Organize sanayi atıksularının zehirliliği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada Konya Birinci Organize Sanayi Bölgesinden alınan atıksu örneklerine 72 saat süren toksisite testleri uygulanmıştır. Atıksu örneklerinin zehirlilik seviyeleri balık biyodeneyi yapılarak test organizmalarının 72 saatlik zaman periyodunda % 50’si için öldürücü olan atıksu konsantrasyonu (LC50) ve zehirlilik seyrelme faktörü (ZSF) ile belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca L. Sativum (Lepidium Sativum) kullanılarak atıksu örneklerinin fitotoksik seviyeleri de belirlenmiştir. Akuatik testlerde test organizması olarak tatlı su balığı L. Reticulates (Lepistes Reticulates) kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak Su Kirliliği Kontrol Yönetmeliği, endüstriyel atıksu deşarj standartlarına göre zehirlilik seyreltme faktörü uygun aralıkta tespit edilmiştir. Fitotoksisite testlerine göre test organizmalarının 72 saatlik zaman peryodunda %50’sinin etkilendiği konsantrasyon seviyesi (EC50) belirlenememiş fakat çimlenme yüzde değerlerine göre her iki nokta da fitotoksik olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca test organizması olarak Lepistes Reticulates (L. Reticulates) ve Lepidium Sativum (L. Sativum)’un kullanıldığı toksisite testleri uygulanabilirlik ve hassaslık yönünden değerlendirilmiştir.
In this work, wastewater samples were taken from the sewerage system of Konya I st. Organized Industrial Zone and 72 hours toxicity tests were carried out. Toxicity levels of wastewater samples were determined employing fish biyoanalysis in terms of LC50 which is the concentration that kills 50 % of the test organisms in 72 hours and toxicity dilution factor (TDF). In addition phytotoxicity levels of waste waters were determined by employing terrestrial plant Lepidium Sativum (L. Sativum). As aquatic tests organism fresh water fish Lepistes Reticulates (L. Reticulates) was employed. As a result of this work toxicity dilution factors of waste waters were found within the acceptable range for discharging into sewerage system according to industrial wastewater discharge rules of Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulations. Result of phytotoxicity test was not determined as EC50 (concentration that effected 50 % of the test organisms in 72 hours), but for all of the sampling points determined as phytotoxic according to germination percent values. Values of Lepistes Reticulates and Lepidium Sativum as test organisms were also evaluated in terms of ease of application and reliability of the results.
In this work, wastewater samples were taken from the sewerage system of Konya I st. Organized Industrial Zone and 72 hours toxicity tests were carried out. Toxicity levels of wastewater samples were determined employing fish biyoanalysis in terms of LC50 which is the concentration that kills 50 % of the test organisms in 72 hours and toxicity dilution factor (TDF). In addition phytotoxicity levels of waste waters were determined by employing terrestrial plant Lepidium Sativum (L. Sativum). As aquatic tests organism fresh water fish Lepistes Reticulates (L. Reticulates) was employed. As a result of this work toxicity dilution factors of waste waters were found within the acceptable range for discharging into sewerage system according to industrial wastewater discharge rules of Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulations. Result of phytotoxicity test was not determined as EC50 (concentration that effected 50 % of the test organisms in 72 hours), but for all of the sampling points determined as phytotoxic according to germination percent values. Values of Lepistes Reticulates and Lepidium Sativum as test organisms were also evaluated in terms of ease of application and reliability of the results.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Zehirlilik testleri, Atıksu, Fitotoksisite, Balık zehirlilik testi, Toxicity tests, Wastewater, Phytotoxicity, Fish toxicity test
Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aydın, M. E., Kara, G. (2006). Organize sanayi atıksularının zehirliliği. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 21, (3-4), 13-20.