Azerbaycan’ın Bakü Şehrindeki Sığırların Dış Parazitlerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Çalışmalar
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma Azerbaycan’ın Bakü ili ve ilçelerindeki sığırlarda görülen ektoparazitlerin ve yaygınlık
oranlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla Ocak 2021– Ocak 2022 tarihleri arasında, 12 ay boyunca
her ay düzenli olarak Bakü merkez, Bilgeh, Bine, Kala (Qala), Maştağa, Merdekan, Ramana ve Türkan ilçelerine
gidilmiştir. Araştırma süresince 1304’ü yerli, 221’i Simental ve 83’ü Holstein ırklarına ait 1608 sığır
ektoparazitler yönünden makroskopik olarak incelenmistir. Ektoparazitler pens yardımıyla toplanarak, içinde %70
alkol bulunan tüplere alınmış ve üzerlerine sığırın ırkı, cinsi, yaşı ve örneğin alındığı yeri ve tarihi belirten etiketler
yapıştırılmıştır. Toplanan keneler ve sinekler stereo zoom ya da binoküler mikroskop altında incelenerek cins
ve/veya türlere ayrılmıştır. Bitler ise %10 potasyum hidroksit (KOH) içinde en az 24 saat saydamlaştırılmış, daha
sonra distile sudan geçirilerek, sırasıyla %70 ve %99 alkolden geçirilmiş ve Kanada Balsam ile lam üzerine ayrı
ayrı yapıştırıldıktan sonra binoküler mikroskopta incelenerek teşhis edilmiştir. İncelenen 1608 sığırın 230’unda
(%14,30) ektoparazit tespit edilmiş; enfeste sığırlardan 958 ektoparazit örneği toplanmış birisi bit, birisi sinek ve
altısı kene olmak üzere sekiz ektoparazit türü teşhis edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada toplam 284 Haematopinus
eurysternus (Phthiraptera: Anoplura), iki Hippobosca equina (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) ve altı türe (Hyalomma
marginatum, Hyalomma excavatum, Hyalomma scupense (= Hyalomma detritum), Rhipicephalus (Boophilus)
annulatus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Ixodes spp.) ait 672 kene (Ixodida: Ixodidae) örneği toplanmıştır. Bakü
merkez’de incelenen 122 sığırın 11’i (%9,02); Bilgeh’de incelenen 212 sığırın 37’si (%17,45); Bine’de incelenen
218 sığırın 45’i (%20,64); Kala’da incelenen 191 sığırın 29’u (%15,18); Maştaga’da incelenen 255 sığırın 68’i
(%26,67); Merdekan’da incelenen 210 sığırın 20’si (%9,52) ve Ramana’da incelenen 291 sığırın 20’si (%6,87)
ektoparazitlerle enfeste bulunmuştur. Ancak, Türkan’da muayene edilen 109 sığırın hiçbirinde ektoparazit tespit
edilememiştir. En yüksek enfestasyon oranına Simental ırkı sığırlarda (%18,55) rastlanmış, cinsiyet dikkate
alındığında enfestasyon oranının dişilerde (%16,33) erkeklerden (%10,58) daha yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır.
