştırma amacına yönelik görüşlerini öğrenmek amacıyla kurgulanan soru formu çoktan seçmeli ve açık uçlu soru tiplerini içermektedir. Türkiye Eskrim Federasyonu ile ortak hareket edilerek gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, katılımcılar ilgili federasyonun web sitesi aracılığıyla online ortamda soru formunu cevaplamış olup, çalışmaya gönüllü olarak katılmışlardır. Araştırma ile ilgili onam, formun açıklama kısmında katılımcıların onayına sunulmuştur. Elde edilen verilerin analiz sürecinde ise MAXQDA Analyctis Pro 2018 (Release 18.2.4) (Nitel ve Karma Yöntemler için Profosyonel Veri Analiz Yazılımı) isimli veri analiz programı kullanılmıştır. Kapalı uçlu sorular yüzde verilerek özetlenirken, açık uçlu soru cevap raporlarını analiz etme sürecinde içerik analizi metodu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, frekans tabloları ve kod haritaları yardımıyla görselleştirilmiştir. Nihai olarak tablo ve kod haritaları ile elde edilen bulgular yorumlanarak, katılımcıların kodlama yapılan bazı görüşleri doğrudan aktarılmıştır. Bu araştırma için Selçuk Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Girişimsel Olmayan Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulundan onay alınmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda; Tüm dünyayı etkileyen Covid-19 salgınının sporcu ebeveynlerinin organizasyonlara katılım tutumlarını etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Düzenlenmesi planlanan faaliyetlerde; seyircisiz katılım, açık hava müsabakaları, Müsabaka Salon Seçiminde genişlik ve havalandırma olanaklarının sağlanması, risk onay bildirimi gibi alt kodlar tasnif edilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışma sonucunda hazırlanan rapor; Türkiye Eskrim Federasyonuna sunularak, ilgili federasyonun Covid-19 normalleşme adımları kapsamında düzenleyeceği organizasyonlarda sporcu velilerinin önceliklerine yönelik düzenleme yapılmasına olanak sağlamıştır.
  • Öğe
    Examination of Wrestling Referees' Self-Efficacy Levels
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022 Aralık) Harmancı, Fatih; Demir, Hayri; Bilgin, Hüseyin
    The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between the mental toughness of national and non-national cyclists and the rankings they achieved. A total of 100 athletes, 50 national and 50 non-national, participated in the study in which the quantitative research model was used. In the study, the Scale of Mental toughness in Sports was used as a data collection tool. In the study, t-test, anova test and tukey tests were used. It was determined that the mental toughness of the older athletes was higher than the younger athletes. In addition, while a significant difference was found between the mental toughness scores of non-national athletes, no significant difference was found in the scores of national athletes. As a result, it can be said that athletes with a certain level of experience have more mental toughness, and cyclists with higher self-confidence achieve better results in national competitions.
  • Öğe
    Examining the Social Media Teacher-Student Interactions of Physical Education Teachers
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Nisan) Erdoğan, Çağrı Hamdi; Bahadır, Ziya; Topuz, Ramazan
    This study was The aim of this research is to examine the interactions between the physical education teachers and students in social media based on some variables. In the study, a descriptive survey method was used, which aimed at revealing the existing situation. There search group was comprised of 390physicaleducationteachersactivelyworking at the state schools of Kayseri province in the 2018-2019educationyear.Personal Information Form and Social Media Teacher – Student Interaction Scale were used in the study as the data collection tools. SPSS program was used in the analysis of the data. According to results of the research, it was determined that the social media teacher-student interaction levels of the physical education teachers were at the medium range. In addition, it was determined that virtual leader characteristics of physical education teachers were prominent. Also a significant difference was found concerning the social media teacher-student interaction levels of the physical education teachers for the variables school location, sport branch, physical education infrastructure in the school, the school team status, regular exercise, age, monthly income perception; however, statistically no significant difference was determined concerning the variables school type, marital status, and gender.
