Konya il merkezindeki 5 yaş çocuklarda beslenme ve dinlenme durumunun fazla ağırlıkla ilişkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, beş yaş çocuklarda beslenme ve dinlenme durumunun fazla ağırlıkla ilişkisinin belirlemektir. Çalışma Konya il merkezinde 5 yaş ( 60-71 ay) çocukların beslenme ve dinlenme durumu ile fazla ağırlık arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amacıyla planlanıp yürütülen bu araştırmanın 497 erkek, 475 kız olmak üzere toplam 982 çocuk ile yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, 5 yaş grubunda bilinen fazla ağırlık oranı dikkate alınarak formülle hesaplandı. Örneklemede küme örneklemeden yararlanıldığı için küme etkisi 2 olarak alındı 982 çocuğa ulaşılması planlandı. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Konya il merkezindeki ilköğretim okullarının anasınıfları ve anaokullarındaki 5 yaş grubu çocuklardı. Örneklemin yarısı anaokullarından diğer yarısı il merkezindeki ilçelerdeki ilköğretim okullarınındı. Veriler hazırlanan anket formuyla toplanmış, her çocuğun boy ve kilosu ölçülmüştür. Anket formu; sosyo ekonomik özellikler, beslenme alışkanlıkları ve yeme davranışlarına yönelik hazırlanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 16.0 paket programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular tablolarda sayı ve yüzde olarak ifade edilmiştir. Parametreler arası ilişkileri değerlendirmede ki-kare testi Log reg kullanılmış, 0.05'ten küçük p değeri istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada çocukların, % 6.6'sı çok zayıf, % 6'sı zayıf, % 61.5'i normal, % 12.2'si fazla ağırlıklı, % 13.7'si şişmandı. Devlet okuluna giden çocukların % 72.6'sı, özel okula giden çocukların % 66'sı gün içerisinde üç öğün yemek yemekte olup, devlet okuluna giden çocukların % 96.8'inin, özel okula giden çocukların % 95.5'inin bakım ve beslenmeleri anneleri tarafından yapılmakta idi. Devlet ve özel okula giden çocukların % 56.6'si nadiren seçici idi. Çocukların çoğunluğunun süt-yoğurt-ayranı (% 81.4), peyniri ( % 50.3), yumurtayı ( % 39.6), reçel-bal-pekmez ( % 39.8), meyveyi (% 79.1) her gün tükettikleri, çocukların gazlı içeceği (% 28.9), sucuk-salam-sosisi (% 12.3), dondurulmuş yiyecekleri ( % 61.1), fastfood ( % 41) tarzı gıdaları hiç tüketmemekte idi. Sınıfta yemek yiyen çocukların % 55.9'u beslenme saatini sevmekte, % 57'sinin iştahı genelde iyi, % 97 kendi yemeğini yiyebilmekte, % 81.7'si yemeğe istekle oturmakta idi. Fazla ağırlıklı görülme sıklığı kilolu annelerin çocuklarında 1.02 kat, bilgisayarda çok vakit geçiren babaların çocuklarında 1.21 kat daha fazla, diyet yapan annelerin çocuklarında 1.45 kat, uzun süre TV izleyen çocuklarda 2.18 kat, uzun süre boyama kitabı boyayan çocuklarda 0.583 kat, yemek seçen çocuklarda 0.670 kat, yiyecek tercihinde 0.812 kat, iştah durumu iyi olanlarda 3.07 kat, abur-cubur yiyen çocuklarda 0.53 kat, ikinci ve daha fazla tabak yemek isteyen çocuklarda 1.72 kat, iştah durumu iyi olanlarda 0.6 kat, yemeğe başlarken herkesten önce oturmak 1.5 kat daha fazla idi . Fazla ağırlıklı görülme sıklığı, kilolu ve diyet yapan annelerin çocuklarında,bilgisayarda çok vakit geçiren babaların çocuklarında,uzun süre TV izleyen çocuklarda,abur-cubur yiyen ve iştahı iyi olan çocuklarda daha fazla idi. Okul öncesi dönem, büyüme ve gelişmenin en hızlı olduğu dönemlerden biridir. Bu dönemde kazandırılacak olan yeterli ve dengeli beslenme alışkanlıkları çocukların ileriki yaşlarda da bireyin sağlıklı bir yaşam sürmesinde etkili olacak ve yaşam kalitesini artıracaktır.
