Türkiye'de meyvecilik sektöründe işgücü piyasasının analizi: Çanakkale ili örneği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Meyvecilik bağ bahçe ve çiftlik faaliyetleri Türkiye'de tarımın önemli dallarından biridir. İnsan sayısı arttıkça bu üretim dallarına olan arz ve talepte artış göstermektedir. Gıda İhtiyaçların giderilmesinde tarihten bugüne tarımsal üretimin devam etmesi şart olduğu kadar işgücüne ihtiyaç duyulmuştur ve duyulmaktadır. Üretim faktörlerinden olan emek istatistik terimi ile genellikle 15 yaşından yukarı ve 65 yaşını aşmayan, gelir getirici bir işte çalışanların toplamını göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, meyvecilik sektöründe mevcut işgücü piyasasını analiz etmek amacıyla Türkiye meyve üretiminde önemli paya sahip olan Çanakkale ilinde 2020 yılında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın temel amacı, Çanakkale ilinin ekonomisinde önemli payı olan meyve ve bağ üretiminin gelişimini daha çok verimli ve sağlıklı bir şekilde gerçekleştirmek ve sürdürülebilir hale getirmek amacı ile bölgede yer alan meyve ve bağ üretiminde işgücü piyasasının mevcut durumu incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada anket yöntemi ile yüz yüze görüşme sonucu elde edilen veriler kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada örnek hacminin belirlenmesinde, veri toplanacak işletmelerin seçilmesinde arazi kriterleri esas alınmıştır. Belirlenen ilçe ve köydeki meyvecilik yapan kayıtlı işletmelerin arazi frekansı dağılımı dikkate alınarak Tabakalı Örnekleme Neyman Yöntemi kullanılmış ve örnek hacmi 107 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Anket sonucu elde edilen veriler istatistik paket programları ile detaylı analiz edilmiştir Araştırma yapılan işletmelerde işletmeler ortalaması aktif sermaye 7.245.487,96 TL olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bunun içinde toprak sermayesi % 75,60, sabit sermayesi % 3,15 ve döner sermayesi ise % 2,62 oran olmaktadır. İşletmeler ortalaması GSÜD değeri 458.216,79 TL olup dekara 2.544,74 TL, GSH değeri 514.579,19 TL olup dekara ise 2.284,55 TL düşmektedir. İşletmeler başına ortalama tarımsal gelir 413.976,67 TL olup dekara 2.519,94 TL düşmektedir. Araştırmada konu olan işletmelerde işverenlerin yaş ortalaması 58, aile işgücünde yer alan kadınların yaş ortalaması ise 48 olarak belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerin yaklaşık %74,77'si aile işgücü yetersizliğinden işletme dışı işgücüne ihtiyaç duymaktadır. İşletmede istihdam edilen yabancı işgücünü %63,62'si Türk uyruklu , %36,38'i ise yabancı uyruklu olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Elde ettiğimiz bulgular ışığında işletmelerin işgücü arz talep ilişkisinin dengede tutulmasına engel olan sorunlar belirlenmiş ve üreticilerin üretim aşamasında yetersiz işgücü kullanımından kaynaklanan gelir kaybını önlemek için öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Üretimin planlı yapılabilmesi için çiftçi kayıt defterinin tutulması, örgütlenme, tarımsal işgücü sendikaları, sabit yeri olan tarımsal işgücü pazarı ve sosyal medya platformların oldukça önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Fruit growing, vineyard gardening, and farm activities are important branches of agriculture in Turkey. As the number of people increases, the supply and demand for these branches of production increase. In eliminating food needs, as much as it is necessary to continue agricultural production from history to today, the workforce has been needed and is being heard. The term labour force statistics, which is one of the factors of production, usually shows the total number of employees working in an income-generating job who are over the age of 15 and do not exceed the age of 65. This study was conducted in Çanakkale province to analyze the current labour force in the fruit growing sector, which has a significant share in fruit production in Turkey in 2020. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the current situation of the workforce in the fruit and vineyard production in the region to realize the development of fruit and vineyard production, which has an essential share in the economy of Çanakkale province, more efficiently and healthily and to make it sustainable. This study's data was obtained from a face-to-face interview using the questionnaire method. Land criteria were taken as the basis for determining the sample size and selecting the enterprises to collect data in the research. Registered enterprises engaged in fruit growing in the designated district and village, taking into account the distribution of the land frequency. The Neyman Method of Stratified Sampling was used, and the sample size was 107. The data obtained from the survey were analyzed in detail with statistical package programs. The