Tarih Boyunca Maraş Şehri’nin Gelişmesini Etkileyen Faktörler
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada; tarih boyunca Maraş şehrinin gelişmesini etkileyen faktörler araştırılmıştır. Maraş’ın şehir olarak gelişmesinde iktisadî özellikleri, sosyal ve kültürel özellikleri, coğrafî özellikleri ve iklim özellikleri önemli rol oynamıştır. Maraş, Anadolu’yu Ortadoğu’ya bağlayan çok önemli bir konumda kurulmuştur. Burası Anadolu’nun giriş ve çıkış kapısı özelliğindedir. Stratejik önemi komutanların burayı sürekli elde tutmak istemelerine yol açmıştır. Buraya yerleşen milletlerden özellikle Türkler, sürekli el değiştirme nedeniyle talan olan topraklarına aldırmadan, kendilerini burada yaşamanın zorluğuna alıştırmışlardır. Bu milletler Anadolu’nun bir sınır şehri olan Maraş’ta her türlü olumsuzluğa rağmen kalmayı istemişlerdir. Ilıman iklimi ve topraklarının verimliliği şehirde her türlü bitkinin yetişmesine imkân tanımıştır. Bunun yanında coğrafî olarak insan yerleşmelerine uygunluğu ve uluslar arası yollar üzerinde bulunması şehirleşmeyi kolaylaştırmıştır. Eskiden Maraş, işlek çarşısı ve canlı bedestenleriyle bir ticaret merkezi idi. Maraş’tan Çukurova’ya, Suriye’ye, Irak’a, Kuzey ve Orta Anadolu’ya kervanlar çıkardı. Toroslardan Suriye ve Irak’a geçen orduların ihtiyaçları buradan karşılanırdı. Anadolu’nun her tarafından gelen kervanlar, Maraş Bedesteni’nde yüklerini tuttuktan sonra bunları dört bir tarafa dağıtırlardı. 1563 tarihli Maraş tahrir defterinde, Maraş’ta boyahane, kirişhane, debbağ hane, macun hane, değirmen gibi çeşitli malların imal edildiği yerler ile bunların satıldığı dükkânlar ve bir bedesten bulunduğu belirtilmiştir. Aynı dönemde tarım ve hayvancılık önemli bir yer tuttuğu kaydedilmiştir. Ayrıca bu dönemde, Maraş’ın eteklerine kurulduğu Ahır Dağı’nın Küçük Göl mevkiinde, her sene Haziran ayının birinci gününden başlayıp yedi sekiz gün devam eden panayır kurulurdu. XVI. yüzyılda Maraş’ta şehirde boyacılıkla alâkalı olduğu tahmin edilen 11 adet de basmahane bulunduğu kaydedilmiştir. XVII. yüzyıl başlarında dokumacılık, boyacılık ve kırmızı pamukluların üretiminin devam etmekte olduğu bildirilmektedir. Yine bu yüzyıl itibariyle, Maraş’ın iri ve sulu narının çevre illere gönderildiği belirtilmiştir. XVIII. yüzyıla gelindiğinde, Maraş’ın geliri tek başına bir vezire yetmeyecek kadar azdı. XIX. yüzyılın sonları ile XX. yüzyılın başlarında, şehirde pirinç, mısır, kuş darısı, çavdar, nohut, fasulye, bakla, patates üretimi yoğun şekilde yapılıyordu. Ayrıca zeytin, acı badem, üzüm bağları, fıstık, cehri ağaçları, zerdali yetiştirilip ihraç ediliyordu. Maraş Mutasarrıflığı’na atanan Yahya Dede Paşa’nın teşvikleriyle 1884 yılında şehirde, 2 milyondan fazla melengiç ağacının fıstık aşılaması gerçekleştirilerek, önemli bir gelir kaynağı sağlanmıştır. Aynı dönemde şehirde, ekonomik değeri olan birçok hayvan yetiştirilmiştir. 