The objective of this study is to determine the relationship of over weight between nutrition and resting situation of five year old children. This study that was planned to determine the relationship of over weight between nutrition and resting situation of 5 year ( 60-71 months) old children has been executed with 497 boys, 475 girls totally 982 children. Known over weight rate at the 5 year old group was considered and calculated with formula in the study. Cluster Sampling Method has been used as sampling so cluster affect was taken as 2 and accessing to 982 children was planned. Sampling of the research was 5 years old group children at kindergartens of primary schools and nursery schools located in Konya City Center. Half of sampling was kindergartens other half was primary schools located in city centers, districts. The data has been gathered through previously prepared questionnaire form; height and weight of each child was measured. The questionnaire form has been prepared for socio economical features, nutrition habits and eating behaviors. Obtained data has been analyzed through using SPSS 16.0 packet program. The findings have been expressed as figure and percentage in the tables. Chi - square test Log reg has been used to assess the relations between parameters; p value smaller than 0.05 has been accepted as statistically meaningful. 6.6% of children were too weak, 6% were weak, 61.5% were normal, 12.2% were over weight, and 13.7% were fat in this study. 72.6% of children attending to state school, 66% of children attending to private schools eat three square meals a day; the maintenance and nutrition 96.8% of children attending to state school, 95.5% of children attending to private school was performed by their mother. 56.6% of children attending to state or private schools were rarely selective. Most of children consume milk ? yoghurt ? buttermilk (81.4%), cheese (50.3%), egg (39.6%), jam ? honey - molasses (39.8%), fruit (79.1%) every day; most of them never consume carbonated beverages (28.9%), sausage ? salami ? hot dog (12.3%), frozen foods (61.1%), fast food (41%) style foods. 55.9% of children who eat meal in the class like feeding time, 57% of children? appetite was generally good, 97% of children can eat themselves, 81.7% eat heartily. Over weight appearance frequency of children whose mothers are over weight was 1.02 times more, whose fathers spend much more time with computer 1,21 times more, whose mothers diet 1.45 times more, who watch TV for long time 2.18 times more, who are painting coloring books for long time 0.583 times more, who are selecting meal 0.670 times more, who prefer food 0.812 times more, who have good appetite 3.07 times more, who eat junk food 0.53 times more, who want the second and more plate of food 1.72 times more, who have good appetite 0.6 times more, who sit for meal before everybody 1.5 times more. Over weight appearance frequency was so much at the children whose mothers are over weight, whose fathers spend much more time with computer, whose mothers diet, who watch TV for long time, who paint coloring books for long time, who have good appetite, who eat junk food. The preschool period is one of the fastest period where growing and developing is fast. Enough, healthy and balanced nourishment habit that should be gained in this period will be affective to sustain healthy life of individual and will increase his/her life quality.
The objective of this study is to determine the relationship of over weight between nutrition and resting situation of five year old children. This study that was planned to determine the relationship of over weight between nutrition and resting situation of 5 year ( 60-71 months) old children has been executed with 497 boys, 475 girls totally 982 children. Known over weight rate at the 5 year old group was considered and calculated with formula in the study. Cluster Sampling Method has been used as sampling so cluster affect was taken as 2 and accessing to 982 children was planned. Sampling of the research was 5 years old group children at kindergartens of primary schools and nursery schools located in Konya City Center. Half of sampling was kindergartens other half was primary schools located in city centers, districts. The data has been gathered through previously prepared questionnaire form; height and weight of each child was measured. The questionnaire form has been prepared for socio economical features, nutrition habits and eating behaviors. Obtained data has been analyzed through using SPSS 16.0 packet program. The findings have been expressed as figure and percentage in the tables. Chi - square test Log reg has been used to assess the relations between parameters; p value smaller than 0.05 has been accepted as statistically meaningful. 6.6% of children were too weak, 6% were weak, 61.5% were normal, 12.2% were over weight, and 13.7% were fat in this study. 72.6% of children attending to state school, 66% of children attending to private schools eat three square meals a day; the maintenance and nutrition 96.8% of children attending to state school, 95.5% of children attending to private school was performed by their mother. 56.6% of children attending to state or private schools were rarely selective. Most of children consume milk ? yoghurt ? buttermilk (81.4%), cheese (50.3%), egg (39.6%), jam ? honey - molasses (39.8%), fruit (79.1%) every day; most of them never consume carbonated beverages (28.9%), sausage ? salami ? hot dog (12.3%), frozen foods (61.1%), fast food (41%) style foods. 55.9% of children who eat meal in the class like feeding time, 57% of children? appetite was generally good, 97% of children can eat themselves, 81.7% eat heartily. Over weight appearance frequency of children whose mothers are over weight was 1.02 times more, whose fathers spend much more time with computer 1,21 times more, whose mothers diet 1.45 times more, who watch TV for long time 2.18 times more, who are painting coloring books for long time 0.583 times more, who are selecting meal 0.670 times more, who prefer food 0.812 times more, who have good appetite 3.07 times more, who eat junk food 0.53 times more, who want the second and more plate of food 1.72 times more, who have good appetite 0.6 times more, who sit for meal before everybody 1.5 times more. Over weight appearance frequency was so much at the children whose mothers are over weight, whose fathers spend much more time with computer, whose mothers diet, who watch TV for long time, who paint coloring books for long time, who have good appetite, who eat junk food. The preschool period is one of the fastest period where growing and developing is fast. Enough, healthy and balanced nourishment habit that should be gained in this period will be affective to sustain healthy life of individual and will increase his/her life quality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Okul öncesi dönem, Obezite, Fiziksel aktivite, Beslenme, Pre-school period, Obesity, Physical activity, Nutrition, Fazla ağırlık, Overweight
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Dmier, Ş. (2012). Konya il merkezindeki 5 yaş çocuklarda beslenme ve dinlenme durumunun fazla ağırlıkla ilişkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.