Sığırların yaşları dikkate alındığında, enfestasyon oranının 1-2 yaş arasında (%28,57), aylara göre dağılıma
bakıldığında ise Kasım ayında (%30,91) en yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
This study was carried out to detect of ectoparasites and their prevalence in cattle in Baku and its towns in Azerbaijan. For this purpose, it has been monthly visited Baku, Bilgeh, Bine, Kala (Qala), Maştağa, Merdekan, Ramana and Türkan in Azerbaijan, between January 2021– January 2022. In this period, a total of 1608 cattle; 1304 local, 221 Simmental and 83 Holstein breeds were macroscopically examined for ectoparasites. The ectoparasites were collected by using pliers, taken into tubes containing 70% alcohol and labels indicating the date, age, sex, breed, locality. Collected ticks and Hippoboscid flies were examined under stereo - zoom microscope and identified into the genera and/or species. The lice samples were cleared in 10% Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) for at least 24 hours, then they passed through distilled water, 70% and 99% alcohol respectively and were identified by examining them under a binocular microscope after being affixed to a slide with Canadian Balsam. Ectoparasites were detected in 230 (14.30%) of 1608 cattle examined. Total 958 ectoparasites were collected from the infested cattle, and eight species have been identified including one louse, one fly and six tick species. In this study, a total of 284 Haematopinus eurysternus (Phthiraptera: Anoplura), and two individuals of Hippobosca equina (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), and 672 ixodid tick samples belonging to the species of Hyalomma marginatum, Hyalomma excavatum, Hyalomma scupense (= Hy. detritum), Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Ixodes spp. were collected. In Baku center, 11 cattle of 122 (9,02%); in Bilgeh, 37 of 212 (17,45%); in Bine, 45 of 218 (20,64%) in Kala (Qala), 29 of 191 (15,18%); in Maştaga, 68 of 255 (26,67%); in Merdekan, 20 of 210 (9,52%) and in Ramana, 20 of 291 (6,87%) cattle were found to be infested with ectoparasites. But, all the 109 examined cattles were negative in Turkan. Infestation rate was the highest (18,55%) in Simental. Depending to gender of the cattle, the infestation rate was detected that higher in females (16,33%) than the males (10,58%). Depending to the age of cattle, the infestation rate was highest in the age between 1-2 years old (28,57%), looking to the monthly distribution the infestation was detected as highest in November (30,91%).
This study was carried out to detect of ectoparasites and their prevalence in cattle in Baku and its towns in Azerbaijan. For this purpose, it has been monthly visited Baku, Bilgeh, Bine, Kala (Qala), Maştağa, Merdekan, Ramana and Türkan in Azerbaijan, between January 2021– January 2022. In this period, a total of 1608 cattle; 1304 local, 221 Simmental and 83 Holstein breeds were macroscopically examined for ectoparasites. The ectoparasites were collected by using pliers, taken into tubes containing 70% alcohol and labels indicating the date, age, sex, breed, locality. Collected ticks and Hippoboscid flies were examined under stereo - zoom microscope and identified into the genera and/or species. The lice samples were cleared in 10% Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) for at least 24 hours, then they passed through distilled water, 70% and 99% alcohol respectively and were identified by examining them under a binocular microscope after being affixed to a slide with Canadian Balsam. Ectoparasites were detected in 230 (14.30%) of 1608 cattle examined. Total 958 ectoparasites were collected from the infested cattle, and eight species have been identified including one louse, one fly and six tick species. In this study, a total of 284 Haematopinus eurysternus (Phthiraptera: Anoplura), and two individuals of Hippobosca equina (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), and 672 ixodid tick samples belonging to the species of Hyalomma marginatum, Hyalomma excavatum, Hyalomma scupense (= Hy. detritum), Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Ixodes spp. were collected. In Baku center, 11 cattle of 122 (9,02%); in Bilgeh, 37 of 212 (17,45%); in Bine, 45 of 218 (20,64%) in Kala (Qala), 29 of 191 (15,18%); in Maştaga, 68 of 255 (26,67%); in Merdekan, 20 of 210 (9,52%) and in Ramana, 20 of 291 (6,87%) cattle were found to be infested with ectoparasites. But, all the 109 examined cattles were negative in Turkan. Infestation rate was the highest (18,55%) in Simental. Depending to gender of the cattle, the infestation rate was detected that higher in females (16,33%) than the males (10,58%). Depending to the age of cattle, the infestation rate was highest in the age between 1-2 years old (28,57%), looking to the monthly distribution the infestation was detected as highest in November (30,91%).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hyalomma, Rhipicephalus, Ixodes, Haematopinus eurysternus, Hippobosca equina
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Semassel, A., (2023). Azerbaycan'ın Bakü Şehrı̇ndekı̇ Sığırların Dış Parazı̇tlerı̇nı̇n Belı̇rlenmesı̇ Üzerı̇ne Çalışmalar. (Doktora). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.