Demografik Farklılıkların İş Gücü Verimliliğine Etkisi

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Selçuk Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



Küreselleşme olgusu sadece organizasyonları ve yönetim şekillerini etkilemekle kalmamış, gerek müşterilerin, gerekse işgücünün beklentilerini de değiştirmiş ve şekillendirmiştir. Artık organizasyonlar daha bilinçli, ne istediğini bilen, iyi ve kötü hizmeti ayırabilen ve gerektiğinde kötü hizmete karşı olumsuz tepki veren bir müşteri yapısı ile karşı karşıyadır. Bu yüzden organizasyonlardaki tüm çalışmaların odağı müşteridir. Müşteri odaklı hizmeti göz ardı eden organizasyonlar varlıklarını sürdürmekte ve rekabet edebilirlikte güçlüklerle karşılaşmaktadırlar. Müşteri odaklı hizmet ancak iş tatmini olan ve motive olmuş işgörenler ile sağlanabilir. Dolayısıyla en iyi organize olmuş, en iyi olanaklara sahip bir işletmede işgörenin tutumu müşterinin kötü hizmet algısına sebep olabilecekken, ortalama bir organizasyonda işgörenin olumlu tutumu sayesinde müşteri memnuniyeti sağlanabilecektir. İşletmeler açısından günümüzde "kilit verimlilik göstergesi" kavramı ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu verimlilik göstergesi yapılan işin tümünü, tüm fiziksel çıktıyı ölçmek için yeterli değildir. Buna karşılık işletmenin uğraş alanının büyük bir bölümünü simgeleyen birkaç ürün ya da hizmetin çıktısını ölçer. Örneğin bazı sigorta şirketleri tazminat servisinin verimliliğini kişinin çalışma süresinde takip ettiği tazminatların sayısı ile ölçmektedir Hastaneler kamusal otorite ve toplumsal baskı grupları ile karşılıklı etkileşimde bulunan örgütlerdir. Bu özelliği nedeniyle hastanelerin yönetimi, hem karmaşık hem de güçtür. Ancak hızlı nüfus artışı, ortalama yaşam süresinin uzaması, sağlık bilincinin yükselmesi, hastaların değişen talepleri, günümüzde tıbbi uygulama gereksinimlerinin artması, aşırı rekabet, tıp alanında ileri teknolojilerin hızla yaygınlaşması nedeniyle hastanelerin etkin ve verimli bir şekilde yönetimi önem arz etmektedir. Bu nedenle, hastanelerde verimlilik artışının sağlanabilmesi için öncelikle iş gücü verimliliğinin artırılması gerekmektedir Bu araştırma hastanede çalışanların demografik bakımdan işgücü verimliliğine etki eden faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın ana kütlesini Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Hastanesi’nde çalışan sağlık personeli oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma örnekleminde toplam 720 personel arasından rastgele seçilen 457 kişiye ulaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak organizasyonel yapının Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Hastanesi’nde çalışanların kişisel durumları ve verimlilikleri ile doğrudan ilgili olduğu görülmüştür.
Globalization phenomenon is not only effected organisations and shape of managements it is also effected expectation of customers and labourforce by changing and shaping these factors. Anyway organisations are more aware, know what they want, allocate good and bad service and also we are vis a vis to customer structure of giving reaction if it is necessary against to bad service. Therefore all studies in organisation focused on customer. Organisations neglecting customer focused service have got difficulties for their life and competition. Customer focused services can secure with employees which are motiveted and has got work satisfaction. Consequently in establishments with best organized, best facilities but negative employee attitude would be getting reason of bad perception on customers, but avarage organization with positive attitude of employee it would be getting customer pleasure. Regarding to enterprises it is occured o concept “Key Efficiency Scale”. This is not enough for measuring all phisical output. Otherwise it is measuring product or services which are big part of company profession. For example some insuarance companies efficiency of claim service is measuring with number of claims to whom study duration. Hospitals are kind of organisations which have got interaction with public authority and social domination groups. From this speciality the management of hospitals also complex and difficult. Althogh speedy population increase, extension of average living duration, rising of health aware, changing of patients demand, incresing necessity of medical practicing, excessive competition, high technology become widespread of medical area. All these things are reason of that hospital manage importance with effective and productive shape. Therefore it is necessitate to secure productivity increasing. It must be firstly doing increasing the labourforce efficiency. This research realized the aim of determinig which demografic factors effected to hospital employees lobour force productivity. Main weight of this research is Afyonkarahisar Kocatepe University Hospital health employees. Total personel are 720 