  • Öğe
    Analysis of Official Internet Sites of Sport Clubs in Terms of Social Media and Marketing Communication: A Study on Turkish and German Sport Clubs
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Nisan) Şirin, Erkan Faruk; Sevilmiş, Ali
    Becoming widespread of internet use, advantages web has, compared to traditional environment, and purchaser tendencies in marketing communication have made web sites a potential social media communication and marketing tool for sport clubs. The main aim of this study is to evaluate official internet sites of soccer clubs of Super League İlhan Cavcav Season and Bundesliga in Germany in terms of social media communication and marketing communication and reveal the similarity and difference between both league by means of content analysis method. Internet site of a total of 36 sport clubs in both leagues were evaluated. During analysis of the data, MAXQDA qualitative data analysis software was used. According to the results of the study, while social network applications (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in the official web sites of Turkey and Germany sport clubs show similarity, instant messaging applications (Snapchat), documents follow system (subscribe to RSS) and motion videos (Giphy) or blog accessing tools were seen to be given place in German clubs. In large majority of German clubs, while official internet sites include multiple language options, in Turkey, there is multiple language option in the internet site of a few number of clubs. In addition, Turkish sport clubs use marketing communication channels in similar to traditional marketing activities, and there are differences between the clubs taking place in both leagues in terms of the use of direct communication with customers through these channels (answering the questions about, comments about product, etc.), direct marketing (information about filtering detail, cargo information, safe payment, order follow, and product return), and sale development (favorite/ the most sold product, personal product design, seasonal opportunities, etc.).
  • Öğe
    Relationship Between Health Perception and Life Satisfaction in Individuals Who are Member of Recreative Fitness Center
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Eylül) Çağlayan, Hakan Salim; Öz, Nazlı Deniz; Arı, Abdil
    The aim of this study was to compare the health perception and life satisfaction levels of the individuals doing recreational sports according to various demographic variables and to determine the relationship. This study was conducted on the basis of survey model; Individuals attending recreational fitness centers in Konya participated on a voluntary basis. “Health Perception Scale” which was developed by Diamond et al. (2007) and adapted to Turkish by Kadıoğlu and Yıldız; and “Life Satisfaction Scale” which was developed by Diener et al. and adapted to Turkish by Köker (1991) were used. SPSS 20 package program was used to analyze the data. In the evaluation of the data, complementary statistical methods like standard deviation (sd) frequency (f) percentage (%) average (M) and since normal distribution conditions were not met Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann-Whitney U test, which are non-parametric tests, were used. Spearman Correlation coefficient test was used to reveal the relationship between them. Results were evaluated at 0.05 significance level. As a result of the study, when the health perception scale and life satisfaction scale were compared according to the variables of gender, age and educational status, statistically significant differences were found and it was found that the relationship between life satisfaction and health perception scale had low positive correlation levels with each other. In this context, health perception and life satisfaction can be evaluated as factors affecting each other.
  • Öğe
    Evaluate Professional and Amateur Athletes’ Social Insurances with Legal Aspects in Turkey.
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Eylül) Özsarı, Arif; Görücü, Alpaslan; Altın, M. Mehmet; Şen, Hüseyin Fatih; Fişekçioğlu, İbrahim Bülent
    With this study, we aimed to evaluate professional and amateur athletes’ social insurances with legal aspects in Turkey.In this study -which was prepared by making use of descriptive analysis- related laws, regulations and literature were reviewed and the recent situation was demonstrated by researching the obtained resources. It’s understood that professional and amateur Athletes’ contracts are a sort of service contracts, but neither group is subject to Labor Law No. 4857, therefore they cannot demand severance pay, notice pay or annual leave; and that general and special provisions of Law on Debts No. 6098 were implemented for the athletes who signed a contract with a club; and it is also understood that state athletes, jockeys and foreign athletes were subject to the Law On Social Insurance and General Health Insurance No.5510; and that, amateur athletes who have a contract with a club were evaluated in the scope of private health insurance, despite that, amateur athletes without contract to any club aren’t subject to social insurance provisions.
  • Öğe
    Examining the Empathetic Tendency Levels of the Athletes Dealing with Team and Individual Sports
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Eylül) Buğdaycı, Selçuk; Abakay, Uğur; Abakay, Zeliha
    The aim of this study is to determine the empathetic tendency levels of the athletes dealing with team and individual sports, and to specify whether there is a statistically significant difference concerning gender and sports experience variables. In total, 524volunteer athletes (232 males and 292 females) participated in the study, whose ages ranged between 15 and 27. The “Empathy in the Sports Environment (ESE)” scale, which was developed by Erkuş and Yakupoğlu (2001), was used in the study for the data collection. The SPSS 22.0 package program was used in the analyses of the data. The Independent Samples T test was employed for the paired comparisons, and the Spearman’s rho correlation analysis for determining the relations among the variables. The significance level was accepted as p<0.05 in the evaluation of the results. As the conclusion of the study, it was determined that there was statistically no significant difference between the athletes dealing with team and individual sports concerning the emotional empathy dimension; however, it was determined that the athletes dealing with team sports gained higher scores in the prediction dimension; it was found that the emotional empathy scores of the female athletes were higher for the gender variable and male athletes had higher scores concerning the prediction dimension. Considering the sports experience dimension, it was determined that the higher the years of experience, the higher the levels of emotional empathy and prediction.
