Sedanter Kadın Bireylerde Farklı Egzersiz Modellerinin Vücut Yağ Düzeyleri ve Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğuna Etkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma; sedanter kadın bireylerde farklı egzersiz modellerinin (kollar, bacaklar,
gövde, android, gynoid, toplam) vücut yağ düzeylerine etkisinin incelenmesi amacı ile yapılmıştır.
Araştırmaya dahil edilen sedanter 24 gönüllü kadın deneklerin vücut kompozisyonları,
yaşları ve genel yağlanma düzeyleri incelenerek, grupların özellikleri benzer olacak şekilde
tabakalı randomizasyon yöntemi ile 4 gruba ayrılmıştır.
Bu gruplar; Core grubu (C) (n=6), Core+yürüyüş grubu (CY) (n=6) Yürüyüş grubu (Y)
(n=6), Step grubu (S) (n=6) belirlenmiş ve çalışmaya yaş ortalamaları 35,42±3,99 olan 4 farklı
grubun; Core grubu (C, n=6) (vücut ağırlığı 59,334,61 kg), (boy 1,62,10 cm), Core+yürüyüş
grubu (CY, n=6) (vücut ağırlığı 73,9714,45 kg), (boy 1,69,05 cm), Yürüyüş grubu (Y, n=6)
(vücut ağırlığı 68,9010,00 kg), (boy 1,65,08 cm), Step grubu (S, n=6) (vücut ağırlığı 63,705,48
kg), (boy 1,66,05 cm) olarak isimlendirilmiştir.
Antrenman gruplarına 8 haftalık antrenman periyodu boyunca haftada 3 gün, günde 60’ar
dakika 4 gruba ayrılan egzersiz içeriğinin birbirinden farklı bir biçimde egzersiz programları
tasarlanarak; Core (C) grubu direnç egzersizlerine bağlı anaerobik ağırlıkta egzersiz, Yürüyüş (Y)
grubu aerobik tip de egzersiz Core+Yürüyüş (CY) grubu direnç egzersizlerine bağlı anaerobik
ağırlıkta ve bununla birlikte aerobik tipte egzersizi içine alan ve step (S) grubu ise anaerobik eşik
düzeyinde egzersiz içeriği oluşturularak antrenmanlar 8 hafta süresince uygulanmıştır.
Antrenman periyodu öncesinde ve sonrasında deneklerin deri altı yağ düzeylerinin
belirlenmesinde Skinfold (deri kıvrım kalınlığı) ölçüm yöntemi, genel vücut yağı, adipoz ve batın
bölgesi yağ kütlesinin belirlenmesinde Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorbsiyometri (DEXA) görüntüleme
cihazı kullanılmıştır.
Verilerin istatistiksel analizlerinde SPSS 24 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Tüm
katılımcılara ait parametrelerinin ortalama değerleri ve standart sapmaları verilmiştir. Araştırmaya
ait verilerin normal dağılımları Shapiro-Wilk testi ile test edilmiştir. Normal dağılmayan veri setleri
için çarpıklık ve basıklık değerleri kontrol edilmiş ve ±2 içindekilerin normal dağıldığı kabul
edilmiştir. Normal dağılım gösteren veriler için ikili değişkenlerde paired sample t testi, 2’den fazla
değişken karşılaştırılmasında ise tek yönlü varyans analizi (Anova) kullanılmıştır. Farklılıkların
hangi gruplardan kaynaklandığının tespitinde ise post hoc testlerden Tukey testi kullanılmıştır.
Normal dağılım göstermeyen veriler için ikili değişkenlerde Wilcoxon testi, 2’den fazla değişken
karşılaştırılmasında ise Kruskal-Wallis testi kullanılmıştır. (p<0,05) anlamlı düzey olarak kabul
Yapılan analizler neticesinde grupların öntest-sontest parametreleri karşılaştırıldığında; C
grubu katılımcıların vücut ağırlığı, VKİ, bel, kalça, üst bacak sağ, üst bacak sol, kol sol, chest,
subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, kollar, toplam BMD, kollar yağ, bacaklar yağ,
gövde yağ, android yağ, gynoid yağ, toplam yağ ölçümlerinde anlamlı (p<0,05) azalış bulunmuştur.
