Ege Denizi’nde Hâkimiyet Mücadelesi: Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm ve Weissenburg Zırhlıları Alımı Süreci (1910)
2023 Ekim
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Osmanlı Devleti’nde II. Meşrutiyet’in ilanından sonra yeni kurulan hükümetin hedefleri
arasında, bahriyenin büyütülüp ıslah edilmesi öncelikli meselelerden biri idi. Özellikle
isyanlar ve komitacılık faaliyetlerinin merkezinde bulunan Rumeli vilayetlerinin elde
tutulması ve yeni kurulan Balkan Devletlerinin yayılmacı politikalarının engellenmesi
güçlü bir donanmanın oluşturulması ile mümkündü. Bölgeye asker ve mühimmat sevkiyatı
için İstanbul-Rumeli demiryolu hattının kullanılması, saldırıya son derece açık olması
nedeniyle deniz yolunu tek ve güvenilir bir seçenek olarak ortaya çıkarıyordu. Denizden
nakliye işlemini gerçekleştirmek ise Ege Denizi’nde Yunanistan’a karşı bir üstünlük
kurmaktan geçiyordu. Fakat Yunanistan’ın İtalya/Livorno’daki Orlando Tersanesi’nde
inşaatı tamamlanan ve Mart 1910 yılında denize indirilen Georgios Averof zırhlısını satın
alması, Osmanlı amiralleri ve idarecilerinde büyük bir panik yarattı. Bu zırhlı ile Ege
Denizi’nde güç dengeleri Yunanistan lehine değişmişti. Osmanlı idarecileri, yeni zırhlılar
satın alarak dengeleri kendi lehlerine değiştirmek amacıyla, Türk donanmasının başında
bulunan İngiliz Islah Heyeti Başkanı Amiral Hugh Williams aracılığıyla Kraliyet
Donanması ve İngiliz tersaneleri nezdinde bir dizi girişimlerde bulunmuşlardı. Kızakta
veya yeni denize indirilmiş modern iki zırhlının satış görüşmeleri gerçekleştirilmişti.
İngilizler, Osmanlı yetkililerine yeni gemilerden ziyade bir alt sınıfa mensup ve 1891
yılında denize indirilmiş iki zırhlının satılabileceğini bildirmişlerdi. Modern zırhlılar
talebinden geri adım atmayan Osmanlılar, yapılan bu teklifi kabul etmeyerek farklı
arayışlara yönelmişlerdi. Bu süreçte Alman Hükümeti, Osmanlı Devleti’ne bir teklifte
bulunmuş, birkaç yıl önce tadil ve tamir edilen ve 1890 yılında kızağa konulan Kurfürst
Friedrich Wilhelm ve Weissenburg zırhlılarını satmayı teklif etmişlerdi. Toplam maliyeti
18.25 milyon Mark olan bu iki zırhlı ücretinin bir kısmı, ödeme planında aracı kurum olan
Deutsche Bank’ın teklifi ile tahttan indirilen Sultan II. Abdülhamit’in dondurulmuş mal
varlıklarından ve diğer bir kısmı ise Donanma Cemiyeti’nin bağışlarından karşılanmıştı. Bu
çalışmada, Ege Denizi’nde hâkimiyet mücadelesi çerçevesinde söz konusu zırhlılarının satın
alınma süreci Osmanlı arşiv vesikaları ışığında değerlendirilmiştir.
In Ottoman Empire, reforming the navy through enlarging was one of the primary objectives of the newly established government after the Second Constitutionalist period. Especially, keeping the Rumelia region which has hosted rebellions and resistance movements and preventing the invasive policies of newly established Balkan states would be only possible through the establishment of a strong navy. Since İstanbul-Rumelia railway line for the transportation of soldiers and ammunitions to the region was extremely open to attack, sea-route was the solely and reliable option. Conducting the transportation through the sea means gaining the mastery against Greece in the Aegean Sea. However, Greece purchased the battleship of Georgios Averof which was constructed in the Orlando Shipyard in Livorno, Italy and was launched in March 1910 and this caused panic among the Ottoman admirals and administrators. Through this battleship, the power balance in Aegean Sea changed on behalf of Greece. Ottoman administrators wanted to purchase new battleships and change the balance on their behalf, so they initiated a serial of attempts before the Royal Navy and the British Shipyards with the help of Admiral Hugh Williams, the Head of the British Association of Rehabilitation. The negotiations were started for the purchase of two modern battleships, either sledded or newly launched. The British authorities stated Ottoman Empire that they could sell two lower class battleships and launched in 1891 rather than a newly constructed modern ships. The Ottoman authorities who insisted on the modern battleships rejected this offer and initiated the search for different alternatives. Throughout this process, the German Government made an offer the Ottoman Government and offered to sell the battleships of Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm and Weissenburg which had been restored and repaired a few years ago and sledded in 1890. Some of the price of the two battleships with a total cost of 18.25 million Mark was paid from the frozen assets of Sultan Abdulhamit the II in Deutsche Bank, the intermediary firm while the remaining sum was paid from the donations to the Ottoman Naval Society. In this study, the process of purchasing the aforementioned battleships were analyzed within the framework of the dominance in the Aegean Sea in the light of the Ottoman archive documents
In Ottoman Empire, reforming the navy through enlarging was one of the primary objectives of the newly established government after the Second Constitutionalist period. Especially, keeping the Rumelia region which has hosted rebellions and resistance movements and preventing the invasive policies of newly established Balkan states would be only possible through the establishment of a strong navy. Since İstanbul-Rumelia railway line for the transportation of soldiers and ammunitions to the region was extremely open to attack, sea-route was the solely and reliable option. Conducting the transportation through the sea means gaining the mastery against Greece in the Aegean Sea. However, Greece purchased the battleship of Georgios Averof which was constructed in the Orlando Shipyard in Livorno, Italy and was launched in March 1910 and this caused panic among the Ottoman admirals and administrators. Through this battleship, the power balance in Aegean Sea changed on behalf of Greece. Ottoman administrators wanted to purchase new battleships and change the balance on their behalf, so they initiated a serial of attempts before the Royal Navy and the British Shipyards with the help of Admiral Hugh Williams, the Head of the British Association of Rehabilitation. The negotiations were started for the purchase of two modern battleships, either sledded or newly launched. The British authorities stated Ottoman Empire that they could sell two lower class battleships and launched in 1891 rather than a newly constructed modern ships. The Ottoman authorities who insisted on the modern battleships rejected this offer and initiated the search for different alternatives. Throughout this process, the German Government made an offer the Ottoman Government and offered to sell the battleships of Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm and Weissenburg which had been restored and repaired a few years ago and sledded in 1890. Some of the price of the two battleships with a total cost of 18.25 million Mark was paid from the frozen assets of Sultan Abdulhamit the II in Deutsche Bank, the intermediary firm while the remaining sum was paid from the donations to the Ottoman Naval Society. In this study, the process of purchasing the aforementioned battleships were analyzed within the framework of the dominance in the Aegean Sea in the light of the Ottoman archive documents
Anahtar Kelimeler
Osmanlı Devleti, Almanya, Barbaros Hayrettin, Turgut Reis, Donanma, Averof, Ottoman Empire, Germany, Hayreddin Barbarossa, Dragut, Navy
Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kış, S., (2023). Ege Denizi’nde Hâkimiyet Mücadelesi: Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm ve Weissenburg Zırhlıları Alımı Süreci (1910). Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (59), 515-533.
DOI: 10.21563/sutad.1378486