1910’lu yıllarda, Maraş’ın ihracatı, ithalatından üç katından fazladır. Bu dönemde şehrin ekonomisi, kendi kendine yeten ve üretim fazlasını ihraç eden bir yapıya sahiptir. Bu özelliği Osmanlı Devleti’nin son zamanlarına kadar devam etmiştir. Maraş, konum itibariyle, Mezopotamya ve Kuzey Suriye’yi Anadolu’ya bağlayan kervan yolu üzerinde yer almıştı. Bu da ticarete bir hareket getiriyordu. Şehirdeki canlı ticaret hayatı, ikinci bir bedesten kurma ihtiyacını doğurmuştu. Bu amaçla XVII. yüzyılın başlarında, Yeni Bedesten (Aşağı Bedesten) inşa edilmiştir. Bu dönemde Maraş’tan yüklenen ticaret kervanları Halep’e mallarını indirir, buradan mal yükleyerek tekrar Maraş’a gelirlerdi. Kaynaklardan anlaşıldığı üzere Cumhuriyet’in ilk dönemlerinde Maraş’ta dokumacılık, dericilik, saraççılık, kuyumculuk, demircilik, mobilyacılık, tornacılık ve çeltikçilik alanlarında faaliyetler olduğu görülmektedir. Fakat 1930’a kadar geçen süre içerisinde Maraş ekonomisi, I. Dünya Savaşı ve Milli Mücadele dönemlerindeki insan ve maddî kayıplar yüzünden gerilemiştir. Maraş’ın yamaçları ağaçlı ve yayla özelliği taşımasına rağmen, şehrin ovasında Maraş biberi denilen yöreye özgü kırmızıbiber yetiştirilir. Aynı zamanda şehrin bu bölümü 4/5’i bataklık olduğundan bu kesimde pirinç ve pamuk ekimi yoğun olarak yapılmıştır. Bu tarihten sonra, özellikle 1945’ten sonra gelişen ekonomisiyle, sattığı malların değeri aldığı malların değerini geçmiştir. Bunun yanında Maraş’ta şeker pancarı ziraatı başlamıştır. Maraş’ta devlet eliyle açılan ilk tesis 1924’lü yıllarda Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün talimatıyla bir fabrika açılmıştır. Bunun yanında, 1926 yılında evlerde ve atölyelerde el dokuma tezgâhı tespit edilmiştir. Bu tarihlerden 1950’ye kadar Maraş ekonomisi çeltikçilik ve Adana Milli Mensucat İplik Fabrikası’ndan alınan iplikleri dokuyan tezgâhlar etrafında gelişmiştir. 1950’li yıllarda Maraş’ta yoğun olarak çorap üretimi yapıldığı tespit edilmiştir. 9 Ocak 1956 yılında şehirde imalât sanayinde kurulan ikinci tesis açılmıştır. Bunu diğer fabrikaların ve sanayi sitelerinin açılması izlemiştir. Maraş’ta 1980’li yıllarla birlikte Türkiye’de piyasa ekonomisinin uygulanmaya başlamasıyla, sanayileşme altyapısı oluşmaya başlamıştır. 1990’lı yıllarla birlikte bölgesel ve uluslararası ticarete açılmaya başlamıştır. Şehirde tekstil sanayi gelişmiş ve Organize Sanayi Bölgesi kurulmuştur. Maraş halkını Dulkadir Türkmenleri ile Beyazıt Türkmenleri oluşturmaktadır. 1950’li yıllardan itibaren köylerden Maraş’a göçler dolayısıyla şehrin nüfusu hızla artmıştır. Bunun yanında ekonomik gelişmeye paralel olarak doğu ve güneydoğu bölgelerimizden yoğun bir göçe tabi olmuştur. Çevre il ve ilçelerden şehre gelen bu insanlar hızla yeni mahallelerin kurulmasına yol açmıştır. Şehir tüm yönlere doğru genişleme göstermiştir. Maraş’ın her alanda başarı sağlamasında kendi gelenek ve görenekleri önemli ve belirleyici bir rol üstlenmiştir. Şehir halkı kendine özgü sosyal ve kültürel değerleri ile atılımcı, cesur, dürüst, ticarî cesareti ile devletine, milletine sahip ve bağlı olmuştur. Bu sosyal temel, insanların şehirlerine sahip çıkarak daha fazla üretim yapma ve pazarlama yollarını açmalarına imkân sağlamıştır. Maraş halkındaki değerler bütünü, şehrin sosyal hayatını belirlemiş ve şehrin fizikî yapısının temelini oluşturmuştur. Günlük hayat ev, câmi, iş yeri arasında devam ederdi. Bunlara daha sonraları kahvehane eklenmiştir. Maraş, Türkiye’nin Akdeniz Bölgesi’nin Adana Bölümü’nün kuzeydoğusunda yer almıştır. Ahır Dağı’nın eteklerinde meyilli bir arazi üzerinde olup sulak ve verimli bir ovaya sahiptir. Kale ve çevresinin su merkezlerine yakınlığı ve şehri kontrol edip savunmasının kolaylığı, şehrin buraya kurulmasına neden olmuştur.