Diğer değerlerde anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır. CY grubunun göğüs, bel, kalça, üst bacak sağ,
üst bacak sol, chest, subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, suprailiac B, thigh, calve,
kollar, bacaklar, kollar yağ, bacaklar yağ, gövde yağ, android yağ, gynoid yağ, toplam yağ ön-test
ve son-test değerleri arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı (p<0,05) düzeyde azalma tespit edilmiştir.
Diğer değerlerde anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır. Y grubunun, Vücut ağırlığı, VKİ, göğüs, bel,
kalça, üst bacak sağ, üst bacak sol, alt bacak sağ, alt bacak sol, subscapula, triceps, biceps,
abdominal, suprailiac_A, suprailiac B, thigh, calve, kollar, bacaklar, kostalar, kollar yağ, bacaklar
yağ, gövde yağ, gynoid yağ, toplam yağ değerlerinde anlamlı (p<0,05) azalma tespit edilmiştir.
Diğer değerlerde anlamlı farklılık bulunmamıştır. S grubunun, vücut ağırlığı, VKİ, göğüs, bel,
kalça, üst bacak sağ, üst bacak sol, alt bacak sağ, alt bacak sol, chest, subscapula, triceps, biceps,
abdominal, suprailiac_A, suprailiac B, thigh, calve, spine, toplam BMD, kollar yağ, bacaklar yağ,
gövde yağ, Android yağ, gynoid yağ, toplam yağ parametrelerinde anlamlı (p<0,05) azalma
bulunmuştur. Diğer değerlerde anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır.
Gruplar arası öntest parametreler karşılaştırıldığında tüm parametrelerde ön-test değerleri
arasında gruplar arası istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. Ko parametresinde C
grubunun CY grubundan önemli (p<0,05) düzeyde düşük olduğu tespit edilmiş olup diğer gruplar
arası farklılıkların önemli olmadığı görülmüştür. TBMD düzeyleri incelendiğinde C ve CY
gruplarının son-test parametreleri arasında C grubunun CY grubundan önemli (p<0,05) düzeyde
düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Diğer gruplar arası değerler benzerdir.
Sonuç olarak; sedanter kadın bireylere uygulanan 8 haftalık farklı egzersiz modellerini
içeren antrenman periyodu sonucunda Core, Core+yürüyüş, Yürüyüş ve Step tüm grupların çevre
ve vücut yağ oranlarında genel olarak bir azalma görüldüğü fakat gruplar arasında istatistiki
manada bir farklılığın olmadığı tespit edildi. Nitekim; farklı tiplerde uygulanan antrenman
yöntemlerinin en azından bu çalışmada bir farklılık oluşturmadığı görülmüştür.
