Yumurtaya verilen bisfenol A (BBA)' nın testislerin gelişimi üzerindeki etkilerinin ışık mikroskobik seviyede belirlenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmanın amacı Bisfenol A (BPA)ʹ nın kanatlı embriyolarında testis gelişimi üzerindeki etkisini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla Isa Brown ırkı yumurtacı tavuklara ait 300 adet döllü yumurta kontrol (K), taşıyıcı kontrol (TK), 50 (D1), 100 (D2), 250 (D3) µg/yumurta BPA olmak üzere 5 gruba ayrıldı. Test solüsyonları inkübasyondan önce yumurta sarısına enjekte edildi. İnkübasyonun 13. 18. ve 21. günlerinde her gruptan 6 adet canlı erkek embriyo elde edilene kadar yumurtalar açıldı. BPA' nın östrojenik ve gelişimsel etkileri belirlemek için tüm histolojik değerlendirmeler ve histometrik ölçümler sol testis doku kesitleri üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. İnkübasyonun 13. 18. ve 21. günlerinde BPA uygulanan gruplarda testis dokularında gelişme geriliği, az sayıda hücre kordonu ve zayıf hücresel organizasyon gözlendi. İnkübasyonun 21. gününde deney grupları ve kontrol grupları arasında seminifer tubul çaplarında belirgin bir farklılık tespit edildi (K: 38,81±0,40µm; TK: 38,41±0,43µm; D1: 29,07±0,45µm; D2: 28,75±0,47µm; ve D3: 28,06±0,46µm ,p<0,05). Deney gruplarında seminifer tubul çaplarının azaldığı ve aynı zamanda seminifer tubul organizasyonun bozulduğu gözlendi. Kontrol gruplarına kıyasla deney gruplarında korteks kalınlığında artış gözlendi ve en belirgin artışın 50 ve 100 µg/yumurta dozunda BPA uygulanan gruplarda olduğu belirlendi (K: 14,72±0,23μm; TK: 15,78±0,27μm; D1: 20,40±0,33μm; D2: 20,68±0,36μm; D3: 18,22±0,38μm, p<0,05). Kontrol grupları (K: 697106,56±38257,85µm2; TK: 664742,36±30269,02µm2) ve 250 µg/yumurta dozunda BPA uygulanan grupla (586920,07±15509,13µm2) karşılaştırıldığında 50 (840774,62±37355,58µm2) ve 100 µg/yumurta (857630,05±22990,35µm2) dozunda BPA uygulanan gruplarda testis yüzey alanında önemli bir artış tespit edildi (p<0.05). Kanatlı embriyolarında 50 ve 100 µg/yumurta dozunda BPA uygulanan gruplarda BPA' nın sol testis yüzey alanı ile korteks kalınlığını artırarak ovo-testis gelişimini tetiklediği buna karşın 250µg/yumurta dozunda uygulanan BPA' nın ise toksik etkiye sahip olduğu görüldü. Gruplar arasında ANAE ve ACP-az boyamasında belirgin bir farklılık yoktu BPA' nın kanatlı embriyoların testislerinin gelişiminde maruz kalınan doza bağlı olarak hem toksik hem de östrojen benzeri etkilere sebep olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of BPA on testes development in avian embryos. For this purpose, 300 fertile eggs of Isa Brown laying parent stock were divided into 5 groups as control (C), vehicle-control (VC), 50 (E1), 100 (E2), and 250 µg/egg (E3) BPA. Test solutions were injected into yolk before incubation. At the 13th, 18th and 21th days of incubation, the eggs from each group were opened until 6 living male embryos were obtained from each group. All histological evaluation and histometrical measurement were performed on left testes to examine for both estrogen-like and developmental effects of BPA. On the 13th, 18th, and 21th days of the incubation, the groups that were treated with BPA observed growth retardation in testicular tissues, fewer cell cords and weak cellular organization. At 21th days of the incubation, there was a significant difference in diameter of seminiferous tubule between control groups (C: 38,81±0,40μm and VC: 38,41±0,43μm) and experimental groups (E1: 29,07±0,45μm; E2: 28,75±0,47μm and E3: 28,06±0,46μm, p<0,05). The experimental groups showed a decrease in the diameter of their seminiferous