  • Öğe
    Examination of Sport Managers' Self-Efficacy Status and Time Management
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Ocak) Erdoğan, Ali; Şirin, Erkan Faruk; Yetim, Ahmet Azmi; Karacan Doğan, Pınar
    The aim of this study is to determine the self-efficacy perceptions and time management belief levels of the public and sports club managers working in Turkey and to examine the relationship between them by examining them according to some demographic variables. In this research, a method for descriptive and relational screening was used to reveal the current situation. The sample group of the public and sports club managers working in Turkey consists of public sports managers (n = 55) and sports club managers (n = 99) who volunteered to participate in the study. Personal Information Form, Sport Managers Self-Efficacy Scale and Time Management Scale were used as data collection tools. In the analysis of data, since the data and groups are not distributed homogeneously and the data is skewed to the left, non-parametric Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test techniques were used to determine the differences between the groups in the sub-dimensions of self-efficacy and time management, and Spearman Correlation Analysis technique was used in the relationship between Sport Managers' SelfEfficacy Scale and Time Management Scale. At the end of the study, there were no significant differences between Sport Managers Self-Efficacy and Time Management beliefs and Personal variables (age, gender, marital status, education level, year of service, management year and sports history), while a significant difference was determined between the time attitude subdimension of time management and the sector variable in favor of sports club managers. In addition, a weak positive and significant (p <0.05) relationship was found between general time management and sports managers' self-efficacy (decisionmaking, personal characteristics, Knowledge and Interpersonal Roles).
  • Öğe
    The Role of 21st century Learner Skills of Physical Education and Sports Teachers and Teacher Candidates on Teacher Skills
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Eylül) Certel, Zehra; Bahadır, Ziya; Topuz, Ramazan
    In this study, the comparison of 21st century learner and teacher skills of physical education and sports teachers and teacher candidates and the role of 21st century learner skills on 21st century teacher skills were examined. Research is in relational scanning model. The sample of the study consists of 171 physical education and sports teachers working in Kayseri province and 184 students who are physical education and sports education students of Erciyes University Faculty of Sport Sciences. The sample consisted of 171 physical education teachers and 184 teacher candidate (total N = 355) selected by random sampling method from the universe. In this research, 21st learner skills use scale developed by Göksün (2016) and 21st century teacher skills use scale developed by Göksün (2016) were used as the data collection tool. T-test and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. According to the findings, there was no significant differences in 21st century learner skills of teacher and teacher candidates, but significant differences were found in 21st century teacher skills. While the 21st century teachers' skills are predicted by innovative, cooperation and flexibility skills, the prospective teachers are predicted by cognitive skills.
  • Öğe
    Notational Analysis of Wheelchair Women's Badminton Matches in the International Badminton Tournament
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2020 Nisan) Taşgın, Erdal; Bastem, Muhammet; Abdein, Ali Salah Zaynl; Özlü, Metin; Yılmaz, Fatih; Bağış, Özlem; Atay, Ela; Leyla, Senay
    Badminton, which can be played in all age groups for competition and recreation in the world, is the fastest racket sport and has taken its place in international tournaments. In this study, it was aimed to examine the competition performance of wheelchair women Badminton players participating in international competitions. The national team badminton in 19 wheelchair categories with disabilities from 17 countries participating in the 4th International Enes Cup Badminton Tournament with an average age of 36.66 ± 4.88, average height 1.68 ± 0.04, body weight average 59 ± 6.44 athlete (Russia, Japan, Thailand, France, Spain, Malaysia and Turkey) participated on a voluntary basis, Analysis studies were carried out on 7 single women's competitions. As a result of the study, it was determined that the most common type of shots in 1527 strokes performed by wheelchair single female badminton athletes was Clear and the least used stroke was Drive. (p<0.05). It was determined that the most striking region was the back and middle region among the 1519 hit areas performed by the athletes, while the game winning region was the front region with the highest number of 14.94% and the middle region with at least 4.17%. The game-losing hit zone, which is the game-hit hit zone, from 174 athletes performed by the athletes was analyzed as 174 hit-zone, and the game-losing hit zone was analyzed (P <0.05). It was determined that the game losing region was the frontal and at least the middle region with 74 of the most. It was determined that the athletes made a maximum of 36.82% back line error and at least 9.95% a side line error. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the athletes preferred the Clear stroke, the reason for this was the control of the game in wheelchair badminton players, the time saving in the chair control among rallies, and therefore the ethics of preference clear technique, which is a guaranteed hit.