The present research was conducted to examine the effects of different exercise models (arms, legs, body, android, gynoid, total) on body fat levels in sedentary female individuals. The body composition, age and general fatness levels of 24 sedentary female volunteers included in the study were examined and divided into 4 groups by stratified randomization method, so that the characteristics of the groups were similar. These groups were determined as Core group (C) (n=6), Core+walking group (CY) (n=6), Walking group (Y) (n=6), Step group (S) (n=6) and the average age along with average body weight were as follows: 35.42±3.99 of 4 different groups; Core group (C, n=6) (body weight 59.33±4.61 kg), (height 1,62±,10 cm), Core+walk group (CY, n=6) (body weight 73.97±14.45 kg), (height 1,69±,05 cm), Walking group (Y, n=6) (body weight 68.90±10.00 kg),(height 1,65±,08 cm), Step group (S, n=6) (body weight 63.70±5.48 kg), (height 1,66±,05 cm). Different exercise programs designed and the exercise content created and divided into 4 groups for 60 minutes a day as 3 days a week that lasted for 8 weeks. Core (C) group includes anaerobic weight exercise due to resistance exercises, Walking (Y) group includes aerobic type exercise, Core+Walk (CY) group includes anaerobic weight exercise due to resistance exercises and also includes aerobic type exercise, and Step (S) group includes at the level of anaerobic type exercise. Skinfold (skinfold thickness) measurement method was used to determine the subcutaneous fat levels of the subjects before and after the training period, and Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) imaging device was used to determine the general body fat, adipose and abdominal fat mass. SPSS 24 package program was used in the statistical analysis of the data. The mean values and standard deviations of the parameters of all participants are given. Normal distributions of the research data were tested with the Shapiro-Wilk test. For data sets that were not normally distributed, skewness and kurtosis values were checked and those within ±2 were considered to be normally distributed. For normally distributed data, paired sample t test was used for binary variables, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for comparing more than 2 variables. The Tukey test, one of the post hoc tests, was used to determine which groups the differences originated from. For data that did not show normal distribution, the Wilcoxon test was used for binary variables, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for comparisons of more than 2 variables. (p<0.05) was accepted as a significant level. As a result of the analyses, when the pretest-posttest parameters of the groups were compared; A significant (p<0,05) decrease was found regarding Group C participants' body weight, BMI, waist, hip, upper leg right, upper leg left, arm left, chest, subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, arms, total BMD, arms fat, legs fat, body fat, android fat, gynoid fat and total fat measurements. No significant difference was found in other values. There was statistically significant (p<0,05) decrease regarding between pre-test and post-test values of CY group's chest, waist, hip, upper leg right, upper leg left, chest, subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, suprailiac B, thigh, calve, arms, legs, arms fat, legs fat, body fat, android fat, gynoid fat and total fat. No significant difference was found in other values. A significant (p<0,05) decrease was found regarding Group Y, Body weight, BMI, chest, waist, hip, upper leg right, upper leg left, lower leg right, lower leg left, subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, suprailiac B, thigh, calve, arms, legs in ribs, arms fat, legs fat, body fat, gynoid fat and total fat values. No significant difference was found in other values. A significant (p<0,05) decrease was found regarding Group S, body weight, BMI, chest, waist, hip, upper leg right, upper leg left, lower leg right, lower leg left, chest, subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, suprailiac B, thigh, calve, spine in total BMD, arms fat, legs fat, body fat, android fat, gynoid fat and total fat parameters. No significant difference was found in other values. When the pretest parameters between the groups were compared, no statistically significant difference was found between the pretest values in all parameters. It was determined that the C group was significantly (p<0,05) lower than the CY group in the Co parameter, and the differences between the other groups were not significant. When TBMD levels were examined, it was seen that the post-test parameters of the C and CY groups were significantly (p<0,05) lower than the CY group. Other intergroup values were similar. In conclusion, during 8-week training period, which included different exercise models applied to sedentary female individuals, there was a general decrease in the circumference and body fat ratios of all groups Core, Core+walking, Walking and Step, but there was no statistical difference between the groups. It was observed that different types of training methods did not make a difference, at least in this study.