This work researches factors that have affected the development of Maraş. These factors have been economic, social, cultural, geographic and climatic. The city has been on a gate between Anatolia and the Middle East. Because of its strategical importance, commanders wanted to hold this place. Among the different nations, especially the Turks, continued to live despite difficulties and often changing lands. Because of worm weather and arable lands allowed almost all plants to grow within the city. Besides, its geographic aspects and its location on international roads helped the city to become an urban center. In the past, Maraş was a trade center by its busy downtown and living covered bazaar. From Maraş to Çukurova, Syria, Iraq, North and Middle Anatolia the caravans traveled. The requirements of Army which traveled from Toros mountains to Syria and Iraq provided by this region. After the caravans what traveled from all sides of Anatolian, ought their goods, They conveyed those goods from everywhere. In 1563 it is painted out that there were places such as dye works, girder work, leather works, paste works, where produced different goods and stores which sold those goods and a covered bazaar. Around the sometime, it is defined that agriculture and stockbreeding had an loom large. Furthermore, in this period, at the Küçük Göl place of the Ahır mountains where is built on the foot of Maraş were organized a fair which started at the first day of June and kept up about seven or eight days. It is defined that there were eleven print Works as related to dyeing in XVI. Century and textile industry, dyeing and the production of red cottony were continued. In the early XVII. Century in addition to this it is painted out that the big and juicy pomegranate of Maraş were marketed surrounding city. İn the XVIII. Century the income of Maraş were no enough as compare with a Vizier’s salary. In the last of XIX. Century and in the early of XX. Century, the production of rice, corn, millet, rye, chickpea, bean, broad bean and potato were being made intensively. Furthermore, olive, bitter almond, vineyard, peanut, buckthorn trees, wild almond were being breeded and exportet. Yahya Dede Pasha who was appointed to Maraş possersor, in 1884 years, the peanut vaccination of 2 millions over hackberry were carried out and so an important source of income was gotten. Around the sometime, a lot of animal which has a economic value had been breeded in city. In consideration of position Maraş took place on the caravan roads which connected Mesopotamia and North Syria to Anatolia and this condition aroused to trade. Living trade life in the ctiy caused the necessity of a second covered bazaar. So in the early XVII. Century a new covered bazaar had been built. İn this priod, The trade caravans which took the road from Maraş. As it appears from the source, in the early Pepublic, textile industry, leather working, saddlering, jewellery, smithery, maker or seller of furniture, turnery ve breeding of rice ranges showed imrovement. But, until 1930, the economy of Maraş deterioraret because of human and material decrement in the periods of world war I and war of independence. Although Maraş city has a plateau characteristic with wooded hillside, indigenous red pepper as called Maraş pepper has been breeded in the plain of the city. Besides, because 4/5 section of city has a bog land rice and cotton planting has been performed intensively. After this period, especially after 1945 due to improving economy, the values of selling goods were more than the values of buying goods. Furthermore sugar beet trade started in Maraş city. The first foundation which came on stream by government in Maraş city in 1924 were a factory which built by order of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Besides hand weaving loom had been determined at houses and workshops in 1926.Until from this history to 1950, Maraş economy developed be breeding of rice and 1926.Until from this history to 1950, Maraş economy developed be breeding of rice and 1926. Until from this history to 1950, Maraş economy developed be breeding of rice and workbenchs which weaded the thread provided with Adana Milli Mensucat Factory. Moreover, in 1950, it is determined that the socks production made intensively in Maraş city. The second foundation which used in terms of manufacturing pu in comission in nineth January 1956. İn Maraş in 1980’s, industrialization subsructure occured, because Turkey had initiated market economy. In 1990 years, it started come in to open to regional and international trade. İn city, textile industry developed and industrial zone has been established. People of Maraş city consist of Dulkadir Turkmens and Beyazıt Turkmens. Days after 1950 tears, the populasyon of ctiy incriased rapidly due to emigration from village to Maraş. Therefore Maraş city had exposed to an intensive emigration wave from east and South east regions in parelled with economic development. These people who came from surrounding city and district caused to construction of new districts. The city enlarged completely. The own customs of Maraş city played a important and determining role in respect of developing of city completely. With its own social and cultural values. People of Maraş have depended its government and nation by goer, brave trade courage. This social structure have leaded to make more production and marketing methods by claiming own city. The whole characterictics of Maraş people had determined to the social life of city and had composed to basic of city is physical structure. Daily life was keeping going between mosque house and business office Later on coffee hous had been edded to these. Maraş takes place in North aest of Adana sector of Mediterranean region of Turkey. It has a sloping land and has a watery and fertile plain. The city were built here, because the castle and its surroundings was near to water center and the control and advocacy of city was very easy.
