The Fattening and Carcass Characteristics of Corridale, Turkish Merino, Lincoln Longwool X Turkish Merino F_1 and B_1 Crossbred Lambs
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Bu çalışma, saf Corriedale (n6) ve Türk Merinosu (M) (n10) ile Lincoln (L) x M (F_1) (n10), L x L x M (LG_1) (n6) ve M x L x M, (MG_1) (n8) melezi kuzuların besi ve karkas özelliklerini araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. 20 kg'lık besi başı ağırlığından 45 kg'lık besi sonu ağırlığına kadar kuzulara, hayvan başına günlük 100 g kuru yonca ve ad libitum konsantre yem verilmiştir. Beside, 20-35 kg canlı ağırlık arasında %19.7 ham protein (HP) ve 2853 kcal/kg metabolik enerji (ME), 35-45 kg canlı ağırlık arasında %16.4 HP ve 2968 kcal/kg ME içeren yem kullanılmıştır. Karkas özelliklerini incelemek üzere; gruplardan 45 kg ağırlığında 6'şar kuzu kesilmiştir. Araştırmada, sırasıyla, Corriedale, Merinos, L x M (F_1), L x L x M (LG_1) ve M x L x M (MG_1) genotiplerinde ortalama günlük canlı ağırlık artışı 261, 318, 333, 349 ve 298 g (p0.05); 45 kg ağırlıkta kesim yaşı 171, 135, 141, 141 ve 159 gün yemden yararlanma 5.3, 4.9, 4.7, 3.7 ve 4.7 kg; kesim ağırlığı 43.9, 44.2, 44.6, 44.4 ve 43.7 kg; soğuk karkas ağırlığı 21.5, 22.0, 21.0, 20.6 ve 21:2 kg; randıman %48.9, 49.8, 47.6, 46.7 ve 48.1; böbrek-pelvik yağı 0.40, 0.26, 0.32, 0.25 ve 0.28 kg; karkasta but oram %33.1, 34.0, 33.3, 31.9 ve 33.9 (p0.05); kol oranı %17.8, 19.0, 19.9, 19.1 ve 19.5 (p0.05); et oranı, butta %62.5, 64.6, 60.8, 63.1 ve63.7; kolda %59.1, 60.7, 57.0, 58.5 ve 59.6 bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, besi performansı hariç, incelenen bir çok özellik bakımından melezlerin Merinosa bir üstünlüğü tepit edilmemiştir. Merinos çoğu karkas özelliğinde yüksek değerler göstermiştir. Corriedale, genel olarak, incelenen bütün özelliklerde düşük değerler göstermiştir.
This study was carried out to investigate the fattening and carcass characteristics of Corriedale (n6), Turkish Merino (M) (n10) purebreds and Lincoln Long wool (L) x M (F_1) (n10), L x L x M (LB_1) (n6) and M x L x M, (MB_1) (n8) crossbred lambs. From the initial weight of 20 kg to the final weight of 45 kg, the lambs were fed alfalfa hay 100 g/head/day and concentrate that had 19.70% crude protein (CP ) and 2853 kcal/kg metabolic energy (ME ) at the early stage and 16.39% CP and 2968 kcal/kg ME at the late stage of experiment, ad libitum. Lambs were slaughtered at 45 kg of live weight to determine carcass traits. Daily live weight gains were found as 261, 318, 333, 349 and 298 g (p<0.05) for Corriedale and Merino purebred and fi, LBı and MB ı crossbred lambs, respectively. The slaughter ages at 45 kg of live weight were 171, 135, 141, 141 and 159 days; feed efficiency were 5.3, 4.9, 4.7, 3.7 and 4.7 kg. Slaughter weights were 43.9, 4t.2, 44.6, 44.4 and 43.7 kg; cold carcass weights were 21.5, 22.0, 21.0, 20.6 and 21.2 kg; dressing percentages were 48.9, 49.8, 47.6, 46.7 and 48.1%; kidney and pelvic fats were 0.40, 0.26, 0.32, 0.25 and 0.28 kg; the ratios of leg weight to cold carcass weight were 33.1, 34.0, 33.3, 31.9 and 33.9% (p<0.05); the ratios of shoulder weights were 17.8, 19.0, 19.9, 19.1 and 19.5% (p<0.05); the lean meat ratios of leg cuts were 62.5, 64.6, 60.8, 63.1 and 63.7%; the lean meat ratios of shoulder cuts were 59.1, 60.7, 57.0, 58.5 and 59.6% for genotypes in the same order above. As a result, except fattening performance, there was no superiority of crossbreeds to Merino for many traits evaluated in this experiment, and also Merino had higher levels in many carcass traits, but Corriedale, generally, showed the lowest performances in the traits examined.
This study was carried out to investigate the fattening and carcass characteristics of Corriedale (n6), Turkish Merino (M) (n10) purebreds and Lincoln Long wool (L) x M (F_1) (n10), L x L x M (LB_1) (n6) and M x L x M, (MB_1) (n8) crossbred lambs. From the initial weight of 20 kg to the final weight of 45 kg, the lambs were fed alfalfa hay 100 g/head/day and concentrate that had 19.70% crude protein (CP ) and 2853 kcal/kg metabolic energy (ME ) at the early stage and 16.39% CP and 2968 kcal/kg ME at the late stage of experiment, ad libitum. Lambs were slaughtered at 45 kg of live weight to determine carcass traits. Daily live weight gains were found as 261, 318, 333, 349 and 298 g (p<0.05) for Corriedale and Merino purebred and fi, LBı and MB ı crossbred lambs, respectively. The slaughter ages at 45 kg of live weight were 171, 135, 141, 141 and 159 days; feed efficiency were 5.3, 4.9, 4.7, 3.7 and 4.7 kg. Slaughter weights were 43.9, 4t.2, 44.6, 44.4 and 43.7 kg; cold carcass weights were 21.5, 22.0, 21.0, 20.6 and 21.2 kg; dressing percentages were 48.9, 49.8, 47.6, 46.7 and 48.1%; kidney and pelvic fats were 0.40, 0.26, 0.32, 0.25 and 0.28 kg; the ratios of leg weight to cold carcass weight were 33.1, 34.0, 33.3, 31.9 and 33.9% (p<0.05); the ratios of shoulder weights were 17.8, 19.0, 19.9, 19.1 and 19.5% (p<0.05); the lean meat ratios of leg cuts were 62.5, 64.6, 60.8, 63.1 and 63.7%; the lean meat ratios of shoulder cuts were 59.1, 60.7, 57.0, 58.5 and 59.6% for genotypes in the same order above. As a result, except fattening performance, there was no superiority of crossbreeds to Merino for many traits evaluated in this experiment, and also Merino had higher levels in many carcass traits, but Corriedale, generally, showed the lowest performances in the traits examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Lambs, crosses, fattening, carcass characteristics, meat sensorial traits, Kuzu, melezleme, besi ve karkas özellikleri, et duyusal özellikleri
Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Tekin, M. E., Akçapınar, H., (2002). The Fattening and Carcass Characteristics of Corridale, Turkish Merino, Lincoln Longwool X Turkish Merino F_1 and B_1 Crossbred Lambs. Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 12(2), 21-25.