average active capital of the enterprises surveyed was calculated as 7.245.487,96 TL. The land capital receives 75.60%, fixed capital receives 3.15%, and revolving capital receives 2.62%. The average of gross production value (GSUD) of enterprises is 458.216.79 TL, which is 2.544.74 TL per decare, the gross production (GSH) value is 514.579.19 TL, and 2.284.55 TL per decare. The average agricultural income per business is 413,976.67 TL, which decreases to 2,519.94 TL per decade. The average age of employers in the enterprises subject to the research was determined as 58, and the average age of women in the family workforce was defined as 48. About 74.77% of enterprises require a non-business labour force due to family labour shortage. It was determined that 63.62% of the foreign labour force employed in the business were Turkish nationals, and 36.38% were foreign nationals. In light of our findings, the problems that prevent enterprises from balancing the labour supply and demand relationship have been identified, and recommendations have been developed to avoid the loss of income caused by insufficient labour use by manufacturers during the production phase. Maintaining the farmer's register, organization, agricultural labour unions, the agricultural labour market with a fixed location and social media platforms is considered essential for the planned production.
Fruit growing, vineyard gardening, and farm activities are important branches of agriculture in Turkey. As the number of people increases, the supply and demand for these branches of production increase. In eliminating food needs, as much as it is necessary to continue agricultural production from history to today, the workforce has been needed and is being heard. The term labour force statistics, which is one of the factors of production, usually shows the total number of employees working in an income-generating job who are over the age of 15 and do not exceed the age of 65. This study was conducted in Çanakkale province to analyze the current labour force in the fruit growing sector, which has a significant share in fruit production in Turkey in 2020. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the current situation of the workforce in the fruit and vineyard production in the region to realize the development of fruit and vineyard production, which has an essential share in the economy of Çanakkale province, more efficiently and healthily and to make it sustainable. This study's data was obtained from a face-to-face interview using the questionnaire method. Land criteria were taken as the basis for determining the sample size and selecting the enterprises to collect data in the research. Registered enterprises engaged in fruit growing in the designated district and village, taking into account the distribution of the land frequency. The Neyman Method of Stratified Sampling was used, and the sample size was 107. The data obtained from the survey were analyzed in detail with statistical package programs. The average active capital of the enterprises surveyed was calculated as 7.245.487,96 TL. The land capital receives 75.60%, fixed capital receives 3.15%, and revolving capital receives 2.62%. The average of gross production value (GSUD) of enterprises is 458.216.79 TL, which is 2.544.74 TL per decare, the gross production (GSH) value is 514.579.19 TL, and 2.284.55 TL per decare. The average agricultural income per business is 413,976.67 TL, which decreases to 2,519.94 TL per decade. The average age of employers in the enterprises subject to the research was determined as 58, and the average age of women in the family workforce was defined as 48. About 74.77% of enterprises require a non-business labour force due to family labour shortage. It was determined that 63.62% of the foreign labour force employed in the business were Turkish nationals, and 36.38% were foreign nationals. In light of our findings, the problems that prevent enterprises from balancing the labour supply and demand relationship have been identified, and recommendations have been developed to avoid the loss of income caused by insufficient labour use by manufacturers during the production phase. Maintaining the farmer's register, organization, agricultural labour unions, the agricultural labour market with a fixed location and social media platforms is considered essential for the planned production.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarım İşletmesi, Meyvecilik, İşgücü Piyasası, Çanakkale, Agricultural Enterprise, Fruit Growing, Labor Market
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Halik, Z. (2023). Türkiye'de meyvecilik sektöründe işgücü piyasasının analizi: Çanakkale ili örneği. Türkiye'de meyvecilik sektöründe işgücü piyasasının analizi: Çanakkale ili örneği