This work researches factors that have affected the development of Maraş. These factors have been economic, social, cultural, geographic and climatic. The city has been on a gate between Anatolia and the Middle East. Because of its strategical importance, commanders wanted to hold this place. Among the different nations, especially the Turks, continued to live despite difficulties and often changing lands. Because of worm weather and arable lands allowed almost all plants to grow within the city. Besides, its geographic aspects and its location on international roads helped the city to become an urban center. In the past, Maraş was a trade center by its busy downtown and living covered bazaar. From Maraş to Çukurova, Syria, Iraq, North and Middle Anatolia the caravans traveled. The requirements of Army which traveled from Toros mountains to Syria and Iraq provided by this region. After the caravans what traveled from all sides of Anatolian, ought their goods, They conveyed those goods from everywhere. In 1563 it is painted out that there were places such as dye works, girder work, leather works, paste works, where produced different goods and stores which sold those goods and a covered bazaar. Around the sometime, it is defined that agriculture and stockbreeding had an loom large. Furthermore, in this period, at the Küçük Göl place of the Ahır mountains where is built on the foot of Maraş were organized a fair which started at the first day of June and kept up about seven or eight days. It is defined that there were eleven print Works as related to dyeing in XVI. Century and textile industry, dyeing and the production of red cottony were continued. In the early XVII. Century in addition to this it is painted out that the big and juicy pomegranate of Maraş were marketed surrounding city. İn the XVIII. Century the income of Maraş were no enough as compare with a Vizier’s salary. In the last of XIX. Century and in the early of XX. Century, the production of rice, corn, millet, rye, chickpea, bean, broad bean and potato were being made intensively. Furthermore, olive, bitter almond, vineyard, peanut, buckthorn trees, wild almond were being breeded and exportet. Yahya Dede Pasha who was appointed to Maraş possersor, in 1884 years, the peanut vaccination of 2 millions over hackberry were carried out and so an important source of income was gotten. Around the sometime, a lot of animal which has a economic value had been breeded in city. In consideration of position Maraş took place on the caravan roads which connected Mesopotamia and North Syria to Anatolia and this condition aroused to trade. Living trade life in the ctiy caused the necessity of a second covered bazaar. So in the early XVII. Century a new covered bazaar had been built. İn this priod, The trade caravans which took the road from Maraş. As it appears from the source, in the early Pepublic, textile industry, leather working, saddlering, jewellery, smithery, maker or seller of furniture, turnery ve breeding of rice ranges showed imrovement. But, until 1930, the economy of Maraş deterioraret because of human and material decrement in the periods of world war I and war of independence. Although Maraş city has a plateau characteristic with wooded hillside, indigenous red pepper as called Maraş pepper has been breeded in the plain of the city. Besides, because 4/5 section of city has a bog land rice and cotton planting has been performed intensively. After this period, especially after 1945 due to improving economy, the values of selling goods were more than the values of buying goods. Furthermore sugar beet trade started in Maraş city. The first foundation which came on stream by government in Maraş city in 1924 were a factory which built by order of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Besides hand weaving loom had been determined at houses and workshops in 1926.Until from this history to 1950, Maraş economy developed be breeding of rice and 1926.Until from this history to 1950, Maraş economy developed be breeding of rice and 1926. Until from this history to 1950, Maraş economy developed be breeding of rice and workbenchs which weaded the thread provided with Adana Milli Mensucat Factory. Moreover, in 1950, it is determined that the socks production made intensively in Maraş city. The second foundation which used in terms of manufacturing pu in comission in nineth January 1956. İn Maraş in 1980’s, industrialization subsructure occured, because Turkey had initiated market economy. In 1990 years, it started come in to open to regional and international trade. İn city, textile industry developed and industrial zone has been established. People of Maraş city consist of Dulkadir Turkmens and Beyazıt Turkmens. Days after 1950 tears, the populasyon of ctiy incriased rapidly due to emigration from village to Maraş. Therefore Maraş city had exposed to an intensive emigration wave from east and South east regions in parelled with economic development. These people who came from surrounding city and district caused to construction of new districts. The city enlarged completely. The own customs of Maraş city played a important and determining role in respect of developing of city completely. With its own social and cultural values. People of Maraş have depended its government and nation by goer, brave trade courage. This social structure have leaded to make more production and marketing methods by claiming own city. The whole characterictics of Maraş people had determined to the social life of city and had composed to basic of city is physical structure. Daily life was keeping going between mosque house and business office Later on coffee hous had been edded to these. Maraş takes place in North aest of Adana sector of Mediterranean region of Turkey. It has a sloping land and has a watery and fertile plain. The city were built here, because the castle and its surroundings was near to water center and the control and advocacy of city was very easy.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Maraş, Gelişme, Şehirleşme, İktisadî Özellikler, Sosyal ve Kültürel Özellikler, Coğrafî Özellikler, İklim Özellikleri, Development, Urbanization, Economic Aspects, Social and Cultural Aspects, Geographic Aspects, Climatic Aspects
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Koç, K., (2009). Tarih Boyunca Maraş Şehri’nin Gelişmesini Etkileyen Faktörler. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21, 311-326.