tubules and also disrupted the organization of the seminiferous tubules. The increase in cortical thickness compared to the control groups was observed in the BPA treated groups but the most notable increases were observed at 50 μg/egg and 100 µg/egg BPA treated groups (C: 14,72±0,23μm; VC: 15,78±0,27μm; E1: 20,40±0,33μm; E2: 20,68±0,36 μm; E3: 18,22±0,38μm, p<0,05). The testes surface area was higher at 50 µg/egg (840774,62±37355,58µm2) and 100µg/egg (857630,05±22990,35µm2) BPA treated groups compared to the control groups (C: 697106,56±38257,85µm2; VC: 664742,36±30269,02µm2) and at 250 µg/egg BPA administrated group (586920,07±15509,13 µm2). In 50 and 100 µg/egg BPA treated birds, BPA triggered ovotestis growth by characterizing increased surface area and cortical thickening whereas BPA had toxic effects at 250 μg/egg. There were no distinct differences ANAE and ACP-ase staining pattern between the groups. It was concluded that BPA can induce both estrogen-like and toxic effects in the developing testes of chicken embryos in dose-dependent manner.
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of BPA on testes development in avian embryos. For this purpose, 300 fertile eggs of Isa Brown laying parent stock were divided into 5 groups as control (C), vehicle-control (VC), 50 (E1), 100 (E2), and 250 µg/egg (E3) BPA. Test solutions were injected into yolk before incubation. At the 13th, 18th and 21th days of incubation, the eggs from each group were opened until 6 living male embryos were obtained from each group. All histological evaluation and histometrical measurement were performed on left testes to examine for both estrogen-like and developmental effects of BPA. On the 13th, 18th, and 21th days of the incubation, the groups that were treated with BPA observed growth retardation in testicular tissues, fewer cell cords and weak cellular organization. At 21th days of the incubation, there was a significant difference in diameter of seminiferous tubule between control groups (C: 38,81±0,40μm and VC: 38,41±0,43μm) and experimental groups (E1: 29,07±0,45μm; E2: 28,75±0,47μm and E3: 28,06±0,46μm, p<0,05). The experimental groups showed a decrease in the diameter of their seminiferous tubules and also disrupted the organization of the seminiferous tubules. The increase in cortical thickness compared to the control groups was observed in the BPA treated groups but the most notable increases were observed at 50 μg/egg and 100 µg/egg BPA treated groups (C: 14,72±0,23μm; VC: 15,78±0,27μm; E1: 20,40±0,33μm; E2: 20,68±0,36 μm; E3: 18,22±0,38μm, p<0,05). The testes surface area was higher at 50 µg/egg (840774,62±37355,58µm2) and 100µg/egg (857630,05±22990,35µm2) BPA treated groups compared to the control groups (C: 697106,56±38257,85µm2; VC: 664742,36±30269,02µm2) and at 250 µg/egg BPA administrated group (586920,07±15509,13 µm2). In 50 and 100 µg/egg BPA treated birds, BPA triggered ovotestis growth by characterizing increased surface area and cortical thickening whereas BPA had toxic effects at 250 μg/egg. There were no distinct differences ANAE and ACP-ase staining pattern between the groups. It was concluded that BPA can induce both estrogen-like and toxic effects in the developing testes of chicken embryos in dose-dependent manner.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kanatlı embriyo, Chicken embryo, Testis, Testes
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kandil, B. (2016). Yumurtaya verilen bisfenol A (BBA)' nın testislerin gelişimi üzerindeki etkilerinin ışık mikroskobik seviyede belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.