Fazl bin Sehl'in hayatı ve şahsiyeti
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Fazl b. Sehl, Mecûsî bir ailenin çocuğu olarak 154/771 yılında Serahs'ta dünyaya geldi. Babasının bir vesile ile Bermekîler'le tanışması üzerine Yahyâ b. Hâlid b. Bermek'in Hârûn er-Reşîd'e tavsiyesi sayesinde Me'mûn'un maiyetine girdi ve onun davetiyle 190/ 805?806 senesinde Müslümanlığı kabul etti. Hârûn er-Reşîd'in ölümü sonrasında oğulları Emîn ve Me'mûn arasında çıkan iktidar mücadelesinde, askerî ve siyasî yönetimiyle Me'mûn'un halife olmasını sağladı. Kazandığı başarılardan dolayı Me'mûn tarafından sınırsız yetkilerle donatıldı ve kendisine Zü'r-Riyâseteyn lakabı verildi. Devlet yönetiminde İranlı unsurlara ağırlık verdi ve devletin şeklini Sâsânî imparatorluğunun yapısına benzetmeye çalıştı. Me'mûn'un Şia'nın oniki imamından Ali b. Mûsâ er-Rızâ'yı veliaht tayin etmesinde etkili oldu. Bu yüzden Şiî taraftarı olmakla itham edildi. Kendisine muhalefet eden Abbasî devlet adamlarından Herseme b. A'yen'in Me'mûn tarafından öldürülmesine sebep oldu. Bunlarla birlikte çıkan isyanların bastırılmasında gösterdiği başarısızlık yüzünden ve Bağdat'ta Abbâsoğulları'nın Me'mûn'u azletmesi üzerine olayların sorumlusu olarak kabul edildi. Me'mûn'un işleri eline almak üzere çıktığı Bağdat seferi esnasında, 2 Şaban 202/13 Şubat 818'de Serahs'ta suikast düzenlenerek öldürüldü. Fazl b. Sehl her yönüyle Bermekîler'e benzemekteydi. Akıllı, çok cömert, menfaat gözetmeyen, affetmeyi seven, belagat sahibi ve astroloji ilminde ilerlemiş bir insandı.
Fadl Bin Sahl was born in Sarakhs in 154/771 as a son of Magi family. Upon the occassion of his father meeting with Barmaks, due to Yahya Ibn Khalid Bin Barmak?s recommendation him to Harun al-Rashid, he got in Ma?mun?s suite and converted to Islam in 190/802-806 by his invitation. After Harun al-Rashid?s dying, in the struggle for power taken place between sons of him Amin and Ma?mun, he led to Ma?mun to be Caliph by the military and political menagement. He was authorized unlimited by Ma?mun because of his gained success and he was given the nickname ?Dhu?l-Riyasatein?. He prevailed Iranian elements in the public administration and he tried to resemble the structure of government to Sassanid Empire. He was effective for appointing of the twelve Shia Imams, Ali Bin Musa er-Rıda to heir to the throne by Ma?mun. So he was denounced as pro-Shiite. He caused Herseme Bin A?yen to be murdered by Ma?mun. For all that, because of his failure in suppresssion of rebellions and upon the dismissal of Ma?mun by Abbasids, he was accepted as responsible for the events in Baghdad. During Ma?mun?s Baghdad compaign to get jobs into the hands, he was assassinated in Sarakhs on Shaban 2, 202/on February 13, 818. Fadl Bin Sahl was similar to Barmaks in all aspects. He was a man who was smart, very generous, not discriminating interests, loving forgiveness, having eloquence and advanced in the science of Astrology.
Fadl Bin Sahl was born in Sarakhs in 154/771 as a son of Magi family. Upon the occassion of his father meeting with Barmaks, due to Yahya Ibn Khalid Bin Barmak?s recommendation him to Harun al-Rashid, he got in Ma?mun?s suite and converted to Islam in 190/802-806 by his invitation. After Harun al-Rashid?s dying, in the struggle for power taken place between sons of him Amin and Ma?mun, he led to Ma?mun to be Caliph by the military and political menagement. He was authorized unlimited by Ma?mun because of his gained success and he was given the nickname ?Dhu?l-Riyasatein?. He prevailed Iranian elements in the public administration and he tried to resemble the structure of government to Sassanid Empire. He was effective for appointing of the twelve Shia Imams, Ali Bin Musa er-Rıda to heir to the throne by Ma?mun. So he was denounced as pro-Shiite. He caused Herseme Bin A?yen to be murdered by Ma?mun. For all that, because of his failure in suppresssion of rebellions and upon the dismissal of Ma?mun by Abbasids, he was accepted as responsible for the events in Baghdad. During Ma?mun?s Baghdad compaign to get jobs into the hands, he was assassinated in Sarakhs on Shaban 2, 202/on February 13, 818. Fadl Bin Sahl was similar to Barmaks in all aspects. He was a man who was smart, very generous, not discriminating interests, loving forgiveness, having eloquence and advanced in the science of Astrology.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fazl bin Sehl
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Can, M. (2010). Fazl bin Sehl'in hayatı ve şahsiyeti. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.