Hava savunma sistemlerinde Bulanık Mantık tabanlı tehdit değerlendirmesi ve derecelendirmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bulanık mantık, gerçek yaşamda karşımıza çıkan sorunlara karşı klasik mantığın aksine daha doğru çözümler getirmemizi sağlayan bir yaklaşımdır. Çünkü günlük yaşantımızda siyah ve beyaz renklerin haricinde gri de vardır ve hayata, dolayısıyla da sorunlarımıza dâhildir. 1965 yılında Zadeh tarafından ortaya atıldıktan sonra mühendislik, inşaat, genetik, sağlık, savunma sanayi vb. birçok alanda kullanılmıştır. Hava savunma sistemleri, uçağın icadının hemen akabinde harp amaçlı kullanımı ile hayatımıza girmiş ve ulusların hava sahalarının egemenliğini sağlamaları için vazgeçilmez silah sistemlerdir. Son yıllarda gelişen silah teknolojisi ile hava savunma sistemlerinin de önemi artmış ve daha karmaşık ortamlarda operasyon yapmak durumunda kalmışlardır. Dolayısıyla bu karmaşık ortamlarda hava tehditlerini elimine etmeleri beklenmektedir. İşte bu ortamlarda doğru ve hızlı bir tehdit değerlendirmesi ve derecelendirmesi elde etmek hava savunma sistemleri için önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, karaya konuşlu bir hava savunma sistemi için hava hedeflerini değerlendirmek ve tehdit seviyelerini belirlemek amacıyla bulanık mantık tabanlı bir yaklaşım kullanılmıştır. Alanında uzmanlar yardımıyla her türlü senaryoyu test etmek için bir bulanık tabanlı modelleme oluşturulmuştur. Tasarlanan sistem için giriş parametreleri sırasıyla, hava hedeflerinin hız, mesafe, irtifa, radar kesit alanı, karıştırma sinyal seviyesi ve hedefin en yakın yaklaşma noktasına uzaklığı dilsel ifadeler ile bulanıklaştırılmıştır. MATLAB programı üzerinde oluşturulan yazılım ile tehdidin seviyesi ölçülmüştür. Literatür taramaları sonuçları incelendiğinde, bulanık mantık kullanarak hava tehdidi değerlendirme çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar genellikle gemi hava savunmaları için yapılmış olup en önemli tehditler olan balistik füze ve seyir füzeleri ile uçaktan atılan füzeler göz ardı edilmiştir. Ayrıca radar kesit alanı parametresi de ilk defa bu tez çalışmasında kullanılmış ve böylece benzer diğer parametrelere sahip hava hedefleri arasında ayrım yapılarak hava hedeflerine ait en doğru tehdit seviyelerinin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Tez çalışması sonucunda, alanında uzmanlar yardımı alınarak geliştirilen hava savunma sistemleri için bulanık kural tabanlı tehdit değerlendirme uygulaması geliştirilmiştir. Bu model ile çeşitli tipteki hava hedeflerinin tehdit seviyelerini doğru bir şekilde tespit edildiği görülmüştür. Alanında uzmanların belirlediği değerler ile bulanık uzman sistemden elde edilen sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak kıyaslandığında, korelasyon değeri 0,99789 ile aralarında kuvvetli bir pozitif ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur. Tasarlanan Bulanık Uzman Sistemi ile geliştirilmekte olan milli hava savunma sistemlerinde kullanılabileceği değerlendirilmiştir.
Fuzzy logic is an approach that enables us to bring more accurate solutions to the problems we encounter in real life, contrary to classical logic. Because in our daily life, besides black and white, there is also gray and it is included in our life and therefore our problems. After it was put forward by Zadeh in 1965, engineering, construction, genetics, health and so on. It has been used in many areas. Air defense systems came into our lives just after the invention of the aircraft which used for warfare purposes immediately and are indispensable weapon systems for nations to ensure the sovereignty of their airspace. With the developing weapon technology in recent years, the importance of air defense systems has also increased and they have had to operate in more complex environments. Therefore, they are expected to eliminate air threats in these complex environments. In these environments, obtaining an accurate and fast threat assessment and rating is essential for air defense systems. In this study, a fuzzy logic-based approach is used to evaluate air targets and determine threat levels for a land-based air defense system. A fuzzy-based modeling was created to test all kinds of scenarios by the help of experts in the field. Input parameters for the designed system, respectively, speed, distance, altitude, radar cross-section, jamming signal level and closest approach point of the air targets are fuzzied with linguistic expressions. The level of the threat was measured with the software created on the MATLAB program. When the results of the literature review were examined, air threat assessment studies were carried out using fuzzy logic. These studies were generally carried out for ship air defenses, and the most important threats, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, and missiles launched from aircraft were ignored. In addition, the radar cross-section parameter was used for the first time in this thesis, and thus, it was aimed to determine the most accurate threat levels of air targets by distinguishing between air targets with other similar parameters. As a result of the thesis, a fuzzy rule-based threat assessment application was developed for air defense systems developed with the help of experts in the field. With this model, it was observed that the threat levels of various types of air targets were accurately detected. When the values determined by the experts in the field and the results obtained from the fuzzy expert system were compared statistically, it was found that there was a strong positive correlation with the correlation value of 0.99789. It has been evaluated that it can be used in national air defense systems that are being developed with the designed Fuzzy Expert System.
Fuzzy logic is an approach that enables us to bring more accurate solutions to the problems we encounter in real life, contrary to classical logic. Because in our daily life, besides black and white, there is also gray and it is included in our life and therefore our problems. After it was put forward by Zadeh in 1965, engineering, construction, genetics, health and so on. It has been used in many areas. Air defense systems came into our lives just after the invention of the aircraft which used for warfare purposes immediately and are indispensable weapon systems for nations to ensure the sovereignty of their airspace. With the developing weapon technology in recent years, the importance of air defense systems has also increased and they have had to operate in more complex environments. Therefore, they are expected to eliminate air threats in these complex environments. In these environments, obtaining an accurate and fast threat assessment and rating is essential for air defense systems. In this study, a fuzzy logic-based approach is used to evaluate air targets and determine threat levels for a land-based air defense system. A fuzzy-based modeling was created to test all kinds of scenarios by the help of experts in the field. Input parameters for the designed system, respectively, speed, distance, altitude, radar cross-section, jamming signal level and closest approach point of the air targets are fuzzied with linguistic expressions. The level of the threat was measured with the software created on the MATLAB program. When the results of the literature review were examined, air threat assessment studies were carried out using fuzzy logic. These studies were generally carried out for ship air defenses, and the most important threats, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, and missiles launched from aircraft were ignored. In addition, the radar cross-section parameter was used for the first time in this thesis, and thus, it was aimed to determine the most accurate threat levels of air targets by distinguishing between air targets with other similar parameters. As a result of the thesis, a fuzzy rule-based threat assessment application was developed for air defense systems developed with the help of experts in the field. With this model, it was observed that the threat levels of various types of air targets were accurately detected. When the values determined by the experts in the field and the results obtained from the fuzzy expert system were compared statistically, it was found that there was a strong positive correlation with the correlation value of 0.99789. It has been evaluated that it can be used in national air defense systems that are being developed with the designed Fuzzy Expert System.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bulanık Mantık, Hava Savunma Sistemleri, Fuzzy Logic, Air Defence Systems
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Coşkun, M. (2021). Hava Savunma Sistemlerinde Bulanık Mantık Tabanlı Tehdit Değerlendirmesi ve Derecelendirmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.