The present research was conducted to examine the effects of different exercise models (arms, legs, body, android, gynoid, total) on body fat levels in sedentary female individuals. The body composition, age and general fatness levels of 24 sedentary female volunteers included in the study were examined and divided into 4 groups by stratified randomization method, so that the characteristics of the groups were similar. These groups were determined as Core group (C) (n=6), Core+walking group (CY) (n=6), Walking group (Y) (n=6), Step group (S) (n=6) and the average age along with average body weight were as follows: 35.42±3.99 of 4 different groups; Core group (C, n=6) (body weight 59.33±4.61 kg), (height 1,62±,10 cm), Core+walk group (CY, n=6) (body weight 73.97±14.45 kg), (height 1,69±,05 cm), Walking group (Y, n=6) (body weight 68.90±10.00 kg),(height 1,65±,08 cm), Step group (S, n=6) (body weight 63.70±5.48 kg), (height 1,66±,05 cm). Different exercise programs designed and the exercise content created and divided into 4 groups for 60 minutes a day as 3 days a week that lasted for 8 weeks. Core (C) group includes anaerobic weight exercise due to resistance exercises, Walking (Y) group includes aerobic type exercise, Core+Walk (CY) group includes anaerobic weight exercise due to resistance exercises and also includes aerobic type exercise, and Step (S) group includes at the level of anaerobic type exercise. Skinfold (skinfold thickness) measurement method was used to determine the subcutaneous fat levels of the subjects before and after the training period, and Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) imaging device was used to determine the general body fat, adipose and abdominal fat mass. SPSS 24 package program was used in the statistical analysis of the data. The mean values and standard deviations of the parameters of all participants are given. Normal distributions of the research data were tested with the Shapiro-Wilk test. For data sets that were not normally distributed, skewness and kurtosis values were checked and those within ±2 were considered to be normally distributed. For normally distributed data, paired sample t test was used for binary variables, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for comparing more than 2 variables. The Tukey test, one of the post hoc tests, was used to determine which groups the differences originated from. For data that did not show normal distribution, the Wilcoxon test was used for binary variables, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for comparisons of more than 2 variables. (p<0.05) was accepted as a significant level. As a result of the analyses, when the pretest-posttest parameters of the groups were compared; A significant (p<0,05) decrease was found regarding Group C participants' body weight, BMI, waist, hip, upper leg right, upper leg left, arm left, chest, subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, arms, total BMD, arms fat, legs fat, body fat, android fat, gynoid fat and total fat measurements. No significant difference was found in other values. There was statistically significant (p<0,05) decrease regarding between pre-test and post-test values of CY group's chest, waist, hip, upper leg right, upper leg left, chest, subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, suprailiac B, thigh, calve, arms, legs, arms fat, legs fat, body fat, android fat, gynoid fat and total fat. No significant difference was found in other values. A significant (p<0,05) decrease was found regarding Group Y, Body weight, BMI, chest, waist, hip, upper leg right, upper leg left, lower leg right, lower leg left, subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, suprailiac B, thigh, calve, arms, legs in ribs, arms fat, legs fat, body fat, gynoid fat and total fat values. No significant difference was found in other values. A significant (p<0,05) decrease was found regarding Group S, body weight, BMI, chest, waist, hip, upper leg right, upper leg left, lower leg right, lower leg left, chest, subscapula, triceps, biceps, abdominal, suprailiac A, suprailiac B, thigh, calve, spine in total BMD, arms fat, legs fat, body fat, android fat, gynoid fat and total fat parameters. No significant difference was found in other values. When the pretest parameters between the groups were compared, no statistically significant difference was found between the pretest values in all parameters. It was determined that the C group was significantly (p<0,05) lower than the CY group in the Co parameter, and the differences between the other groups were not significant. When TBMD levels were examined, it was seen that the post-test parameters of the C and CY groups were significantly (p<0,05) lower than the CY group. Other intergroup values were similar. In conclusion, during 8-week training period, which included different exercise models applied to sedentary female individuals, there was a general decrease in the circumference and body fat ratios of all groups Core, Core+walking, Walking and Step, but there was no statistical difference between the groups. It was observed that different types of training methods did not make a difference, at least in this study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Egzersiz, Vücut Yağ, Kemik, Mineral, Exercise, Body Fat, Bone, Mineral
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ceviz, E., (2023). Sedanter Kadın Bireylerde Farklı Egzersiz Modellerinin Vücut Yağ Düzeyleri ve Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğuna Etkisi. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.