Epsteın-barr vırüs infeksiyonunun tanısında indirekt immünoflöresan ve ELISA tanı metodlarının karsılastırılması
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Amaç: EBV infeksiyonunun serolojik tanısı birden fazla antikor yanıtının degerlendirilip yorumlanmasıyla yapılmaktadır. Bu çalısmada VCA IgM, VCA IgG ve EBNA IgG antikorlarının IFA ve ELISA tanı metodlarıyla çalısılması ve bu metodların tanı degerlerinin karsılastırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalısmaya Enfeksiyöz Mononükleoz süpheli 100 hastanın serum örnekleri dahil edildi. IFA referans metod olarak kabul edildi ve bu dogrultuda örnekler, EBV infeksiyonu tanı standartları göz önüne alınarak; Seronegatif, Akut infeksiyon, Yeni geçirilmis infeksiyon ve Eski infeksiyon gruplarına ayrıstırıldı. ELISA metodu ile aynı standart kriterler dogrultusunda olusturulan grupların bu IFA grupları ile uyumu arastırıldı. Ayrıca VCA IgM, VCA IgG ve EBNA IgG antikorları her iki test bazında ayrı ayrı degerlendirilerek ELISA metodu için duyarlılık ve özgüllük oranları belirlendi. IFA metodu ile ayrıca VCA IgG avidite testi çalısıldı ve enfeksiyon dönemleri ile iliskisi irdelendi. Bulgular: ELISA metodunun IFA metodu ile uyumu Seronegatiflik, Akut infeksiyon, Yeni geçirilmis infeksiyon ve Eski infeksiyon için sırasıyla %41, 100, 14,7 ve 74,5 olarak bulundu. Tek bir antikor bazında IFA referans testine göre ELISA metodu degerlendiridiginde, VCA IgM testinin duyarlılıgı %100, özgüllügü %90,8, VCA IgG'nin duyarlılıgı ve özgüllügü %61,5 ve %53, EBNA IgG'nin ise %78,7 ve %81,1 seklinde bulundu. IFA metodu ile belirlelnen VCA IgG avitidesinin enfeksiyon ilerlemesiyle genel olarak arttıgı gözlemlendi. Sonuç: Her iki testin; Seronegatif, Yeni geçirilmis infeksiyon ve Eski infeksiyon belirleme oranlarında farklılık göze çarpmaktadır. ELISA VCA IgG testi IFA referans teste göre yetersiz performans sergilemistir. Her iki testin tercih edilebilirligi; testlerin tanı güvenilirliginin yanı sıra, laboratuvarların teknik ve personel donanımı ve mali olanaklar göz önüne alınarak degisebilir.
Objective: The serologic diagnosis of EBV infection is made by evaluating and interpreting via more than one antibody reply. In this study, it is aimed to be studied of VCA IgM and EBNA IgG antibodies by IFA and ELSA diagnosis methods and to be evaluated of these methods? diagnosis values. Materials and Methods: 100 patients? serum samples that suspicious of infectious mononucleosis were included to the study. IFA was accepted as the reference method. By this method, considering with diagnosis standards of EBV infections, samples were decomposed to seronegative, acute infection, new afflicted infection and ex-infection groups. The harmony of IFA groups with the groups those were formed by the same criteria with ELSA method was researched. Also, VCA IgM, VCA IgG and EBNA IgG antibodies were evaluated according to both tests and their sensitivity and specificity rates were determinate for ELSA method. Also, VCA IgG avidite test was studied by IFA method and the relationship with the infection periods was researched. Results: The rates of harmony between ELISA method and IFA method for seronegative acute infection, new afflicted infection and ex-infection were found; %41, 100, 14,7, 74,5 respectively. When the ELISA method was evaluated according to IFA reference test in one antibody base, the sensitivity of VCA IgM test was %100, the specificity was %90,8, the sensitivity and specificity of VCA IgG were %61,5 and %53, EBNA IgG?s results were %78,7 and %81,1. The VCA IgG avidite that was determined by IFA method rose generally. Conclusion: There was a difference in determination rates of seronegative, new afflicted infection and ex-infection of both tests. ELISA VCA IgG test had an insufficient performance according to IFA reference test. The performance of both tests can change by some factors such as technique and personnel rigging of the laboratory and financial possibilities.
Objective: The serologic diagnosis of EBV infection is made by evaluating and interpreting via more than one antibody reply. In this study, it is aimed to be studied of VCA IgM and EBNA IgG antibodies by IFA and ELSA diagnosis methods and to be evaluated of these methods? diagnosis values. Materials and Methods: 100 patients? serum samples that suspicious of infectious mononucleosis were included to the study. IFA was accepted as the reference method. By this method, considering with diagnosis standards of EBV infections, samples were decomposed to seronegative, acute infection, new afflicted infection and ex-infection groups. The harmony of IFA groups with the groups those were formed by the same criteria with ELSA method was researched. Also, VCA IgM, VCA IgG and EBNA IgG antibodies were evaluated according to both tests and their sensitivity and specificity rates were determinate for ELSA method. Also, VCA IgG avidite test was studied by IFA method and the relationship with the infection periods was researched. Results: The rates of harmony between ELISA method and IFA method for seronegative acute infection, new afflicted infection and ex-infection were found; %41, 100, 14,7, 74,5 respectively. When the ELISA method was evaluated according to IFA reference test in one antibody base, the sensitivity of VCA IgM test was %100, the specificity was %90,8, the sensitivity and specificity of VCA IgG were %61,5 and %53, EBNA IgG?s results were %78,7 and %81,1. The VCA IgG avidite that was determined by IFA method rose generally. Conclusion: There was a difference in determination rates of seronegative, new afflicted infection and ex-infection of both tests. ELISA VCA IgG test had an insufficient performance according to IFA reference test. The performance of both tests can change by some factors such as technique and personnel rigging of the laboratory and financial possibilities.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Epstein-barr virus infection, Epstein-barr vırüs infeksiyonu, İndirekt immünoflöresan, Indirect immunofluorescence
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Fevzioğlu, B. (2008). Epsteın-barr vırüs infeksiyonunun tanısında indirekt immünoflöresan ve ELISA tanı metodlarının karsılastırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış uzmanlık tezi, Konya.