but it is reached 457 personel sampling of total personel for this study. It is more difficult to measure labor productivity in service organizations than organizations which produce goods. Research has two main variable groups as depended and independed variables. Independed variables of research includes age, sex, marital status, education level, work experience at hospital. Depended variables of research includes 30 judgment. Survey form was used at research in order to collect data. Master thesis of Ozkoc (2007) was used as a main source for preparing survey form. Confidence analysis of survey was determined, and value of Cronbach alpha constant was found 91,3. In addition to frequency distruption of taken variables, performing aims of these tests were written at analysis. Discriminant analysis, ANOVA and pearlsons correlation methods were used at analysis of collected data. Labor of hospital was seperated to four main gropus in detail for research. First group includes nurses. Second group includes technicians. Radiology technicians and laboratory workers were included at this group. Third group includes secretaries. At this group labour includes information workers, patient reservation workers and santral workers. Fourth group includes patient keepers and cleaning personnel. In the frame of sex of workers, canonical discriminant function has no significant value as a resultt of Wilk’s Lambda analysis. This shows there is no difference between behaviour of hospital workers in the view of organizational factors affecting labor productivity at different sex. We can say that both male and female groups have similar working and labor ideas in an organization. In this view culture of organization is also an important variable effecting ideas of different sex groups. In the frame of marital status of workers, canonical discriminant function has no significant value as a resultt of Wilk’s Lambda analysis. This shows there is no difference between behaviour of hospital workers in the view of organizational factors affecting labor productivity at different marital status. In the frame of age groups, age and labor productivity has significant relation in only “labor productivity reduces if managers ignore view and ideas of workers” judgement (p=,036). This result shows that different age groups think different in the view of attempting to management. We can say that workers having more experience give more importance to their ideas in an organization. Ignorance of workers ideas may reduce job satisfiction also. This situation also decreases labor productivity. Multi-comparing analysises were performed in order to determine in which age group there is a difference and direction of this difference. As a result of this analysis, this difference was found betweeen 19-24 age group and 35-44 age group. All age groups agree that lack evaluation of performance causes low productivity and motivation. On the other hand, workers at 19-24 age group and 35-44 age group showed same idea more strongly. This result is also seen at positive sign of mean difference. Having been looked to demographic properties, there is significant difference between workers in the view of age and education status, whether there is not a significant relation in the view of sex and marital status. This results show that new labor has an intellectual idea of productivity than traditional views. Namely, both male and female workers have the same idea, and their ideas show difference with only education and age status. As known age means experience as well as education. Conclusion is that organisational structure in Afyonkarahisar Kocatepe University employees it is seen directly relations between personel situations and their productivity. In developed world, it is important for an organization to find out its problems and its ways of productivity increasing itself. Especially hospitals are important organizations for social health and environmental health. Thus, this kind of researches in the field of health management directed to labor at health sector may increase living standarts of people. In future researches, judgements of this research may increased, survey may be applied to more workers, and perspectives of this research may be extended to other components of hospital and health sector. This reaserch also may be seen as a data source for further researches. It must be noticed that attempting to management is the most important part of increasing of productivity at organizations. For this reason, further researches may be directed towards to this direction.


Anahtar Kelimeler

İşgücü verimliliği, Hastane, Organizasyon, Lobour force productivity, Hospital, Organization


Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri





Karahan, A., (2009). Coğrafya Dersi Öğretim Programında Küresel İklim Değişikliği. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21, 269-281.