Karacaali (Kırıkkale) demir cevherlerinin mineralojik özellikleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
İncelenen demir cevherleri mikrogabro, diyabaz ve bazaltlar içinde yer alan çatlak ve kırıklar boyunca yerleşmiş masif, saçınımlı ve breşik tipte damarlar ve düzensiz sınırlı kütlelerden oluşur. Yan kayaçlarda, hidrptermal süreçlere işaret eden, uralitleşme, albitleşme, kloritleşme, aktinolitleşme, tremolitleşme, epidotlaşma, sossuritleşme, karbonatlaşma, killeşme ve silisleşme gibi alterasyon tipleri gelişmiştir. Cevher başlıca, manyetit ve pirit minerallerini kapsar. Daha az miktarlarda ise hematit, muşketofit, kalkopirit, bornit, pirotin, fahlerz, markazit, götit ve turingit içerir. Cevher kütlelerinin tipi, parajenez, yapı ve doku özellikleri Karacaali piritli demir cevherlerinin hidrotermal süreçlerle oluşabileceğine işaret etmektedir.
The studied iron ores are located along cracks and fractures in the microgabbro, diabase and basic type rocks anda re characterized by massive, dissemine and brecciatic veins and irregular masses. Various alteration types such as uralitization, albitization, chloritization, actinolitization, tremolitization, epidotization, sossuritization, carbonatization, argillitization and silicification have been developed by effecting of hydrothermal processes during fluid-rock interaction. Main mineralization is composed of mainly magnetite and pyrite and lesser amounts of hematite, muscetofitte, chalcopyrite, bornite, tetrahedrite, pyrhotite, marcasite, goethite and trungite. The geological, petrographical and mineralogical data indicate that the Karacaali iron deposit was formed by means of hydrothermal processes.
The studied iron ores are located along cracks and fractures in the microgabbro, diabase and basic type rocks anda re characterized by massive, dissemine and brecciatic veins and irregular masses. Various alteration types such as uralitization, albitization, chloritization, actinolitization, tremolitization, epidotization, sossuritization, carbonatization, argillitization and silicification have been developed by effecting of hydrothermal processes during fluid-rock interaction. Main mineralization is composed of mainly magnetite and pyrite and lesser amounts of hematite, muscetofitte, chalcopyrite, bornite, tetrahedrite, pyrhotite, marcasite, goethite and trungite. The geological, petrographical and mineralogical data indicate that the Karacaali iron deposit was formed by means of hydrothermal processes.
Url: http://sujest.selcuk.edu.tr/sumbtd/article/view/145
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kırıkkale, Hidrotermal, Demir cevherleşmesi, Manyetit, Pirit, Hydrothermal processes, Iron mineralization, Magnetite, Pyrite
Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Koç, Ş., Özer, C. K., Öksüz, N. (2008). Karacaali (Kırıkkale) demir cevherlerinin mineralojik özellikleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 23, (3), 49-60.