Erdemli masalları
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu yüksek lisans teziyle masal bilimi dünyasında masallar zincirine Erdemli ilçesine mahsus masallar, bilimsel metotlarla incelenmiş, sunulmuştur. Masal tiplerini birbirinden kesin çizgilerle ayırabilmek mümkün olmamaktadır. Masalların bazılarında kahramanlar yer değiştirmektedir. Kahramanı kız olan masalımızda kız cinsiyet değiştirerek erkek olmaktadır. Masallarımızda sık rastladığımız tiplerin başında padişah gelir. Üç kızı veya üç oğlu vardır. Bazen de hiç çocuğu yoktur. Adaletli, iyi yürekli biridir. Bazen en küçük kızı tarafından kolayca kandırılacak kadar saf, bazen de gelinine göz koyacak kadar kötü niyetli biridir. Olaylar onların evlenmeleri, seyahate çıkmaları etrafında gelişir. Genellikle fakir genç kızlar, şehzadelerle evlenmek istemektedirler. Masal kahramanı genellikle sihirli bir varlık olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Delikanlının güvercin şeklinde; kızın inci ağacı, limondan çıkması, kaplumbağa şeklinde olması? Masalın dünyası çok geniştir. Kuvvetli bir zevk ve kültür birliğinin varlığını masallarımızda görebilmekteyiz. Yurdumuzun toprakları ile sınırlı değildir. Kötülerin cezalandırıldığı, iyilerin hep zafer kazandığı masallarımıza bütün insan topluluğunun ortak değer yargıları süzülmüştür.
The aim of this Master Thesis is to present and supply Erdemli district tales to the tale chains in the science of tale as a result of studies being carried out in accordance with scientific methods. It seems impossible to seperate precisely tale types from one another.In some of the tales, heroes change their positions. A girl as a hero may change her sex and may turn to be a boy. One of the most common characters appearing in our tales is Padishah (sultan). He has most probably got three daughters or three son sor sometimes no children. He is just and kind. He is sometimes as gullible as to be deceived even by his youngest daughter whereas he is sometimes as ill-willed as to lust after his daughter-in-law. The events, after that, develops in connection with their marriage or their setting out on a trip. Poor young girls, in general, want to get married to the princes. The hero of the tale usually appears as a magical being; a young man in the figure of a pigeon, and a girl as a pearl tree or coming out of a lemon, or in the shape of a turtle? The world of tales is quite great and wide.we can easily realize a very strong existence of culture and humour unity in our tales. It is not limited with our country?s boundries. The standarts of judgement of all human societies have some roots in our tales in which carrot is fort he good since stick is fort he bad.
The aim of this Master Thesis is to present and supply Erdemli district tales to the tale chains in the science of tale as a result of studies being carried out in accordance with scientific methods. It seems impossible to seperate precisely tale types from one another.In some of the tales, heroes change their positions. A girl as a hero may change her sex and may turn to be a boy. One of the most common characters appearing in our tales is Padishah (sultan). He has most probably got three daughters or three son sor sometimes no children. He is just and kind. He is sometimes as gullible as to be deceived even by his youngest daughter whereas he is sometimes as ill-willed as to lust after his daughter-in-law. The events, after that, develops in connection with their marriage or their setting out on a trip. Poor young girls, in general, want to get married to the princes. The hero of the tale usually appears as a magical being; a young man in the figure of a pigeon, and a girl as a pearl tree or coming out of a lemon, or in the shape of a turtle? The world of tales is quite great and wide.we can easily realize a very strong existence of culture and humour unity in our tales. It is not limited with our country?s boundries. The standarts of judgement of all human societies have some roots in our tales in which carrot is fort he good since stick is fort he bad.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mersin, Halk edebiyatı, Masal, Folk literature, Tale
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bozlak, Ü. G. (2007). Erdemli masalları. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.