Çocuk böbrek taşlarında perkutan nefrolitotomi deneyimlerimiz
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Amaç: Kliniğimizde son 3 yılda pediatrik yaş grubunda yapılan perkutan nefrolitotomi deneyimlerimizi sunmaktır. Yöntem: Yaş ortalaması 12,76 yıl (5-16yıl) olan 14ü erkek, 11ü kız olmak üzere 25 hastada 25 renal üniteye PNL ameliyatı yapıldı. Taşlar 16 hastada (%64) sağ, 9 hastada(%36) sol taraf yerleşimiydi. Taşların 12si pelvis renalis, 6sı alt pol, 1i orta pol ve 6sında hem pelvis hem de alt pol yerleşimliydi. Böbreğe giriş sağlamak için tüm hastalarda18F balon dilatasyon yapıldı. PNL işlemi için 15 F rijid nefroskop kullanıldı. Bulgular: Ortalama taş boyutu 321.68 mm2 (142.377) idi. Ortalama PNL ameliyatı süresi 58.48 dk (11.8 dk) idi. Ortalama skopi kullanma süresi 3.48 dk (1.75 dk) idi. Akses için balon dilatasyon yapıldı. Postoperatif 1. günde 21 hastada tam taşsızlık (%84) sağlandı. 4 hastada (%16) operasyon sonrası rezidüel taş saptandı. 1 hastada (%4) forsepsle taş alınması sırasında kopan üreteral stentin akciğere migrade olduğu görüldü. İki hastada(%8) postoperatif dönemde kan replasmanına gerek duyuldu. Ortalama hastanede yatış süresi 2.76 gün (1.6) idi. Sonuç: Çocuklarda taş hastalığının tedavisinde PNL güvenli ve başarılı sonuçları olan bir tedavi yöntemidir.
Aim: To present our experiences with percutaneous nephrolithotomy performed in pediatric age groups within prior 3 years. Method: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy was performed in 25 renal units of 25 patients (14 boys, 11 girls) with mean age of 12.76 (5-16) years. Stones were localized at right side in 16 patients (64%) whereas at left side in 9 patients (36%). Of the stones, 12 were localized at renal pelvis, while 6 at lower pole, one at middle pole, and 6 at both renal pelvis and lower pole. In all patients, 18 F balloon dilation was performed to access kidney. Again, in all patients, 15 F rigid nephroscope was used for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Results: Mean size of stones was 321.68±142.377 mm2 . Mean percutaneous nephrolithotomy time was 58.48±11.8 min. Mean duration of scopy use was 3.48±1.75 min. Balloon dilation was performed for access to kidney. Stone-free status was achieved in 21 patients (84%) on the postoperative day 1. Residual stones were detected in 4 patients (16%) after percutaneous nephrolithotomy. In one patient, it was found that broken tip of ureteral stent during extraction of stone by using forceps was migrated to lung. Two patients (8%) required blood replacement at postoperative period. Mean length of hospital stay was 2.76±1.6 days. Conclusion: PNL is a safe treatment modality with successful outcomes in the treatment of pediatric stone disease.
Aim: To present our experiences with percutaneous nephrolithotomy performed in pediatric age groups within prior 3 years. Method: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy was performed in 25 renal units of 25 patients (14 boys, 11 girls) with mean age of 12.76 (5-16) years. Stones were localized at right side in 16 patients (64%) whereas at left side in 9 patients (36%). Of the stones, 12 were localized at renal pelvis, while 6 at lower pole, one at middle pole, and 6 at both renal pelvis and lower pole. In all patients, 18 F balloon dilation was performed to access kidney. Again, in all patients, 15 F rigid nephroscope was used for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Results: Mean size of stones was 321.68±142.377 mm2 . Mean percutaneous nephrolithotomy time was 58.48±11.8 min. Mean duration of scopy use was 3.48±1.75 min. Balloon dilation was performed for access to kidney. Stone-free status was achieved in 21 patients (84%) on the postoperative day 1. Residual stones were detected in 4 patients (16%) after percutaneous nephrolithotomy. In one patient, it was found that broken tip of ureteral stent during extraction of stone by using forceps was migrated to lung. Two patients (8%) required blood replacement at postoperative period. Mean length of hospital stay was 2.76±1.6 days. Conclusion: PNL is a safe treatment modality with successful outcomes in the treatment of pediatric stone disease.
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Kaba, M., Pirinççi, N., Taken, K., Kaba, S., Geçit, İ., Eren, H., Demir, M., Ceylan, K. (2015). Çocuk Böbrek Taşlarında Perkutan Nefrolitotomi Deneyimlerimiz. Van Tıp Dergisi, 22(3), 173-176.