İkinci Meşrutiyet Konya'sında Siyasal Hayat 1908-1914
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Türk siyasi tarihinin yakın döneminde meydana gelen hadiseler günümüze kadar uzanan
etkilere sahip olmuştur. Anayasal ve demokratikleşme anlamında yaşanan değişim toplumsal değişimi
de beraberinde getirmiştir. İkinci Meşrutiyet’in ilanı süreci buna örnek verilebilir. Bu süreçte güçlenen
Batılı devletler karşısında geriye gidişin önüne geçilebilmesi için muhtelif arayışlar ortaya çıkmıştır.
Devletin kötü gidişatı sebebiyle kurtuluş için otoriter yönetim anlayışına alternatif olarak anayasal
yönetim anlayışının inşa edilmesi, İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti gibi güçlü oluşumları da beraberinde
getirmiştir. İkinci Meşrutiyet’in ilan edilmesi ile beraber oluşan hürriyet havası, gelişme ortamı
bulamamış siyasi hareketlerin ve fikirlerin engelsiz bir şekilde dile getirilmesini sağlamış, demokrasi
havası içerisinde bir atmosfer inşa edilmeye başlanmıştır. Siyaset kültürü ile beraber basın hayatında da
önemli değişimler kendisini göstermiş, basın siyaset kurumunun merkezine oturmuştur. Bu anlamda
merkez ile taşra birbirine benzerlik göstermektedir. Bir Anadolu vilayeti olan Konya’da da İkinci
Meşrutiyet döneminde, başta siyasal ortam olmak üzere birçok alanda önemli gelişmelerin yaşandığı
Tarihe hatıra olarak bırakılan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun son dönemine denk gelen İkinci
Meşrutiyet gibi anayasal bir hareket, memleketin her tarafında sadece siyasal değişimi değil aynı
zamanda toplumsal gelişimi de beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu dönemde Konya siyaseten önemli bir merkez
olduğu gibi birçok ismin yetişmesine de ev sahipliği yapmıştır. 1908 ve 1912 seçimlerinde çekişmeli
olan şehirdeki siyasi atmosfer, İkinci Meşrutiyet dönemi yerel siyasi gelişmeleri açısından oldukça
önemlidir. Bu süreçte Konya’da ortaya çıkan ve çalışmada bahsi geçen kurumsal kimlikler kendi
alanlarında hem devletin geneline hem de Konya toplumuna önemli derecede katkıda bulunmuştur. Bu
dönemde yetişen nitelikli insanlar ile Konya, Türk tarihinde ve Türk siyasi hayatında önemli bir yer
The events that took place in the recent period of Turkish political history have had effects that extend to the present day. The change experienced in terms of constitutional and democratization has brought social change with it. The proclamation process of the Second Constitutional Era can be given as an example. In this process, various pursuits have emerged to prevent going backwards in the face of strengthening Western states. The establishment of a constitutional administration approach as an alternative to the authoritarian administration understanding for salvation due to the bad course of the state brought along powerful formations such as the Committee of Union and Progress. The atmosphere of freedom that emerged with the declaration of the Second Constitutional Era enabled the unhindered expression of political movements and ideas that could not find an environment for development, and an atmosphere of democracy began to be built. Along with the political culture, important changes in the press life have also manifested themselves, and the press has become the center of the political institution. In this sense, the center and the provinces show similarities to each other. In Konya, which is an Anatolian province, it is seen that important developments took place in many areas, especially in the political environment, during the Second Constitutional Era. A constitutional movement such as the Second Constitutional Era, which coincided with the last period of the Ottoman Empire, which was left as a memory in history, brought not only political change but also social development throughout the state. In this period, Konya was not only a politically important center, but also hosted the raising of many names. The political atmosphere in the city, which was contentious in the general elections of 1908 and 1912, is very important in terms of local political developments in the Second Constitutional Era. In this process, the institutional identities that emerged in Konya and mentioned in the study contributed significantly to both the state in general and the society of Konya in their own fields. With the qualified people who grew up in this period, Konya has gained an important place in Turkish history and Turkish political life.
The events that took place in the recent period of Turkish political history have had effects that extend to the present day. The change experienced in terms of constitutional and democratization has brought social change with it. The proclamation process of the Second Constitutional Era can be given as an example. In this process, various pursuits have emerged to prevent going backwards in the face of strengthening Western states. The establishment of a constitutional administration approach as an alternative to the authoritarian administration understanding for salvation due to the bad course of the state brought along powerful formations such as the Committee of Union and Progress. The atmosphere of freedom that emerged with the declaration of the Second Constitutional Era enabled the unhindered expression of political movements and ideas that could not find an environment for development, and an atmosphere of democracy began to be built. Along with the political culture, important changes in the press life have also manifested themselves, and the press has become the center of the political institution. In this sense, the center and the provinces show similarities to each other. In Konya, which is an Anatolian province, it is seen that important developments took place in many areas, especially in the political environment, during the Second Constitutional Era. A constitutional movement such as the Second Constitutional Era, which coincided with the last period of the Ottoman Empire, which was left as a memory in history, brought not only political change but also social development throughout the state. In this period, Konya was not only a politically important center, but also hosted the raising of many names. The political atmosphere in the city, which was contentious in the general elections of 1908 and 1912, is very important in terms of local political developments in the Second Constitutional Era. In this process, the institutional identities that emerged in Konya and mentioned in the study contributed significantly to both the state in general and the society of Konya in their own fields. With the qualified people who grew up in this period, Konya has gained an important place in Turkish history and Turkish political life.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İkinci Meşrutiyet, Konya, Siyasal Hayat, Osmanlı Devleti, Second Constitutional Era, Political Life, The Ottoman Empire
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Saka, A., (2023). İkinci Meşrutiyet Konya'sında Siyasal Hayat 1908-1914. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.